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Awakened By Time: Book Eight of The Thistle & Hive Series by Jennae Vale (15)

Chapter 15

Brenna spent the morning with Helene as she busied herself around the castle. She was excited to meet Ashley and Jenna, as they hadn’t joined them for dinner the other night.

“Helene,” Cailin said, as he rushed her way with a sweet little one in his arms. “Would ye mind taking Emma? I’m off to the practice field.”

Helene held out her arms and Emma did the same. “Come here me sweet,” she cooed. “Is Ashley still abed?”

“She’s feeding wee Andrew. I’m sure she could use yer help getting dressed.” Helene took baby Emma from Cailin as the men headed out to the practice field.

“Do ye think Zeke will join them,” Brenna asked, trying not to appear to interested.

“I’m sure he will. If ye’d prefer to go watch them, I dinnae mind.”

“Nae. I’d much rather spend the morning with ye,” she lied.

Helene scrunched her nose and made a face at her. “Yer nae fooling me, lassie.”

“’Tis true. I wish to meet Ashley and Jenna.” She tickled little Emma under the chin.

“Would ye like to hold her?” Helene headed for the stairs with Brenna following behind.

“Mayhap I will later,” she said.

“Alright. Follow me.” They reached the first landing and headed down the passageway. As they approached Ashley’s chamber, they could hear the distinct sound of a newborn babe fussing. Helene knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Ashley called.

They entered the room and Helene handed baby Emma off to Brenna as she immediately began opening the shutters to let the light in.

“Thank you, Helene. I meant to have Cailin do that before he left, but I forgot. This little one has been demanding all of my attention.”

“Would ye like to get out of bed?” Helene asked.

“I would, but I could use some help.” Ashley smiled warmly at Brenna. “Who have we here?”

“This is Dougall’s sister, Brenna. She’s come to live with us.”

“How wonderful! I’m pleased to meet you, Brenna.”

“As I am ye,” Brenna said. Breaghacraig was so different from Castle Treun. She always felt isolated from the world back there. Everyone here seemed so welcoming. She couldn’t imagine Greer and Gillian behaving this way. They were always off in a corner devising some new way to embarrass her.

Little Emma wanted her mother. She held out her arms to Ashley. “I’ll take her for a minute, Brenna. Would you mind taking Andrew?”

Brenna hesitated for a moment. He was so small and fragile looking, but she made the switch with Ashley. “She’s very sweet,” she said, smiling warmly at Emma.

“She’s been a very good natured lass from the very beginning.” Ashley beamed proudly. “And she loves her new baby brother. Don’t you?” She kissed Emma’s chubby little cheeks.

“When was yer son born?” she asked.

“It’s been a little over a week now. I thought I was tired after Emma was born, but that’s nothing compared to how I feel this time around. It seems Andrew is always hungry and in need of my attention but I don’t want to ignore Emma.” She hugged her daughter close as she spoke. “Combine that with sleepless nights and… all I can say is thank goodness for Helene. She’s a lifesaver.”

“’Tis nothing,” Helene answered as she picked up around the chamber. “Let me know when yer ready to get up and I’ll take Emma.”

Andrew began to fuss a little and Brenna looked frantically to Helene. “He’ll be fine.”

“He’s just eaten,” Ashley added.

Helene helped her adjust Andrew and showed her how to burp him. Brenna followed instructions and smiled when her efforts worked.

“Someday ye’ll have bairns of yer own,” Helene said. “This is good practice.”

Brenna imagined what her life might look like in the future. She hadn’t given much thought to husbands and bairns while living with her Da. She thought about what it might be like to be a mother, imagining a little boy who looked a lot like Zeke.

“Cailin told me that Zeke Barrett is here,” Ashley said.

“Aye. He is,” Helene said, continuing to straighten the room. She moved to the wardrobe and removed a gown for Ashley and placed it on the foot of the bed.

“Was it weird seeing him?” Ashley asked.

Brenna tipped her head at this, not understanding the meaning of the question. Ashley sounded much like Zeke. She wondered if she, too, was from San Francisco.

“It was at first, but then… “ Helene stopped mid-sentence.

“But then what?” Ashley asked.

“Nothing. He’s a good man. He treated me well in San Francisco and I imagine if I had stayed there I could have made a life with him.”

Brenna was shocked at this news. “Do ye love him?” She couldn’t control herself, the question just popped out.

“I do, but not in a romantic way. I love Dougall. Zeke will always be special to me.”

“Does he love you?” Brenna asked, trying to keep the worry from her voice.

“He did once, but I knew I wanted to be with Dougall. I ken it was hard for him and I didnae wish to hurt him, but I had to follow my heart, which had always been with Dougall. It was because he loved me that he let me go. He knew Dougall and I were meant to be together.” Helene took Emma from Ashley, holding her in one arm while helping Ashley rise from the bed with the other.

Brenna wasn’t happy to hear this. If Zeke still loved Helene, then he couldn’t ever love her. It was good she found this out now.

“Is something wrong?” Ashley asked Brenna. “Do you need me to take Andrew?”

Brenna shook her head. “All is well,” she lied. Thoughts of a son who looked like Zeke flew from her head. She’d warmed to him since they’d shared those first kisses in her chamber at Castle Treun. They’d kept each other at arm’s length since then, but when he rescued her from Nevil Munro and held her in his arms, she felt like she belonged there. She’d started thinking of him differently. She thought he might have done the same, but all along he was probably thinking of Helene. How could he not still love her? She was everything Brenna hoped to be. Dougall would protect her with his life and now she knew that Zeke would, as well.

For a brief moment, she thought she’d found the man for her. He was kind, thoughtful, brave, strong and quite handsome. Other than her brother Dougall and Logan, she hadn’t known many men with those characteristics. But now, all hope had been sucked right out of her. He wanted Helene, not her.

“Brenna, keep an eye on Emma while I help Ashley dress.” She placed Emma in the center of the bed, where she sat entranced by an object Brenna didn’t recognize.

“What is that?” she asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. Andrew had fallen asleep in her arms and his sweet little lips were puckering in and out as if he were still attached to his mother’s breast.

“It’s called a snow globe,” Ashley answered. “It was a gift from a dear friend.”

Brenna watched sweet Emma as she tried to pick it up. It was too heavy for her little hands, so Brenna used her free hand to lift it up. As she gazed at the small building in the center of it, the snow inside began to swirl around and around. She thought she saw a woman’s face, but when she looked away to see if the others had noticed, the woman vanished.

“Where did she go?” she asked, sounding confused.

Both women stopped to look at her and then Emma.

“Where did who go?” Ashley asked.

“The woman in the globe. She was there and when I looked away, she vanished.”

“You mean Edna,” Ashley said. “She must be looking in on us.”

“Edna?” Brenna was confused and a bit frightened by this.

“Edna Campbell. She’s the one who gave me the snow globe.”

“’Tis alright, Brenna. She’s a witch who lives in the future.”

“A witch,” she held little Andrew closer.

“Don’t worry,” Ashley assured her. “She’s a good witch. Jenna and I are from the future, as is Sara and Sophia, who you haven’t met yet. If we ever need her help, all we have to do is gaze into the snow globe and call to her.”

“She sent Dr. Ferguson here to help deliver Andrew, and Jenna’s baby.”

Brenna was speechless. This trip to Breaghacraig had been full of surprises. When she’d first heard talk of time travel, she’d thought they were teasing her, but now she was meeting more people from the future. “Do ye come from San Francisco, too?” she asked.

“I do and so do the others.”

Zeke would be going back to San Francisco, possibly taking Sara and Logan with him. Yet another reason that they could never be together. She couldn’t imagine living in another time and place.

“It must be a terrible place if no one wishes to stay there,” Brenna observed.

Ashley and Helene laughed at this. “It’s the exact opposite. It’s a wonderful place.”

“Then why didnae ye stay there?” she asked, completely baffled as to why they were all here.

“Because this is where we belong.”

“What of Zeke?”

“I believe he belongs in San Francisco,” Helene observed. “He loves his work, but without Sara there, he’s alone.”

“’Tis why he’s here. He’s told me over and over that he’s here for his sister,” Brenna said, finally understanding why it was so important to him.

“Let’s go find Jenna,” Ashley said as Helene adjusted one final ribbon at the back of her dress.

Brenna handed Andrew over to his mother and was surprised when Emma wanted to go to her. She picked her up, placing her on her hip and the three women went off in search of Jenna.

They really didn’t have to go too far. They found her pacing back and forth in the great hall, appearing quite uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong, Jenna? Is it the baby?” Ashley asked.

“I think so. I’m having contractions. Can one of you find Dr. Ferguson for me.”

“I’ll go,” Helene said as she rushed from the hall.

Moments later Irene hurried in. “Are ye having the baby?” she asked.

Jenna seemed to be in the midst of a new contraction and didn’t answer.

“Jenna, remember to breathe,” Ashley said. “Like this.” She stood next to her friend and Jenna tried to focus on what Ashley was showing her.

The two women were breathing in sync when Dr. Ferguson arrived. “How often are the contractions coming, Jenna?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t been timing them. I just know they hurt.” She clutched Ashley’s hand in hers, causing Ashley to wince.

“Where’s Cormac?” Jenna asked.

“I sent Helene to get him. He’ll be along soon,” Dr. Ferguson said. “Can you make it up the stairs, or are we going to have the baby here in the hall?”

Jenna let loose with a howl of pain as another contraction hit.

“Alright. We’ll set things up in here. Irene, you know what to do. Is Heather, the midwife, here somewhere?”

“I can send someone to get her,” Irene said, bustling from the room and yelling orders to the servants as she went.

“This is it, Jenna. You’re going to have your baby today,” Ashley said as she and Dr. Ferguson guided Jenna to a nearby bench.

Servants rushed into the room bringing fresh bedding to cover one of the tables. Cormac arrived just in time to help Dr. Ferguson get Jenna up onto the table. Heather was found and came running to help.

“Cormac, I’m afraid,” Jenna whispered.

“I’m here, love. Dr. Ferguson will take good care of ye.”

Brenna had never seen any of the women at Castle Treun give birth and she had to admit it frightened her. Helene, holding Andrew, stood next to her. “Brenna, I believe we should take the wee ones outside.”

Brenna nodded agreement and the two women left the great hall for the courtyard. Not knowing what else to do with themselves, they wandered towards the practice field. The men were just finishing for the day as they approached.

“How is Jenna?” Cailin asked, sheathing his sword as he neared.

“Cormac is with her, as is the good doctor and Heather,” Helene said.

“Ashley’s with her as well?” he asked.

“Aye. We thought the little one’s would be better off away from the noises and activity in the hall.”

“She’s to give birth in the hall?” He seemed surprised by this.

“She couldnae make it upstairs,” Helene said.

Zeke came up behind Cailin. “Is everything alright?” he asked. Eyeing the two women, Emma and Andrew.

“Jenna’s having her bairn,” Brenna said, speaking for the first time since leaving the great hall. “We thought to take Emma and Andrew for a walk.”

Zeke could see the fear in Brenna’s eyes. Childbirth in medieval times was a dangerous thing for a woman. He hoped everything would be alright. “Don’t worry, Brenna. Dr. Ferguson knows what he’s doing.” That seemed like the least helpful thing to say, but it was true. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders to comfort her, but she pulled away. He looked to Helene for some sort of explanation, but she had none.

“Let me get cleaned up and I’ll take Emma from you, Helene.” Cailin headed for the well and a bucket of water.

“We’ll be walking about the courtyard.” Helene replied.

“Well, I guess I’ll head back with Logan then,” Zeke said.

He received no reply from Brenna.

“Tell Sara we’ll send word when the bairn has arrived,” Helene said.

“I will.” Zeke walked away, unsure of the cold reception he had received from Brenna. Was she angry with him for some reason? If so, he was unaware of what he’d done.

“What ails ye?” Logan asked.

“Women,” Zeke replied.

“All women or just Brenna?”

Zeke chuckled at this. Logan knew how to make light of things exactly when it was needed. “Brenna, I guess.”

“She’s a mixture of hard-headed and soft-hearted, ye ken. I’ve known her since she was a wee one.”

“Then maybe you can tell me why she’s angry with me when I haven’t done anything to warrant it.”

“I wish I could help ye with that one, but she’s been angry with me more times than I care to think about and I dinnae believe I’ve ever understood why.”

They reached the cottage and Sara was waiting for them. She threw her arms around Logan, kissing him much longer than Zeke thought necessary. He was getting used to the fact that she was in love. If she was going to be in love, he was happy it was with Logan. He was a good man and Zeke knew he’d always take care of her and treat her well.

“I made more meat pies since you liked them so much yesterday,” Sara said. Her face was glowing with pure joy. Zeke wasn’t sure he could ask her to give up her life here. He’d never seen her happier.

“I’m impressed with your cooking skills, sis.” Zeke sat at the table and Brenna presented the men with the meat pies she’d made. “And you grow all your own herbs and veggies?”

“Herbs, yes. Veggies I get from Helene. She has a really nice root cellar. Logan’s going to build one for me but in the meantime, I help Helene in her garden in exchange for whatever she’s willing to part with.”

“Sounds like a fair deal.” Zeke took a big bite out of his pie. “These things are amazing,” he said.

“Thanks. They’re Logan’s favorite. And, they’re not too hard to make.”

“Logan says you went to culinary school at the castle,” Zeke teased.

“He never said that,” she argued.

“Only because I dinnae ken what he means by culinary school,” Logan said.

“It’s a school where you learn how to cook,” Sara explained.

“Then I did tell him,” Logan said.

“It’s not a school. Mary was kind enough to give me some pointers on how to cook over an open fire and how to use the bread oven to make bread, which she also showed me how to make… Okay. I guess you could call it a school.”

Zeke and Logan chuckled.

“I’m glad it’s so amusing. You should be grateful that I’m a good learner.”

“I’m verra grateful. Ye’ve become a good cook. Ye feed me well,” Logan said. “And I love ye.”

“Awww… I love you, too.” Sara replied.

“Okay, you two. I’ve had about all I can take.”

“Ye need a woman,” Logan said.

“He has one,” Sara said.

“She’s not my woman,” Zeke replied.

“Oh, I think she is,” Sara teased.

Zeke shook his head in exasperation. Everyone was trying to make more out of his relationship with Brenna than there actually was. If he was going to be stuck in this time, then maybe things between them could go further, but he had every intention of going home.