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Barefoot Bay: Tend My Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Marian H. Griffin (6)




“I can’t let him find out,” Penny grumbled on her way to the restroom. She ignored the looks she got from other diners. “I cannot believe I almost blew it!”

She swept into the ladies room and sat on one of the upholstered chairs by the mirror. She dug out her lipstick and freshened up. Still mad at herself, she stared at her reflection.

I’m not a bad person. So I didn’t tell the complete truth. Big deal. No one tells all the first time they meet someone. They might tell more before they sleep with them but…

This was getting her nowhere. “I just have to be more careful.” More careful of what, she asked herself. Is it careful to not reveal the truth to Cash? Or careful to tell him the full truth now? Maybe later?

She plonked her head on the counter in frustration. Maybe she should leave Barefoot Bay early and look for a small ranch or farm to buy. Maybe Cash knew about something for sale. Yeah, ask the guy you’re trying to convince you hate farm and ranch work where there’s a farm or ranch for sale. How convincing.

The lying was getting to her. She knew that. It kept her mind running in circles while she stumbled over stories that should or could have happened. What had she told this person? Was it the same as what she told this other person?

“No wonder my head is spinning,” she said to her reflection.

“That wine will get you every time, dearie,” said a lady as she entered the restroom. “Don’t drink and drive.”

“Thanks.” Penny smiled as she rose. “I’ll keep that in mind.” With all the other BS stuffed in my head.

She returned to the table to see Cash waiting expectantly. He smiled, stood and held out her chair.


“Do you want coffee? Dessert?”

She thought about it but shook her head. “No, I’m fine.”

He gestured to the passing waiter for the check. “Why don’t we drive over to the beach after I take care of this?”

“That sounds lovely.”

The drive was short since the Gulf was less than a mile away. He parked the car facing the water, turned off the engine and tuned the radio station to soft country. Completely comfortable in his presence, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. This is relaxation. The music changed to a favorite of hers and she hummed along under her breath. She felt Cash’s hand slip behind her neck. She went willingly toward him as he took her lips in several sweet, brushing motions. He built up the tension just enough to have her reach for him.

There was a hard tap on the window.

She blushed furiously as Cash lowered the window to speak to the cop. It only took a moment for them to agree that she and Cash leave and leave now.

“This is a family beach, Mr. Wallace.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”

He backed out and they laughed their way across the causeway, through Barefoot Bay and back to the resort.

“You should have seen your face,” she said.

“Mine? Yours was beet red!”

“The tip of your ears were red.”

“They were not.” He covered his ears and she laughed again.

He came around the car and opened her door.

“You’ll never know unless I embarrass you in front of a mirror,” she said as she got out.

His sly smile sent up warning signals. He moved in close, close enough for her to smell the clean, masculine scent of him.

“Maybe I’ll embarrass you in front of a mirror first.”

“You couldn’t—oh, wait. You’re a man. You’d take that as a challenge.”

“I don’t need a challenge to take you.”

“I said ‘take as a challenge.’” She smiled. “Not ‘take me.’”

“Would you take me in that case?” he said before he kissed her again.

She couldn’t help herself. Her hands cupped his face as they kissed. Her hips came up against his and his hands cradled the sides of her breasts. She broke the kiss.

“We should get inside or someone will eventually arrest us.”

“Let’s go to my room tonight. I’m not expecting anyone in the morning.”

He stepped away and took her hand.

“Sounds good.” She gave him a bold glance. “Looks even better.”

* * *

“If looks could have sex, I’d be very satisfied right now.”

Penny laughed as he’d intended. She’d been tense since she returned from the restroom at the restaurant. Until she relaxed in his arms and they both were startled by the stern but understanding cop. Cash was sure he’d seen the ghost of a smile more than once.

“I hope I’d be satisfied, too,” Penny said on the way up.

When they almost reached his room, he moved in and kissed her breathless. “I think we’d both be happy.”

With a smile, she cleared her throat. A couple was walking down the hall with rolling luggage, backpacks and bottles of water, and the man grinned broadly.

“Give me five minutes,” the man said as he swiped his key, “and I’ll be a lot further than that!”

He and the woman laughed and tumbled through the door. The thud of luggage dropping on the floor was followed by laugher as the door slammed shut.

“Feeling competitive?” Penny asked.

Since he already had his key out, he got the door open fast. He pulled his button-down shirt over his head, kicked off his shoes and shoved her against the door. Kissing her fiercely, he gripped her face and pressed his hips to hers.

He focused on the kiss while she fumbled with her own clothes. He stepped back as she pulled the dress off her shoulders, and took his pants off. While she fumbled with her bra he slipped her panties off and kissed her stomach. She jumped and he flinched.

“Oh, God, did I kick…?”

He exhaled. “No, no damage done.”

“Good. Come here.”

“No, you come here.” He swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed. It was right behind him so it wasn’t much of a challenge. More like a rite of passage. Every woman wants to be swept off their feet once in a while. That stopped him cold. Penny was not “every” woman. She was his.

More determined than ever to prove it to her, he lowered himself until he covered her from head to foot. He kissed and petted and tended to every part of her eager body. She shivered and cried out from time to time until she whispered, “Now.”

He moaned as he came into her, sinking deep inside her welcoming body. Holding himself still to savor the warm, wet feeling of her, he watched as Penny turned her head one way then the other. He pressed deeper and ground against her. She groaned and wrapped her legs around him. Lifting her hips, she urged him on. The natural rhythm of his movements brought them to, and over, the top. Groaning, he slumped in satisfaction.

It took a couple of minutes before either one of them was able to say anything, then she blurted, “So, you think we beat them?”

He laughed and laughed until he rolled over to look at her. She smiled up at him, a genuine smile that went all the way up to the slightly tilted corners of her eyes. His heart filled with…something…wonder? Excitement? Love?

“God, you are amazing.”

“I thought you did pretty well yourself.”

“No, that’s not—”

“I know,” she whispered.

He reached out and wrapped a lock of her hair around his fingers, letting the strands slide through them, the subtle colors of red, brown and gold catching the light, the silky texture soft on his skin. “I haven’t known many women who laugh during sex.”

“Then you’ve been seeing the wrong kind of women.”

He contemplated her words for a moment. Had he been seeing the wrong kind of woman? Was he looking for the wrong kind of woman? Had he found what he needed? Yes. “You’re right. It took meeting you to make me believe it.”


She stretched and snuggled into his side with her head on his ribs and an arm across his stomach. Then she shut off like a switch had been thrown.

Cash stared at the dark hair spread across his chest. Her breathing had evened out as she relaxed into sleep.

What is it about her that has me by the throat? Why did he think about her in the shower—well, okay, that was easy. But driving? Packing? Shopping for a shirt and pants?

She was attractive, kept herself in shape, was great company and always had a ready smile. Except when she didn’t. And he still couldn’t figure out what was bothering her. Short of straight out asking, he could only keep looking for more clues. She pulls away when I talk about love or relationships. That one’s easy. The other one isn’t.

He tried to picture himself going home to North Florida with her. He could do it easily but, with her snuggled warm against his side, he couldn’t picture himself going home alone. At all.

He slid out from under her and settled her head on his pillow. She didn’t stir. Getting dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, he carried his shoes and went out the door, closing it quietly behind him. He straightened up and turned to come face-to-face with his competition from across the hall.

“Left something in the car,” the masculine half of his competition said.

“I, uh…let’s just call it a draw,” Cash said.

The man grinned. “I could argue the point but Lilly’s waiting.” He jogged down the hall and out of sight.

Cash grinned. He walked downstairs and out to the pool area. He took a seat to watch the stars. There hadn’t been time for it for the last few days. This was the time of day he was usually done with chores and work and dinner and had a few precious minutes to relax before falling into bed to do it all over in the morning.

“That’s one reason she doesn’t like farm work, I’ll bet. It’s backbreaking and repetitive.”

“I don’t mind the work.”

He startled and turned to see Penny behind him.

“What— How— What are you doing here?”

“I followed you, of course.”

“I didn’t wake you up when I got up. You were sound asleep.”

“Well, you woke me when you were gone.” She sat on the end of his lounge chair forcing him to put a foot on either side. She lay back putting her head on his stomach. “I loved the animals especially the—barn cats. They would let me play with their kittens. It was nice.”

Barn cats?

“And I didn’t mind the late evenings. It was cooler and everyone was settled for the day and getting ready for bed. It was nice.”

Nice again.

He waited but she didn’t continue. Since he had no idea what to say, he kept quiet. Maybe she’d reveal a clue or something.

“There’s a lot that’s not nice. The blazing sun, cow manure, freezing temperatures, cows waiting on you, hay to bale…”

“It’s interesting how much you know about ranching.”

He bit his tongue. Should he continue or should he wait?

“Hey, there.” It was the female half of his competition.

“Hello,” Penny said. “I have to tell you, I think we won.”

Cash grimaced.

The woman laughed. “Honey, we both won!”

Both women laughed.

“I’m Penny and this is Cash.”

“Lilly. My husband’s name is Phil.”

“Where is he?” Penny asked.

Great. They’re going to chat about…I refuse to go there.


And here’s Phil.

More introductions were made, hands were shook and plans for a spa appointment—women only thank God—were made before he could maneuver them out of the impromptu get-together.

Once he got her upstairs again, and naked again, he made love to her again. She had no complaints.

* * *

Cash rubbed his eyes. He was getting used to vacation hours. He looked out the window to see the sun had barely cleared the horizon. There was a knock on the door.

“Wha…?” Penny rolled over, bleary eyed.

He slid out of the bed. “Shh. Go back to sleep. I’ll get it.”

Penny took him at his word and was asleep before he pulled on some shorts.

“And I didn’t wake up late. The knocking woke me up.” But no one was listening.

He went out and looked through the peep hole.

“I know you’re in there, Cash. I can hear you breathing. Sounds like you have sleep apnea.”

He pulled the door open and stepped into the hall. “No, I don’t. What I have is a nosy sister who woke me up at dark-thirty after telling me I need a vacation.”

Dixie grinned unrepentantly. “Little sister’s privilege.” She looked behind him at the door. “Come on, let me in. I promise not to tell Mom you still leave your underwear on the floor.”

“I’m not letting you in. I’d never get you out. Is there a reason for this visit?”

“Of course.” Dixie looked down the hallway. “He’ll be here in a minute.”

“Who’ll be here?”

“Rodney Dangerfield.” She play punched his arm at his blank stare. “Brand, of course. Who else would I be with at this hour of the morning?”

“Hi,” Penny said as she opened the door.

Cash grimaced and hung his head. It didn’t keep him from seeing the smug, smarmy smile on his sister’s face. Or Brand coming down the hall. Great, she won’t shut up about this for years.

“It’ll be ready before we leave,” Brand said to Dixie.


“Not good,” Cash said. “What is it and when are you leaving?”

“Don’t listen to him, Brand. He really is a nice person once you get to know him.” She gestured toward the door and a dazed Penny wearing his still buttoned shirt.

His jaw tightened. “Why are you here?”

“Oh! Sorry, I forgot. Well, you see, Brand and I were talking—”

“Dixie Rose.”

“Oh, all right. I thought it would be good for you and Brand to get to know each other better so I decided to put on a picnic.”

He wanted to kick his feet and yell no, no, no. But he wasn’t five anymore. “I’ll call you when I’m free later today.”

“It’s a breakfast picnic.”

That got his attention. “Picnics aren’t for breakfast.”

“That’s thinking inside the box. Besides, it’s your favorite breakfast.”

“You’re telling me you made oatmeal and bacon with brown sugar?”

“Uh, no.”

“Didn’t think so.”

“I had the restaurant downstairs cook it.” She took his arm and forced him to turn around. “We can invite this lovely young woman along.”

“You must be his sister,” Penny managed. And yawned. “Sorry. Need coffee.” She turned back into the room following the scent of fresh brewed coffee.

Cash yearned for a cup himself. But first he had to get rid of Dixie. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll meet you downstairs.” He glared when Dixie made a move toward the door. “If Penny is available, I’ll invite her. Now, go away.” He got great satisfaction from closing the door in his little sister’s face.

Until he heard Brand ask, “You think they’re getting to know each other better, too?” followed by Dixie’s “Oh, yeah, man. Do I!”