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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Lauren Wood (24)

Chapter 4


Her mouth devoured him and Brad continually supplied her with that guacamole until there was the unexpected treat of a mole sauce. The chocolate decadence made her voraciously consume that long piece of real estate.

         He had no idea how long she had kept it in her throat. He pulled out to see strings of her spit hanging off of every inch. He was breathing heavy and could feel his heart pounding against his chest cavity.

“I think that it’s time that I get some dessert.” He noticed that his cock was ready to blow, but he didn’t want to stop. This was becoming a very special evening. He was reasonably certain that he could probably get it up again, but he wasn’t going to take that chance without that necessary blue pill. He went in search and found that the bottle was empty and that meant that he was going to have to rely on the woman that was holding his orgasm in the palm of her hand. He found himself climbing up onto the table completely naked and now burying his head in between her thighs.

Having her mouth occupied made it hard for her to scream as she pressed her thighs against his head essentially trapping him and making it almost impossible for him to maneuver. His hips were slamming against her mouth that she had no doubt that her lipstick was going to leave him panting her name. “I’m fucking cumming… I know that you can feel me squirting across your tongue…and that’s all for you… All for…YOUUUUUUUU.” She screamed while holding his member and feeling it flex against her fingertips in an obvious need to find its own delivery. “If I’m not careful, I’m going to get one hell of a messy facial. Normally, I would think of that as disgusting, but for some reason I want to be a dirty girl. I want to feel like I’m being taken out of my comfort zone and this guy has a funny way of making me want to do something that I don’t normally do.”

“Yes… feed on it…oh my god… Keep that up… AHHHHH.” Brad latched her clit with his mouth and was now letting go with a fresh supply that she didn’t allow to touch the inside of her mouth.

She jerked him all over her face and down over her chin to wear his excitement. She was feeling a little disappointed in herself, but the other part that had been lonely for too long had finally felt what it was like to be wanted again. “I’m not sure how I let this happen, but don’t think that I could ask for anything more. It was a wild moment and one that I will cherish and remember with fondness.” She took off the blindfold expecting to see that he had become soft. What she saw instead was a remarkable resilience and she began to think that there might have been some pharmaceutical aid. “Just because you took a Viagra doesn’t mean that we’re going to be doing anything.”

“I do have a supply of that, but I ran out. What you’re seeing right now is because of you and has nothing to do with any outside interference. I’ve never had this kind of reaction and I believe that it has more to do with you than the food. I will say that Conner was underselling you. He should have been screaming your name from the top of the rooftops. I know that I will never have anything as good as that ever again, unless of course I can convince you to come to work for me as my private chef. I can offer you a very competitive salary with stock options that you would be a damn fool not to take me up on.” Brad was sitting there with this renewed vigor and he was making his cock dance with a flex of his hips to see that she was smiling with a slight blush to her cheeks. This was not a woman that casually slept with men out of a whim. This was a woman that selectively made her choices and then lived by them. He felt like he had found something out of the ordinary and that letting it go was not something that he was willing to do.

April saw that he was writing something on a piece of paper and then he gave her that piece of paper. She opened it and saw that he was willing to pay her $250,000 a year. She wasn’t quite sure what that would entail. She had a pretty good idea that this thing that they were doing was going to become a common occurrence. That was only if she was willing to take him up on the offer. Any self respecting chef might have jumped at the opportunity, but she had her sights set on something a little bit more daunting.

“I’m sure that you’re expecting me to take your offer, but I can’t do that. This is a one time thing. I don’t know why I’m saying this, but I really do want you to take me right here on this table. I want you to fuck me while we enjoy the rest of the food.” Her body had bits of food sticking to it and leftover spittle from where he had eaten his fill.

“I think that you can see that I won’t have any problem with that. I find your willingness to walk away from that kind of offer to be a little surprising. I don’t know what is stopping you, but there’s obviously something that you feel that you have to do first. I can understand that and I can even respect it, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.” The heat between them was stifling and having her hefty size against him was like something only out of his wet dreams. He had several sites on the Internet that was dedicated to women like her, but having one in living person had caused his cock to wake up like never before.

“Let’s do this…before I come to my senses.” She held him steady and brought him closer to her well tongued lips. They were plump and juicy looking and that tight little hole was waiting for something more than the stabbing motion of his tongue.

“I don’t want to rush things. This is the first time in a long time that I don’t want to finish and then send the girl home after. I don’t know what it is about you, but I’m not going to take it lightly.” Brad could feel her hot lips touching the head of his hot tool and the wetness that was now spreading across his glands was not for the faint of heart. An older man with a heart condition would most likely succumb and die with a smile on his face. “I’m looking at you spread out like that and I have to tell you that I’ve never felt so lucky in my life.” Brad could see the look in her eyes and found himself sinking into a warm embrace. Her slippery walls collided against both sides of his cock as he was drawn in by the sheer will of her suction.

“HMMMMM…don’t stop until you are balls deep.” “I’ve never had a more fulfilling time with a man. It certainly doesn’t hurt that he has the kind of body and tool for the job. He might not be committed to more than tonight, but that is something that I’m going to have to live with. I wish that I could take his offer to work for him. It would be a lot of fun to continually combine sex and food in a way that has never been done before. I’m sure that there are others like myself and Brad. I can feel him deep inside and how he is pressed up against me. My slick lips are ready for him and I know that he’s more than eager to slam it to me.” April wrapped legs around his waist, slapping your feet together in an obvious joy that came from how he had planted himself inside her.

“Let me get us something to eat.” He put a piece of leftover sushi in his mouth and then he came down to share the bounty with her. It was nasty and erotic thing that had his hips grinding against her in an obvious need. “You have the most delicious lips and I’m not just talking about the one that I’m kissing right now.” Brad placed his hands on her breasts and used them to push himself up against her with a deeper and satisfying penetration for the both of them.

“Fuck me… Do it… You fucking stud… show me what has put a smile on all the other girls faces. You know that you want this pussy and you love having your cock deep inside me. You love how my lips flutter around you and pull you in every time that you push forward. Fuck me…fuck me and I will cum.” She felt the earthquake of an orgasm and was soon shaking. She could hear Brad getting off. He had buried himself into the tightest part of her sheath. She had her eyes closed and did not see the animal fire in his eyes.

“Damn… I will never find another one like you. I will never get this kind of experience from another woman for as long as I live…YESSSSSS.” His orgasm felt like it was tearing him apart and when he lay on top of her after coming to the end it was like all the energy in his body had been drained. He could barely move and his hot breath was on the nape of her neck. “I have to say that this is only the beginning. I want you to stay until midnight.” This was his way of keeping things strictly platonic and not bothering to give any voice to the feelings that he was starting to have for a complete stranger.

“We’re going to need more food.” She jumped off with a smile on your face and went into the kitchen to find the necessary fixings for a Spanish omelet. Leftover vegetables became the base and the eggs surrounded the entire meal until it was a mouthwatering dish best served on the bodies of two very healthy sexual partners. “I do know my way around a kitchen, but this is the first time that I’ve ever done anything like this naked. I kind of find it liberating to be without clothes and maybe there is something to say for those that are nudists.” I know that this is not like me, but for some reason I find myself falling into a trap of my own making. I came here to serve him food and instead I gave him that and a whole lot more. It doesn’t feel like I’m prostituting myself, but in essence he is paying me for services rendered.”

“I think that this one is better served from behind and I’m not talking about the food.” He turned her and had her flattening her breasts against the hard and unforgiving table. He pushed her legs apart with his feet and saw her slick slit waiting to receive him. He still could not believe that his cock was not in the least bit going down. He had two orgasms and he was stronger than a bull and ready to gore her insides. “Tell me what you want and I might take pity on you and give it to you.”

“I want your fucking dick inside me where it belongs. I want you to pound the living daylights out of me and to make me scream with your name on my lips. That is the kind of cock that every woman should be begging for every night for the rest of their lives. That is the kind of body that every woman wants their husband to look like when they get to that 40 year stretch… YESSSSS.” April could feel the long piece of pipe fucking into the wet and tight confines of her sex. Her body had a mind of its own and before long she was slamming back against him in an effort to hear that wet slapping sound that happened when lovers got out of control.

She was soon cumming again and this time she was biting down on the fork with that Spanish omelet now prolonging the pleasure that he was giving her. “I could definitely…get used to this.” “I thought that he was weird and maybe he is, but apparently so am I. I find this combination to be something of a very addictive aphrodisiac that I can’t seem to get enough of. The way that he pounds me from behind and circles my rosebud with his thumb is only bringing about another one of those explosive moments.”

“I don’t think that I can let you go without fighting tooth and nail to keep you in my life.” He was answering those hard thrusts from her with ones of his own. He wasn’t about to give up, even though he knew that his time was running out. Some of the dishes moved across the table, bouncing along the surface with the rhythm of their sexual union.

Dragging his cock out of her, he swiped it along her clit, slapping up at it with his cock head, before banging her repeatedly once more with a lot more fever behind his strokes. He could feel that she was cumming almost nonstop and that eventually he was going to lose this battle of the sexes. He felt it coming and he tried to slow it down, but she was determined not to let him have that moment of reprieve.

“Cum in me again…cum in me again…you nasty little bastard.” She was not disappointed and the few shots that she received were not as intense as the last two and she wasn’t expecting it to be. He was lying over top of her and she could feel his seed profoundly deep. He eventually fell from her hole and this was the first time that she had fully realized that sex could be more than just a man sweating over top of her.

Brad rolled over with his legs dangling over the side of the table. He was looking at the ceiling and wondering if maybe he had found something that he never thought that he would. He looked down to see that he had a phone call. It was business related and he had to excuse himself for a moment. He actually needed this time to compose his thoughts and what he wanted to say was not something that he ever thought was going to come from his lips.

Finding her dignity, she realized that this was the only time that she was going to get to make a discreet and hasty exit. She dressed quickly and moved to the elevator and was inside before he even realized that he had lost that moment to confess something of utmost importance.

He came back and at first he was happy and then the rug was pulled out from underneath him when he saw that she had vacated the premises. He just got word that his acquisition of a certain restaurant had gone through and that he was now the proud owner of an establishment that was ready to take on the rest of New York. He had his own vision of the kind of food that would be playing on everybody’s lips. He needed to find a chef and the one that came to mind was the one that had left him like a skid mark on the side of the road.

A couple of days later and April was feeling this kind of depression after losing the right for first refusal about the restaurant. Somebody had swept in and taken the one thing that she had coveted the most of all. If that wasn’t bad enough, she went and found that the owner was already looking to fill the vacancy for the head chef. She couldn’t bring herself to interview for the job. It would have been a slap to her face to work in the very place that was supposed to be hers.

“I hate to say this, but your work has not been stellar lately. I think that you should take a leave of absence and get your head on straight. I am sorry about the restaurant, but you have to realize that life goes on. I think that you need some time and I can’t have another plate coming back. Come to see me in two weeks and I’ll see what I can do about getting you into the rotation again.” Conner could see that losing the restaurant had killed her spirit. She was going through the motions and not even caring about what she was doing behind the counter.

“You might be right and this is no place for me. I’m giving you my notice. It’s time for a new chapter in my life.” She didn’t give him a chance to say anything and grabbed her jacket and was out the door before he could even say anything with his mouth wide open in shock.

April walked along the sidewalk not really paying attention to what she was doing until somehow she had found herself looking in from the outside. The restaurant was in the throes of a renovation and they had practically started from scratch. She could see what she would do to the place and that pang of jealousy was now raising the temperature below her collar.

“I called Connor and he told me that you quit. I’m sorry that I haven’t been in touch before now, but I wanted to make sure that all my ducks were in a row.” Brad found her looking in on the restaurant that she had just lost. He felt bad that this had happened, but was ready to make it right. “There is a silver lining in all of this. I was the one that bought the restaurant and I want you to be my equal partner. I think that with your talent and my business acumen we can go all the way.” She had her back towards him. At first, he believed that she didn’t hear a single word. “Did you hear what I said?”

She turned and took the contract from his hands. She placed it up against the glass and found a pen presented to her. She scribbled her John Hancock on the document and it was like a veil had been lifted over her depression. She turned and found him on one knee with a box from Tiffany. “This seems so unreal and I think that I will have to pinch myself to know that I’m not dreaming.”

“Don’t make me ask the question? I’m going to take your answer as a yes if you take the ring and put it on your finger.” Brad was determined not to feel any kind of rejection and was pleasantly inspired to see that she had taken the ring.

“All I have to say is that you better be ready for some of the best sex and food that you can ever find anywhere.”

The restaurant became quite a success and in the six months that they were open they were already turning a profit. She found out that she was with child and against her better judgment; she continued to work until nine months into her pregnancy. She actually delivered in the restaurant where a Dr. was on hand courtesy of Brad being prepared for just about anything. The one thing that they would always have was their love of food, sex and each other.