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Beach Bum Billion-Heiress (The Beach Squad Series Book 4) by Marika Ray (10)



I sat on my patio, eyes glazed over, watching the waves roll in. It was mesmerizing and soothing, the perfect balm for the conflicted thoughts jumbled in my brain. I had a decision to make.

Oh, who was I kidding? I'd already made my decision out there on the water when it was just me, the ocean, and the sunshine. I'd come up with a harebrained idea, not certain of the details, but it had felt so right. It was ballsy and had a high potential for screwing me out of my trust fund. So I needed to go over every last detail and make sure I had my plan solid before I made my move.

I broke out that leather portfolio that was originally just for show and whipped it open to the first page. My hands shook uncapping the pen, but my handwriting was firm.

Rule #1: I wouldn't hurt Jax.

Rule #2: I'd preserve the best of HB.

Rule #3: I'd show my father I could be a success.

I booted up my laptop and did some research. Then I picked up my cell phone and called Esa, the only phone number I had for any of the girls in the Beach Squad. She was their ringleader anyway, so I figured she'd be the one to contact.

"Hey, Sage! What's up, girlie?"

"I got a plan. Want to help me?" I didn't have time for pleasantries and I hoped she'd roll with me.

There was a quick pause, followed by a whoop. "Hell yes, I wanna help! Tell me when and where and I'll round up the girls."

I told her what I needed, glossing over some of the details that didn't concern the Beach Squad. She didn't ask any questions, just wrote down the details and gave a few helpful suggestions. When we hung up, I sat down and took a few deep breaths. My eyes were tearing up and I couldn't keep writing out my plan when everything was blurry. A warm glow was spreading through my body, like I was wrapped in the world's biggest bear hug.

I'd just met Esa a few days ago and she was willing to help me without questions and without any benefit to her. That was exactly the type of friendship I'd been trying to make my whole life. The type of relationship that I’d always wanted from my parents.

And I'd found that already, here, in HB, with a pack of crazy girls.

This plan was coming together perfectly, I could just feel it.

* * *

I slammed my laptop shut and sat back in my chair, surprised to find that the sun had set and I'd missed it, even though I was sitting in front of the sliding glass door to my patio with a clear view of the ocean. My stomach let out a fierce growl and I realized I'd missed dinner too. At least my stomach was finally settling, knowing I had a solid plan in place.

Denying my father's orders wasn't for the faint of heart, I was learning. Leaping without a net was scary as shit but I was finally passionate enough about something to give it my all. It was like that moment out on a surfboard right before the huge wave hit you and you weren't sure if you'd survive it. You had a half second to doubt your decision and then it was a sink-or-swim, life-or-death situation. And then. Well, then it was pure bliss and exhilaration. I was betting my entire future on this plan turning into the same exhilaration.

Checking the time, I threw my hair back into a high, messy bun. Feet slipped into flip-flops and I was out the door with my car keys and wallet. I had just enough time to stop by a Chinese takeout place I'd seen just a couple blocks south of Jax' place before it was too late to be out and about in a new town. I'd grab some dinner for two, head over to Jax' place and let him know I was executing a new plan. My heart felt compelled to put him out of his misery. To let him know that I wouldn't be pressing him to tear down a landmark of his hometown. I wanted him to hear the whole plan from me, before the Beach Squad girls spread the news.

Being born and raised an East Coast girl, I grew up knowing the night didn't even get started until after nine. I was still getting used to Huntington Beach being a sleepy beach town during the week. I was hoping it wasn't too late to make a casual stop at Jax' place, but truth be told, I was too excited to see him again to worry about etiquette.

My cheeks heated, thinking about how I’d mooned him on a public beach, feeling him watch my every move as I stepped out of that water. I'd been giddy, feeling high off living free. And it had felt too damn good to stop. Besides, it was just a butt. We all had one. What was the big deal?

Walking around to the back of The Surf Shack, I climbed the wooden stairs up to the apartment on the second floor. The security light flooded the darkness when I reached the top, nearly making me drop the bag of food. No stealthy approach for me, I guess.

My knuckles tapped on the door, listening for movement.

"Crap," I muttered. I should have called first to see if he was even home. Or he could be home, but have a girl with him, which would be beyond embarrassing. I didn’t actually know him, know him.

The silence stretched out and I silently turned around to retreat back to the safety of my car. I'd made it to the first step when I heard a door swing open.

"Sage?" His voice called out, scratchy and lower pitched than normal.

Turning carefully, I came back up the step and looked up at him, the sight washing away any words from forming. He stood in the doorway, low slung flannel pants hiding his legs but showcasing a set of abs that belonged on a billboard in a mall somewhere, enticing teenage girls to buy some overpriced jeans. His arms were overhead, grabbing the top of the doorframe, leaving his muscled torso naked to my eyes. My hands itched to get in on the action and I almost dropped the bag to proceed with the fondling before my brain reengaged and told me to get my crap together.

I swallowed hard and approached slowly, the bag of food outstretched between us as a distraction.

"I, um, I brought food." I cleared my throat, unable to get anything else out of my parched mouth.

He took one ripped arm down from the doorway and took the bag from me, pulling me closer to him before I was able to let go. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were unfocused, like I'd pulled him straight from a peaceful sleep.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" There. Normal conversation.

He smiled finally, gesturing me inside and staring down at me as I squeezed my way into his apartment. I tried not to touch any of that exposed skin as I slid by, knowing a single touch could start a riot in my body. I wasn't there for that, no matter the fact that I’d never seen that fine of a specimen up close before, and really, the occasion called for caressing and maybe even some stroking. I was only there to let him know about my change in plans as a courtesy among friends. Just friends.

"Had a crazy day at work today. Laid down to watch some TV. Next thing you know, you're knocking on my door with what smells like a hell of a lot better dinner than I had a few hours ago." He rifled through the bag, pulling out cartons as he moved to the small table set up against one wall, like my being there wasn't odd at all.

I spun around and took in his apartment, seeing that it was basically a studio with everything wide open. The kitchen flowed into the living room, which flowed into his bedroom. His white sheets were pulled back and rumpled, proving he'd rolled right out of bed to answer the door. Ripping my gaze away from the site of his warm bed, where his delicious body had laid just moments earlier, was a harder task than I'd ever admit. The apartment was clean but stark, without much in the way of decorations or sense of style.

"You planning on staring at my apartment all night or sitting down to eat with me?" Jax' smooth voice brought me back to the fact that I'd brought us dinner and my stomach was threatening to let out some cringe worthy growls if I didn't eat right away. I smiled, desperately trying to ignore the fact that he'd stretched out in a wooden chair, his body looking like it was on display for me.

I took the opposite chair, my lazy sprawl matching his but in complete opposition to how wound up I felt around him. "So. I have news." My stomach broke in with a growl to end all growls.

He lifted a thick eyebrow. "Wanna eat first before your stomach riots completely?"

My cheeks heated, even though I knew I had nothing to apologize for. I'd worked hard today and there just simply wasn't time to eat until now. I opened up a container and jammed a fork into it, not wasting another minute. If he didn't want to talk yet, fine by me.

He followed suit with a different container and we ate in friendly silence, switching dishes every now and again so we shared everything. He finally sat back and rubbed his washboard abs, like the amount of food he'd eaten would somehow erase his damn fine physique.

I shrugged and kept chowing down.

A few minutes later I had to admit defeat and set the carton down for the last time. I looked up and saw that Jax had been staring at me, a grin making him appear younger than his thirty-one years.


"I like how you eat." He hurried on when I twisted up my face in confusion. "Most girls barely eat in front of guys, like they're too dainty to slam some food. You just go for it, and I like it."

I threw back my head and laughed, loving how he liked the very thing that always pissed off my dad. "I forget to eat sometimes when I have a bunch of things going on so when I do eat, I have to pack it in. I figure it evens out eventually."

His continued smile made me feel so good I found another reason to be happy with my change in plans. I wanted Jax to continue to smile at me like that. I wasn't sure when his happiness or approval began to mean something to me, but there it was.

"You wanted to talk to me about something?"

Standing up quickly, I took the cartons to the trash can in his kitchen. I wasn't sure what all I wanted to tell him, but now that I was here, I didn't want to bring him into all the drama that may happen with my father due to this change of mind. He just needed to know I wasn't going to pressure him any longer about the store.

I wasn't sure where that would leave things between us, but I hoped we could still see each other, even though our paths didn't have to cross any longer.

"Can we go outside?" I was wringing my hands, a tell-tale sign I needed to get outside the four walls. Like my voice wouldn’t work properly without pulling in fresh air. That never failed to calm me down and get me on the right path.

"Sure." Jax didn't even question it, just stood and held out his hand for me.

I put my hand in his, immediately feeling the callouses that said he wasn't an office worker like all my previous disastrous dates. He led me to the door and opened it for me, letting me walk out onto the patio in front of him. The door closed softly behind me as I took in the gentle lapping of the water right off the dock. The breeze was kicking up and it was getting colder, so I folded my arms across my body to conserve my body heat. I'd run out of the house with only a pair of shorts and a tank top on, not even thinking about grabbing a sweatshirt. I was in too much of a hurry to see Jax.

Warmth flanked my entire backside as Jax came up behind me, his arms holding me in place as they came around me. His hands grabbed the railing in front of me and I felt sheltered and not the least bit nervous anymore.

"Better?" he whispered in my ear, his breath fanning my neck and making me shiver.

I nodded, hoping his nearness indicated he felt the same about me as I felt for him. If I'd been the slightest bit unsure of my new plan, all that was swept away with the touch of his skin to mine. This was worth exploring.

Speaking into the breeze, I knew he'd hear me, pressed up against me as he was. "I've decided not to pursue purchasing The Surf Shack. Instead, I need your help in a different way."

The sounds of the night floated by, the revving of a boat engine somewhere in the harbor, the clink of silverware in someone's backyard as they ate a late meal. I tried to control my breathing as I waited for Jax to respond. I didn't know why I was so nervous, other than the fact that I really liked this man when I'd never felt that way before. He hadn't liked me at first, and I desperately wanted him to change his mind about me.

Finally, I saw his hand leave the railing, then felt my long hair being pushed to one side of my back, exposing the left side of my neck. His head dipped down and his lips brushed the curve of my shoulder where it met my neck. Shivers of a different kind took over my body at his touch.

"Just tell me what you need and I'll help you. But you better talk quick because after seeing that gorgeous ass of yours multiple times recently, I really must insist on finishing that kiss we started the other day before you ran away." His lips sketched across my exposed skin as he spoke, fueling my goose bumps.

My eyes widened and I went willingly when he spun me around to face him. I stared at him, his jaw locked tight, the bright blue of his eyes making me pause. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was almost angry.

"Thirty seconds, Sage."

My gaze flew back to his, realizing he wanted me to spit out my plan now, and knowing my brain wasn't going to be able to do it. I wasn't used to this level of intensity, having only dated preppy college boys and corporate stiffs who lacked flirting skills of any kind. Hell, I didn't think this was even flirting. Jax was flat out telling me what he wanted and that was hot.

"Later," I whispered as I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck. I had to lift up on my toes to even reach, but the moment Jax saw my intent, his hands grabbed my hips and lifted me up, slamming our bodies together. I wrapped my legs around his waist and just held on for dear life, unsure that this was really happening.

Jax pivoted and my back crashed into the wall of his apartment. I didn't have time to register pain before his lips slammed down on mine, swallowing my gasp of surprise. His warm tongue flicked across my lower lip, demanding entrance I was all too happy to give him. Hips pressed into my center the same time his tongue plunged into my mouth, tasting me. I groaned, too lost in the moment to worry about moving too far, too fast with him. He was all heat and solid muscle, consuming me as I was pinned helplessly to the wall.

I had no frame of reference for this kiss. It didn't even compare to any kiss I'd ever had. The kiss reverberated all the way down to my toes, my mind completely shutting off and my senses taking over. Gripping his hair in both fists, I pulled him closer and ground my hips on his body, completely out of control.

"Do you need that?" Jax pulled a fraction of an inch away from my lips, his voice like tires over gravel.

I blinked, not comprehending what he was asking or why the hell he was coming up for air when I had every intention of never breathing again if only I could die kissing him.

With our bodies finally still, I felt a vibration coming from my backside. Realizing it was my cell phone in my back pocket, I dragged a hand out of his hair and reached around to silence it. No call could be worth pausing something that felt so good.

I glanced down to turn it off, seeing my father's face on the screen. I screwed my eyes shut tight, desperately trying not to let his intrusion douse this heat.

"It's okay if you need to talk to him, Sage." Jax let an inch of space come between us and helped me slide down his body. Feet firmly back on the ground, I nodded, knowing my father would just keep calling back, getting angrier each time I ignored his call.

I cleared my throat. "I actually do have to take this." I looked up at him, not able to hold back the proud smile at his mussed hair, knowing my hands had done that. He didn't look angry at all, I was relieved to see. Just hotter than hell in his plaid, flannel pants and ripped torso I'd had my legs around just moments earlier.

This was why I needed to be free of my father once and for all. I was not going to be turning thirty next year and still be dropping everything to take his call like a disobedient child. Mark my words.

"Hold that thought."