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Beanie: Chokehold – A reverse harem MC romance (Steel Riders Book 3) by Alice May Ball (4)

Chapter 12

THERE WERE HALOS IN the smoky air that clouded around the low lights. The ring was the only part of the barn that was lit. Word of a grudge match, a fight fueled by raw anger, set a buzz round the room.

Bikers were looking to bet, but almost nobody backed Laurent. Beanie was taller, but stripped to the waist, Laurent was heavier and more solid. With the tape strapped around them, his fists looked huge.

Maybe it was the lights, but he looked heftier and harder than last time I’d seen him. That was no more than two weeks ago. Could he really have put on so much bulk? It looked like it was mostly muscle, too.

When he swung his arms and rolled his shoulders he looked like a weapon of flesh. I couldn’t believe it was the same man.

Light on his feet, Beanie bounced on the canvas and warmed up. He jabbed, firing his arms out in fast volleys. His head was low and his grey eyes glowed.

Two men, both of them in fine shape, were in the ring to slug it out. Over me.

There was a lot wrong with the way I felt about that, and I knew it. Damn, it felt good, though.

The bikers in the room roared as the bout began. There was no room for doubt about who they were cheering for.

I was for Beanie, too, but my body sang and vibrated with tension and tingling, crackling excitement.

With their fists up and their heads low they circled each other. They sprang and circled, slow and deliberate.

Beanie was lighter, more agile, but Laurent looked powerful.

Beanie threw a punch, Laurent knocked it aside. He threw another and Laurent deflected again.

Beanie jabbed hard and fast. Laurent dodged easily and sprang a punch to Beanie’s body. It connected, and my gut felt the sickening sound. Beanie sprang back.

They sparred like that for some time, probing, feeling each other out. Beanie seemed to have the skills. Laurent had the strength.

Soon a sheen of sweat made their tense bodies shimmer. I strained at the edge of the ring, leaned over the canvas. I shouted for Beanie. Laurent sneered with a cruel leer whenever he heard me.

Then Beanie landed a blow on Laurent’s head. Then another, and another before Laurent could retreat out of range. Beanie moved in after him. Laurent slung an evil, low jab.

Beanie sprang back, but not far enough. Laurent’s fist connected with a thud. Beanie’s eyes bulged and his face creased as the blow landed. Right away, he let loose a fast rattle of punches right at Laurent’s head.

Most of the blows connected loudly, and Laurent stumbled backwards.

Beanie moved in. There was a noise from behind me in the crush, a squall and a rush.

Hawk, his face red, burst through and charged the ring. Beanie’s startled face turned with his body to face Hawk and block him. Laurent’s fists lashed Beanie hard on the face. A quick salvo of hard strikes knocked Beanie backward.

Hawk lunged at the two men. He caught Laurent and the two of them went to the mat. Hawk’s fists slammed into Laurent’s head. The nauseating drumbeat thundered in the echo of the room.

The crowd pressed behind me, and I thought I could be crushed. Beanie leapt and locked his arm around Hawk’s throat. He used his other hand to pull the lock tight. He squeezed and Hawk’s eyes began to roll.

Priest shouted. He rushed the ring from behind me and grabbed a hold of Beanie. Beanie kept on squeezing. Priest whacked Beanie hard with his forearm and Beanie went down.

Hawk fell limp when Beanie let go. Laurent flailed underneath him.