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Bear my Fate (Hero Mine Book 1) by Harmony Raines (20)

Chapter Twenty – Jack

Jack checked the mirror again. There was no one behind them, only the red Ford Focus, as they approached the enclave. If the Templars were coming for them, they were not coming now. But this had gotten serious, and they would have to give a full account to the Council. They had to be made aware of the new threat posed by the Templars. Trouble was brewing.

Eva parked the car, and they got out, standing next to each other, waiting to be turned back to their normal selves. He wanted to kiss her, to feel her in his arms and know they had won this round of the battle, at least—but not when she looked like a man, that was just too weird.

“Lucas, do your stuff,” Jack said, as soon as the druid got out of the Land Rover, which was back to looking like its old battered self.

“I don’t know, I like this new you. Getting in touch with your feminine side, very nineties.”

Jack gave a low growl and took a step toward the young druid. “OK. No need to get all growly.”

He closed his eyes and next to him, the man disappeared, to be replaced by Eva. “And me?”

“You look as handsome as ever,” Helena teased. “Although I think he might have left you in that dress.”

“No, thanks,” Eva said. “I like a man in touch with his feminine side, but not enough that he wants to dress like one.”

“I’m a jeans and T-shirt kind of a guy,” he reassured her. Although he wanted to drag her into the house and show her what was underneath his jeans and T-shirt, there were other things that had to be dealt with first.

The others got out of the vehicle. Liam had to support Locke, who looked terrible; his face was ashen and he looked like a man who was going into shock.

“We need to get him to my place,” Helena said. “I have a tonic that will make him sleep for a couple of days.”

“Wait, we need you to swap the Dragon’s Tear. I don’t want Gareth to know you took it,” Jack said.

“I can do that,” Lucas said.

“You can?” Jack asked, although his real question should have been, you will?

“Yes, I’ll go over there in the pretense of needing his advice on a spell. I’ll locate the stone, and swap it with the real one.”

“It’s in the top left drawer of his night stand,” Helena said. “Unless he’s moved it.”

“OK. I’ll do it.” Lucas looked around at the rest of them. “I’ll go now, unless there is anything else you need help with?”

“No, Lucas, I think we have it from here,” Jack said. “And thanks.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Lucas,” Eva said.

“Couldn’t have done it without you, man,” Liam called.

Lucas looked embarrassed and turned his back on them, giving a wave before he melted into the forest.

“Do we trust him?” Kurt asked.

“We don’t have much choice,” Jack said. He had not liked the idea of Helena going over to Gareth’s house again; it put her in too much danger. He would rather Lucas risked himself, druids had a big enough sense of self-preservation that Jack was sure Lucas would get out in one piece, even if Gareth set the degetty on him. “Kurt, can you drive Helena home and help get Locke to bed?”

“Sure. Listen, why don’t Liam and I go with Helena? She can put us up for the night, give you two some alone time,” Kurt said.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Helena said, and they bundled Locke into the front seat of the Land Rover and then got in beside him.

“Are you sure?” Jack asked, as Liam went to climb in the back.

“Hey, Jack, we all know Kurt would rather eat Helena’s cooking than mine. You need some time with Eva. A lot has happened, and you haven’t had time to stop since you met her.” Liam hugged Jack. “We’re happy for you. Could have done without the Templars and the rabid wolves, but for your mate, we would give our lives. You know that. So the least we can do is give up our beds.” He winked at Jack. “See you tomorrow, Eva.”

Then the Land Rover was driving down the track away from the house, leaving Jack and Eva standing like two fools, looking at each other.

“I’m starving,” she said at last.

“Let’s go eat.” Jack put his arm around her shoulders and they walked together to the house. Before they went in, he took one last look out into the forest. It all seemed quiet.

“What do you want to eat?” he asked.

“Pizza. Do you have any?” she asked. “It’s the ultimate comfort food for me. And I need some comforting.”

“We have some in the freezer,” Jack said. He went through to the kitchen and pulled open the freezer, hoping his brothers hadn’t eaten the pizza he’d bought last week. It was still there.

“Do you mind if I shower?” she asked, looking down at her filthy clothes. “I’m going to have to head back to my apartment and grab some stuff soon. I need clothes.”

“We can do that tomorrow,” Jack said. “I’ll come with you.” He hesitated. “You are coming back here with your stuff?”

“Yes.” Eva nodded.

“For good. You’ll move in? I’ll figure out a way to get us a house of our own.”

“For good,” Eva said. She took in a nervous breath and let it out. “I always wanted my life to be different. But I did not expect it to change overnight.”

“You’ll be happy here,” he promised. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make it work between us.”

“Hey, Jack. Listen,” she said, closing the space between them. She stood so close he could feel the heat from her body, and it was all he could do to stop himself grabbing her and lifting her onto the counter. He wanted her, so badly. “This is a two-way relationship. I’m not the kind of girl who needs a man to bend over backwards to make things right.”

She ran her hand up and down his lower arm, not realizing what her touch did to him. His voice was rough with desire when he said, “I know you’ll need time. To adjust. I’ll give you all the time you need…”

“Shhh,” she said, pressing her finger to his lips. “I don’t need time.” Eva’s hand dropped away and she stood on tiptoes, kissing the corner of his mouth. “I’ve found everything I ever wanted here with you. I want to be part of your life, I want to be part of your family. If they’ll have me.”

There was a sadness in her eyes which split his heart in two. Eva mourned for the mom who had left her. After all Eva had done, all she had gone through to hand over the stone, and then the fight with those creatures, her mom had simply walked away. Not a single word of explanation. Not a single word of thanks.

Jack scooped her up in his arms. “How about that shower?”

“Together?” she squeaked.

“Yes.” He strode to the bedroom, all thoughts of pizza gone. They could eat later. “Unless you have any objections?” He put her down, supporting her while she got her balance. He smiled, had he made her go weak at the knees?

“No,” she answered, although she didn’t sound too confident.

“We’ll take it slow.” He began to undo her shirt, fumbling with the buttons in his haste. “I’m going to have to do your laundry again.”

“I like that you are handy with the washing machine.” She took hold of the hem of his T-shirt, and lifted it over his head. Sighing, she pressed her lips to his chest.

“Impressed?” he teased.

“Very,” she agreed. “I also like a man with a broad chest.” Her soft kisses covered his skin, awakening his arousal.

He finally undid the last button of her shirt, and slipped it off her shoulders, revealing her lacy bra. That was going to have to come off too. Right now. Unclasping it, her voluptuous breasts spilled out into his hands. Jack groaned, and lowered his head, capturing her nipple in his warm mouth, swirling his tongue around it until it formed a stiff peak.

“I thought we were going to shower?” Eva asked, her voice breathy. She was working at the buttons of his jeans, and he paused from sucking her breasts to help her. The button popped open, she pushed his pants down over his thighs, and they dropped to the floor. He lifted out one foot at a time to stand clear of them.

“You have to be naked before you get in the shower,” he told her.

She wriggled delightfully as he pushed her jeans down over her curvy thighs. Eva was round in all the right places, her skin soft, and she glowed, radiating a warmth he wanted to dive into.

“Shower,” she reminded him when he ducked his head down to capture her nipple once more.

“Shower,” he sighed in agreement.

Jack took her hand and led her to the bathroom, He was highly skilled, with the ability to kiss his mate and turn the hot water on at the same time. Multi-tasking had never been so pleasurable!

“It’s warm enough,” Jack said, putting his hand under the jet of water.

“Oh, I think we might need the water to be cold. Someone is a little excited.” She stroked the length of his rock-hard cock, making him jump. Her touch did things to him. Wonderful things.

“I’m more than a little excited,” he admitted. “I could show you just how much.”

“Could you?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. Her face was dirty, and she wore no makeup, but she was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on.

“Yes, please,” he said.

Eva turned away from him and entered the shower, holding out her hand for him to follow. He took it; he would follow her anywhere.

“Soap?” she asked, lathering the bar between her hands.

“Yes, please.” He took it from her and made a nice amount of creamy suds which he then used to soap Eva’s body. His hands covered every inch of her flesh, making her writhe in pleasure. “You are beautiful.”

“Is that the mating bond talking?” she asked.

“No, it’s the man talking.” He passed her the soap and reached for the shampoo. While he poured some on his hand, she soaped his chest, her hands gliding over his skin and slowing, moving lower.

Gathering what little control he still possessed, he massaged the shampoo into Eva’s hair, piling her black tresses up on top of her head as he worked up a good lather. All this time, Eva teased him and tempted him, her hands sliding close to his cock, before she moved them away, his nerving endings tingling in their wake.

Jack rinsed Eva’s hair, adding conditioner, before running his fingers through her hair to spread it down to the ends. Wasn’t he supposed to leave it for two minutes? What could a man do with two minutes to fill?

His hands cupped her breasts, they were heavy in his hands, her skin soft, and he stroked her flesh. He ran his thumb over her nipples, and they hardened, twin peaks of arousal. Eva gasped, and clenched her thighs together.

“Do you want me to touch you down there?” he asked silkily.

“Yes, please.” He slid his right hand down over her stomach, and then lower, teasing her just as she teased him.

“Lower?” he asked, his fingertips grazing her thighs.

“Uh-huh.” She spread her feet apart, to give him access. Jack wanted to dip his hand between her thighs and ease a finger inside her to see how aroused she was.

“Time to rinse off that conditioner.” He pulled his hands away from her body.

“Tease.” She poured shampoo into her palm and washed his hair, while he moved the shower head to swill her hair clean.

“It’s called foreplay.”

“Foreplay? I thought it was called working up an appetite. For pizza.” She smiled innocently.

Jack laughed, and ducked under the water to wash the shampoo from his hair. “If that’s what you want to call it,” he said. He turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and handing it to Eva.

“Thank you,” she said, and began rubbing her body dry. Jack did the same, all the time watching Eva and the way her body moved. He licked his lips, wanting to kiss her skin, and lick her breasts. With a groan, he finally gave in.

He dropped his towel on the floor, waiting for her to wrap her hair in a towel, before pulling her into his arms. He kissed her, long, deep, and with a passion he had never known he possessed. Eva wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed her body against his. Did she feel his arousal? Did she know how much he wanted her?

If she didn’t, she was about to find out.

Jack scooped her up into his arms, and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her down on the bed, he stood for a moment, looking at her. The towel covering her hair had tipped sideways, half covering her left eye. She reached up and adjusted it. “One sexy lady,” she said with a short laugh.

“Oh, yeah. Even better—my sexy lady,” Jack said, and climbed on to the bed to lie next to her. He traced the curve of her breast with his fingers, and she writhed, turning her body to his. Cupping her breast in his hand, he lowered his mouth and sucked in her nipple, rolling his tongue over it.

Eva threaded her fingers through his wet hair and pulled it, as if wanting him to stop. At the same time, she arched her back, offering herself to him. And he took her.

Lifting her knee to drape it over his thigh meant she was exposed to him. He traced his hands across her thigh, and higher, ready to claim his prize.

She was wet, her body aching for him. Jack slid a finger along the length of her sex, then higher to rub her clit. Eva whimpered, her mouth close to his ear, her breath tickling his skin, and exciting him further.

Unable to contain his need, he flipped her onto her back, and entered her, guiding his cock into her warm heat. She was tight, gripping his cock as he slid slowly forward, deeper, and deeper, until he was lost. It was almost too much. His control was slipping. In and out he moved, filling her completely, thrusting deep, before pulling back out.

Each lunge took him higher; the sensations coursing through him were primal. He was claiming his mate. She was his. She would always be his.

Jack suddenly became aware of his teeth elongating. This was part of the mating bond he hadn’t shared with her. The time wasn’t right, not with everything else they had to face. He hadn’t anticipated the incredible need to mark her as his, to turn her.

He lunged forward, needing release, but the urge to bite her neck, to make her his completely tortured him. Eva moved beneath him, her own climax close, and then she came, her inner walls gripping him. He cried out, filling her with his seed, with the essence of life. He wanted her to bear his children, he wanted her to be like him.

But he wanted her to be happy. To have a choice.

He gripped the pillow in his fist, clinging on, forcing himself to control the primal urge.

Collapsing down on top of Eva, utterly spent, he drew in deep long breaths, but the urge was still there. Jack pulled away, putting some distance between them.

“Are you OK?” Eva asked, the concern in her voice breaking his heart.

“Yes, I just need a minute,” Jack ground out.

“Sure.” The hitch in her voice nearly killed him.

He reached out, and took her hand, ducking his head to hide his face as he said, “That was intense.”

“A shifter thing?” she asked, hopefully.

“A shifter thing.” Jack nodded. He breathed in her scent and closed his eyes, willing himself to regain his control.

When at last he did, he crawled onto the bed next to her, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her cheek. “You know I love you.”

“Yeah. I do.”

“And not just because of the mating bond.”

“That part I wasn’t so sure of,” she said quietly.

“If I had to choose a woman, if you hadn’t been chosen for me, I’d still pick you.”

“And I would pick you, Jack,” Eva said, running her fingers through his hair.

“Pizza?” he asked when her stomach rumbled.


“You are perfect,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

She giggled. “That tickles.”

“I hear the way to a woman’s heart is to make her laugh,” he said.

“It’s one way.” Her face became serious. “I love you too, Jack.”

He took her hand and kissed it, then he kissed her lips. If only they could stay like this forever, if only life hadn’t thrown so much crap at them. But they would get through it—together.