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Beast: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 7) by Anna Hackett (10)

Chapter Ten

Mia awoke to the feel of gentle licks on her inner thigh.

Her breath hitched and she looked down. Vek’s dark head was between her legs. He was staring at her skin, a fascinated look on his face.

She shifted, small aches making themselves known. After the first two frenzied couplings, he’d taken her twice more. He lapped at her thigh, and she swallowed a moan. She hadn’t thought her desire would still be this sharp. But as he kept licking, she felt a fiery tingle spreading through her body. Her belly clenched.

He looked up at her, his lips moving over her skin, then he focused down again. His mouth moved higher, licking her right between her legs. She moaned. His tongue delved inside her and she grabbed his hair, gripping hard.

“More.” She made a strangled noise.

Vek kept lapping at her, then his tongue circled her clit. She reared up against him. He pushed her back onto the blankets and kept licking at her like he couldn’t get enough of her taste.

Then he sucked her clit into his mouth and Mia came, her back arching.

She flopped back onto the pillows, enjoying the little shivers that rippled through her as she came down from the high. Vek shifted to kissing her belly, then higher to the lower curve of her breast. As he moved across her body, she realized he was kissing her small bruises and the bite marks he’d left during their loving.

She smiled. Her wild, sexy alien was so strong and protective, but so sweet under all his muscles.

Finally, he moved up to lie beside her, like a big powerful cat. He stroked his hand down her body.

“Thank you, Mia.”

“For what?”

“For giving yourself to me.”

She leaned into him, nuzzling her face against his hard chest. “It was no hardship, Vek.”

“You sacrificed

She rose up. “Nothing. There was no sacrifice involved. Of course, I wanted to help you, but if you think I didn’t want this, you’re crazy.”

A small smile broke out on his face. “I do not know what I did to deserve you.”

She cupped his cheek, enjoying the smooth skin with its faint hint of stubble. “I was fascinated by you the moment you stood up to protect me in the underground fight ring.”

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back into the blankets.

She looked up at the ceiling of the cave. “Do you remember your homeworld? Your family?”

He released a breath. “Sometimes I get a hint of a memory, then it’s gone. If I had a family, they never came for me.”

His tone was emotionless, but she heard what he wasn’t saying. “You don’t know that. They might have searched for you. They might have fought for you.” Her own family was devastated that Mia had no way home.

Vek stroked her hair. “All I remember is the fights. The stench of blood and sweat. The cold stone walls. Darkness. Knowing I’d have to kill.”

“You are never going to fight to the death again,” she said vehemently. “You’re free.”

His hands clenched in her hair. “I hope I never have to watch the life drain from another being’s eyes.” A deep breath. “I hope that I am never forced to fight for entertainment. I think…it would kill something inside me.”

Mia tightened her arms around him, her ear pressed to his beating heart. It had a stronger, faster beat than her own. She wished she could take his past away, but all she could focus on was making sure his future was better. Making sure he had everything that he’d missed out on all his life.

And that included love.

God, she was falling in love with him. Mia let the idea settle, becoming a warm glow in her chest.

She was falling in love with Vek. She’d never been in love before. Oh, when she was younger, she’d fancied herself in love with a couple of former boyfriends. But it had always faded. She was only just beginning to see that real love had depth. A foundation that so much could be built on.

Vek hadn’t had love, either. Maybe they could learn about it together.

She stroked his chest. She’d tell him once they got back to Kor Magna. After this mating frenzy had passed, and they’d gotten Dayna, Ryan, and the other woman back safely.

Then there’d be time for just Mia and Vek.

He started shifting against her, restless, and a low growl rumbled through his chest. If she wasn’t mistaken, it looked like the frenzy was heating up again.

He leaped to his feet, naked and magnificent. Mia would never get tired of looking at his powerful body. He prowled away from her.

Mia went up on her knees. “Vek?”

He spun, his eyes glowing.

“I’m right here,” she said. “Whatever you want. Whatever you need.”

“I’ve been rough with you.”

She held out a hand. “Let me take care of you.”

He edged closer, fighting his own needs. When he was close enough, Mia gripped his hips, her fingers digging into hard muscle. His cock was rising up toward his muscled stomach—big and thick. She leaned forward and licked the broad head.

An untamed growl ripped from his throat.

Pre-come slicked the end and she lapped at it. The salty taste of him filled her mouth. Smiling, Mia held onto him, and sucked his cock into her mouth. She pulled him closer, seeing his hands form hard fists at his sides.

His cock was too big for her to take it all, but she sucked in as much as she could. She was rewarded with his harsh growls.

She tilted her head back a little and watched him. His golden gaze was locked on her, the muscles in his neck stretched tight as he watched where her lips were stretched around his cock.

He grew thicker in her mouth, and she knew he was getting close. She felt his strong legs tremble, his hips bucking.

She pulled back. “Lie down, Vek.”

His muscles flexed as he shifted that powerful body and lay back on the blankets. Mia climbed over him and straddled his hips.

She pressed her hands to his chest. All that primal power caged in his powerful body. She flicked her short nails over his nipples, then she lifted her hips up. She slid one hand down to grip the hard base of his cock and guided it between her legs.

When it brushed against her slickness, she moaned. Then she lowered herself down, taking him deep.

Vek growled, his hands clamping onto her hips. “Mia.”

“It feels so good to be filled by you,” she panted. She was a little sore, but the sting added a pleasurable discomfort to the sensations.

“Yes.” His word was barely intelligible.

Once she readjusted to the size of him, she started rocking her hips, riding him. His hands flexed on her hips and he helped her, lifting her up and down. Then, he took one hand and reached up to touch one of those fascinating black fangs. He brought his finger to her nipple and rubbed a drop of that golden liquid into her skin.

Warmth bloomed, pleasure radiating from her breast.

“Oh.” Her hips bucked against him.

Vek collected more of the fluid. This time, his hand drifted down and slid between her legs, his finger rubbing against her clit.

Sensations detonated like fireworks through her. “Oh, God.” Mia moved faster, need and hunger writhing inside her.

He rubbed even more fluid on her, where her body was stretched tight around him. “Your body is squeezing my cock so tightly.” His hips pumped up, like he needed more as well. She was riding him hard, and he was pounding into her.

“Mia,” he growled.


She broke apart, pleasure bursting through her like an explosion. She saw his face tighten, and at the same time, he roared his release. Their shared cries echoed off the rock walls.

Collapsing on him, she pulled in a shuddering breath, small waves of pleasure still running through her.

Vek buried his face in her neck. “Mia.”

* * *

Vek’s eyes snapped open and, as he always did, he took that brief second to catalogue his surroundings.

Staring at the rock roof, his gut clenched. Then he slowly relaxed. Not the fight rings. He wasn’t a prisoner.

The small, warm weight on top of him was the biggest reminder that he was free.

Mia was asleep, using him as a bed, her face tucked against his neck and her legs straddling him.

Morning light pierced the darkness from the mouth of the cave. Then he realized something else—the churning mass of driving need and hunger had ebbed. He released a breath. He felt like himself again.

Vek stroked his hand down Mia’s back. And it was all thanks to this small woman.

His little savior. His. The echo of that claim had been etched in his soul.

She stirred and pressed a kiss to the bottom of his jaw. She lifted her head and he saw her sleepy gaze.

“Hi,” she murmured. “You okay?”

“The frenzy has passed.”

A smile broke out on her face. “I’m glad.”

Vek slid a hand to her hair and brought her lips to his. This kiss was slower, and he took his time to taste her. She made a purring sound in her chest.

With a nip to her bottom lip, he lifted his mouth from hers. “You should never have come in here. I could’ve hurt you.”

Mia rolled her eyes. “You’re welcome.”

He tugged until her forehead pressed against his. “Mia.” His Mia.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Vek cupped her ass with one hand, and shifted her. He rolled her, sliding his cock inside her with one firm, steady thrust.

A sound tore from her throat. “I…thought the frenzy had passed.”

“It has.” But he needed her. Just Vek and Mia, without the overriding need of the frenzy. He stilled. “Are you sore? Can you take me?”

Her cheeks pinkened. “Um, not too sore. That golden fluid that you, um, rubbed all over me…it seems to have eased some of the discomfort.”

Vek ran his tongue over his teeth. The strange fangs were gone, and he figured they, and the fluid they produced, would only be present for the frenzy. He started slow, steady thrusts into Mia’s tight warmth.

Her eyelids fluttered, her hands reaching up to sink into his biceps. Mia was no passive lover. She writhed beneath him, urging him on with quiet whispers and the lift of her hips.

Need rose in him, strong and overpowering. Mia’s legs wrapped around his waist, and her hands shifted. He felt her heels digging into his back, and her nails sinking into his skin.

“More. Harder.” Urgent cries. “I’m coming!” Her body started to shake.

He watched her release hit her, her mouth opening and her eyes locked with his. With his cock lodged deep inside, making them one, he watched every emotion cross her face.

With satisfaction riding him hard, Vek thrust one last time. Pleasure was a hard, hot ball at the base of his spine. As it splintered outward, his groan was deep and loud.

He turned to the side, keeping Mia pulled into the curve of his body.

“Wow,” she murmured. “That was just as awesome as the wild monkey sex.”

Monkey sex? Vek smiled against her hair. He loved Mia’s Earth sayings that made no sense at all to him.

After the perspiration on their skin had cooled, she turned in his arms. She stroked his cheek. “We should head out and find the others. They’ll be worried.”

Vek nodded, reluctantly sitting up. He didn’t want to let her go, but she was right. They needed to continue their mission.

She rose, her movements slow. She seemed as reluctant to leave as he was. He watched her find some clothes, and he didn’t want that skin covered. He wanted her naked in his bed, and he wanted to stay cocooned with her.

But there were three women who were trapped and caged, fighting for their survival. Three women who needed their help. Vek would not leave them to their fate as slaves. He had to do his bit to help them, just as the people of the House of Galen and Mia had helped free him.

Mia went through her backpack, pulling out things. Together, they cleaned up and pulled on clean clothes. Pulling on his trousers, Vek felt the deep scratches on his back and ass. He smiled. Mia had claimed him just as surely as he’d claimed her. His only shirt was in tatters, so he shoved the remnants in his pack.

As they left the cave, he held her hand tightly. Stepping into the morning sunlight, Vek took a second to appreciate it, but then felt Mia fidgeting.

The others were all gathered around the remains of a fire. The tents were packed away, the gear all ready for travel. As Mia and Vek approached, Corsair and the gladiators all stood.

“You both seem fine,” Galen said, his assessing gaze on them.

From beside him, Thorin snorted. “More than fine, I’d guess.”

Harper pressed her tongue to her teeth, her gaze on Vek’s back. “Those are some pretty deep scratches there, Vek.”

Mia gasped and shifted to look at his back. Her eyes widened, heat in her cheeks.

He grabbed her hand. He loved wearing her marks. “The frenzy has passed.”

“And Mia got to save you for a change,” Harper added.

Mia tucked her hair back behind her ear. “It wasn’t any great sacrifice.”

There was laughter all around.

“Come and eat,” Galen said.

Thorin grinned. “And I have a shirt you can wear.”

Vek stared at the food cooking over the dying coals of the fire, and hunger exploded inside him. He suddenly realized he was starving.

But first, he needed to care for his mate. After pulling on his borrowed shirt, Vek loaded up a small plate with the most tender, succulent morsels. He filled a second plate for himself, and then sat beside Mia.

She stared at the pile of food with wide eyes. Vek picked up one piece and pressed it to her lips. “Eat. You need to refuel.”

She chewed and Vek took his time feeding her.

Harper sat down beside Mia and lowered her voice. “Some of the screaming had us worried.”

“God.” Mia pressed her hands to her flaming cheeks. “I’m fine. I’m glad I’m not riding a tarnid today, but other than that, I’m fine.”

Harper looked like she was fighting a smile. “I have some med gel, if you need it.”

Mia looked at Vek, smiled, then turned back to Harper. “I’m good. Really good.”

They finished eating, and finally, Corsair stood. “All right, time to pack up and move out.”

The gladiators worked well as a team, getting the last of the gear stowed and loaded into the packs. Soon, their group was striding up the mountain path, heading deeper into the Illusion Mountains.

Vek stayed close to Mia, walking near Corsair as they followed a narrow track. The suns were rising. It would be hot today.

“How is the scent of the Neralla?” Corsair asked.

“Getting stronger. I am certain we are headed in the right direction.”

They kept moving, the ground becoming rockier.

“Look,” Corsair called out.

Vek looked over, and saw a Neralla flower growing out of a crack in a rock. Its petals were pretty, twinkling in the light.

“How can it grow there?” Mia asked. “There’s no soil.”

“Keep moving,” Galen ordered.

Vek could move faster, but he kept himself at Mia’s speed. More Neralla flowers dotted the ground, here and there. They had to be getting close.

They rounded the crest of a hill, and ahead was a narrow valley. Suddenly, Mia stumbled to a stop. “Holy hell.”

Vek followed her gaze across the valley to the next jagged peak. He blinked.

On the next mountain top, he saw a giant structure nestled among the rocks. He’d never seen anything like it. It was made of metal, but dominated by a huge glass dome in the center.

“Drak,” Raiden said. “That’s the wreck of a spaceship.”

“A crashed spaceship,” Harper said. “It looks ancient.”

Vek frowned. He had no experience with spaceships, but since he’d been freed, he’d seen some roar overhead in Kor Magna. This wreck was long, and from what he could tell, the huge dome would have been in the center of the ship.

“How is that dome intact?” Mia asked.

Vek stared at it, aware his vision was better than the others. “I can see something in the dome.”

“What is it?” Galen demanded.

His gaze touched Mia’s. “The dome is filled with green vegetation.”