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Best Kase Scenario (Hyde Series Book 2) by Layla Frost (9)

Chapter Nine

Argyle and Giant Decks






“I guess I don’t have to ask why you’re so happy,” Andrea, my intern friend, said at the end of the night. Trying to look busy, she pretended to clean.

“Yeah, that was awesome. I mean, I know a lot of people have been on this ride before, but it’s still unbelievable. I wasn’t even expecting to find it, but he started really riding me, which ended up being just what I needed. Sometimes I think it’s too rough, too hard, you know? But then everything just falls into place so perfectly, and it’s so worth it.” Shaking my head, I grinned. “Sorry, I’m babbling. It’s just such a high, you know?”

When Andrea didn’t respond, I looked over to see her staring at me with a mix of shock and intrigue. Lowering her voice, she whispered, “He’s like that in bed? Is it good?”

My eyes bugged out. “Wait, what?”

She pointed to her face. “Your lips are swollen. I dated a guy with a beard once, and when we made out, it left the same pinkness.”

Though it was pointless, I covered my mouth.

“Plus, your bearded hottie friend is waiting outside,” she continued. “I assumed that’s what had you so cheerful today. What were you talking about?”

“Finding those witnesses willing to talk about the elementary school board drama.”

“Oh yeah, that was cool, too. Though, fair warning, Deborah was giving you crazy side eye when she thought no one was looking. I don’t see how she can act so well. People think she’s so amazing and sweet.”

“Big surprise. I’m not saying she’s shady, but that bitch is sprouting branches and leaves.”

Andrea grabbed her bags, laughing. “So true. Maybe you can put your super sleuth skills to good use and find some of her skeletons. You know she’s gotta have a cemetery full.”

“Probably. But I’ll stick to things that won’t scar me for life.”

“Like that hottie outside? He looks like he could leave some serious emotional scars.”

“Yeah, but he won’t,” I said with no hesitation or doubt.

Things might end, but he’d never hurt me in a way that would leave damage.

She shrugged, clearly unconvinced. “So if he’s out there waiting for you, why the hell are you still in here?”

I lifted the notepad. “I’ve gotta jot down some notes, but I’m almost done.”

“That’s job dedication that I just don’t have. See you tomorrow,” she said as she left.

After finishing my work, I bounced around as I shoved my stuff into my bag before heading out.

When I got within view of his car, Kase got out and jogged over to grab my stuff.

His dreads were still pulled back from work, though he’d changed into clean jeans and a blue henley with the sleeves pushed up.

“Don’t you ever get cold?” I asked, pulling my peacoat tighter.

“Nope.” He wrapped his arm around me. “How are you?”

Between the flutters in my stomach and giddy happiness from seeing him, it reminded me of high school.

Just with more inappropriate thoughts and the ability to purchase booze.

Now if only I can somehow convene every bitchy chick from school in one area, and then parade through with Kase.

Not that I’m a showoff or anything…

“Awesome,” I said, dragging my thoughts back to his question. “I helped find some sources willing to talk about shady elementary school shit.”

“Like some kid stealing lunch money and the rampant outbreak of cooties?”

I laughed. “More like a PTA gang.”

Looking down at me, he raised his eyebrow. “Are their street colors khaki and argyle?”

“Dude, I’m not even kidding; school politics are insane. Helicopter parents, cliques, everyone thinking their kid’s activities deserve more funding.” I fake shuddered. “It’s like suburbia gone wild. Anyway, what’re you doing here so early? I thought I was supposed to call.”

“I ended up going with Jake to check out the progress of the new building. Figured I’d just come here.” Kase opened my door for me, but I didn’t get in.

“You didn’t think I was gonna call, did you?”

His lips tipped up. “The thought that you might run may have crossed my mind.”

Going up on my toes, I pressed my lips to his and whispered, “Nope, no more running.”

“You’re so fuckin’ lucky we’re at your work,” he whispered back, his eyes heating. “Or I’d have you on the hood of this car right now.”

“That didn’t stop you at your work this afternoon.”

“Yeah, but my boss is always fucking his wife in his office, so he isn’t really in a place to judge.”

“Good point.” I climbed in as he headed to his side.

Starting the car, Kase glanced over at me. “Hungry?”

“I ate at work. But I’ll have a drink or something if you are.”

“I grabbed a burger with Jake.”

Tension filled the small space suddenly, an unasked question hanging in the air.

Okay, decision time.

Am I ready for this huge step?

Will he respect me in the morning?

Haha, okay, that was funny.

The real question is can I work around the gear shift and jump him right now?

Deciding to go with at least a small amount of subtlety, I reached across and casually put my hand on his thigh. “Ready to go?”

Kase twisted in his seat and cupped the back of my head, pulling me to him. His mouth covered mine, hard and insistent.

I moved my hand up his thigh but before I reached my target, he grabbed my wrist.

Facing forward, he shifted into reverse. “You’re coming to my place.”


“Text your ma.”

“I already did.”

“Fuck,” he muttered quietly, reaching over to squeeze my thigh. Grabbing my hand, he kept it under his as he switched gears.

When I’d fantasized about touching his shaft together, this wasn’t what I had in mind.

Still, it’s erotic as hell.

“I’ve never driven stick,” I said, trying to clear my head.

“I’ll teach you sometime.”

“Will you teach me to ride your bike, too?

He switched gears again. “You want to, sure.”

When the only other things I wanted to learn to ride were inappropriate to talk about while he was driving, I just looked around. We were getting close to his place and I was trying not to bounce in anticipation.

I could’ve screamed my celebration when we pulled into his driveway a few minutes later.

“Work to do?” he asked as we got out of the car and headed up onto the porch.

I shook my head. “I did it earlier.”

Opening the door, Kase flipped on the lights and kicked off his shoes while I happily stepped out of my work pumps.

The telltale rumbling gave away Boba’s entrance before he rounded the corner, his paws sliding across the floor. Slower and quieter, Chewy followed.

“I’ve gotta take the boys out. Wanna come with?”

“Yeah. I’ve only seen glimpses out the windows at night. It’ll be cool to see it when there’s a little sun.”

Walking to the back of the house, Kase grabbed a couple tennis balls from a bin. He slid the door open, pulling me aside so I wouldn’t get knocked over by the suddenly energetic polar bear dog. Keeping his arm around me, we stepped out onto the deck.

“It’s gorgeous out here.” Looking to the side, I saw that what I’d thought was a small landing actually led to a big deck. There was a large outdoor table and chairs, plus a huge covered grill took up one corner. Other benches and outdoor supplies lined the edges. “Your deck is huge.”

He grinned. “It’s even bigger than you know.”

“Deck. I said deck.”

“I know.” He jerked his head toward it, fighting a smile. “It wraps around the side of the house. What else would we be talking about?”

Shaking my head, I took one of the tennis balls from him and threw it out onto the beach for the dogs. “The water looks so peaceful.”

“I’ll take you out on my boat when it gets warmer.”

It wasn’t the first time he’d spoken casually about future plans, but it was the first time I let myself really hear it.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and went up on my toes. When he looked down, I pressed my lips to his.

Weaving his hand into my hair, he deepened the kiss. There was a rough urgency as his tongue danced with mine.

At the feel of his hard cock, my nipples tightened and I grew wetter. Sliding my hand down, I pushed his shirt up and unbuttoned his jeans. Before I could unzip them, he wrapped his hand around my wrist.

I leaned back and glared at him. “You keep doing that. It’s much, much worse than you interrupting.” I brought my other hand toward his cock, but he grabbed that one, too.

Using his hold on my wrists, he moved my arms behind my back. “I’ll fuck you on the beach, ipo,” he said, his voice low and rough. His eyes were brilliantly bright and mesmerizing. “Make you scream so loud the neighbors miles down will hear. But not when it’s forty degrees. I have plans for the whole night, and none of it involves you catching a cold.”

“The whole night?” I breathed.

“At least.”

I licked my suddenly dry lips, his eyes dropping to watch.

Releasing his hold on me, he whistled. The dogs came running, heading right inside.

“You have them really well-trained,” I said as I followed him in. Taking my coat off, I tossed it on a chair.

“Yeah, at least someone listens to me.”

“Hey!” I playfully glared at him as he kicked the door closed.

His smile faded, the teasing humor replaced by a pent-up heat.

We moved at the same time, crashing together. His thumbs under my chin tipped my face up, his splayed fingers holding me as his mouth dropped to mine.

My hands roamed his back. Needing more, I moved one to the front and finally unzipped his jeans, letting them fall.

He stepped out of them as he backed me up against a wall. His hand went between us to undo my pants, his knuckles grazing my pussy.

Biting his lip, I pressed myself against him.

Forearm flat to the wall, Kase shifted close to my side as he worked his hand into my panties. “Better than I imagined,” he whispered in my ear, his ragged voice harsh.

A tiny shock jolted through my nerve endings as the pad of his finger grazed my clit.

He kissed my neck, his beard rough against the sensitive skin. His finger teased, slowly trailing back and forth.

Holding his arm, I tugged it down. “More.”

I could feel and hear his chuckle before he bit down gently on my earlobe. “All night, ipo.”

I let go of his arm and grabbed his boxer clad hardness. “Now.”

My neck arched as his finger slid into me, hard and fast.

“This what you want?” He moved his hand so his palm rubbed my clit.

“Yes,” I moaned. Unsatisfied with feeling him through the fabric, I pushed my hand into his boxers. I wrapped my fingers around his cock, stroking as best as I could in the limited space.

Kase groaned against my neck. “Fuck.” Pulling away slightly, he tugged my shirt off.

“Yours, too,” I panted.

Reaching one hand behind his head, he gripped his shirt and whipped it off, tossing it aside. In just his boxers, a taunting amount of his cock was visible above the waistband, his tattoos and muscles adding to the torment. His dreads had come loose, surrounding his face and making his bright blue eyes even more piercing.

He was by far the sexiest man I’d ever seen, but he was more than that.

And I wanted all of him.

Before I could reach for him, he dropped to his knees in front of me. Hooking his fingers into the waistband of my pants, he pulled them and my panties down.

I stepped out, kicking them to the side.

Starting at my ankles, Kase slowly moved his palms up while I stared, entranced by the contrast of my pale skin and his darker, ink covered hands.

When he reached the top of my thighs, I held my breath in anticipation.

Instead, he grazed back down, pausing at my knees.

Looking up, he jerked his head to the side. “Hold on.”


Gripping my hip with one hand, Kase put my leg over his shoulder and buried his face in my pussy.

My arm shot out to brace myself on the counter. As he licked, I cupped my breast, rubbing it through my bra.

Kase groaned his approval, the noise vibrating through me. Using his hold, he ground me against him, devouring me.

He shifted his mouth up to my clit. His free hand went between my legs. Sliding two fingers in, he leisurely played as if we had all the time in the world.

When he said he had plans for the whole night, I thought that meant we’d be going more than once, not that he’d go so flippin’ slow.

I tried to push against him, needing more than his steady pace, but he tightened his grip on my hip.

In a tormenting pattern, his tongue flicked my clit firmly before pulling back to tease.

“I need more,” I said, trying to move again.

Looking down, I saw his heated eyes on me as he applied extra pressure.

“Yes.” My moan turned into a frustrated groan as he slowed, the tip of his tongue barely skimming.

Hard then gentle, he tortured me.

Then I felt it.



His slow, steady rhythm kept my orgasm just out of reach as it built to new levels.

No longer fighting against his hold, my hips undulated with his pattern.

Gentle, teasing grazes.

Hard, fast flicks.

My mind raced, though I couldn’t grab on to any one thought.



My legs began to tremble.



Biting, sucking, licking, Kase’s mouth worked my clit relentlessly as he held me in place. His fingers stroked my pussy faster, hitting an incredible spot.

The tension that had built to such high levels shattered, taking me with it.

I cried out as I came, curses and pleas flowing from my mouth like a chant. I rocked my body against his mouth until I finished, my knees nearly giving out.

“Holy hell,” I panted when I could talk again.

Lowering my leg, Kase held my hips and kissed my stomach. “Dreamed of this,” he whispered against my skin. “Fantasized about it. Jacked off picturing it. None of it came close to how good the real thing is. How you taste and feel? Better than a dream, Harlow.”

His words warmed my heart as they heated my body.

“Uhh, full disclosure, I fantasized about you, too. But it was nowhere near as good as that.”

Standing up, Kase kept me against the wall. “You gonna tell me about those fantasies?”


He smiled. “Liar.”

I shrugged. “Fantasies are private.”

“What if I told you I’d reenact them with you?”

“Well, that depends.”

Leaning in close, he kissed my neck, trailing his lips up to my ear. “On?”

“Whether or not you have a hunter outfit,” I breathed.

“Camo?” he asked, his tone a mix of confused and surprised.

“Wrong hunter. I’m talking the supernatural kind.” At his eyebrow raise, I shook my head. “Never mind.”

Kase chuckled. “Just tell me what I need.”

“No. You laughed. The fantasy is ruined now.”

As I stepped away, Kase reached for me, smiling. “Ipo—”

Dodging him, I started for the steps. “I’ll have to make new ones.”

He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling my back against his front. “Yeah?” Draping his other arm over my shoulder, he rubbed my breast, his thumb stroking along my bra. His hard cock pressed against my back. “Do I get to help?”

Arching, I pressed my ass against him. “Maybe.”

Plunging into my bra, he pinched my nipple, rolling it. His other one went between my legs, his middle finger trailed through my wetness. “Like this?” His finger entered me with enough force to take me up onto my toes, the rest of his large hand still cupping me.

My head shot back, landing on his shoulder.

“Or this?” he asked, using his palm to put pressure on my clit.

My moan turned to a growl when he stopped, ordering, “Upstairs.”

I shook my head, taking a few steps before stopping in front of the couch. “Here.”


“Here,” I repeated, my voice firm. Unhooking and taking off my bra, I tossed it at him.

Catching it easily, he dropped it as he prowled toward me. “Fuck yeah here.”

His mouth covered mine, stealing my breath at the raw, brutal intensity of his kiss.

Reaching into his boxers, I curled my fingers around his hardness. Shoving the fabric out of the way, I freed him and stroked up his full length. His muscles flexed and jumped in response.

Breaking the kiss, I let go of him and nudged his shoulder. “Sit.”

With a cocky smile, he dropped down and slouched, stretching his arm across the top of the couch.

The position reminded me of when he’d come see me dance. As embarrassing and awkward as it’d been, I’d wanted it to be pleasure, not business, that had me moving on him.

As I straddled him, there was no exaggeration in my movements. No hip swirl, hair flip, or shimmy shake. I wasn’t anyone but me.

And as I watched his eyes heat and his cock jerk, I knew without a doubt I was who he wanted.

Harlow, the person, not Flame, the dancer.

Fisting his cock, I stroked his length. I lifted up and moved closer, the head of it only inches away when I stopped. “Balls.”

“Yeah, I’ve got those, too.”

I shifted away, sitting on his knees. “What’re the chances you’ve got a stash of condoms hidden in the couch?”

He smiled, but shook his head. “Upstairs.”

I scooted back and stood. “Don’t move.”

“You couldn’t pay me to.”

Turning, I ran to the stairs and got halfway up before pausing. Creeping down, I peeked my head around the wall. “Uhh, can we pretend that didn’t just happen? Or at the very least that it was cute and not super dingusy?”

“Harlow, I’m so hard I’m seriously worried it’s my dick that’s gonna explode, not my ego inflated head. You wanting it even half as bad isn’t cute. It’s fuck all hot.”

Heat shot through me, making me clench as my breath caught. “Yeah?”


“Oh. Right.” I took the stairs two at a time.







I was fuckin’ dying.

There was no way I was gonna be able to fuck Harlow and survive. Just the taste of her was enough to have me ready to blow my load.





Harlow touching my…

Inhaling deeply, I blew the air out in a quick rush as I dragged my hand down my face. I rubbed my neck and tried to calm myself.

I was in danger of being a two pump chump.

“Got it,” Harlow called out, her face lit up like she’d found buried treasure.

Spreading her long as fuck legs, she straddled me again with no hesitancy.

Nope, I’m gonna be a one pump chump.

I waited for her to hand me the rubber.

Instead, Harlow bit down on the edge of the wrapper and tore it partway open.

Nope. Fuck. Not even gonna make it one pump.

Removing the condom, she paused for a second. She squinted as she looked at it closer.

I flipped it the right way and handed it back to her.

“Thanks,” she whispered, her cheeks turning pink.

Carefully, she held the tip of the condom and rolled it on with trembling fingers.

My cock jumped, straining for her touch.

For her.

Still fisting the base of my dick, she went up on her knees before halting again.

I wrapped my hands around her waist and lifted her slightly, allowing her to get the right angle.

She gave me a small smile. Biting her lip, she lowered herself down.

Heaven is a hot as fuck pussy that belongs to a cute as hell redhead.

Clenching my teeth, I fought the urge to take over. Her nut bustingly tight pussy slowly inched down my dick until she had it all.

Wiggling, she muttered something under her breath. Before I could ask what, she grabbed my shoulders and moved. Her lids lowered as she sped up. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, her warm breath coming in little pants.

Okay, she’s had enough time.

I gripped her hips, my fingers digging in. Thankfully, Harlow didn’t seem to mind ‘cause I couldn’t get them to loosen. Lifting and pulling her back down, I raised my pelvis to meet hers.

Her head fell back, her red hair swinging. Her soft moans grew louder.

“Hands on my knees, ipo,” I ordered.

She did as I said, her back arched, her perky tits in the air.

Stretching my hand across, I used my thumb to rub her clit. The firm rotations and quick flicks had her movements becoming more hectic.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The incoherent curses sped up as she rode me, giving as good as she got. Her pussy tightened and legs tensed as she started to come. Hair swinging wildly, her tits bounced with each thrust, her nails digging into my knees.

Wanting to give her everything, needing to, I kept a relentless pace. Only when I was sure she was done did I slow.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her upright. Taking her nipple in my mouth, I sucked and teased as I moved leisurely in her.

She tried to bounce her hips. “More.”

Biting down on her nipple, I flicked it with my tongue as I slammed up into her.

“Yes!” she cried out, pushing herself against my mouth. Holding my dreads out of the way, she watched as I licked across her chest.

Months wanting this, and I finally have her. Tasted her, felt her, fucked her.

And I want more.

Need it.

Not even done, and I’m craving it again.


I weaved my fingers through her hair and cupped the back of her head. Pulling her face to mine, my thrusts became brutal.

Rising and falling, she met me thrust for thrust. Full lips parted, she looked fuckin’ gorgeous as her eyes went hooded and unfocused. Her pussy squeezed me as she came.

“Fuck,” I groaned, low and rough. Mindlessly, I slammed into her over and over as I came, feeling like I was never going to stop.

Collapsing against the couch, I held her to me, not ready to break our connection. Silently, we caught our breath.

Harlow lifted her head, pushing her wild hair out of her face. Her creamy skin was flushed, her lips swollen.

Still surrounded by her, so drained I was probably dehydrated, I wanted her again. To feel her, to fuck her, to make her come.

But it was more than that.

“So, uhh,” she started, looking to the side before meeting my eyes again. “Can we do that again soon?”

Letting my head fall back, I laughed as I pulled her mouth to mine.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she whispered against my lips.

“Take it as a fuck yes,” I whispered back.







When I walked into my house the next day, still sore, all I wanted to do was sleep for a month.

Kase was right; his plans had taken the whole night.

Mine took the morning, making me late for class.

After school, I caught the bus to my car and headed home, intent on grabbing a quick nap.

Heading for the stairs, I heard loud laughter coming from the office. I tiptoed to avoid being heard.

“Harlow,” David called out, exiting the room with an empty glass in his hand. “Come say hi.”

I’m the worst ninja ever.

Dropping my bag, I pasted on a fake smile. “Sure.”

When my mom had started dating David, I’d hated him. While my dad was fair skinned with red hair, David was tanner with dark features. Dad was quiet and soft-spoken, David was friendly and boisterous.

David was David, and no one was Dad.

Once my mom started getting sicker, though, my feelings changed a little. I saw how David took care of her, how he loved her. It was different than how my dad had, but it was still there.

He also loved Hadley and me, always bragging about us in a sincere way. There was never any condescendence or trying too hard.

Even with all that, I didn’t like him.

“Some of you already know her, but this is my daughter, Harlow,” David introduced me to the room, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

There were nine men, not including David, but only three of them were around his age. The rest were probably in their late twenties, which made sense. David’s investing firm specialized in the tech field. More specifically, they looked for new and innovative office gadgets and software to invest in.

It was a surprisingly cool job that took him, and occasionally us, on trips and fundraisers.

I waved in response to their greetings, keeping my forced smile in place as I ignored the way some of them were looking at me.

Mixed in with the tech nerds and the business men was one guy that was unabashedly staring, making me feel like I was on stage at Wicked. While good looking, there was a cocky vibe to him.

And not Kase’s endearing kind, either.

I hoped for the techies’ sake that he was on their side, there to help them get the best deal.

“Lots of homework?” David asked.

I shook my head. “I’m gonna catch a nap before I go to the station this afternoon.”

David grinned proudly, squeezing my shoulder. “She’s senior intern over at news nine. Always working so hard.”

“Oh, that’s what I watch,” one of the older men said. “Isn’t Deborah just the sweetest?”

As long as you’re comparing her to Satan…

Nope, even then, she has him beat.

Biting my tongue, I nodded.

David lowered his voice as we walked to the door. “Before you go, have you seen…” Pausing, he shook his head and smiled. “Never mind, I’ll find it. Your mom and Abbey went shopping. I’m going to wrap things up here and leave to get Hadley, so you’ve got the afternoon to rest.”

“Thanks,” I said, feeling guilty about my attitude.

With another wave and forced smile, I headed up to my room.

Grabbing my phone from my bag, I saw text.

I kicked off my shoes and flopped onto the bed.

Kase: Need a ride to your car?

Me: I’m good, I took the bus to get it.

Kase: No more bus. Too many crazies.

Me: Well, yeah, when I was on it. But then I got off, and now they’re under crazy capacity again.

Kase: You’re seriously fuckin’ cute.

My chest warmed.

Me: Thanks. I’d compliment you too, but I don’t want your inflated head to get in the way of your work.

Kase: Probably a wise decision. Where are you?

Me: In bed, about to snooze away the afternoon. What’s up?

Kase: My dick now that I’m picturing you in bed.

Reading his text, I fumbled my phone and almost dropped it on my face.

Me: I’m fully clothed, if that helps.

Kase: No, still fuckin’ sexy. Always.

Clutching my phone to me, I grinned and laughed, letting my happiness sink in.

Me: Not always. I once dressed like Gandalf for a midnight premiere.

Kase: Fuck. Now I’m gonna have Lord of the Rings wood.

Me: It was actually for The Hobbit.

Kase: Get some rest, ipo. I’ll pick you up after the station. Pack a bag.

Me: Okay.

Before I dropped my phone on my face, I put it next to me and rolled over onto my side.

I was asleep before I could even undress.