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Betrayed & Seduced (House of the Cat Book 6) by Shelley Munro (8)


“Chobe, we’re entering Viros airspace. They wish to know our purpose since we didn’t acquire a pre-arrival permit.”

Chobe Lav straightened from his sprawl and scowled at his business partner Hanoid. His mind worked busily as he determined and discarded excuses. “Tell them our ship has developed mechanical problems. The engine is overheating, and I don’t wish to place my wife in danger by risking a flight to our intended destination of Dalcon.”

“And if they still ask questions?”

“Tell them I’d also intended to meet with my sister.” He wasn’t sure what Jazen was doing, but it appeared she was on the trail of a claim. Perhaps a benefit for him. “Don’t offer this information unless the first excuse fails.”

Hanoid rushed back to the bridge while Chobe flicked through the bond notices. He had an excellent memory, and although warrant-taking was no longer his chief profession, he still dabbled. He’d told his self-righteous sister he imported and sold luxury goods when he wasn’t pursuing bounties. The truth. He grinned because she wouldn’t approve of the details.

These days he ran his own gang with his partner-in-crime Hanoid. He invested and sold in the valuable slave trade, and it made them rich men. A wealthy man had expenses, which was why he wanted Jazen’s entire savings, not the crumbs she’d sent him. He intended to take over the territory of a rival gang, and for that, he required mercenaries and weapons. While the initial expenses were immense, the sweet reward beckoned and drove him onward toward their goal.

Soon, no one would dare call him a nothing or a nobody again.

* * * * *

Happier after his discussion with Mogens, Nanu strode back into the castle, intent on getting back to Jazen. He grinned. He’d never raced to a woman with this eagerness. Normally, it was the morning after and he ran in the other direction. Him and Kaya both.

“Nanu!” Kaya hailed him before he hung a left into the corridor leading to his chamber. “Wait!”

The serious tone in her voice had him slowing his steps instead of blowing her off. He grinned again, amused by the Earth expression. One day, perhaps, he might take Jazen there and show her the stunning and majestic blue planet. Of course, this might place Amme and Marcus in danger, so maybe not.

“Spaceport security contacted Ry. Jazen’s brother has arrived.”

Nanu stilled. “Her brother?”

“Chobe Lav.”

Anxiety blasted Nanu. If Jazen attempted to leave now, he wasn’t sure he’d control his inner beast. If they’d locked and mated properly, he’d not have a problem, but with the ties only on his side, he hated to risk her leaving. He shoved aside the insidious, viperous whispers about never locking and completing the mating.

“Is he asking for Jazen?”

“No, and that’s the weird thing. At first, he told us he had engine trouble and wanted to stay to repair his ship rather than risk his wife in deep space. Then, he said he’d come to visit his sister.”

“Why didn’t he say that first?”

Kaya bobbed her head, her blue hair swinging and catching on her pointed ear. “My sentiments exactly. Ry said it might be innocent, but we’ve decided not to mention Jazen and wait for his next move.”

“You’ll keep me appraised? I can leave my chamber for short periods of time.”

“Won’t Jazen notice your absences?”

“She goes to sleep after each round of sex. I tire her out.” He met Kaya’s gaze with smugness.

“Huh,” Kaya said. “Are you sure you’re doing the right thing? Tell her if she hurts you, I will beat her arse. A promise, not a threat.”

Nanu gave Kaya a quick hug, buoyed by her show of support even though the stakes had raised with the brother’s arrival.

“Is Ellard having him investigated?”

“He is,” Kaya confirmed. “Ellard told us to give you a message. You need to pump Jazen for information about her brother. The more information we have, the easier it will be to check into this Chobe Lav’s past.”

“I believe he is a warrant-taker too.”

“We’ll check,” Kaya said. “You haven’t made life easy for yourself.”

Nanu shrugged with nonchalance, but his hair tendrils writhed and hissed.

“Whoa.” Kaya eyed his hair with suspicion. “That’s new.”

Nanu struck a pose, one hand on his hip. “Another weapon in my arsenal, or at least the tendrils will be once I’ve mated. At present, my control over them isn’t great.”

Kaya winked at him. “Better get on with the mating then. I need my friend back. I’ll tell Ry you’ll try to learn more about the brother. See you later.” She jogged away and disappeared around the bend in the corridor.

Nanu sucked in a breath and strode back to his chamber. Nothing like a little pressure.


Jazen woke alone on the gel-pad. She sat upright and stretched her hands above her head. She hadn’t slept so well for cycles and her muscles flowed with ease—limber and loose after her vigorous exercise. Her belly let out a rumble, and she rifled through the basket for more of the delicious pie.

“Nanu?” Chewing, she scanned the gattoc. She rose and wandered to the doorway of the tent structure. “Ah, you’re there.”

“Stretching my legs.” Nanu lifted his arms above his head, flexing his muscles. “Did you have a good sleep?”

Jazen blushed, the reaction so out of character, she averted her gaze to stare at her bare feet He wore trews and she remained naked.

“Why do you have clothes?”

“The biting insects are ferocious during the evening. I didn’t wish to volunteer my flesh.”

Her stomach gurgled again, loudly enough for Nanu to hear.

“You’re hungry. I am too. I’ll prepare a meal for us. If you wish to bathe, there is a waterfall and a warm hot spring to the right of my gattoc. It’s why I placed my gattoc here. Take your robe with you because of the insects.”

A robe. Jazen rubbed her arm as she spied the two green robes sitting near the gel-pad. She hadn’t noticed them earlier, because Nanu drew her attention.

“Or wait until after we eat and we can visit the pool together.”

She reached for a robe, looking forward to the excursion. Nanu interested her, fascinated her more than any man of her acquaintance. He discussed a variety of topics and listened to her opinions. He hadn’t denigrated her dreams of opening a pie shop. The one time she’d spoken of it to Chobe, he’d acted as if she were short of brainbox filling. In other words, an idiot for having such a vision for her future.

“That sounds nice.” Nice? What was Nanu doing to her? She was a skilled warrant-taker and feared by those attempting to flee. She shook her head, trying to nudge good sense into prominence.

“I have an idea,” Nanu said. “We’ll have a picnic by the pool.”

“What is a picnic? And what about the insects?”

“I have a special lotion that will make our flesh less attractive to the bugs. The food is packed already. Lie facedown on the gel-bed, and I’ll rub it on for you.” He pulled a small bottle from the basket.

“I can do it.”

“Why when it would give me such pleasure to do it for you?”

She stared at him and saw nothing but a warm glow and friendliness. She shrugged and retreated to the gel-pad.

Nanu followed her and sat on the corner of the gel-pad to remove his boots. His tunic came next then he stood to remove his trews.

She blinked at him and her chest-muscle raced, pushing lifeforce through her veins. “Why are you taking off your clothes?”

“Because I hoped you’d return the favor.”

“Oh.” Her gaze roved his muscled chest and darted down to his groin. His ridged shaft thrust outward. “I’d enjoy that.”

He chuckled and gestured her to roll onto her stomach.

She obeyed, part of her puzzled at her willingness to follow his instructions. She should try to escape. But instead of taking advantage of his absence, she’d sought food. And now…now her belly hollowed and the place between her legs tingled, eager for his possession. Another rarity for her. In the past she’d stayed for one round of lusty sex and gone on her way to pursue her target.

Twice and hungering for more was most unlike her normal behavior.

The top of the bottle clicked as Nanu opened it and secs later, a dollop of lotion struck the middle of her back.

“Oh! That’s cold.”

He tapped her backside hard enough for it to sting. “Don’t be a baby.”

Jazen stilled, shocked and confused by the rush of sexual heat that accompanied the slap. She bit back a groan and closed her eyes. Had Nanu drugged her food or drink? No, he’d consumed the same food as her without hesitation.

His hands settled on her back, and he spread the lotion over her flesh.

“Don’t stare at my spines.”

“I’m not,” he said. “Although I’ve noticed if I touch them, you cry out with pleasure.”

“I do not.”

“Is that a dare?”

She groaned as she heard the smile in his voice. “No, it’s not a dare.”

“Don’t tense up, Jazen. I want you relaxed and happy.”

Any more relaxed and she’d be comatose and incapable of doing a thing, let alone attempting an escape.

“Nothing to say,” he teased.


His laughter warmed her through, and she relaxed under his stroking hands. His fingers pressed and rubbed and smoothed. They drifted closer to her back spines, and she shivered, unable to summon the desire to tell him to stop. He poured another dollop of lotion on her lower back and feathered teasing strokes over her buttocks and her upper thighs.

“Your skin changes color at my touch.”

“I believe my mother has a little of the Morph race in her bloodlines. She used to change her appearance. My skin changes color at times, but I have little control over the transformation. My brother inherited my mother’s skill. He’s even better at changing his appearance than my mother. It makes him an excellent warrant-taker.

Nanu’s hands stilled for an instant, and she wished she hadn’t spoken or shared this part of her background. A mistake.

But then his hands shifted into motion again, rubbing the delicate floral lotion down the backs of her legs all the way to her feet.

“Your toes are webbed.”

“Yes.” She sighed. “My brother doesn’t have this so I presume it came from my father. Another feature that does nothing to aid me in my daily life.”

Nanu tapped her buttocks to get her attention. “You have feet that hold you upright. Toes that grip and aid your balance. Don’t complain, woman. Your body is functional, and that is all any of us needs to live. I’m done. Roll over so I can do your front.”

“I can do that myself.”

“And deprive me of the treat? Woman, please gift me this boon.”

“You talk weird sometimes.”

“A product of my travels,” he admitted. “I pick up speech and other habits during my visits. Some I discard while others I keep. I learn and add to my data at each destination.”

Jazen pictured her brother who mocked the way she did things and her quest to learn more about pies from every kitchen in every city and town they visited while they’d worked together. He’d belittled her, told her she was wasting her time. Nanu didn’t do that. He was an original and treated her as a gift. The man made certain she gained pleasure from their joining. He talked to her and listened. Best of all, he offered encouragement and didn’t treat her dream as a joke.

She…she enjoyed his company. A lot.


She rolled onto her back, her mind in turmoil. She liked him even though he was holding her against her will.

But you intended to imprison him and collect the bounty on his head.

Confused, she took the coward’s way and closed her eyes.

Nanu hummed and tipped lotion on her stomach. He spread the unguent over her breasts, her shoulders and hips. His touch didn’t creep into sexual, yet every muscle in her body sang with pleasure.

“My turn,” he said.

She jolted from her dreamy relaxation and fumbled with the bottle as he handed it to her. Luckily, the lid kept the contents from spilling onto the gel-pad.

Nanu nudged her out of the way and reclined, his amber eyes sparkling in anticipation, “I can’t wait to have your hands on me.”

His words confirmed his open appreciation of her, and his cock appeared erect now, the dips and ridges lining his shaft diverting her attention.

“I doubt whether any insect would bite me there. They wouldn’t draw lifeforce given the ridges.”

But she wanted to explore him as he’d investigated her body. Jazen set the lotion aside and straddled his hips. She reached for his shaft and ran her fingers along his length. He froze, his attention on her hand.

Jazen continued her exploration. She ran her forefinger along the edge of one ridge, her touch tentative at first. Nanu groaned on her second pass, and she jerked her hand away, fearful she’d hurt him.

“Please, Jazen. Please keep touching me.”

A bead of clear liquid formed on the head of his cock. Ah, not pain. Happier at the discovery, she continued her journey. She wiped away the liquid with a quick pass of her thumb and another drop of pre-liquid beaded in its place. Confidence radiated through her and along with it, bravery. She dipped her head and ran her tongue down the length of his shaft before licking away his pre-liquid. His salty flavor burst across her taste buds, followed by a chaser of the same sweet honey she enjoyed each time they kissed.

An urge to gather more of that addictive honey had her drawing his cap into her mouth and sucking.

Nanu gasped, his fingers weaving into her hair and holding her close. She tensed for a sec before she realized she could free herself without difficulty.


The pleading in his voice dispersed her momentary fear, the memories of back in the brothel the cycle before she and Chobe accepted Azarious’s offer to take them under his wing. Nanu wouldn’t hurt her. Every instinct told her this, besides, if he intended to abuse her he would’ve done it by now.

Without hesitation, she took Nanu’s cock into her mouth, licking and sucking until he released more honey. His hips lifted, driving him deeper. A gurgle of distress burst from her and he backed away, removing the choking sensation. He lifted his head, his concern clear.

“Sorry. That is so pleasing. It’s mind-stealing and delightful. I lost my good sense and acted without consideration.”

His immediate apology had her smiling, her panic retreating. No one could compare him to the lowlifes of her childhood.


“Try to keep still,” she murmured.

“You don’t have to do this. We can fuck instead.”

“We can do that later. Right now, I want to make you feel special.”

He sat up and cupped her face in his hands, a gentle smile curving his lips. She was coming to love that smile and returned it.

“I’ll take as much as you wish to give me,” he said, then he kissed her with that honey sweetness that made her so hot.

A flicker of her tongue gathered his sweet taste, and everything in her world righted again. She knew what she wanted in her immediate future.


The urge to please him and give back in the way he’d already given to her filled her with simmering need. Another strange thing when escape should fill her mind.

She gripped his cock and closed her mouth around the tip. When he remained still, his amber gaze trained on her, she relaxed enough to explore and learn his body and the touches he enjoyed most. She sucked and squeezed, stroked and slid her tongue over him until tension rode his strong body.

“Not going to last for much longer,” he whispered. “You don’t have to let me come in your mouth. Ride me, so I can watch your luscious breasts bounce.”

She paused, losing her rhythm, and lifted her head to stare at him. “You’re different from most men. They don’t care about me or what I want.”

He cupped her hip and caressed her upper thigh with his blunt fingers. Friction from his callused skin pushed signals of pleasure down her leg.

His smile held joy and excitement tinged with masculine heat and lust. “Then aren’t you lucky you’re with me? Ride me.”

She clambered into place and guided his shaft to her entrance. This was better than facing her fears and continuing extra close contact with the one-eyed snake. Later, once she became more confident with Nanu she could—

Aghast at her thoughts, she took him inside her, sinking down and savoring the stretch of her feminine flesh. The entire time she watched his expression, and once again, she saw nothing but pleasure and acceptance of her. He let her go at her own pace, his expression relaxed as if he was enjoying every sec of their joining.

His pleasure wasn’t translating to her, unfortunately.

The ridges of his cock pushed against her inner walls, yet her nub received not a shred of stimulation. It wasn’t the same with her in this position. Frustration grew as she strained for the same feel-good satisfaction she’d experienced earlier.

“What’s wrong?”

She lifted again and sank downward. “Nothing.”

He gripped her hips, firmly but not to the point of pain. “Don’t lie.”

“I…” She was lying, but stirring his temper rated as plain stupid. They were alone and although she trained to keep a working fitness, honesty made her admit he was bigger and stronger than her. He’d overpower her in a sec.

As if to prove her point, he lifted her off him with ease and tugged her down to lie beside him.

“Have I hurt you? Or forced you to do anything against your wishes? Have I threatened you?”

“N-not recently.”

He dipped his head, his manner curt. “Then why do you need to lie to me? My friends and I value honesty. If you’re in trouble, tell me and we’ll try to help you. If I’m upsetting you, inform me, and I’ll try to fix the problem.”

She stared at him. “You and your friends imprisoned me, then you whisked me away to your gattoc. And you wonder why I’m watching what I say or do. I’m in the middle of a forest with no idea where I am. Ugly monsters and dangerous natives might skulk behind the trees. I am uneasy. Are you going to do anything about that?”

“You wish to leave?”

“You’re keeping me prisoner.”

“You’re not bound or chained. I’ve fed you and made sure you’re safe. I’ve made love to you, and don’t tell me that was against your wishes, because it wasn’t.” Nanu held her gaze, and she was the first to break their connection.

“I don’t have my freedom.” How had they gone from making love to a disagreement so quickly?

“You intend to apprehend me and collect the bounty.”

Her gaze flew to his in consternation. “No. No, I believe you when you say you didn’t kill that woman.”

Nanu jumped to his feet and paced, offering her a flash of muscled buttocks before she glimpsed his erection, still glossy with her arousal juices. “How do I know you haven’t contacted the agency controlling the bounty process? Or called other warrant-takers to help you capture me? Your brother?”

“My brother? No, he is a businessman. He imports and trades goods. He hasn’t worked as a full-time warrant-taker for almost two rotations. Sometimes he does the occasional job, but he concentrates on his trading.”

“I see.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin, the rasp loud in the sudden silence. Even the birds outside paused their chirping. “Why have you changed your mind? Surely the loss of bounty will pose a problem for you?”

“I-I like you.” She bit her lip as the blurted words echoed inside the gattoc. “It’s true. You’re different from other men. I look at you… I see you and all I want to do is steal a kiss. I’m not thinking about the bounty.”

A broad grin broke across his stern features, his amber eyes shining with pleasure again. Jazen stared, longing to touch him again and to put the accusations behind them.

“You want me.” He prowled closer, reminding her of a jungle beast stalking prey.

“N-no. Maybe. Okay, yes. Why wouldn’t I want to repeat the pleasure of joining with you again?”

“There is no reason we can’t enjoy ourselves together,” he said. “Let’s strike a deal. You spend three more cycles here with me, and if you still wish to leave after that, I’ll release you.”

“Am I meant to accept your word?”

Nanu cocked his head, his humor absent now. “I only have your pledge you won’t try to capture me for the bounty. If you take me to Indra or one of the prison planets, I’m as good as dead once the leader of the corporation gets his hands on me.”

Jazen grimaced, accepting this truth even though she didn’t like it.


Nanu swallowed, hardly believing the promise he’d made to Jazen even as his inner beast roared at losing her. Three cycles to get this mating to take and secure her full loyalty. No pressure or anything.

His promise might cost him everything.

He sucked in a breath and let it ease out, trying to control his wayward emotions, most fueled by his beast. His muscles pulsed even though he remained still, and his hair tendrils swayed around his head, letting out soft hisses instead of the humming that denoted pleasure.

“You’re staring at me.”

“I am,” he agreed. “Because I enjoy looking at you. Your feminine grace and inner strength. Your lithe body.”

As he complimented her, a soft blush suffused her cheeks. Charming. While initially she’d come across a take-no-prisoners woman, he was learning of her layers and seeing the scars she hid, those garnered from her childhood.

“Let me show you.” Nanu doubled back to the gel-pad and dropped beside her, all the while attempting to mute his rising panic. His beast wanted her, and if the mating had gone to plan, he would’ve locked inside her. Once that happened, his teeth would drop, and he’d take her lifeforce, cementing them together for as long as they both lived.

It had worked for his grandsire.

It had worked for his father.

So why the frig wasn’t the locking process working for him when his beast insisted Jazen was his other half?

Despite his mental turmoil, Nanu took her in his arms. The sec their bodies touched, their limbs shifting into a comfortable embrace, his inner beast ceased its whiny complaints. His hair tendrils launched into their tuneful hum, stroking her face and making Jazen giggle.

He nuzzled her mouth, enticing her to open to him. His two quick pecks on her lips brought a gurgle of amusement, and the lighthearted sound relaxed him further. His teeth dropped a fraction, filling his mouth with the honey-sweet taste indicative of their race.

Three cycles.

He’d do his best and try not to worry about the future and the trouble that stalked him with a predator’s determination.

Nanu kissed Jazen, his tongue stroking hers as he gloried in the personal contact with the woman he wanted to claim and desired above anyone else.




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