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Big Catch (Dossier series) by Cathryn Fox (4)

Chapter Four


As my body and brain come back to earth, I look to the left then to the right to take in the warm bodies brushing against me as they snore softly. I stretch, every muscle from the top of my head to the tips of my toes reminding me of the incredible night with Tyler, and the mind-blowing morning with him and Bray. I’ve always lived life by the straight and narrow, but with these guys, I was anything but. Heck, I was twisted and turned, and put into back-bending positions that gave me pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

I shake my head, incredulous at this turn of events and the way these two men were able to put me at ease. Seriously, though, I can’t freaking believe I just slept with two men—two men who’ve obviously shared women before, judging by the comfort they have with each other and how naturally they fell in time together.

Honest to God, if that’s not epic, I have no idea what is. As I look at the two men, it’s no wonder I made the mistake of thinking Tyler was Braydon. They have the same haircut, mannerisms, and identical, athletic frames. But when the sunshine had slanted across the wall during our play, I could see that Tyler’s eyes were dark chocolate while Braydon’s were ocean blue.

Am I upset for going into the wrong room? Honestly, I can’t say that I am, even though this is so not like me. I should be embarrassed on some level, but I’m not. What would the girls back home think—that I’m a dirty girl, or one hell of a lucky one? I’m going with the latter, and if I have it my way, I’ll go with the latter for my entire two-week vacation, providing these men want me again. That thought gives me pause, and a moment of self-doubt.

Most guys see me as a white coat and stethoscope, not a woman—probably because I’m married to my job. Although, I must say I’m tired of the bureaucracy crap at work—management wanting us to move patients through like a Starbucks drive-through. And then there are my folks, who guided me toward a medical degree because my father is a surgeon, my older brother Jacob a specialist with a private practice in Manhattan, and my mother a hospital administrator with a plush corner office. They can’t accept that I want to be in the emergency room trenches.

When are you going to do something more with your life?

Oh, but I just did.

I grin as I glance at my two guys.

My two guys?

Well, today they are, anyway.

What will happen when they awake? Will there be awkwardness between us? Will they want to do this again, or was I just their catch of the day, so to speak? The truth is the men I have been with rarely stayed around long, leading me to believe they see me as a hit it and quit it kind of girl. Nervousness trickles through my veins, and my heart beats a bit faster. Should I leave now before they awake? As I mull that over, I fidget and toy with the bedsheets.

“What is going through that pretty head of yours?” Braydon asks, and I nearly jump six feet in the air at the sound of his voice. “Hey,” he says, a new tenderness in his tone as he goes up on one elbow and brushes my hair from my face. His hands are so soft and caring that my throat tightens. No one has ever touched me with such care, but Bray and Ty…well, it’s a little insane what their worshipping touch does to me. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is an affair, and I should not be letting myself feel or think there is more going on here. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

My racing heart slows. “I’m always jumpy.”

“Last night and this morning didn’t help?” he asks. At first, I think he’s teasing me, but I don’t see a trace of humor on his handsome face. And why is there such concern in his eyes if this is just about sex? Dammit, there I go overthinking everything again.

This is sex, Alyssa. Don’t lose your way and think it’s more.

“It helped. A lot,” I say, my entire body buzzing to life as he continues to touch me.

“Good.” He runs his knuckles along my chin and down my arm. As my body responds physically to his touch, I try to remain detached, a difficult task considering the attentive way he’s gazing at me and showing such concern.

“You have the most beautiful body,” he says.

“So do you.” I slide my hand across the mattress and touch the hot male still asleep—needing the connection with him, too “So does Ty.”

My nipples tighten painfully, and I can’t believe there isn’t an ounce of awkwardness between us. How can I be so comfortable with this man and his friend? “You need to find a way to relax, Alyssa. Shut that brain off for a while, and don’t think, just feel.”

“You’re right. I overthink everything.”

“Believe me, I know where you’re coming from,” he says, and I nod in total understanding. After all, I was the attending physician that day he was rushed to the hospital. “Tell you what—while you’re here, how about no thinking. Just having fun.”

“Fun is good.”

A grin full of sensual promise spreads across his handsome face. “Tyler and I will be happy to help with that.”

“Happy to help with what?” a sleepy Tyler asks from beside me.

“To show Alyssa how to relax and have some fun. Show her what she’s been missing out on.” Blue eyes full of gentle concern move over my face. Jeez, when he looks at me like that, it makes my heart trip up. Careful girl, don’t go and do something stupid like fall for one of these guys.

Lord, that’s two times in as many minutes that I’ve had to lecture myself. I could be in real trouble. “Let us take care of you while you’re here.”

“And wouldn’t you know it.” Tyler throws his sheets off to expose his erection, a huge grin on his face. I love his playfulness, and get that he’s the joker of the two. “I’m totally equipped to help with that.” He shimmies closer until his erection is pressing against me.

“Oh,” I say, my body warming all over again.

Tyler laughs, and in a move I’m growing familiar with, pushes his mussed hair from his forehead. “Oh? That’s all I get?” he asks.

Braydon and I laugh with him. “That’s all you get,” Braydon says, a crooked smile softening his features. “Time to nourish the sweet doctor.” Braydon looks past my shoulder and zeroes in on Ty. “It’s Becca’s day off and your turn to cook.”

“I’m on it,” Tyler says and kicks the blankets to his feet. I stare at his gorgeous body as he rises and moves about the room without a hint of modesty. He tugs on a pair of jeans and foregoes the shirt.

I let my gaze roam over him, appreciating him like he’s a fine piece of art, and with his body and finely tuned muscles, he’s so much better than any sculpture I’ve ever seen. My fingers tingle as I take him in, and when he turns and catches me admiring his frame, he gives me a big smile and sinks to the bed beside me.

He touches my face softly, and my heart misses a beat. “What do you like for breakfast?”

“I…anything is fine.”

“How about pancakes?”


“Try not to burn them this time,” Braydon says.

“Don’t listen to him.” Tyler shoots me a cocky grin. “He’s just jealous because I can do everything better than he can.”

“Fuck off,” Braydon shoots back.

Loving the teasing camaraderie between these two, I poke Tyler’s chest and say, “I wouldn’t say you’re better at everything.” Braydon laughs, and when Tyler feigns hurt, I add, “I’d say you’re equally as good.” It’s true—they were completely on par in the bedroom, and both had given me the best, hottest sex of my life.

“Okay, I’ll take it,” Tyler says, and catching me by surprise, kisses me deeply. “You’re incredible, Alyssa,” he says, his voice so goddamn soft and tender, my heart trips up.

When he jumps from the bed and leaves, I turn and catch the way Braydon is watching me, those blue eyes of his moving over my face like he can see deep into my soul.

“So, it was me you wanted to fuck last night, huh?” I look down as a wave of embarrassment moves through me. He slides a finger under my chin and nudges it up until my eyes are locked on his. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. Not with me, or Ty. Here on this island, you can let go, be whoever you want, and do whatever you want. I love that you own your sexuality, and you should never be ashamed of your needs.”

I nod, and as I let his words sink in, I say, “I was waiting for you to put the fire out last night. I watched you, or rather Tyler, slip into this room.” I stare into his eyes. What is it about this man—these men—that makes me feel so at ease that I’m able to tell them anything? Must be their laid back, easy going vibe. Moving here was obviously the best thing for them. Going for full disclosure, I add, “I wanted to go out with you last year when you asked. I was just so busy.”

“I thought you weren’t interested.”

“I was. My job, you know. It eats up all my time. Plus, you were my patient.”

“I’m not anymore,” he says with a grin.

“I know.”

His smile fades. “If you don’t like something, you should change it.”

“That’s just it. I do like what I do. Just pressures from administration, family.”

“Ah, I know all about pressure from the job.”

I think about his trip to the ER. “Yeah, I know you do.”

“What about your family?” he asks.

I let loose a sigh, not wanting to ruin the moment by digging into that can of worms. “Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure, how about we discuss how much you wanted me,” he says, and I sense that he’s trying to lighten my mood.

“Want, not wanted,” I tease in return.

“And Ty?”

“Want,” I say again. He grins. “Can I tell you something?”

He brushes his hand over my chin. “Anything.”

“I think I might have been sent here to your villa on purpose.”

His brow pulls together. “Really?” He looks down like he’s deep in thought. “Does it have something to do with that pact you didn’t want to talk about?”

“Yeah. You see, my friends and I all put our names in a hat on New Year’s Eve two years ago. We drew, keeping it a secret, and on the month of our twenty-fifth birthday, we receive a dossier with all the things needed for an epic adventure.”

“Explain ‘epic.’”

Leave it to Braydon to pick up on that. The guy is astute, that much is for sure.

“Sex,” I say. “We’re not supposed to come home until we’ve have epic sex.”

He gives a low slow whistle, his head going from side to side. “Talk about pressure.”

I run the bedding through my fingers. “Yeah, I know. I never even thought I—”

He cuts me off. “Not for you, sweetness. For Ty and me.”

I laugh, loving how he calls me sweetness and Ty calls me sweet thing. “Ah, I think we’ve already achieved epic, Bray.”

He frowns. “When is your birthday?”

“Tomorrow, actually.”

His head comes back with a start. “Yeah?”

I nod. “Yup.”

He goes quiet again, and I poke his chest. “What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” I ask, shooting his words back at him.

“You’ll see,” he says, a wicked, mischievous grin on his face.

“Um, should I be scared?”

The blue of his eyes deepens. “Never of me,” he says quietly, and my heart misses a beat. “Or Tyler.”

“Okay,” I say. While I might not have known the men long, this morning’s shared intimacies, and the way they both took such great care with my body, created a trusting bond between us. And that’s a bit terrifying for me because it’s going to make walking away a whole lot harder.

“Come on. Let’s get a shower then head down to eat. Tyler should have the pancakes done by then.”

He captures my hand and leads me to the shower. We both climb in like being naked under the hot spray together is something we do all the time, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. It might not be, but it’s damn nice, and I plan to enjoy every second of it. Broken heart be damned.

Bray positions me under the spray and grabs the soap. He lathers his hands and places them on my body. “Sore?” he asked.

“Yeah, a bit.”

He cringes. “Were we too rough?”

“Nope. It was perfect, Bray.” My heart thuds, the closeness, the connection I feel to him in such a short time, a little hard to comprehend. Bewildering or not, it’s still there, tugging at me. Lacking any sort of inhibition, I go up on my toes and place a soft kiss on his mouth. His breath seems to stall as his eyes meet mine.

“What was that for?” he asks softly as he spins me around, securing my back to his stomach as one soapy hands goes to my stomach.


“Never mind,” he says, his other hand going to my shoulder to pull my hair back. He presses his mouth to the sensitive spot on my neck. “You don’t need a reason to kiss me. Let’s make that a rule. Kissing whenever we want.”

“I like that rule.” His hands slide slower, and one glides between my legs. “How about touching when and where we like, too?”

The vision of Braydon and Ty touching me in public for all to see races through my mind. Why the hell does that idea excite me so much? I used to be straight-laced, but in only a few short hours I’ve gone and done a complete about-face. Damned if I don’t like it. But what on earth would my family think if they knew I was here sleeping with two guys? But it’s so sexy. So forbidden. I feel a moment of panic, and my body stiffens.

Stop letting them control your life.

“You’re overthinking again aren’t you, Aly?” he asks.

I nod then shake my head to clear it. “I know.”

“Let’s get your mind on something else.” His fingers part my sex, and he lightly strokes my clit. “Too sore for this?”

“No,” I whisper and let my head fall back on his shoulder. “Never.”

He strokes gently, petting me softly, a feathery light brush over my clit. My breathing changes as I give myself over to the sensations he’s arousing in me.

“So nice,” I murmur.

He bends and puts his mouth near my ear. “Good,” he whispers, his warm breath racing over the shell of my lobe and eliciting a shiver from deep within.

He gently slides a finger inside me, and I close my eyes against the flood of pleasure. From behind, his cock grows against my back, and I wiggle my ass, wanting to tease him.

“Go ahead. Poke the bear, Aly, and see what it gets you.”

I grin at the way I get to him. There’s a heady power in knowing I can arouse this strong man, bring him to his breaking point.

Bray adjusts my feet, widens them, and pushes another thick finger inside me.

“Oh, yes, just like that,” I say without thinking.

“This is how you like it?”

“Yes,” I moan.

“Good, because for the next two weeks, this is how you’re going to get it. Every day, all day, whenever we want, wherever we want.”

His fingers stroke deep, and my legs weaken. Bray slides an arm around my waist and practically holds me up as he drives his fingers in and out of me. I sway slightly and he holds me tighter.

“That’s it, Aly. Just feel.”

As he stirs desires deep inside me, I move against his hand, the hot spray running over my breasts and stimulating my nipples. My eyes slip shut as his fingers slide in and out of me, his movements slow, deliberate, taking me higher and higher. My breasts grow swollen, hot, and I exhale a raspy breath as pleasure pools between my legs.

“You have the sweetest pussy,” Bray says. “I can’t wait to get my mouth on it again.”

“Yes,” I hiss.

“You like that, too, Aly? My mouth on you again, eating at you until you come?”

Oh, God, his dirty words alone are enough to push me over the edge. I rock against his hand, reaching behind me to grip his head as I come all over his fingers.

“Fuck, yeah.” His hot breath rushes over my neck, and I clench twice as hard. When my body stops trembling, someone clears their throat and we both turn to see Ty there, rubbing his swollen cock through his jeans. “If you two or done, breakfast is ready. If not, push over. I want in.”

“We’re done,” Bray says, and I give him a look.


I steal a glance at his hard cock. “But I didn’t…you didn’t—”

“Don’t worry; you can make up to me later.” He grins at Ty. “Both of us.”

My body convulses as I visualize myself naked with them again, hands on their cocks, taking turns with them in my mouth. “Can’t wait,” I say, shocking myself with my boldness.

He gives me a little slap on the ass to set me into motion, and Ty holds a towel out for me when I exit the shower. He wraps me in it, and I snuggle in close as he guides me to the door.

“Let’s get you dressed.”

I nod as he handles me with kid gloves. God, these guys are both uber-alpha-males but so damn sweet to me. A girl could really get used to this kind of treatment.

“My key is in my coat,” I say, and when I glance at the white coat on the floor, Ty grins and picks it up.

“I’ll meet you two down there,” Bray says, giving Ty and me some more time alone. The bond of trust between these two men is something I’ve never seen before, and for the first time in…ever…I feel like I belong to something very special.

Tyler whisks me back to my room, and from the hall I hear voices in the downstairs living room. It’s late morning and everyone is already up and about. “Ty,” I whisper. “Do you think the whole villa heard us? Oh my God, I’d be mortified.”

“Why?” he asks, his shoulder shrugging easily. “What’s the big deal? We’re consenting adults doing what consenting adults do.”

“But most consenting adults only have one partner.”

He shrugs again, like he doesn’t have a care in the world, and I like that so much about him. His easy demeanor is contagious. “Maybe, maybe not. I don’t really know, and what other people do doesn’t concern me.” He brushes my hair, and drops a kiss onto my mouth. “What we do, though, does.”

I take a moment to mull that over. I’m not in New York, with my every move under the microscope of my boss or my parents. Here in Antigua, what I do is none of anyone’s business. These two men aren’t judging me. In fact, they’re encouraging me, and I’d be a fool to give a rat’s ass about what anyone else thinks.

“You’re right,” I say.

He winks at me. “Of course I’m right.” Ty opens my door and ushers me in. He pulls the towel away, and as I stand there naked, he gives a low whistle. “Jesus, I’m glad you came into my room last night.”

I laugh. “Me, too.”

One brow arches. “No regrets?”


He pulls me into his arms, and his eyes soften as they move over my face. “Bray and I never had a woman like you in our life before.”

“This is all new to me, too.”

He leans in and kisses me softly, taking his time to taste and savored me. As he kisses me breathless, desire sparks inside me. When he breaks the kiss, I touch his face, trace his lip—lips that brought me so much pleasure. My chest squeezes with need, and my body trembles. How is it these guys are still single?

He pinches my ass to set me into motion. “While I’d like to stay here with you for the rest of the day, Bray is waiting for us, and I don’t want your pancakes to get cold.”

With much reluctance, I step away, immediately missing his heat and touch, and root around inside my suitcase until I find my sundress. My itinerary for today is shopping in town then relaxing on the beach. Dress in hand, I turn to Ty, and suddenly I don’t want to go—not if he and Bray won’t be there. Cripes, I shouldn’t allow myself to get attached so quickly.

“What are you and Bray doing today?”

He gazes at me like he knows what’s going on inside my head. “Taking the guests to town for shopping,” he explains.

I smile, excitement welling up inside me as I grab my brush from my dresser and run it through my hair. “I can’t wait to meet the locals and pick up a few souvenirs,” I say, a new excitement building up inside me.


I turn at the seriousness I hear in his voice. Ty is always playful—Bray is the more serious of the two—so his tone takes me by surprise. He rakes a hand through his hair, a look of agony on his face. Something is wrong. My heart stills. Is he having second thoughts about carrying on with this affair? Was once enough for him?

His gaze travels the length of my still-naked body. “Uh, you really need to get dressed, or we’re never going to make it downstairs.”

My insides flutter, a bubble of happy laughter bursting from my throat as I hurry into my dress, mentally scolding myself for overthinking everything and always going straight for the worst. I make a move to tie my hair back, but he reaches out to stop me.

He takes my hands and puts them at my sides, then pushes my hair from my shoulders. “Just like this,” he says and drops the softest, sweetest kiss onto my mouth.

I stand there breathless for a second, as something warm and intimate passes between us. “Okay,” I finally manage to say, and wonder if this is a dangerous game I’m playing. Maybe I should put a stop to it now, before I get in too deep. But when Ty captures my hand and ushers me from my room, need overshadows logic, and I let him guide me, willing to follow him and his friend anywhere they want to take me.