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B.I.L.F.: A Brother In Law Romance by Dark Angel (97)


The sun hits my eyes and I wake up to a sight that's so fucking glorious that my cock gets hard immediately.

Natalie, my gorgeous stepsister, is lying in bed next to me. Naked.

Her blonde hair is splayed across the pillow and her face is peaceful in its slumber.

She's sleeping so soundly. No wonder. She must've been exhausted after the night that we had. I mean, I even slept like a fucking baby.

God, that was some sex, huh? I've never had anything like that. I don't know how it got to be so hot. I mean, she's my stepsister. That taboo vibe by itself carries enough to get my cock twitchy. But the sounds that were coming from her mouth, the filthy words, the faces she was making, God, it's enough to get me hard again.

I'm going to fuck her again.

I don't care who or what tries to stop me. Drake wants to get in my way; I'm going to mow that old man down. He's ancient at 35. I'll fucking cut him if he tries to keep me from this woman.

Thinking about Natalie pilots my body to pivot on its side so that I'm facing her. She's on her stomach, still sleeping soundly.

My hands reach over and graze the skin on her back. Her skin is so soft and smooth. My hand makes its way down to the rising swell of her ass. I rest my hand on her ass cheek.

God, Natalie's ass is so perfect. I can't get enough of it. I'm squeezing it now. Repeatedly. Taking greedy fucking handfuls.

What about this woman's ass turns me on so fucking much? It's like just by squeezing it I'm getting fucking horny. All I want to do is fucking growl and get on her. Mount her and take her like an animal. Snarl at anyone or anything that keeps me from defiling this beautiful, innocent looking woman who has sex like a whore.

You're probably not surprised if I tell you that I'm fucking hard as a brick right now. Precum is leaking from my cock and I mash my cock against Natalie's thigh.

She's still sleeping soundly but I can see a few of the signs that she's coming up from whatever dreamland she was in.

God, she's going to wake up to me, pawing at her like this? What the fuck am I doing?

Taking deep breaths so she doesn't wake up to a beast, I tame my actions.

Natalie opens her eyes and looks at me. She's a lot more awake than I would've expected.

"Don't stop on my account," she says, with a mischievous smile.

Has she been awake?

"I'm so fucking wet, Sloane," she says with a pout. "You make me so horny. Even after you fucked me so hard last night."

God, this woman has the mouth of a fucking sailor when she wants. It fucking turns me on that she's so sweet out in public but once the doors to the bedroom are closed she's as wanton and dirty minded as me.

"I'm not used to waking up next to something so fucking beautiful," I tell her.

What? Don't look at me like that. It's the fucking truth.

"You mean you're not used to waking up next to women, are you?" she asks me, turning to her side. "You usually send them on their way by now, huh?"

I look at Natalie for a long moment. She's sort of got me pegged.

But you know what the strange thing is, here?

I can't imagine sending Natalie away last night. I can't imagine after we both came doing anything but collapsing on the bed and having her cuddle up next to me.

I can't imagine not waking up next to her.

I can't imagine not lying next to her.

Holding her in my arms.

Looking her in the eyes.

Feeling her naked body press against mine.

Skin upon skin.

Flesh upon flesh.

Fuck. I just slept with her. That's fucking it. What the fuck is happening to me here?

This doesn't happen to Sloane Hardman. This isn't supposed to happen to someone like me.

"Why did we ever wait so long?" Natalie asks, scooting closer to me. I can feel the tip of my cock bush against her skin and electricity goes through me. "We could've been doing this so much earlier."

"I've wanted to fuck you for so long," I say to her, kissing her neck. My arms encircle her, and she's pulls closer to me.

"I wanted you ever since I met you with Mom," Natalie replies back. "You were so cocky, confident, and hot."

Hearing her say that makes my blood boil.

"I used to masturbate thinking about you cumming on my tits," she whispers into my ear. "Thinking about that long, hard, cock and how you'd use it to fuck me."

Fuck. Who put this mouth on this woman? If I don't fuck her soon, my dick is gonna fucking break in half.

I growl. It's deep and low in my fucking chest.

Natalie's eyes are lit with fire as well.

"I'm going to show you what I mean by fucking, babe," I say to her, nipping her on the neck. "It'll make you forget those sex toys you make ever existed."

She smiles at me. I can sense the wickedness behind her eyes. The licentiousness. She's nasty. She's dirty. And she's all mine.

"Once I get investments from you or Drake, then I'll make a sex toy and name it the Sloane," she whispers to me.


It's like she threw some cold water on me.

Back the fuck up.

"Drake?" I ask her. "I thought I was going to invest in your company?" I ask.

She looks at me. Curious.

"Did we talk about that?" she asks. "Did we finalize that it's just you?" she asks.

Well, no, we didn't.

"No," I reply to her and she looks at me. The lust is fogging my brain but I need to figure this out. "I just assumed that when she spent the night with me that..."

Natalie doesn't let me finish.

"You thought because I slept with you I made a decision as to which way to go for financing?" she asks me, arching her eyebrows and pulling back a bit. "That I was mixing business and pleasure."

"Drake told you not to come over to see me last night, Natalie," I tell her. "You disobeyed him. You came to see me. Because you wanted me."

"And I still do, Sloane," Natalie tells me and I'm about to make my point but she keeps going on. "But it doesn't mean that I've made my decision on capital financing because I liked spending time with your cock."

What exactly is this woman telling me?

Because if what I'm hearing is right, then I'm still back at square fucking one.

"Are you telling me that you still might accept investment in Dirty Lil' Angels from Drake Carlton?" I ask her, my voice rising slightly. "That you might still fuck that monster?"

Natalie is silent as she looks at me.

"My company financing is going to be done based on what's best for my company, Sloane," she tells me quietly. "Not what services my pussy the best."

I'm silent.

"And what I do with Drake right now, and who I fuck," she says, putting emphasis on the word 'fuck'. "Is none of your business if I don't want to tell you. Not when we just met."

"You can't fuck him," I tell her, my eyes steely.

"You don't own me, Sloane," she says to me.

She's pulled back. Other side of the bed. I'm still holding her, but we're not about to fuck like we were before.

"No one owns me," she says with finality.

And that's it. I can see it in her eyes.

When Drake told her she couldn't come see me, what did she do? She fucking came to see me.

If I press this too far with her, I'm just going to drive her back to him.

I need to play my cards right.

Because something is up with this girl. I never thought I'd get hung up on a girl, until I met this one.

And I can't let her slip away. Not just yet.

"Babe, I'll never tell you what you can or can't do," I tell Natalie. Her face, filled with steely resolve and independence, starts to unfreeze.

She looks at me as I run my hands over her back, running it up and down her spine.

It takes a few minutes, but her expression starts to soften.

"I will never try to own you," I tell her. She looks at me. "Unless we're fucking. Because then, that ass is fucking mine."

Two seconds. Then a smile.

How can you resist a face like mine in the morning?

You can't.

Five more seconds, and Natalie's gorgeous fucking body is pressed against mine. I never want to let go of her naked form as it entwines in mine.

As I fucking kiss her on the neck.

And begin to take her.

Fuck, I'll do anything this woman wants.

All she has to do is ask.