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Billionaire Bad Boys by Holly Hart (132)

Chapter One Hundred Forty-Eight


“What was I saying earlier about Tre?” I say in Sara’s ear.

He, Grace and Kelsey are dancing to The Safety Dance over by the pool tables, and it’s hilarious. For someone who was All-American in his college football days, Tre’s dance moves are like the physical manifestation of a Greek tragedy.

Luckily, the girls don’t seem to mind. And he’s had more drinks tonight than I’ve ever seen him have in a single night, so he’s feeling zero pain. It’s about time.

Sara smiles. “I have a feeling it’s going to be us looking after them tonight,” she says, raising her voice to be heard over the music.

“Please don’t tell me you have dibs on this one,” says a voice from behind Sara. We turn to see a new server carrying a tray of refills for us.

“Amber!” Sara beams. “How are you?”

Amber looks me over as she sets the drinks on the table. “Obviously not as good as you, girl. Who’s this?”

“Amber Hoffman, this is Chance Talbot. We knew each other back in Philly and now we’re – uh, sort of working together. For a while.”

She reaches a long-nailed hand toward me in greeting.

“Charmed, I’m sure,” she says. Her thick Chicago accent makes it come out chermed I’m sheeyer.

“Nice to meet you,” I say.

“So, are you two…” Amber asks, eyebrows raised.

I look at Sara. She glances away, but she’s got a smile on her face.

“Don’t you have people to serve?” she asks.

“I guess that’s my answer,” Amber says, giving Sara a peck on the cheek. “Way to go, honey.”

I’m about to tease Sara about where we stand with each other when Grace comes charging over and pulls her out of her chair.

“Come dance!” Grace hollers as the opening strains of Springsteen’s Dancing In The Dark blast out of the jukebox.

Sara seems relieved to get away from me. I can’t blame her. A moment later, Kelsey collapses into the chair Sara just left.

“Whooo,” she breathes. “That Grace has enough energy to light up Wrigley Field.”

I grin. “She was always a spitfire. So, Kelsey, where did you serve?”

Her eyebrows go up. “How did you know I was in the service?”

“I can tell by the way you move,” I say with a shrug. “Game recognizes game, you know?”

She smiles. “Impressive. I served with Ashley White in the Female Engagement Team in Afghanistan in 2011.”

“Whoa. Now that’s impressive. If it hadn’t been for your team, they probably wouldn’t have lifted the ban on women in combat in 2013.”

We toast each other. There’s an instant camaraderie among combat vets that transcends the spoken word.

“If you’re ever looking for a new career, call me,” I say. “Atlas needs good people.”

“And give up my career as Sara’s shrink?” she says with a laugh. “She talks about you a lot, you know.”

“She does?” I try to keep it out of my face, but inside my stomach does a backflip.

“Yeah,” she says. “So keep this in mind, Marine: Sara is my best friend. You hurt her and I’ll fucking kill you in your sleep. Copy that?”

“Sir, yessir,” I say with a nod. “I know better than to mess with one of Ashley White’s soldiers.”

She grins and sips at her wine. Our dance floor trio chooses that moment to show back up at the table and tear into the new round of drinks.

“How you doing, brother?” I ask Tre.

His eyes struggle to focus as he answers.

“I’m fucking great,” he slurs. “Showing these white folks how to dance.”

“You sure are,” I say, slapping him on the back.

Sara leans in close. “What were you and Kelsey talking about?”

“Just your old boyfriends,” I say.

Her face drops in horror.

“I’m kidding,” I chuckle. “It was military stuff.”

She punches my arm. “Don’t do that to me!”

“Why not?” I ask with a sinister glance. “Is there some deep, dark secret you don’t want me to find out?”

She looks a little off-balance for a moment before recovering.

“No,” she says. “How about you? Anything you’re hiding?”

Suddenly this isn’t funny anymore. I need to get out of this before I end up in a downward spiral that I can’t get out of.

“You’ve seen everything I’ve got to show,” I say with a leer.

She bites her bottom lip. It’s hands-down the single sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

“How about we have your driver take these three home?” she says in my ear. “You could come and see my place. It’s not far from here.”

Suddenly I can’t finish my drink soon enough.