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Blood Of A Rebel (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 9) by Glenna Maynard (19)

Chapter 19


“Goddamnit, motherfucker. Don’t you dare do this shit to me. Not now!” I beat on Grim’s chest. Fuck; he isn’t breathing.

I can hear Rebel barking orders for JT to get Carson. He’s a friend of the club and a damn good doctor. Lost his license, but he’s still damn good.

Pressing my mouth to Grim’s furry lips, I breathe into him and press against his chest. I don’t know what I am doing. It’s been a long Goddamned time since I’ve done CPR.

“Breathe Goddamnit. Breathe!”

I give him another full deep breath.

“Don’t give up on me you bastard.”

Doc Carson comes rushing into the room and pushes me aside.  He goes straight to work. JT stands at his side holding his kit.

Carson works on Grim soundlessly, only motioning for his bag. Pulling out a syringe he fills it with adrenaline. Next thing I know he stabs Grim’s sorry ass in the heart with it.

The dirty bastard's eyes fly open and he coughs.

“Easy,” Carson instructs him, and for once, the fucker listens.

He glances around the room, wearing confusion on his weary face. His lost expression is soon replaced by a new emotion. Anger. He’s angry.

What the fuck for?

His fist clenches. “Why didn’t you just let me die? I was ready. I was with her!” He roars and shoves Carson back on his ass.

Carson shoots me a look.

“Give me a minute with him. Alone.”

“I still want to check you out. You had a heart attack,” Carson tells him, pointedly.

Grim shakes his head. “Not a word to Foxie.”

Rebel and JT nod, leaving the room with Carson and pulling Colt…Cole, whatever his damn name is along with them. Kid sure as shit appears to be sober now.

“You alright, brother? Gave me quite the fucking scare.”

“Yeah, well, I coulda done without your sorry ass trying to make out with me.” He cracks a half-smile.

Shaking my head, I ask,” Whatta ye mean you were with her?”

“Gypsy Red, I was with her, I was holding her. She was so real to me. I didn’t want to leave her.”

“No shit?”

“Serious as a heart attack.” He grins, but it’s not a happy kinda smile.

“Shit. Damn.” I shake my head. “Got someone you need to see, but don’t think now’s the right time.”

“Now’s as good as any.”

I shrug, knowing he won’t have it any other way other than his own. Holding my hand out to his, I help him to his feet.

“Your stubborn ass needs to go to the hospital,” I tell him.

“Fuck off. Who’s here?”

I pat his back. “Our past and our future.”

His brows arch. “You getting all poetic or some shit?”

“Just don’t go and have another heart attack. Got a lot to tell you, brother.  A lot to tell you.”

Opening the door, I call out, “Bring him in.”

Rebel shoves his nephew forward, and for the first time since he was a baby, Grim is properly introduced to his grandson.


Lexington, Kentucky

“God, Bridgette…he’s amazing.” I beam at her as I float through our dorm room.

Bridgette is chewing her bottom lip between her teeth, looking at me pensively.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, knowing she has something on her mind.

She shakes her head. “Oh, nothing.” She waves her hand around and rolls her eyes. “Just thinking about how stupid I was over Coy when there is a guy like Rhyner out there. He’s sweet potato pie.” She sighs.

“So, you like Rhyner?” I try to wiggle my brows in a lame attempt. Failing miserably.

“Yes, I like him. More than I should. More than I want to. So, you and Cole…”

“I am only telling you because I love you. We went all the way.” I blush.

“Wow, all the way huh?” She teases.

“Stop it. I have news that trumps that though.”

“Oh, really? Like what?” She eyes me speculatively.

“I found out something. It’s life changing really.”

“About Cole??”

“Cole? No.” I shake my head. “My dad. I know his name. My real dad.”

“Holy shit, when did this happen? I mean…who…how…I am so happy for you. I know how important it is to you. Damn. Congrats.” She hugs me briefly.

“So, he’s a biker. Go figure.” I laugh and she joins me. “My first dad, Romeo. He came through for me. He found this.” I pull out the little black book he gave me. “It was my mom’s. It’s full of her dates and whatnot, but most importantly is a recurring name. One that stuck out to Romeo.”

“Well bitch, don’t keep me waiting.”

“Stone. His name is Joey Hendrick.”

“Shut up. You know who he is right?”

“Duh!” I smack her with the book.

“No, I mean that’s Cruiz’s dad. That guy who was awesome at basketball. I think he’s a few years older than us.”

I nod, knowing who she is talking about. I know all of Stone’s kids, I know their mother too.

“So, what are you going to do now that you know?”

I shrug. “Nothing. I’ll do nothing. I have enough siblings and I like his wife. I don’t know if he knows about me or not, but I am not gonna break up their happy life, I don’t want to ruin what they have built.”


“Totally. So, keep this information to yourself.”

“Okay. Shew.” Her belly growls. “I should’ve had you bring me food. I bet your old man took you somewhere good, didn’t he?”

“It was alright.”

She flops on her bed and opens her book with a sigh.

“Want me to go grab you something?”

“Oh my God, I would kiss you, if you do but not really.”

“Alright alright. I want a milkshake anyway. What do you want?”

Bridgette writes down her order and I grab my purse, digging my phone and some cash out.

“I’ll be back.”

“Hurry, I’m starved.”

“You work up an appetite did you.? Musta been all that romping in the sheets.” I giggle.

“Yeah, yeah. Get my food. A bitch has to eat.”

“I’m going. I’m going.” I flip her off and scurry out the door.

Downstairs in the main lobby, I bump into Tilley.

“So, did your date like the outfit?”

“I think so.”

“I want details.” She bumps her hip into mine.

“Yeah, later. I gotta go get Bridge her food before she starves to death.”

“I expect details.”

I smile with a brief wave.

As I am walking across campus a guy I don’t recognize approaches me. He seems harmless enough, wearing his Metallica t-shirt and faded jeans.  “Morgan, right?”

“Do I know you?”

“I’m in your science class.”

“Right.” I nod attempting to play it cool. I so don’t have a science class. “Professor Shinling’s class.”

“That’s the one.” He smiles and falls into step beside me.

My first instinct is to scream or run, but I don’t want to make an idiot of myself incase he’s just some random guy who thinks I am pretty or something. My gut is telling me that he’s not though. My gut is telling me to cut and run.

“Are you going to the game this weekend?”

“Not sure.”

“Maybe we could meet up and go together?” He smiles, wishful.

“What was your name?”


I stop walking and face him. “Danny, it was nice bumping into you, but I am late meeting my boyfriend,” I lie. “I don’t mean to be rude, but he’s the jealous type and if he sees us walking together he may get the wrong idea.”

“Yeah, sure, no problem.” He jogs off, and I rub my hands down my arms as a cold chill washes over me.

That was just strange. I shake my head and cross the street. There’s this great diner a few blocks over that has great food.

I make it to the diner and place a to go order for Bridgette, enjoying my milkshake while I wait for her food.

The diner is a real down home kinda place. Soft serve ice cream, hotdogs and chicken strip baskets are on the menu, reminding me of the Dairy Bar back home. It makes me smile. Maybe I will go home next weekend for girl’s night with Harley.

As much as I like Cole, my sister should come first and I don’t want her thinking she can’t count on me.

Pulling out my phone I give her a quick call.

“Hey, little bird. How’s my favorite little sister?”

“I’m your only little sister.” She giggles.

“I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry I didn’t make it home this weekend, but I promise you, next weekend, I’ll be home. We’ll watch anything you want, and I will get some of that washable pink hair dye you love.”


“Alright. Talk soon. Love you.”

“Love you, Morg.”

Bridgett’s order is ready. After shoving my phone in my pocket, I grab the takeout bag and leave. As I step onto the sidewalk and prepare to cross the street a white van screeches to a halt in front of me. The side door slides open. Danny jumps out and grabs me, taking me unaware. The shock of it all hits me as my milkshake falls to the ground along with Bridgette’s dinner.


My voice doesn’t find me until I am tossed in the back of the van and it is too late for my scream to save me.

“Sorry, Morgan.” He winks and pulls my wrists in front of me, securing me in handcuffs. “If you promise not to scream again, I won’t gag you.” He binds my ankles.

I nod. Fighting will not do me any good. I’m not going to get far in my current situation.  Too bad I can’t get in my pocket and use my phone to text my old man. Then this punk would let me go.

“I hope you know that when my father gets a hold of you, you’ll wish you had never been born.”

“And why is that?”

“So, you don’t know who my dad is?” Why else would someone grab me if not to start something with the Black Rebel Riders’ MC?

“I don’t give a shit who your old man is, I got orders.”

“Stop talking back there,” a deep voice growls from the front.

“Your funeral,” I mumble.

This Danny guy, if that is even his real name eyes me strangely and scoots close to my side. “Who is your dad?”

“You don’t care, remember? But I can guarantee you that you will soon enough.” I smirk and turn away from him.

My dad will grind him up and feed him to the fish in his pond.

I can’t help but wonder if this guy didn’t grab me in retaliation against my family, then why? What do they want with me? I’m no one special or important. My dad is only the Vice President of the MC, and keeps me far away from the politics.

I try sitting up to watch out the back window to see if we pass any important landmarks, but we are going too fast and I can’t see as much as I would like to. I look around the floorboard for something I can use as a weapon, coming up empty. The back of the van is spotless and smells like bleach, which in turn makes me panic. What the hell would go on in here that they need to scrub it with bleach?

I hope I’m not about to find out.

Eventually, the van rolls to a stop and doors open and close from the front of the vehicle. Finally, the sliding door slides open and Danny exits, dragging me to the door by my feet. With the help of another man, I am tossed over his shoulder. My head is at his ass and his hands are on my ass cheeks.

He feels my phone and pulls it out. Great. I should have known they would find it sooner or later.

He hands it to someone, and I can hear it crunch under the stomping of their boot.

Danny starts walking, and I hear a female say, “Oh good, you made it.”

“As you wished, not a hair on her head was touched,” Danny replies, dropping me with a thud onto a couch. He pulls me into a sitting position and leaves me alone with this chick I’ve never met before.

I look her over and she reminds of the lead singer of a gothic metal band. Blonde hair with black tips. Dark lipstick, racoon eyes.

“We are going to have the most fun, Morgan.” She claps her hands together with a smirk. “You and me are gonna be the best of friends.” She uncuffs my wrists.

“I have enough friends.”

She trails her finger along my jaw. “Silly girl. So innocent and unsure of the world. You have no idea. Cole can’t save you, ya know. Not that he’d try. Might as well fall in line. He belongs to me and now…so do you.”

My heart sinks hearing his name. This has nothing to do with my family and everything to do with my outlaw. “What are you talking about?”

“You didn’t think he was going to be with you, did you?” Her tone is incredulous as she continues to shatter my heart with her words. “Cole is my lover, among many things.”

Is she who he runs to when he isn’t with me? Could it be true. Cole isn’t who he says?  He said he loved me. I feel so dumb. I look around the room and I feel sick to my stomach. Is this the bad thing he was talking about? Me, bringing me here? Was this his plan all along? To seduce me and use me.

A knock sounds at the door and Danny returns, followed by a burly biker dude. Danny has the nerve to smile at me and wink. He hands this chick something. “Here’s your phone, sis.”

“That will be all, Danny.” She hints for him to leave.

As he is closing the door I read the back of his companion’s denim cut, Devils Rejects.

Oh hell, please, no. Cole is the enemy. I thought these bastards died out a long time ago?

Was I Cole’s target, a piece in the game of war?

The video she shoves in my face on display on the screen of her cell phone answers my questions, cementing his lies. Struggling to breathe let alone see through my rage, I jerk the phone from her hand and smash it in her face, hitting her with it as she laughs maniacally. This bitch is insane and she can have him.

“Just stop!” I scream at her and she continues to laugh.

“You really thought he loved you, damn girl. I’m sorry.” She shakes her head, while her hair slinks down her back in long waves.

I wish I had never looked twice at Cole Johnson. I wish I had never climbed on the back of his motorcycle. I wish I had never given myself so freely to him.

Cole grunts on the video, making a sound, I’ve come to know all too well. A sound I never want to hear again.

I wipe at the tear that trickles down my cheek. I hate him.

“Now what? You gonna call my old man and arrange for a payment or a trade?”

“Your old man?” She sneers.

“Not hardly. You’re to be a lesson to Cole.” She smiles. “Don’t try anything stupid. I have plans for you.” She exits the room and I immediately go to work on freeing my ankles.



I don’t know why I care. She’s nothing to me. However, there is something so innocent about her, something that says she is delicate and in need of my help…my protection. She reminds me of someone I knew once. I should just leave. Go back home. My sister called in a favor. I fulfilled my duty.  I need to get the hell away from here before she sucks me back into her shenanigans any further.

I love my sister, she’s crazy as hell, but at the end of the day I’d do anything for her. Including abduction, apparently. Just as I am trying to do just that—leave, Harper sinks her claws in my arm.

“I have something to do. Watch the girl. Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid,” my dear sister barks at me, snapping her fingers.

I throw my hands up. “Whoa. I did what you asked. I got her here. I’m done.”

“You’ll do what is asked of you. You enjoy that truck you drive and that apartment I foot the bill for, so do as you are told, Danny boy.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“You owe me. I kept you out of jail and provided you with a new life. You’ll do what I say. If I tell you to jump, you ask how fucking high!”

Wiping my hand over my head, I sigh.

“Good. Now that your tantrum is over…” She hands me a key to the door I presume.

“Yeah. Watch the girl. Got it.”

“Oh, and Danny.”


“Don’t touch her. She’s special.”

I can only nod as I wonder what in the hell I’ve gotten myself into this time.

Once she has gotten in her car, I go back to the holding room she has Morgan in.

I knock lightly and there is no reply, not that I expected one.

I unlock the door and let myself in.

I close the door, not wanting anyone to hear us. Harper has eyes and ears everywhere.

“Hey,” I say, whispering and she turns her head, not wanting to look at me, or not wanting me to witness her tears, maybe both. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I had to take you. It isn’t personal.” That gets a snort out of her.

She crosses her arms across her chest and huffs. I get it. I’d hate me too. I made one mistake and now my sister thinks she owns me, and I guess in a way she does. She kept my ass free and does support me while I go to school, but it isn’t like she is doing it for me. It’s all for her benefit.

She never does anything selflessly. She wasn’t always such a cold-hearted bitch, but life fucked us over and this is who she is now. I am biding my time, trying to make it through school, and earn my degree so I can get the hell away from here before I give in to the temptation and the lure of this life.

Money…women…it’s tempting, but somehow there is some good left in me. I only hope I can hang on before what little light I have left is snuffed out completely.

“Listen, I know your situation is fucked. You don’t like me. I get that, I do, but you are stuck here with me as your babysitter. It doesn’t have to be completely miserable.”

“Are you going to let me go?”


“Then we have nothing to talk about.”

She goes back to staring at the ceiling.

“We could watch TV,” I suggest. This chick doesn’t even flinch. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

“Do you ever shut up?”

“Not really.” I smile and I see a hint of a smile tugging at her plump lips. “What year are you?”

“Freshmen.” Her one worded response seems almost robotic. “I need the bathroom,” she says twisting in my direction.

“Yeah, sure, no problem, but no funny business.”

Morgan rolls her eyes and it makes me smile wider. Something about getting under her skin makes me…happy.