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Blood Stone by Tracy Cooper-Posey (7)


Chapter Seven


Garrett reread the Tweet again. @DoveAngel. Seconds at the ready. Swords or revolvers?

So, Roman would be there with her.

He put his phone back in his jacket pocket. The response had come in quickly, which meant Kate either had privileged access to Roman, or he had been right there with her as she sent the message.

Either possibility put Roman into the more-than-friends category, as she had agreed too easily and quickly to bring him to what she would consider to be a humiliating meeting.

“I’ll need an extra day in the city,” he told the four men assembled around the table with him. “Tom, see to the hotel arrangements and let Boston know, will you?”

MacDonald looked up from his laptop. “And September?”

“I’ll know by tomorrow. Go ahead and prepare the papers. We’ll see what happens.”

* * * * *


Roman’s smile faded as his dark eyes studied her. Kate could hear her own heartbeat in her chest, as total silence gripped the trailer.

“I mean, if you have no objections to being used as a sex object and etc.,” she tacked on, realizing that she should probably give him the option to protest.

Adrian walked toward the door, and for one nauseous moment she thought that she really had offended him so much, he was leaving. For the three seconds it took him to reach the door, her mind blanked out and something close to bewildered panic gripped her, as she tried to think of a way to undo whatever damage she had just done.

Then he gripped the handle, pushed and twisted it to make it lock. He turned back to face her and this time, the hot expression in his eyes was as easy to read as print. Easier.

Kate’s breath whooshed out of her in a heavy exhalation, and arousal replaced it. Time slowed down as he moved toward her and Kate realized that he intended to start now, right this minute. And she had no objections whatsoever. She was pulsing, vibrating with eagerness.

As his thighs pushed up against her knees, Kate lifted her chin expectantly. She had waited for this kiss. Savoured it in her mind. She had wondered what it might taste like.

His lips brushed up against hers. Hovered, as his hands settled around her waist. This close, his eyes seemed blacker than night.

Her heart was hurting, so hart was it beating.

She lifted her mouth up, to kiss him, but he drew back. Away from her. Just enough to avoid her lips.

“You wouldn’t kiss a real sex toy, would you?” he asked.

She wanted to protest that he wasn’t really a sex toy. But that was the bargain she had just struck, she realized with a small pang of doubt.

Before her doubt could solidify any further, Adrian lifted her off the desk and flipped her. It was done with what seemed like no effort on his part. One minute she was sitting with her butt on the edge of the desk. Then she was scooped and turned and her hands planted on top of her files and papers.

Adrian pressed up behind her, stealing her breath away. She could feel his cock, a rigid shaft, pressing against her ass. It stifled anything she might have said.

His thumbs hooked into the waistband of her jeans, by her hips. Kate pressed back into him, encouraging him. She looked back over her shoulder.

“Be careful what you invite,” he growled.

He tore her jeans from her in one long wrench, turning them inside out, and taking her panties with them. He pulled the hems over her shoes. “Keep them on,” he said. “You’ll need the height.”

The shoes were modest three inch Ferigamo pumps, her most comfortable pair. Blue, the same colour as her tee-shirt.

Adrian straightened up, drawing his hands up along her legs, over her hips, making her shudder. When he reached the waist of her tee-shirt his fingers snagged the cotton and kept rising, bringing the tee-shirt with them.

She caught her breath, dazed, as she realized he intended to strip her in two swift movements.

He picked up the band of her bra and drew the shirt and bra up over her head. They were tossed onto the cabinets, as his hand pressed on her back, pushing her back down to the desk.

Kate moaned, taking her weight on her hands once more. He had bent her over far enough that she was almost at a perfect ninety degrees.

His hands cupped and squeezed her ass cheeks, and she swallowed. Her pussy was weeping moisture. He would see how eager she was, how badly she needed this.

She heard the rattle of his belt buckle. The big square belt buckle. And her excitement leapt tenfold. She lifted herself to look over her shoulder. She wanted to see—

His hand pushed against her back, driving her back against the desktop. “Stay,” he ordered, his voice hoarse.

She felt the touch of his fingers against her cleft. Brief, teasing. Then the blunter probing of the tip of his cock. Another trembling, helpless moan escaped her.

Then, alarm touched her as she realized one major omission. “Condom, Adrian,” she cried. “Condom, condom!”

But his cock drove into her, sans protection, heavenly au natural, spreading her flesh with its width. He slammed into her, deep and hard, until he came to rest, his thighs pressed against hers, his pelvis against her ass. Denim sandwiched between them.

He was still fully dressed. She was utterly naked and spread for him to fuck.

It added to the wickedness, somehow.

“Oh christ,” she whispered. Adrian wasn’t just going to get under her skin. He was more trouble than she’d ever been in.

His hands were on her hips, his fingers digging in for purchase. He eased himself out of her and she felt her pussy grip around him. And she felt every inch of him slide from her. The hard length of him departed.

She was slick with juice and it made a wet sound as he withdrew.

“You haven’t been fucked properly in a good long while, have you?” he asked.

Greg Evershot had swung by last night. Ostensibly to drop off the numbered copy of the Murad screenplay, but they had ended up in her bed, with Greg’s head between her thighs, and later, his cock... That was the last thing she was going to tell Adrian right at this moment, though.

Adrian slid a finger inside her, alongside the tip of his cock, and stroked the walls of her pussy. They rippled at his touch, making her groan. “I’m not talking about your toy boys, Kate. I mean, when were you really fucked?”

Her hips shifted by themselves, as she tried to ease Adrian back inside her. She wanted him deeper inside. He stilled her movements easily with one hand, while his fingers kept stroking, stroking.

Kate shuddered.

“Answer me,” he demanded.

“I suppose you think you’re the one to do that.”

“You know the answer to that.” And he moved inside her. It wasn’t exactly a thrust. He did shift deeper inside her, but it felt like his cock was massaging its way along the walls of her pussy.

Stroking her.

Kate let her eyes drift closed as her concentration narrowed down to the deep, sensual waves washing through her. She had wanted to guide Adrian at first, to let him know that for her, a more direct stimulation was the only thing that worked. She needed a mouth or hands on her clit to come. Years of sex with indifferent and spectacular partners alike had taught her that vaginal orgasms just weren’t part of her chemistry.

But there was time for that discussion, and for now, the delicious sensations he was producing in her were more than enough. They were heady. Breath-robbing. She was panting as they surged through her in undulating waves, as Adrian gripped her hips with both hands once more and began to slide his cock in and out of her in that same ripple-causing way.

She realized she was going to climax as Adrian’s thrusting shifted to a deeper, harder stroke that seemed to reach for her core. His shaft slid smoothly in and out of her, making her clench around him and causing the deep waves to turn into spasms, and suddenly, she was there, teetering on the edge of an orgasm. She balled her hands into fists, her breath deserting her as the climax gathered power.


“Go on, Kate. Come around me. I want to feel it.” His voice was thickened with his own arousal.

The command was all she needed.

Kate gasped and moaned as the climax poured through her like silvered rivers of molten pleasure. It was every bit as good as what she had always thought of as a ‘normal’ climax. Better, even, for there was a cock inside her, and orgasms were always better when there she had a cock in her as well.

Or perhaps it was just Adrian himself who made the difference.

She shuddered and trembled as the last of the climax drained from her, and felt Adrian pull out of her.

“Pick up your phone,” he said.

“What?” She didn’t understand why he needed her to do that.

“Pick it up,” he repeated.

She made her gaze focus properly on the mess of crumpled papers on her desk and picked up her cellphone where it lay more or less halfway between her splayed hands.

“Good. Now I can do this.” He picked her up by the waist again, and turned her over with another neat flip. She landed on her back on her desk, her head where the phone had been lying. Her ass rested at the edge of the desk.

Adrian lifted her leg up and rested them on his shoulders, his hands curling over her thighs. Between her partly open thighs, she could see his cock jutting from his jeans. It was as thick and long as she had suspected it to be from the feel of him sliding into her. It gleamed wetly with her juices, and was a dark red, deepening to purple where the blood congested around the tip and edges of the head. The veins pumped with blood as she watched.

The thick end of his cock brushed up against the back of her thighs, making them quiver. But the touch was accidental, for his gaze was on her body. He smoothed one hand down her leg to the crease of her hip. His fingers stroked the flesh there, making her muscles and nerves quiver, for that spot was particularly sensitive. Then he brought his fingertips in wandering circles over to her slit.

“Bare,” he murmured. “I like it.”

One finger slipped into the crease, gently separating her folds.

“I don’t usually come a second time—”

He shook his head. It was a slight shifting of his chin. But she understood he was refuting her.

His finger slipped up against her clit. A featherweight touch. He slid easily through the folds of her flesh because she was so wet.

The touch made her catch her breath, but her nerves were quiet. She always switched off so completely after her climax.

“Really, Adrian...” she began.



She tried to sit up. She had a movie to put together in less than a week, and no staff. And no lead, either, let’s not forget that. And tomorrow she had seven rounds, mano e mano with the son of Scottish lairds, Calum Garret, who was going to eat her ass and take a piece of her soul at the same time if she wasn’t very careful—

Adrian’s hand on her shoulder roughly thrust her back onto the desk. “We’re not done,” he breathed, leaning over her. His eyes were inches from hers. “Stop thinking about your movie for a little while longer, Kate. It’s not going anywhere, and you’ll serve it better if you let me finish with you properly.”

“How did you know...?”

His smile lifted just the corner of his mouth. “You’re you.” He pressed his lips against the nape of her neck and his tongue flickered over her flesh, tasting it. It made her shiver. “Of course you’re thinking about your movie.”

His hands found hers and spread her arms on the desk, over the top of her files. “Grip the sides,” he told her.

She stretched, and could just curl her fingers over the edges of the desk.

“Now, don’t move your hands from there,” Adrian told her. “Instead, concentrate on what my mouth is doing to you. Really focus on it, and how I’m making you feel.” His gaze caught hers. “Or I will make you feel it despite yourself.”

Kate realized her breath had quickened again. Anticipation. Mary mother of god, he’s going to fuck me again, and I’m going to love it.

But she knew she wouldn’t come.

Adrian’s mouth followed the angle of her breast, around the outer edge, surprising her. She hadn’t realized how many sensitive spots she had on the outside of her breast. But his lips and tongue forced gasps and sighs from her as they moved around the lower side of the breast, then on to the other one.

That one was worse, because she was now aware of the sensitive locations and waited for him to reach them. Long before Adrian’s mouth arrived at her breastbone, she was gasping, her arousal fully delivered. Her nipples were hard, sharp tips.

No man had ever spent so much time and attention on her breasts before. Nor had a man spent so much time and not once touched her nipples.

Kate realized she was guiding his head to those aching, unattended peaks when Adrian pulled his face away from her hands. “Put your hands back on the desk, or I’ll tie them there,” he growled.

“With what?” she asked. “You got handcuffs tucked away in those tight jeans of yours?”

He pushed her hands back down onto the desk spread-eagled. “I don’t need ‘em. I’ve got a belt, you’ve got a belt. Leather is impossible to break, and with the knots I’ll tie them in you’ll never get out of them. So keep your bloody hands on the desk, or I’ll keep them there for you.”

She gripped the edges of the desk again.

Adrian bowed over her once more. “Better,” he muttered, and fitted his thumb and forefinger around the lower curve of her breast. “Now...”

He lowered his head more and this time, his lips went where she needed them. They closed around her nipple. She cried out at the exquisite pleasure that shot through her at the touch of his mouth around it. But he didn’t just suck or stroke it with his tongue.

His teeth stroked, too. She felt the edges of them close around the peaked crest, and draw along the short length of it, while his tongue rasped over the now hyper-sensitive tip.

As she cried out in reaction, her hands moved toward his head again, before she could stop herself. It was instinctive, driven by a desire to keep him there, keep him doing that wonderful thing he was doing.

Kate halted the movement just before she touched him, knowing that if she did, he would immediately halt what he was doing, and carry out his threat. He would tie her down.

And while she didn’t have any objections to the idea in principle, for right now, she did not want him to stop what he was doing. Not for a second.

She returned her hands to the edges of the desk and clutched it convulsively as Adrian sucked the tip of her other breast into his mouth and treated it with the same care and attention. Her clit was not just was pounding with frantic want.

As his lips worked, his hands were smoothing their way down her body. Heading for her hips, and the heated juncture of her thighs, where her swollen clit and pussy lips waited for his touch.

Kate caught her breath, held between the sensations his mouth was delivering and the anticipation created by the direction his hands were taking.

But his fingers slipped between her thighs, instead, separating and lifting them up.

He released her breast as he spread her ankles, hooking her heels on the desktop. She was opened up for him completely.

Adrian thrust his tongue into her navel, making her abs muscles quiver. “I like a woman with hips,” he said approvingly. He slid his tongue further south, making her pelvis tilt and her hips lift. He hovered over her cleft and caught her gaze. “Still think you know what will happen next?”

She shook her head. She had stopped trying to anticipate minutes ago. Adrian defied clichés.

“Good,” he said.

His fingers slid into her pussy, as his tongue thrust against her clit.

Kate arched up off the desk, almost immediately caught up in the bombardment of a swirl of intense pleasure and building excitement. And she realized with a swiftly scattering shock that she was going to come again, after all. It was already gathering, the long slow swell of orgasm, deep in her belly.

Adrian’s thick fingers pushed into her in irregular formation, sliding against her pussy walls and making her shudder and her muscles clench around him in dire need.

He released her clit, and the fingers in her vagina slid out and down across her perineum, to circle her ass. Spreading her own lubricant, she realized, with a rush that was both pleasure and concern.

But before she could open her mouth to protest, Adrian’s mouth closed over her clit, and his tongue thrust against it again, stroking it. And two of his fingers pushed into her ass.

Kate gripped the desk even harder, as the orgasm that had been building in her transmuted into something harder, more intense...different. She moaned, the need to protest overcome by this new pleasure.

Adrian was spreading her, working the muscle, easing his way, and that relaxed her even more. He clearly knew what he was doing, so there was a good chance he wouldn’t hurt her.

He dipped his fingers into her pussy to sop up more moisture and bring it back to her ass and kept thrusting his fingers, training her, stretching the muscle. Preparing her. And all the while, his tongue and mouth were driving her crazy, as he worked her clit.

Kate forgot that he was preparing her and was lost instead in the sensations he was creating. The always mind-blowing pleasure of having her clit stroked with a tongue. And what she always thought of as the “darker” sensations of fingers probing her ass.

When he at last straightened and guided his cock so it nuzzled her ass, Kate was breathing fast and hard, already close to coming.

Adrian took his time entering her. Kate made herself relax and felt his cock spread her open and revelled in the sensations. It was glorious. She had enjoyed anal sex before, but it had never felt this...good. It was robbing her breath and stealing her focus, and that was just from Adrian’s cock pushing into her.

What would it be like when he started to thrust? She moaned at the idea as she lay clutching at the sides of the desk, as Adrian slowly impaled her.

When he was fully lodged inside her and at rest, Kate realized she was trembling. She was as close to climaxing as a pebble on the edge of a cliff. It would take but a simple slide of a hand to send her soaring off into the air. She was afraid to speak just in case it shattered the moment.

Adrian pulled back out of her, and thrust in again. “Vice grip,” he said, and his voice was hoarse.

With a start, Kate realized that in all this, Adrian’s own excitement level had been rising, too. Now he was inside her again. His chest was lifting and his jaw flexed as he pushed back into her.

Kate let out a moan that sounded almost like a sob. Her whole body was paused just on the edge of climaxing, inched closer by Adrian’s cock.

He thrust steadily, as her muscles eased around him. And then, as he thrust, he slid his hand down her thigh to her exposed and weeping pussy, and plunged his fingers inside. His thumb thrust up against her clit, and as his pelvis pushed against his hand, his thumb rubbed the swollen, sensitive organ, and his fingers were driven deeper inside her vagina, the tips of them curling up to stroke her g-spot.

Kate found she was lifting herself off the table in response to the deep bite of pleasure tearing through her. It took only a handful more strokes of his cock, with his fingers driving into and up against her, before her climax shuddered through her in what felt like wave after wave of pulse-stopping energy.

She couldn’t catch her breath. It was locked up with the pleasure. She hung, her back arched, her body locked, as Adrian fucked her, the climax squeezing her heart and lungs and muscles.

“Mmm...yes. Come on, Kate. Let go. Let go and scream.” His voice was altered from his own pleasure.

Finally, the climax released her enough for her to draw breath. Kate groaned...or she thought she would groan, but the sound that emerged was a loud scream, like something out of a porn movie.

But the backwash of the orgasm still possessed her, and she rode it out, as Adrian gripped her hips and began to slam into her in hard deep thrusts. Only a few more and he came with a choked groan, leaning over her on one hand, his breath ragged, as she shook from the aftereffects of her orgasm, her pulse uneven and her breath ragged.

As he hung over her, he was watching her.

Kate drew in a longer breath, finally gaining a measure of control over her lungs. “I should have proposed this weeks ago.”

His mouth lifted at the corners. Just a little. “It would have been just sex then. You weren’t under the gun. You weren’t a week away from filming.” He lowered his head to hers and she caught her breath, but his lips merely brushed her cheek.

He straightened up and withdrew from her.

“You’re saying I don’t enjoy sex unless I’m in a pressure cooker?”

“You wouldn’t have enjoyed this as much.” He nodded toward the end of the trailer. “Can I use your bathroom?”

She sat up. “Sure. I’m next.” She frowned. “So ‘this’ was just blowing off steam?”

Adrian glanced back over his shoulder as he headed for her bedroom. “That’s what you asked for, wasn’t it?” He stepped into the bedroom, then into the tiny bathroom attached to it.

Kate snatched up her clothes and headed back into the bedroom, and sat on the bed. Adrian hadn’t completely shut the bathroom door.

She sat on the bed, waiting for her turn.

If this had been just blowing off steam, she couldn’t wait to see what Adrian did in bed when he really meant it.

He emerged from the bathroom, his clothes restored to order, and sat on the bed next to her. For a moment he just sat in silence, and Kate realized that he was feeling awkward.

He took a breath. “What do you need, Kate?”

“I don’t understand.”

“Your movie,” he clarified. “What do you need to get the movie back on track?”

It took her a moment to string it together. “You’re offering help?”

He picked up her hand and spread her fingers over his knee. “Garrett is pissing me off,” he said flatly. “What he’s doing to you. And I have...resources. I can help. Yeah.”

“You have people?”

He gave another small smile, a lift of the corners of his mouth. “Yes, I have people.”

“You?” She stared at him. He had never shown up with a single person in entourage, ever. She wasn’t even sure what car he drove. He just...appeared. She only knew what sort of business he ran because everyone else in L.A. knew about it, or knew of someone who had done business with him.

But he had people. And resources.

And he never seemed to be short of money, either.

“You just don’t flaunt it, do you?” she observed.

He shook his head. “There are advantages to going low profile.” He laid his hand over hers. “Tomorrow, with Garrett, if there’s anything you need to give you the edge, it’s yours. Don’t stop to check. If you have to tell him you already have fifteen million lined up for the first release theatre run promotion or whatever, just to get him to back down on a point, do it.”

She could feel her eyes widening. “You have those sorts of resources?”

“I can arrange them.” His tone was calm, and utterly assured. “And they’re as good as a Visa card, Kate. You can rely on them.”

She bit her lip. “Would I want to rely on them, though? Who are they, Adrian? Who are you? Really? Who are you, to know you can put your hand on fifteen million without even making a phone call?”

His smile this time was full of good cheer. “Now you’re asking good questions.” His lips brushed her temple again. “Sex really does work wonders on you.”

She spoke without thinking. “Sex with you does.”

Then she saw his expression. There was humour, but there was wariness there, too.

She bit her lip. “And you’re dodging my very good question.”

He stood up. “I know some interesting people, Kate. The sort of people that prefer to keep themselves anonymous.”

“That sounds a lot like any organized crime syndicate in the world.”

“They’re not criminals.” His tone was flat and reassuring. “I guarantee it.”

Kate considered it for a moment. “Okay,” she said at last.

Adrian sighed. “That means you’re not going to use me as back-up if you need it, doesn’t it?”

“Not if I can help it.” She smoothed out the satin cover where Adrian had been sitting. “I’m squaring off with Garrett tomorrow because of exactly this issue. I don’t let just anybody hop on board with me. I want to know exactly who I’m lying down with. I’ve seen too many producers and directors lose control of their movies, their profits and their lives because in their rush to grab the money at the front end, they got into bed with whoever dangled a dollar. And everyone wants a piece of the movies these days. Including thieves, con artists, and outright assholes who will steal you blind as soon as you twitch in their direction.” She smiled to take the sting out of it. “So if you won’t tell me who your money people are, I’m not going to use the money as a shield, no matter how badly Garrett kicks me around that bar at high noon.”

Adrian nodded. “That’s reasonable.” He waved toward the bathroom. “I’m stopping you from getting on with your day.”

“Garrett is the one doing that. I haven’t much else to do with my day now but sharpen my knives and hatch plans for tomorrow.” She moved over to the bathroom door, and rested her hand on it. “Can I pick you up for the meeting tomorrow? The least I can do is drive you there.”

He considered for a moment. “I’ll leave my card on the desk.”

Kate nodded. She refrained from telling him she had made it a point to find out where he lived weeks ago. He may not have invited her to his home in the Hollywood Hills yet, but she knew exactly where it was and that he was far from destitute.

“I’ll pick you up at ten-thirty,” she said. It would take that long, with traffic, to get back to The Standard, and have time to spare before the meeting. She didn’t want to face Garrett flustered from arriving late. If she arrived late, she wanted it to be by design.

She stepped into the bathroom, then into the shower stall. She was already naked, so she closed the door and turned on the water, glad she had taken the trouble to attach the full plumbing hoses and power to the trailer, even here at the studio. It never failed to come in useful.

Adrian’s dark silhouette shadowed the frosted door of the stall and his knuckles rapped against the glass.


She pushed the door open enough to see him clearly.

His eyes caught and held hers. “My money people,” he said, speaking just a little bit louder so she could hear him over the shower. “They don’t exist.”

 Her heart lurched. “Then what...?”

“The money is mine,” he finished. He gave her a moment to absorb it. “I just don’t go around telling every man and his dog that.” Again, he paused. “Now, will you use the money if you need it?”

She considered for a moment, while the water pattered on the plastic form at the bottom of the shower. “I guess I’ve already got into bed with you, haven’t I?”

“Symbolically, anyway,” he agreed.

“It’s that important to you?”

He frowned. “I just want to even the playing field. He’s using a bazooka against a BB gun. I’m giving you a bazooka of your own. You two, with even odds...that’s a fight I’m willing to witness.”

“You think I’m that good? Against Calum Garrett?”

Adrian shook his head. “I think you’re that gutsy.”




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