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Bloodlust: An Alien Vampire Romance (The Dark World Series Book 3) by T.J. Quinn, A.J. Daniels (9)


Chapter 9

~ Alek ~

“I need to feed. Can we go somewhere private?”

Dakota took him by the hand to her private office on the top floor. He could see that she relaxed a little as soon as the door closed behind them. She led him to a sofa in a corner seating area. He sat in the middle, laid down and immediately pulled her on top of him.

She cuddled close and began to kiss him leisurely on the lips. He could feel the tension start to melt out of her as he ran his hands up and down her body. He was becoming accustomed to her melting at his touch. It was so pleasing to be with a woman who genuinely cared for him. He loved being with someone who didn’t play a bunch of games with his emotions. She was so open and dedicated to giving him her love. The fact that she liked him to feed from her was a pleasurable bonus. He had never felt truly loved and accepted by a female before. Her fascination with his bloodlust was quite perplexing. Most human women were frightened of it, and some shied away from vampire men for this very reason.

She slid her hand down the front of his pants and began to casually stroke his manhood. She could feel his lips on her neck. As he became more excited, she could feel his tongue on her neck.

She whispered, “Come on baby, don’t make me beg. You know I love feeling your fangs in me.”

He could not have stopped himself from feeding at that moment if his life depended upon it. He forced himself to be very gentle with her because his raging needs were getting the better of him. He gently sank his fangs into her soft, warm flesh and let the blood drip into his mouth. He could tell she loved that because she immediately, unzipped his pants all the way and stroked him hard with both hands.

God, the woman knew how to provoke his bloodlust. She knew what vampire men liked and gave it in full measure. When he released her, she moved down and pleasured him with her tongue for a long while before he eased her beneath him, pulled her clothing off and returned the favor. He continued to pleasure her until she whispered his name and told him she loved him over and over.

After he pushed her to a hard climax, he moved into her body and drank from her neck as he moved roughly in and out of her. He looked down and realized her entire body was blushed a deep pink from his lovemaking. It inflamed his desires. His eyes were bright amber jewels, and his fangs were tipped with her blood.

“In your natural state, you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.”

Alek could sense his bloodlust rising again. His sounds of pleasure were becoming deeper and his movements rougher and more intense as he made love to her. He needed to slow down, but his driving need to claim her was not listening to his brain.

She looked into his face, and her expression changed. For a split second there was fear then fascination. He knew his facial features were shifting slightly. It was the time when he looked slightly more vampire if that were possible.

She glanced over at his hand clutching the arm of the sofa. His eyes followed and what Alek saw mortified him. He had what could only be described as claws where his fingernails had been.

His little love mate had no idea what was happening, but Alek knew. He was momentarily becoming more animal than a person. She had clearly never seen anything like this happen to a vampire. To give credit where it was due, his new love mate sensed that it would be dangerous to disengage from him while he was in such an altered state. The poor woman did the only thing she could do in such a situation. She wrapped her arms around him and moved her body in sync with his to help him to his fall.

God, he’d never felt more conspicuous a day in his life. As he began to come inside her, Alek could hear a loud animalistic growl beginning in the back of his throat, and when it came out of his mouth, it was so deep and loud that it reverberated throughout the entire area.

Dakota’s secretary came running into the room and was shocked to see Dakota naked in his arms and to see him in such a state.

Dakota immediately wrapped her arms around him. “Don’t stop.”

She threw a vase from her end table at her secretary and yelled, “Get Out.” The damn moron should not need to be told that. Still, the poor shocked man scurried from the room as the vase shattered into the wall.

She immediately wrapped her arms around Alek, stroked his back and whispered reassuring and loving things in his ear.

Alek stilled, taking a moment to compose himself. He slowly moved from on top her and turned away. Why did all the seriously fucked up stuff have to happen to him?

Intuiting his needs, she pointed at a door. “There is a full restroom if you would like to shower. She knew he always liked to shower after sex, particularly if he was planning to be around others. She was extremely polite and accommodating to point him in the right direction. He moved to the door, wondering how she really felt about having an animal in her private shower.

Just as he got to the door, she asked. “May I join you?” The sharp turn of his head caused her to jerk back. Shower with a beast? Why would she even ask such a thing? Jerking his head slightly to one side, Alek tried to come up with an appropriate answer. Nothing came out when he opened his mouth to speak. Shutting the door behind him, he took stock of the fact that he could have killed her lost to the blood rage.

Alek stood in the shower letting the cool water run down his body. How could he have let her provoke him again and again easily into the bloodlust? He should have known what that would eventually lead to. She was just another foolish human and had no idea the danger she was in when he was like that.

If she couldn't exercise any kind of good common sense when she was with him, then he would just have to take matters into his own hands. She was not going to like his solution much, but it was better than losing control and shredding her precious body one night when he was too high on blood and lust to think clearly. He was also thoroughly embarrassed because everyone for about four rooms in every direction must have heard him roar.

God, how did he get himself into these predicaments?

When he emerged from the shower, she was sitting on the sofa looking as attractive as ever she did. Maybe a little more so because her hair was slightly messed up and her skin was still flushed from his somewhat rough lovemaking.

He immediately looked away. “Get in the shower.”

She looked at him strangely. “Did I do something wrong here?”

He barked, “Shower.”

She immediately complied, clearly more because she was shocked at his behavior towards her and less because she was naturally compliant.

When she emerged from the shower, he asked that she call the youngsters to a conference room so they could meet. She led him to a small conference room and paged for their children. The kids bounced in two at a time and took seats.

Alek stood up and announced. “Dakota and I have determined that we will not be able to stay at this time.

Arianna looked at him strangely and said, “I think you are both off task. Don’t let your personal issues impact your professional judgment.”

Dakota had no idea why he seemed to be making the decision for both them on his own, but she did not want to irritate him further.

Her son spoke up, “I would like to stay, that is if Arianna will permit it.” Dakota looked at Arianna who nodded. Dakota thought her son bright to realize that Arianna was the only person competent to carry on in place of Dakota and Alek.

Arianna said, “Selene can stay as well, and I will drop her off on Monday morning at class.”

Dakota said, “Don’t worry I will designate a shuttlecraft for my son’s personal use. It will enable him to visit with Selene whenever they like, and she can visit whenever her father approves.”

Everyone could tell Alek was highly agitated, but no one knew why. He stood up, walked through the door of the conference room, stopped just on the other side and said in a low gruff voice, “Dakota come.”

She gaped him, unable to hide her shock. After a brief moment, she complied with his request. As she stepped through the door, he turned slightly away from her and presented his outside arm. She wrapped her arm inside his, he placed his other hand on top hers and then began exiting the building.

He led her straight to her shuttlecraft, he whispered something to the pilot, and they took off.