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Blood's Fury (Deadly Beauties #1) by C.M. Owens (4)

Chapter Thirteen


"Call me if you need anything.  I'll be here as soon as possible," Frankie says while kissing my forehead.

"Where's Aunt Hilly?" I muse, looking around outside.

"She went on ahead to start calling in some favors - get a few more light ones helping us out."

"Ah.  Well, then I guess I'm on my own now," I sigh out, and Frankie smirks as his eyes cut toward the side of my house.

"Um, you might want to lift the spell for one person before he knocks himself out," he whispers, his tone almost too low for even me to hear.

I look over to see Kane pulling himself over the porch railing on his hasty way toward me.  His arms are around me and pulling me into the air before I even have a chance to say anything.

Kane can come in.

I feel the magic working, thankfully, before Kane's lips cover mine and we abandon Frankie on the front porch while heading inside.

"Damn I've missed you.  Why didn't you call me?" he breathes against my lips while squeezing me almost too tightly.

"Sorry, it's been crazy," I murmur while wrapping my legs around his waist, my lips devouring him with a hunger I didn't realize I had.

He pulls back with a breathless rattle, and his forehead presses against mine as he keeps me strapped to his waist.

"I hope you know, you're never leaving my sight again."

I smile, though it's forced.  I wish it was true.  I wish I could spend my life in his arms, but I know soon it won't be possible at all.  Being with a human is completely forbidden once you're immortal.

"Well, how about we start with tonight and see where that leads?" I chuckle out, though the weight of reality still rests on my shoulders.

"Tonight's a good start," he says with an adorable grin, and then he starts carrying me toward the bedroom.

"How did you know I was here?" I muse before I slip onto the bed, and suddenly I don't really give a damn anymore when he falls between my legs.

"I was on my way to the diner, and I ran into Thad.  Needless to say, I knew if he was here, you were here.  I didn't give him a chance to object either."

I smile as his lips reclaim mine, and my legs slide up to be fully nested around his waist.  His hands feel so incredibly familiar, though he should still be a stranger.  His breath is heaven's grace as he fills me full of his life with each kiss.

My shirt starts slipping over my head, and I surrender completely, giving myself to him without pause, though I shouldn't.  I can't help it though.

His lips slide down my chest, and my breath catches in my throat when his touch burns through me, awakening the desire I've forced to lie in hiding for far too long.

"I love it when you do that," I murmur as his lips stroll over my neck, nipping at it as he pulls the skin between his teeth.

Something I should loathe actually turns me on when it's him doing it.

"Do you?" he murmurs softly while moving to the other side and repeating the arousing action.

"Mm hmm."

I feel his smile against my neck as he starts lowering himself against me, his lips still owning me as my pliant body folds to his will.  My hips start to rock against his, giving me a chance to feel his erection digging into the front of my pants that he decides to pull off of me in one swift motion.

"Damn.  I can't believe I forgot how fucking perfect you are," he breathes in exaltation.

"I think you should look in the mirror," I giggle out.  "Your scale for perfection should be much higher if you get to look at this everyday."

I rip his shirt off, and then his body slides against mine, his lips pulling me in closer as my hips rise to meet his.

"Kane," I mumble against his lips, "this is probably not a good idea.  You shouldn't be around me.  My life is… complicated, and I-"

"Forget it.  You're mine," he interrupts, and then his lips crush mine, silencing me for good, except for the moans rising from my throat.

"Completely yours," I utter involuntarily, scaring the hell out of myself, and suddenly he backs away.

Crap.  I just scared the hell out of him, too.

"Sorry," I murmur with embarrassment.  "I got carried away."

I keep my eyes low, refusing to look at him.  Before I know it, he slams my body back against the bed, his weight crushing against me as his carnal desire becomes almost overwhelming.

I gasp as he surges in, not even knowing when or how his pants came off as I fully offer myself to him.  His tongue dances and plays with mine, as his rough, fervent need calls to the beast within me I didn't know existed.

His body moves vigorously between my legs as his breaths become rasp, desperate, and fully engulfed in our heat.  My body flames in a way I can't even explain, my insides burning as his body claims mine.

The sounds exuding from both of us only intensify the already hellacious, exquisite pace, and then his delicious mouth finds mine again, drawing out my few, harsh breaths as a tear springs free from my eye, and my body goes stiff - my toes curling, my fingers gripping, and my eyes rolling back in my head.

Then I'm limp in his arms as he thrusts in one last time and holds himself at the deepest point, finding his release.  He pulls me to him as he falls to the bed, and I nestle against him as he kisses my cheek, making me feel so warm, wanted, and… perfect.

"Say it again," he murmurs softly, pulling me closer as he does.

"Say what?" I muse while running my lips over his collarbone as my leg slides around his waist.

"Say you're mine."

My heart flutters, and I get a little sick.  I wish it wasn't true, but I really am his - his to do with as he pleases despite all the heartbreak I'll be forced to endure when my immortality comes.

I'm yours," I utter, and his lips fall on mine very possessively as he breathes me in.


Kane makes my bed look so damn good, and I feel somewhat like a creepy, lurking stalker just standing here, watching him while sipping my coffee.  His glorious, bare body is only slightly hidden by the sheet as he rests on his back.

His smooth, even breaths are almost hypnotic, and those mouthwatering hip lines peeking out from under the sheet are drool-worthy.

His eyes flutter open, and he smirks when he catches my obvious gawking.

"Taking in the view?" he teases while pulling his arms behind his head, giving my eyes an even tastier treat.

I smile behind my coffee, careful not to giggle, and then I nod.

"It's not everyday my bed looks this good."

He lets a laugh free while shaking his head, and he stands up, his body sleek and perfect under the glow of the sun peeking through the window behind him.

"I wasn't kidding about not letting you out of my sight," he murmurs while coming to wrap his arms around my waist, pressing his bare perfection against me.

"I figured as much," I mutter with a goofy, ridiculous grin.

"I'm going to take a shower.  You coming?" he says, a salacious grin spreading over his face.

"I would, but I just had one."  I motion to my damp hair.

His lips pucker in an exaggerated, sexy pout, forcing a giggle out of me despite my attempts to restrain the degrading sound.

My arms slide around his neck as his lips press against mine.  His breath shouldn't taste this good after just waking up.  I'm starting to worry I've already fallen harder for him than I should.

"I won't be long, and then we can head to my place," he murmurs while pulling back.

Remembering Frankie and Thad pretty much forbid me to leave, I grimace.

"I should probably stay here in case one of the guys shows up to-"

"Absolutely not," he murmurs dismissively in interruption while walking away.

I tilt my head, admiring the nakedness of his body from behind as she struts into my bathroom.

Following him, I grumble, "No offense, but I'd like to steer clear of Amy as well."

At least that's not a lie.

He turns the water on, and I hop up on the sink as he tests it to see how long it will take to heat up.  He shakes his hand to dry it on his way back to me.

"Amy is simply a roommate.  Don't start this nonsense again.  You're coming with me.  I'll change, and we'll go out to eat.  We can do whatever you want to all day."

I smirk, genius striking, and then I murmur, "Then we'll skip going to your place, stay here, and order in."

His eyes swirl with scandalous thoughts as a devilish grin plays on his lips, but then he frowns.

“As much as I would love that - and I would love that - I want to take you out.  We've yet to have a real date, and I… I'm ready for this to feel like something more."

My coffee cup finds a place to rest behind me as he kisses me in a completely different way.  For the first time, it's not a kiss full of passion, desire, and unkempt carnal need.  It's something so much more, a depth I can't fully understand so soon.

His forehead rests against mine as he withdraws from the kiss, and against all of Frankie's demanded rules, I murmur, "Okay."

He smiles triumphantly, and then he steps away to head into the shower.  Watching his body drenching under the cascading shower through the transparent curtain sends chills through my body, and the lustful devil inside commands my attention.

Without thinking, worrying about tomorrow, or even worrying about the next hour, I drop my clothes to the ground and follow him in, surprising him.

My eyes fall upon his hard body, and a sinful smirk plays on my lips as I take him in.  His wet arms wrap around me, pulling me under the rainfall with him, and our lips become as entangled as our bodies.


The gathering awkward tension between Amy and me is only mounting the longer I sit here in the den, while Kane speaks with Deke and Zee.  Sierra keeps coming up with short bursts of conversation, but neither Amy nor I care to speak for longer than necessary.

Hurry the hell up, Kane.

I hear the oblivious boys laughing about something mundane as the three of us sit quietly.  Sierra shifts uncomfortably as she struggles to find a new topic.

"So, the moon is crazy bright tonight," she murmurs, her eyes glancing through the window.

Great.  The brighter the moon, the stronger the vamps.

Although it's a small sliver of a moon, it is bright.

"Yeah," I murmur softly, feeling the uneasiness of the reality they don't know exists.

"Sure is," Amy mumbles while flipping another page on the book she's merely pretending to read.

"Well I'm glad you're back.  It's nice to see Kane doing more than obsessing about finding you," Deke chirps as the three boys join our tense room.


Kane's arms wrap around me and pull me to him as he sits down beside me, and I willingly nestle into him, paying no attention to the fuming black-haired girl trying not to be obvious with her dagger-throwing glare.

"You ready, babe?" he asks while kissing the side of my head.

Hell yes.  Get me the fuck out of here.

"If you are," I murmur casually, trying not to show him how completely out of place I feel.

"Hallow's Ball is in two months," Zee randomly inserts as he sifts through the mail, obviously finding an invitation of some sort.  “It's hard to believe Halloween is so close."

"Hallow's Ball?" I muse, happy someone is talking about something other than the moon.

"It's a local thing.  Every year they throw a big masquerade ball at one of the prominent homes.  You want to go?" Kane asks while running his fingers through my hair.

"That's two months away," Amy scoffs, not enjoying his future planning.

"And?" Kane growls, his tone more threatening than his word.

She looks down, huffing as she does.  Apparently he's warned her not to say anything, and now he's reminding her.  It just makes me feel all the more uncomfortable.

Zee walks by her, patting her shoulder as he does, and Deke's lips tighten as he too takes notice of her sullen stance.

"We'll see," I mumble, suddenly feeling like the girl everyone wishes would just go away.

It's obvious they want him with her, and I certainly know this thing between us can never actually work.

"It's up to you.  I'd like to take you.  I've never gone with a date before," Kane murmurs softly, pretending not to notice the sudden uncomfortable shift in the room.

"I think we should get going.  Nothing in this town stays open too late in the off season," I say with a strained sense of nonchalance.

He finally acknowledges my discomfort, and his lips thin into a knowing line.  I look away, feeling all the more insecure as his friends cast their disapproving stares to their roommate.

Standing, I wave at everyone, feigning dignity, and I walk out without waiting on Kane.  Once the fresh air hits me, I fight to keep my composure.  With the wind rustling in the trees, and the lake fighting with the shore, I can't hear them, even with my amplified hearing.

I know he's probably scolding them for not making me feel comfortable, but that's only going to make it worse.

"Out of all the creatures on the planet, humans are the most complex," a smooth voice murmurs from my side, forcing me to shriek a little.

"Damn you.  Can't you ever just call ahead," I gripe while glaring at Gage who has appeared on the railing beside me.

"Sorry," he snickers out.  "I didn't mean to startle you."

I don't believe that one little bit.

"Sure you didn't.  What are you doing here?  Did you find out something?" I ask hopefully, my eyes glancing through the windows to make sure Kane isn't coming out yet.

"Unfortunately, no, but I wanted to check out this town of yours.  An associate of mine told me a vicious pack of lycans lives here.  He also said he sensed my kind and night stalkers here.  I was worried about you, and I see I was right to worry."

"What does that mean?"

"You're standing alone on a deck, your mind is completely distracted, and there's not a spell you can cast to keep yourself safe in the open like this.  You should be in your house.  The spell Frankie cast was strong.  It even kept me out."

My brow arches as I eye him suspiciously.

"You tried to break into my house?  I think we should discuss boundaries."

He smirks, and then his eyes flash to the inside of the house as Kane shakes his head and starts walking to the door.

"I suppose we'll discuss them another time.  Go out tonight, but don't make a habit of this.  I'll keep an eye on you."

Before I can say anything, he vaporizes and rides off on the wind.  I'm not sure how I feel about a dark user looking out for me.

"I'm sorry about that," Kane murmurs while joining me outside, and I turn around to face him, still wondering just how closely Gage has been watching me.

He got one hell of a show last night.

My cheeks blush, but I shrug at Kane, not giving him any insight to my inner turmoil.

"Nothing to be sorry about besides making me wait so long on food.  I'm starving."

He smiles, though he knows I'm simply downplaying the obvious distaste his roommates have for me.

“The guys and Sierra have no problem with you.  I want you to know that.  They feel sorry for Amy, but they do like you.  I swear."

"Sure," I murmur, not meaning for it to sound as sardonic as it does.


"It's fine, Kane.  Really, I get it.  I don't have friends like that, but I've been around others that do."

His fingers interlock with mine as we start descending the staircase, and I try to shake off the lingering uncertainties plaguing my every step.

"Do you have any friends?" he asks.

Trying to find a way to not make myself sound pathetic and unloved, I choose my words carefully.

"Frankie… though he's more of a father figure than a friend.  I suppose I've sort of started considering Thad a friend, but I wouldn't go so far as to room with him."

"I wouldn't allow that," he quickly inserts, sounding possessive and jealous once more.

My eyebrows cock up in surprise and defiance.

"You really wouldn't have a say in the matter.  You live with two other girls, and well… You can't say they're both like sisters.  I've met Amy."

Though my tone is joking, the context is somewhat serious.  He shouldn't get all worked up about Thad when he lives with Amy.

"Does it bother you?" he asks, seeming authentically perplexed.

"You living with Amy?"

He nods.

It royally pisses me off.

"Not really.  It's your life, your choice.  It's none of my business who you live with."

He winces, and then his grip on my hand loosens.

"So it does bother you, but you refuse to be honest with me."

"Reading minds now?"

"Believe me, I wish I could read minds.  It'd make life so much easier," he grumbles, making me laugh a little.  "Since I can't read minds, you have to be honest with me.  I'll kick her out."

My eyes widen.  As much as I would love to see him kick her ass out of the house, it's not just his house.  It's obvious the others care about her, and they were all friends before I came around.  I can't be that girl.

"Don't be so dramatic.  I'm fine.  I was simply saying you don't have any room to talk.  I wasn't trying to stir you up."

"I wouldn't let you live with Thad unless I was there to beat the hell out of him every time he made a pass."

I let a laugh out, and through my snickers, I mutter, "How do you know he's ever made a pass at me?"

He rolls his eyes, seeming insulted by the fact I even asked that question.

"Because I know how incredibly gorgeous you look.  I also know how he looks at you.  I fucking hate it."

His jealously is adorable, and Thad definitely tries shit.  He makes it hard to be a good girl, but I managed to keep my pants up even with my hormones on the fritz.

"I lived with Thad since we split up in Phoenix, and nothing happened."

Well, other than the times he caught me by surprise with his devilishly soft lips.  No sex though.

I think I'll keep all of Thad's sneak attacks to myself.  Kane looks as though he's ready to combust as it is.

He sighs out, obviously not enjoying this conversation any longer.  I kept him at my house until nightfall, but that was all I could wrangle him to stay indoors.  I wish I could tell him how incredibly dangerous this all is - walking around in the open.

I knew this town was crawling with immortals, and then Gage confirmed it.  It's amazing at the gravitational pull we all seem to have to each other - even though most of us are forever engaged in blood wars.

I dread that part of my future.  Right now, there's not a whole lot I'm looking forward to as far as immortality is concerned.

"Are you okay?" Kane asks as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

"Yeah," I murmur while wiping the wet drop away, trying to be discreet.

"I'm sorry.  This was stupid.  I don't know what I was thinking.  With your mom missing, a date is probably the last thing you have on your mind."

With my mom missing, everything is on my mind… especially what will happen when I become the new target.  As the daughter of Drackus Devall, there's a world full of vicious revenge-seekers just like Rain.  Apparently my secret identity isn't as secretive as I thought.

"It's fine.  I'm just-"

"Let's go back.  We can just curl up in the bed, watch a movie, eat some burnt popcorn… anything you want."

I laugh lightly, though it mingles with a sniffle.  Then another tear slips free as I nod appreciatively.

"That sounds great actually."

"Do you care to stay at my place tonight?  I have some stuff to do - work related - and all my things are there."


It's not like I can tell him no.  That would raise too many questions I can't answer.

"Sure," I murmur as my mind races to remember the protection spell.

I'll just cast one around his place.  That would actually make me feel better anyhow.  I can't cast the one Frankie did on my place because they constantly have friends over, but I can cast one to protect against dark users and blood drinkers of all varieties.

"So no friends at all, besides Thad?" he asks, sneering a little as he changes the subject on our way back to the house.  "How is that even possible?"

My attempt to not sound pathetic apparently failed - miserably.

"Well I did, once, but we grew apart."

"Oh?  Tell me about her and why you stopped being friends," he murmurs softly, obviously trying to distract my mind from my mother.

"Well, his name was Chaz.  Our mothers used to be really good friends, but they had a falling out.  Shay, Chaz's mom, ended up leaving our co… um… I mean our town.  She and Mom haven't spoken since.

Chaz was adopted, and considering his birth parents were rather ruthless, cold, and cruel, he felt like Shay was not only the mother who took him in, but she was also his saving grace.  Devoutly loyal to her, he thought it would be best if he and I stopped talking since it would cause conflict."

"What did they fight about?" he asks curiously.

"What do women usually fight about?  A man."

"Ah," he says with a small smile.  "So who won the guy in the end?"

Sighing, I mumble, "My mother, but he was no prize.  He was a total creep, and she kicked him to the curb when she found him peeping in on me while I was dressing."

I shudder slightly, and his arm slides around my shoulders in response.

"Did Shay and your mother ever make amends… since she found out he was a creep, I mean?"

"No.  I doubt Mom ever gave her the satisfaction of knowing.  She's prideful like that.  She has horrible taste in men, and that includes my father.  Everyone in our community warned her to stay away from my father, but she was stubborn and in love.  She kept their divorce a secret for years just so she wouldn't hear the I-told-you-so speeches."

He lets a small smile free, and I offer a weak grin of my own.  I'm not used to so much sharing.

"So, did your Mom ever remarry?"

If he knew my mother, he'd realize I find that question to be rhetorical.

"Many, many, many times," I release with exaggerated exasperation while rolling my eyes and he lets out a laugh.

Not to mention the hundreds of times she was married long before dear old Dad.

"Do you ever talk to your father?  I mean, he sent help to aide you in finding your mother."

From an outside perspective, I can see how that would seem like a sweet gesture.  Unfortunately, I know Drackus Devall.

"One thing about my dad, he's calculated.  If he's helping us, there's something in it for him."

"What could he possibly have to gain?" he muses, seeming genuinely interested in my fucked up family.

Power, release from his solitude confinement, the black diamond of Roth for himself… the list goes on and on.

"I don't know, but Dra… um, Dad doesn't do anything out of the goodness of his heart."

Because it's too dark to ever hold a speck of light.

"And I thought I had family drama," he chuckles out.

My eyebrows perk up, my interest very piqued.

"I thought you said your parents had passed."

"I was referring to my current family - Zee, Deke, Sierra-"

"And Amy," I grumble, my nose wrinkling as her name slips through my lips.

"Alyssa, Amy is just-"

"A roommate.  Got it.  So, how did you all meet?" I ask, trying to keep myself from sounding possessively jealous.

"That's a long story I'll fill you in on at another time," he murmurs softly while kissing my forehead.

He opens the door to his home for me, and I sigh as I walk in.

"Back so soon?" Deke asks as he walks through with a plate of spaghetti, a noodle slurping through his lips.

"We decided to spend the night inside instead."

"Cool.  The girls cooked a big pot of spaghetti, and the meatballs are pretty badass."

Kane smirks as the sloppy boy holds the plate up and pulls another noodle to his lips before slurping it in as well.

I guess we were gone longer than I realized.

"Thanks.  You're making me real hungry," Kane says sardonically.

Deke chuckles before walking into the den.  My skin crawls as a chill spreads through the air, and I remember I have to cast the protection spell.

"Um, can I use your bathroom?  I want to check my makeup."

"You look perfect, baby."

His soft voice is velvet in my ears, making me warm in so many ways.

"You're sweet, but I feel like my mascara is running.  I'll be right back."

He pulls me to him, and his lips graze mine softly before releasing me to rush away.  The masculine bedroom makes me smile on my way to the bathroom, and I shut and lock the door quickly while waving my hand over the mirror.

A flickering flame appears in the glass, and I draw a circle around it.  Though my circle is merely smudges made by my fingers, it'll have to work.

Next I pull the safety pin from the hem of my dress, and I prick my finger with the sharp, stinging point.  With a small wince, I force the blood out of the tiny opening, and I dab it into the center of the flame.

"Protect this home, let no dark pass through.  Thresholds be strong, protection be true."

Chanting it softly three more times, I open my eyes back up to see the flame coming to life and sparking against my blood, accepting my magic.  With a small flash, it disappears, taking my drop of blood with it as the veins of the house pump with a newfound will.

I walk out, heading back to the kitchen, and I smile when I see Kane light on his feet as he makes us two plates of food.  I stifle a laugh as he pretends to bow to a dishtowel, the finale to his dancing number.

"Do you always dance when you're getting dinner ready?" I tease, and his cheeks blush a little.

"You weren't supposed to see that," he grumbles, an embarrassed smile playing on lips as his disheveled hair sweeps over his brow just barely.

I giggle slightly, fueling his embarrassment, and then he shakes his head.  Our light moment is brought to an abrupt halt as Amy walks in from… the basement?  That's really the only place that door could go.

"Hey," she says, smiling too big when she sees Kane.

Then her eyes land on me, and her face falls, disappointment tainting her darker brown eyes.  They almost look black right now.

"Hey," Kane murmurs with an icy shot, the air bitten by the instant frost in his breath.

She glances at me again, and then she rolls her eyes before heading to the side door.

"Tell the others I'm going out for a run if they ask."

"You should invite Sierra if you're going for a run.  You shouldn't be out by yourself," Kane murmurs without looking at her.

My heart cracks a little upon hearing his concern for her.  I shouldn't be such a bitch, but I want him to be callous and cold.

"I'll behave, if that's what you're worried about," she almost whispers.

Behave?  As in she won't go meet any guys?  Why would Kane care?

"Hey guys," Sierra chirps while joining us.  "What's up?

"Amy is going for a run.  I told her to ask you to go with her," Kane says in a warmer tone, his eyes not giving Amy the attention she desperately wants.

"Sure," she murmurs.

Amy huffs as Sierra slips on a pair of shoes.  I tilt my head curiously at the odd choice of footwear, considering tennis shoes would be better than boots.  As soon as Amy jerks the door open, she slams into an invisible force, and her body falls backwards before she slams into the ground.

"What the fuck?" she spews, and my eyes try to pop out of my head.

Shit.  I messed up the spell.  Fucking shit!

Sierra bursts out laughing, and Kane turns while trying to stifle his own laughter.

"Did you forget you have to walk through the doorway and not the glass beside it?" Sierra teases, motioning to the glass she thinks Amy ran into.

"I did walk through the damn doorway, or I tried to.  I swear something threw me back."

Shit!  Think.

Spell I cast, please come back.  I rescind you now, cease your attack.

Chanting it in my head over and over, I begin to get nervous the spell won't lift.  Discreetly pulling the pin from my hem once more, I prick my finger to draw out my blood.

Kane's eyes fall on me as I pull my finger into my mouth to swallow my own blood, sealing the recanted spell's banishment.

"You okay?" he asks me, as Sierra continues to laugh at the fuming girl still on the ground.

"Yeah, just a splinter," I lie.

The small bit of metallic bitterness rattles around in my mouth.

"I swear!" Amy blares.  "Look for yourself!"

My stomach knots up as Sierra walks toward the door.  Kane has lost interest in the spectacle as he comes to draw my finger from my mouth and pulls it into his hand.  I look around him, trying not to be obvious as I nervously await the results of my recanted spell.

Sierra playfully leaps through the doorway and lands on the deck, her laughter roaring louder.  I breathe out a heavy sigh of relief.

You lying klutz," she teases, her mocking laughter only growing.

Amy grumbles under her breath while pulling herself up, and then she hesitantly checks the doorway before trying to walk out once more.

"I swear I'm not that damn crazy," she gripes, her eyes studying the doorway.

"It must be out now," Kane says, drawing my attention back to him as carefully examines my finger.  "We don't have a lot of first-aide here, but I can get you a paper towel or something for the bleeding."

Amy and Sierra walk off, though Amy continues to look behind her, and I visibly relax.

"It'll be fine.  It just stings a little."

He smirks, his eyes still on my barely bleeding finger, and then he draws it into his mouth.  My breath catches in my throat as he sucks the tip of my finger with his deliciously soft lips, and, without thinking, I part my legs for him to step between them, feeling completely aroused, beguiled, and lost in his touch.

His eyes close as he draws my finger in more, and suddenly I'm rushed with an overwhelming desire to rip his clothes from his body as he grips me tighter to him.  He finally releases my finger from his lips, and I'm almost left with a painful ache after the withdrawal.

"Damn.  What was that?" I mutter breathlessly, but he doesn't answer.

Instead, he jerks me up from the stool where I'm sitting, and he pulls me to him as he carries me away, promising this night just got a hell of a lot better.  His lips claim mine with a bruising force, and the fire courses through my veins as every bit of me throbs to feel him inside my body like I never have before.

Ignoring the snickers of Zee and Deke, Kane slams the door to his room once we're inside.  He drops me to the bed as he pulls his shirt over his head, and he stares down hungrily at me, making my heart race almost too fast.

"Kane," I murmur as the ache inside me grows, and he jerks me to him so my legs slide around his waist.

"I really like this dress," he murmurs as he bends down, his feet still on the floor.

The high bed places my center at a perfect angle to feel his erection through his jeans, making me hurt to feel his touch all the more.  His fingers skim my sex through the lacy underwear, and my head tilts back as the sensation travels in a forceful tingle all the way up and down my body.

Then he slides my underwear to the side to feel the promise of the wet arousal waiting for him.

"Fuck," he says in an exhaled breath, his own head falling back.

I gasp as his fingers work their magic, making my body contort and wriggle beneath his touch as ecstasy fills me.  His head comes back down, and those perfectly green eyes find mine, making me want to say to hell with this torture he calls foreplay.

"Please," I murmur, surprised by how much it sounds like I'm begging.

"Please what?" he murmurs, feigning coyness.

"Fuck me."

The low growl in his throat proves he liked my crude, blunt answer.  The panties slide down my legs, leaving a damp trail from my inner thigh to my ankle, and he tosses them to the ground.

I rise up, desperate to get out of my dress, but he pushes me back down to the bed.

Hovering over me, he murmurs, "Leave it on."

My body heats all the more, making me feel as though the fire is about to become real as he drops his pants to the floor and jerks me to him by the bend of my knees.

I'm not used to him being this rough, but something tells me this is how he normally is.  I've been painfully aware that my newness to… sex… was giving him pause, but tonight he's not holding back

With one swift motion, he throws himself inside me, making me snap forward from the abrupt, incredible entry.

"Damn, you feel so good," he murmurs while stilling himself and leaning down to kiss my lips.

"I'm pretty sure I'm molded to you since you're the only person I've ever been with… like this," I mumble while blushing.

His body starts moving against me, and the air from my lungs gets sucked out when I forget to breathe.  Looking up at him as he shows my body no mercy is almost too much to bear.

I hurl myself up, and his arms wrap around me as he lifts me from the bed and forces me against the wall, his relentless rhythm pushing me closer to the brink.  I moan out in a gasping shriek, and his grunted growls grow louder when it comes close to being his undoing.

His lips find the curve of my neck just above the edge of my collarbone, and then I feel his teeth bearing down, forcing out my moans all the more.  Getting bitten in my world is something you don't want to do, but with him - a human - it's incredible.

Feeling my excitement, his rhythm quickens even more, becoming exquisitely punishing, and driving me that much closer to my peak.  My whole body becomes almost languid as I near that moment he's pounding me to.

His name becomes a screaming burst of ecstasy from my lips as I fall over the edge in the most surreal, mind-blowing release I've felt yet.

He grunts harder as he thrusts into me once, twice more, and then he pulls back, releasing my skin from his teeth while still holding my legs around his waist.

"Sorry," he murmurs with his eyes shut.

"For?" I muse, chuckling lightly.

"For being so rough," he murmurs while collapsing to the bed behind him, dragging me with him.

I fall on top of him, and then I nestle into the crook of his neck, kissing it lightly.

"I happened to like you being so rough."

He lets out a laugh, but still his eyes stay shut.  He pulls me closer, his fingers trailing up my back as he kisses my forehead.

"Are you going to keep your eyes closed all night?"

He smiles, and then they open, offering me a view of his emerald perfection.

"I just needed to compose myself."

"Why?  You want to go for round two?"

He laughs at my poking joke, and then he shakes his head.

"That would be more like round nine today."

I giggle lightly, and then I start kissing his neck again.

"I'm sorry about that," he says while pointing to the place where his teeth had been.

"Don't be.  It felt… good."  Ironically enough.

Smiling, his lips find mine, and he turns me over to be on my back.

"You have to wear a dress all the time now.  You know that, don't you?"

I giggle louder, sounding more like a fool with every chuckle, and then my fingers tangle in his hair.

"I might just do that."

His eyebrows bounce up and down for a moment, and then a knock at the door interrupts our naked humor.

"What?" Kane groans while I roll my eyes at the intrusion.

"Sorry to disturb your reunion, but Amy and Sierra just called.  They said we might have a situation to worry about in town.  You coming with?" Deke calls.

"No, but I'll be out in a second."

"What situation?" I grumble.

Obviously Amy is still trying to act out to gain his attention.

"Nothing for you to worry about.  I'll be right back.  Don't move, and don't you dare take off that dress."

I stare down at the blue, wrinkled mess of a dress that once looked much better.

"I think it needs to be replaced by something that doesn't say look-at-what-I've-been-doing."

He laughs lightly before kissing my forehead, and then he stands up to quickly pull on his pants.

“Stay," he says again, making me laugh.

"I'll be right here."

He smirks, and then he disappears out the door.  Almost instantly, there's a shadow in the room, and I hold back a squeal as Gage materializes in front of me.

"Pervert!" I yell in a whisper while gripping my dress and pulling it tight around my legs.

He stifles a laugh, and then he shakes his head.

"I looked away," he whispers back, and then he motions for me to follow him out onto the balcony.

"You looked away?" I grumble as he shuts the glass door.  "You knew what we were doing?"

"Close the curtains next time.  You might also want to invest in an iron," he teases while motioning to my thoroughly fucked dress.

I roll my eyes, and then his eyes narrow.

"Shit.  What'd he do to you?" he almost growls while examining me a little closer.

I flip my hair down, bringing it over the mark I still haven't seen, and then I push away his scrutiny.

"Nothing I didn't thoroughly enjoy.  Why are you materializing in the bedroom?"

He leans up, his eyes still studying the spot where Kane left his mark, though it's not visible with my hair blocking the view.

"I was wondering how long you were planning to stay.  I need to head into town.  I've got a source who spotted a couple of lycans roaming free.  I want to find out if they're friend or foe."

"Um… Foe, obviously."

"Don't be so judgmental.  You were running with lycans just last week."

"I wasn't running with lycans.  I was grasping at straws and taking help where I could get it.  Just because I tolerated them doesn't mean I doubted their dark core for one damn second."

"Just like me?" he asks, his eyes narrowing.  "You still think the worst of me."

Breathing out heavily, I ignore his statement.

"It looks like I’m spending the night, but don't worry.  I'll be on alert."

"If you're staying the night, cast a protection spell.  It was far too easy for me to get in."

I suddenly feel a little inept.

"I tried," I mumble.  "I did something wrong.  When one of the girls tried to leave, it threw her backwards.  Can you… um… help me?"

He lets out a laugh, making my embarrassment grow.  What witch can't cast a simple protection spell?


"I would, but I have dark magic.  My protection spell could injure you, even fuck with your white magic, if I tried casting it on your behalf.  I'll just stick around.  I can call a friend to go check out the lycans."

"The hairless beasts you mean."

He frowns while shaking his head in disapproval my tart remark.

"It's fine," I continue.  "You don't have to hang around.  Besides, I'm not sure I like you listening in on our… moments together."

My face blushes, and he chuckles a little more.

"Fortunately, I can't hear your moments."

What?  Immortals have hearing unparalleled by anything else on the planet.

"So your weakness is your hearing?"

"Not in the least.  This house is apparently very well insulated.  I can't hear a word when the doors are shut.  It's pretty nice actually.  I don't have to hear all the mushy stuff.  I'll stick around.  I'll cast an awake spell so I don't drift off."

"You don't have to do that-"

"Believe it or not, I would like to see you still breathing in the morning.  No one else is going to be keeping you safe.  Your human sure as hell can't.  If you're going to be foolish enough to sleep without a protection spell, then I'll stay vigilant."

I grip my head, feeling so... confused.

"That's ridiculous.  You should just-"

He clamps his hand over my mouth just as Kane's voice comes into sound.  It seems as though they're standing on the front deck.

"Just call me if it gets too rough," he says.

"No prob.  We'll see you in a bit," Deke chirps, and then he and Zee start jogging away from the house.

Kane starts to walk back in just as Gage releases his hold over my mouth.  Like the true klutz I am, I stumble forward, almost flipping over the rail before Gage can pull me back.  Unfortunately, I squeal like a fool.

"Alyssa?" Kane asks curiously, the deck creaking under his feet as he starts toward the edge to see me.

"Um, yeah.  Hey," I ramble out, and then I start swatting at Gage, trying to make him leave.

He shrugs innocently, and then I shove him with all my strength - and a little magic - to force him over the railing.  He vaporizes and reappears in the tree across from me, stifling a grin.

I scowl at him, ready to knock him out of the tree just as Kane comes into view.

"What are you doing?" he asks quizzically while pushing his hands in his pockets and staring up at me.

Trying to ditch a dark user.

"Um… nothing.  I just felt like some fresh air.  Everything okay with Amy?" I ask, the bitterness clearly in my tone.

He frowns, and then leans against the side of the house.

"It's not like that… at all.  I'll be right up to convince you."

I almost want to smile, but I'm sick of Amy and her needy ways.  He disappears around the corner, and Gage reappears on the balcony with me the second the front door clicks shut.

"You've got to get out of here."

"I didn't even tell you what I came to say," he retorts innocently.


"I wanted to ask you if you knew any of these people."

He hands me a stack of photos, but no one looks familiar.

"No.  None."  Then something hits me, making my stomach queasy.  The earlier conversation with Kane has suddenly rattled around in my brain with an obvious jerk.  "Shay."

"Huh?" he says while studying the beastly man in the top picture in my hand.  "He looks more like a Hoss or a Goliath to me."

"No, dumbass.  Shay Myers.  She's a witch from my old coven.  She's got a grudge against my mom."

His face turns more serious, and then he evaporates from the balcony.  I look through the glass to see the door opening, and the far too sexy man walking toward me with a salacious grin as he opens the door.

"I love a pretty girl under the moonlight," he playfully murmurs, making me blush despite the fact it was meant to be corny funny.

I hate the moonlight.

Then he frowns as he dusts my hair away.

"What's wrong?"

His lips thin as he studies that damn spot.

"I shouldn't have done that.  I almost brought blood."

I give him my best vixen's smile, which is very unrehearsed and probably pathetic.

"It's not like it hurts, and it felt damn good at the time.  Stop taking away all the sparkle."

His eyebrow cocks up on one side, and he lets a slight grin free.


"Yes.  Sparkle."

He lets a laugh free, and then he pulls me against him.

"How about we go sparkle in bed.  I've got a little work to do, but it can wait."

"I do love your bed."

"I do love that you love my bed."

With that, he scoops up me and my very wrinkled dress while walking back inside.  I might not be able to stay his for long, but for now, I can enjoy my human.


Chapter Fourteen


"Did you find Shay or the lycans?" I ask Gage, holding my phone to my ear with one hand while my other holds my fresh cup of coffee.  I sit down on the end of Kane's bed.

"My friend lost the lycans.  I found Shay, but she's not the one who took your mom.  In fact, she has started her own search for her."

"It could be a cover-up.  It's not like she's dumb enough to just say, 'Yes.  I did it.'  She could be-"

"I know.  I thought the same thing, but she didn't tell me she started her own search.  Of course, she didn't actually tell me much at all, considering she sniffed out my dark magic right away.

"I had to do some deep digging.  She apparently doesn't want anyone, especially your mother, knowing she's trying to help.  Remind me to never get involved with two light witches, by the way."

"Why's that?"

He feigns a shivering breath, mocking a dramatic sense of fear.

"Because you girls are absolutely vicious.  Did you know your mother turned her into a fox for three weeks - until the spell ran dry?"

"Yes," I grumble.  "She lifted the spell though.  Mom's spells run longer than the average witch's.  She just didn't want anyone to know she felt guilty, so she waited until the usual time the spell ran dry."

"So are you still at your human's house?"

"Yeah, he's outside right now.  His roommates just left, and he's on the phone, talking business.  So you really think Shay is innocent?  It would have been foolish for her to do this too soon, but now she has waited long enough to douse suspicion."

"I really don’t think it's her.  She shoveled out a hunk of cash to hire some trackers in an effort to find your mother.  These guys are the best in the business, and I know for a fact they don't work cheap.  She also paid them to keep their mouths shut and told them if they found her, to bring her home and never tell her it was she who hired their services."

"So how did you find out?"

"I'm dark magic," he says casually.  "We don't play by your rules.  I can make almost anyone talk."

"If you're talking about casting a truth spell, those are dangerous and unpredictable.  Not to mention, that magic is hard to master, even for the oldest of magic wielders."

"Are you trying to get me to hint at my age?" he teases.

I smile involuntarily, and then I flop down on the bed.

"No, but now that you mention it-"

"Not a chance, light girl."

I laugh softly while shaking my head, and then I stand to walk back to the sliding glass door.  A foolish grin spreads over my face when I see Kane standing by the lake, his soft, dark hair whipping in the wind as he chats on his phone.

"How'd you sleep?" Gage asks, making it sound as though he actually gives a damn.

I turn away, sighing deeply.

"Like shit.  I stayed awake most of the night because I was worried to damn death about those night stalkers finding us.  I'm going to convince him to stay at my place the rest of the day… and tonight."

"The day won't be as bad.  Night stalkers are fools if they choose to attack under the sun when a witch is stronger.  Keep your ass at home tonight though."

The door shuts, letting me know Kane is back inside.

"I will.  Call me if you have anything."

"Of course."

I put the phone down just as Kane joins me in the room, and his arms slide around my waist as his sweet, perfect smile forms.

"You feel like a movie and dinner here tonight?"

Smiling like a fool, I murmur, "Not here.  Let's go back to my place."

His smile falls, and then he moves a piece of hair from my face.

"You don't feel comfortable here?"

Shrugging, I say, "Amy is here, but she's not at my place."

His head falls back as a sigh of exasperation falls between his lips.

"Baby, she's nothing to me.  How many times do I have to tell you that?"

You can't say it enough.

"It's not about that.  I just feel like I have to hide out in your room when she's here, and it's… tensing.  I'm tired, exhausted actually.  I kept worrying I was going to wake up and find her hovering over me with a butcher knife."

He starts laughing, showing his amusement, and then his lips lightly stroke mine.

"Sorry.  I don't want you feeling uncomfortable in my home.  My other roommates find you pretty fantastic."

Sure they do.  As long as they think I'm a temporary play toy… which… unfortunately, that's what I have to be.

With that sobering thought of reality, I back away, fighting back my tears as I turn to head into the bathroom.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.  I just need to head home and get some stuff done.  I also need to shower, change… that sort of thing.  I'll catch up with you later."

I start pulling on my shoes, and his arms wrap around me from behind.  His lips press against the back of my head, and a tear slips free.  I let it slide down my face so he doesn't see me wiping it away.

"I'm coming with you.  We'll stay at your place until you're comfortable here, but I really don't like you being in that house alone."

My house is much safer than this one.

"Why?  Is it haunted?" I tease, trying not to reveal the emotion truly choking me.

"Something like that."  The way he says it is almost chilling, as if he really believes there's a dark entity lurking in the shadows of my home.

"You're scaring me a little."

His eyes tilt up, and he forces a smile.  "Don't be scared.  I can swear to you no harm would ever come to you.  Not as long as I'm around."

I wish I was completely human - not destined to walk an immortal life among the real darkness lurking within the heavy shadows he only thinks he fears.  It would be so easy to feel safe in his arms.  Though I do feel safety within his warmth, I know he could never save me from the real monsters that walk the streets in search of my blood, my power, my... life.

"It's just... I knew the people who lived there before you, and the woman who lived there before them.  That house has a bad rep.  I'd prefer it if you stayed with me more and there less," he continues.

His aura is buzzing with fear and anxiety right now.  I usually can't feel or see a human's rattling aura because my power is so dormant, but I can see his right now.  It's dark - scary dark.  It's as though he's tormented by something he fears.

"Want to talk about it?" I pry while sitting down on his bed.

"They were just-"  He pauses, uncertainty flashing through his normally gloriously untainted eyes, and then he sits next to me.  "A while back - a long, long while back - a woman lived there who did less than savory things in that home.  After she left, the ones who moved in suffered in ways I never want to see you suffer.  It's a... it's just not a safe place."

I've been there for a while now, and I've never felt any darkness in the walls.  Frankie is an expert on such things, and he never noticed anything either.  I know my mother would have sensed it immediately and shooed me out before we unpacked the first box.

Maybe Kane is a victim of urban legends and dark gossip.

"Well, I can assure you no jaded spirits are there.  They would have been run out by the numerous fits I've thrown while living there."

My attempt at humor is met with solemn silence.  It's apparent he's holding back, and this really does have him scared.

"What sort of unsavory acts?" I prod, looking for insight to his adamant stance on my home.

"Dark stuff.  Weird stuff.  I'd sound like a complete idiot if I tried to explain it.  You'd run out of here thinking I'm crazy."

He forces a smile again, but his eyes betray him.  They tell me he's not at all comfortable, and the truth of his fear remains embedded in the undertones.

"Like witchcraft?" I ask, trying not to smile.

So, so many young humans toy with things they can never even attempt to understand.  Some skilled users tap into a tiny fraction of our power, but never enough to turn the heads of the council.

If he's scared of witches, then this poor guy picked the wrong girl to stalk.

He lets out a touch of laughter finally, and then he shakes his head.

"No, not witchcraft.  Look, let's drop this.  Stay with me and let me make you feel better.  I want you to distance yourself from that place until I know for sure she's not coming back."


He turns to me, his lips tightening as though he just slipped up.

"The woman who originally owned it.  I need to know that she's not going to return."

He's definitely creeping me out right now.  His nervous, fearful energy is spilling out of him and eating at me.  It's been a while since I felt my inner witch responding so strongly to something.  I usually keep a lid on all my powers, but I'm emotionally drained right now.

"Don't worry.  I'm tougher than I look."  I can handle a human witch toying with powers she can never fully understand.

"Stay with me?" His eyes are heartbreaking, soft, and so very sincere.

After a long pause, I murmur, "I'll stay."


Chapter Fifteen


"It's been a month, Frankie.  I've been back here for a month, and you're no closer to finding my mother now than you were when I left you.  I think it's time I called Drackus.  If I ask for his help, he won't refuse me.  He's probably sitting on the edge of his seat in anticipation for such.  Sadistic bastard."

"Don't even think about it.  If Drackus gets involved, he'll slaughter more than we can save.  He'll bring us no closer to Calypso either.  Before he's done, we'll have lost every trail we thought we had."

Sighing heavily, I lean back against Kane's headboard.  I can hear him loudly arguing with Zee about who just won their stupid game.  The constant clicking of remote controls is giving me a migraine.

After basically living with him for a month, I've decided men are boys until they die.  I wish I wasn't so completely enthralled by him.  I don't see how they can hear to argue over the roaring TV they have cranked up to full blast.  Not even immortals have that good of hearing.

"Just tell me what to do, Frankie.  My hope is running thin."

His exasperated sigh follows my words as he thinks almost loud enough for me to hear his thoughts.

"I don't know, Alyssa.  I really don't know.  We're heading to the Old Shot right now.  It's a night stalker bar on the north end of town.  Thad is going to shake down some of their men, see if they give us anything."

I sit up immediately, a prickling sense of fear spreading as I walk out onto the balcony and shut the glass door behind me.

"You can't go to a night stalker bar.  One whiff of your blood and they'll be all over you."

"That's not how it works, Alyssa.  They'll never know I'm a warlock.  They can't smell it in our blood.  They don't even know what they're drinking unless they've tasted us before.  Don't give them more credit than they deserve.  I'll keep my identity a complete secret.  Don't worry.  How are things with loverboy?  Did your spell ever cast correctly?"

Should I tell Frankie I'm a poor excuse for a witch and can't cast a simple protection spell without locking everyone in or out?  Should I tell him about all the times I've tried and failed this past month after he fought me on the decision to stay with Kane?  I don't think so.

"No problems.  Just worry about finding Mom."

"I miss you, kiddo.  Keep your chin up.  I'll call you if we find out anything."

"I miss you, too, Frankie."

I hang up as the weight of my mother's disappearance bears down on me without remorse.  Just as I'm about to go back in, Gage is suddenly right in front of me, scaring the hell out of me.

"Sheesh!  Stop doing that shit," I gripe while ineffectively slapping his immortal body.

He chuckles, playfully swatting at my pathetic swings.  The dark user has been on my nerves for a while, but he's hung around and watched my back.  I'm not too crazy about the fact he bought the house directly beside Kane's, but at least he's not sleeping in the trees.

"Sorry," he lies.  There's not an ounce of a genuine apology in his tone.

"Sure you are," I mumble while glancing through the glass window.

"Relax.  Pretty boy and his buddies are engulfed in a game of Grand Theft... something or another.  He's not coming in any time soon.  Mortals."

I let a small smirk free, but my inner turmoil instantly banishes it.  He starts to say something when I finally notice the metal ring in his lip.  Without thinking, my thumb brushes over it.

He almost shivers under my touch, which offends me.

"Don't like a light user touching you?" I scoff, trying not to sound as insulted as I feel.

I pull away and lean against the railing to stare away from him.  He lets a laugh free and leans up beside me.

"It just caught me off guard.  You like?" he asks while motioning to the steel circle.

I'd never tell him that he's the kind of guy who is sexy enough to pull it off.  I refuse to feed the immortal male ego.  He knows it looks good though, and it's obvious he realizes I think so.

"It's fine."

"You know I can read all the colors around you right now," he pokes, making me squirm.  "You should guard your aura better."

"Did you come to try and make fun of me, or did you have something of any relevance to say?"

My patience has run thin, and I'm sick of his usual frustrating openings.

"I just sent your hound a message to check out the Old Shot.  An informant of mine assured me there was a lead worth tracking down.  I was coming to find out if your light warlock had told you yet."

"He told me.  I don't like him going into a night stalker bar, but he assured me there was no way for them to know who or what he is."

He casts his gaze behind him once, checking for anyone who might be listening in, and then he turns his attention back to me.

"Shouldn't be.  So, you look tired.  Haven't been sleeping much?"

That's the stupidest question I've ever heard.

"My mother has been missing for over a month and a half now.  How would you sleep?"

"Just fine," he says with an unaffected shrug.

I'm almost shocked, which I shouldn't be.

"That's cold, even for a dark user."

He pulls a pen from his jacket and starts scratching something down on a piece of paper.

"What are you doing?" I muse while trying to look at what he's writing.

"Keeping tabs of all the hurtful things you say about my kind versus all the hurtful things I say about yours.  So far, you're way out in front.  Who's the bad guy?"

He smirks as I roll my eyes.

"Fine.  What's the deal with your mother?"

He puts his paper back in his pocket, and then he turns his attention to the ground below.

"You'll figure it out eventually, for now, let's focus on the other reason I'm here.  Are you feeling stir crazy?" he asks while looking at me once again.  "I've noticed human boy doesn't let you out of his sight very much."

Stir crazy?  No.  But it would be nice to get out of the remote-control-clicking environment for a while.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask, my suspension radar on high alert.

His menacing smile is quickly banished, but I had a chance to catch a glimpse of it.  I still don't know if I trust Gage... never mind.  I know I don't trust Gage.  Though he's kept a watchful eye, dark users can't be trusted.

"There're a couple of night stalkers I want to take out.  Believe me when I say you don't want to know what they've done.  Their council should be the ones eliminating them, but they're not here to do so."

The blood in my veins turns to ice from his bomb drop.

"Are you crazy?  A night stalker is our biggest enemy.  They'll freeze you stiff and draw out your life."

Idiocy apparently haunts every male - immortal and human alike.

"Believe me, if you knew the details of what they did to their latest, underage victims, you wouldn't be so quick to turn tail and run.  They need to be taken care of, and this won't be the first time I've taken them out.

"Night stalkers are allowed to kill with discretion.  I don't like it, but it's the way of our world.  These didn't use discretion, and they sure as hell didn't show mercy.  Since their council refuses to clean up the mess, my council has approved my request to do so with no objection from the bloodsucking rulers.  I've got some friends coming in for the job. Problem is, I need one little thing."

Crap.  I know where this is going.

"Bait."  My huffed answer almost makes him smile.  "Fine.  Where and when?  And no vaporizing me from place to place."

He pulls my hand in his to look at my watch.  He doesn't shiver the way he did only moments ago when I tried to touch him.  The moon is faint tonight, just a small sliver.  It's a good night for hunting night stalkers.

"Meet me at my place in five minutes.  I'll fill you in on the plan, and then I'll drive us there.  I promise, no vaporizing."

I frown a little at the spontaneous timing.  I quickly glance through the glass door to see if Kane has returned.

"Fine.  I'll see you shortly."

I turn to see Gage has already disappeared, leaving me talking to his leftover scent.  Rolling my eyes, I head back into the house to tell Kane... something.

"Hey," he says as soon as I join him and Zee in the living area.

"Hey.  Can you pause it for a second?"

"Sure, babe."

Without hesitation he halts the game, and I take his hand in mine to lead him back to the room - away from the unwanted listeners.

Amy is flipping through a magazine, pretending as though she hasn't been sitting in there to stare at my man this entire time.  Sierra and Deke are curled up on a chair together, their lips entangled.  I'm almost jealous.

He shuts the door behind him, his body tensing as if he's worried.  "Everything okay?"

"Um... yeah.  I just need to get out of here for a little while.  I think I'm getting a little... stir crazy."

I suck at lying.

"Sure.  Let me tell the guys I'm heading out."

I grab his hand, realizing I didn't clarify what I meant.

"I need some time to myself.  I'll be back in a little while."

His eyes drop, suddenly a sense of guilt in them.

"I've made you feel trapped, haven't I?  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to pretty much strong-arm you into living with me."

Now I feel guilty for making him feel guilty.  Good grief.  What a vicious little circle.

"It's not that.  I'm just... I just need to walk around for a while.  I spoke to Frankie, and they still don't have any leads on my mother.  It's just a little much for one night."

As much as I hate using my mother's disappearance in my lie, it really will be therapeutic to kick some night stalker ass.  If Gage is right about his foolproof plan.

He sighs as he nods.  "Couldn't it wait until daylight?  I don't like the thought of you being alone in the dark."

Now I know why I'm so utterly lost in this beautiful man.  I've never known someone to be so thoughtful and sweet for no reason.

"I'll be fine.  I promise I won't be too long."

He sighs while shifting uncomfortably, fighting the urge to beg me to stay.

"Well, take your phone.  If you run into any problems, call me.  Where will you be?"

"Um, I'm not sure.  I might go to the diner, check in with Wade and some of the others."

He pulls my hand in his, holding it gently.

"Okay.  Just... be careful.  A lot of girls have been popping up missing lately.  I don't like you going out in the dark."

If he knew what was actually out there, he'd really be against me going out into the dark.


I lean up to kiss his cheek, but he turns and catches my lips.  It's been so long since I've given into his delicious fire.  This thing with my mother has forced me to disengage, feeling guilty for losing myself in him.

His breath tastes incredible in my mouth, and I love the way his body feels pressed against mine.  He pulls me tighter, feeling the weeks of pent up frustration.  Before I know what's happening, he jerks me up, and my legs wrap around his waist.

"Clear your head tomorrow.  Stay with me tonight," he murmurs against my lips.

I groan instead of moaning, realizing by now Gage has already started growing impatient with me.  If another girl falls prey at the hands of the merciless simply because I selfishly became lost in the throes, I'll hate myself.

"When I get back, we'll finish this.  The diner will close before I can get there if I stay here right now."

He doesn't stop his perfect kisses.  Instead, his hunger for me only intensifies in a devouring motion.  The intoxicating sounds coming from him make my whole body tingle in ways I've almost forgotten.

Oh damn.  I hate you right now, Gage.

"Kane, stop.  Just let me go.  I'll be back," I mutter grudgingly.

He groans, obviously not wanting to release me, but he does so very reluctantly, letting me stand on my own again.

"Fine.  I'll see you soon.  Hopefully really soon," he grumbles while adjusting his pants.

I chuckle lightly as he gives me a playful scowl, and then he kisses my lips one last time before walking back out to the crazy living room scene where the music is blaring and drinks are underway.  I notice there are now a few new houseguests hanging out.  How long were we in here?

Gage is gong to kick my ass.

Pulling out my purse, I find a vial of scent masker to drown out any trail.  If one of the night stalkers escapes, I don't want to lead them back to my beautiful human.  I'd never let anyone touch him, but I don't invite danger to follow me either.

When I walk out, my eyes fall on Kane in the far corner talking to Deke.  They're whispering amongst the blaring music, which I obviously find a little odd.  At least I think they're whispering.  With this terribly obnoxious music, who knows?

A girl with store-bought blond hair drops her arms around Kane's waist and leans into him.  Who the hell is she?

Without a pause, he slips her arms out from around him and dismisses her with barely a wave.  Breathing out in relief, I pass the sulking fake-blond and walk over to Kane.

He smiles the second he sees me, and he doesn't waste any time pulling me into his arms.

"You guys can fill a house pretty quickly," I murmur, my eyes tossing back to the cheap blond whose eyes are on me right now, sizing me up.

As if Amy's obsession with Kane wasn't bad enough.  Great.

"I told you we party.  You just haven't had the chance to see it lately.  The guys felt like getting their buzz on tonight though.  You sure you won't just stay?  I wouldn't mind seeing you slur a little."

I let a small laugh free and shake my head.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that when I get back.  Don't let too many blonds rub up on you while I'm gone."

His bottom lip folds between his teeth just before he leans down to pick me up and pulls me against him.  Those luscious lips find mine again, and he smiles behind the kiss.

"I've only got eyes for one blond."

Amy snorts derisively as she walks by, letting it be known she just overheard that comment.  I roll my eyes, and pull back from his tempting offer to stay.

"I hope that means you're not thinking about some brunettes."

Amy's short black hair shakes as she tosses her head around to glare at me.  I'm pretty sure she couldn't have heard that, but the timing is rather coincidental.

"No worries.  You're the only girl that has ever held my attention, and that's not going to change.  Hurry back.  I don't want to spend the night around a bunch of drunken people without my girl to hold."

A goofy grin spreads across my lips, and I give him one last kiss before withdrawing completely.

"I'll be back soon, and I expect to be held all night."

"No arguments here."

He gives me a wink as I head out the door, and through the glass, I watch him resume his private conversation with Deke who never said a word to me.  They seem so serious, and Sierra seems to notice it as well.  I watch her approach, and instantly they loop her in.

I'm almost jealous of how close they all seem to be, because I feel like such an outsider.  It's for the best though.  In less than a year, Kane won't be able to be mine anymore.

A shuffle of people scurry past me on their way into the noise box of a house.  It's crazy how soundproofed it is.  It's obvious now why they had it soundproofed.  They never cut the volume low on anything.

I down the vial of scent masker before attempting the stairs.  My face distorts into a medley of disgusted expressions as the slimy, tart liquid slides down my throat.  I always forget how terribly horrid this stuff is.

Feeling it start to strip me of my scent, I sprint down the steps and cover the distance to Gage's house.  I knock, but his home is soundproofed too.  An immortal thing.

The lights are on, and the entire house is covered in windows just like Kane's.  A small fluttering of butterflies hit me when I see Gage's shirtless body in the room just ahead.

His back is turned as he talks to someone on the phone.  I notice the tattoos on his back - various symbols, mostly magical.  I shouldn't find it sexy, but I'll be damned if I don't.

Finally, I ring the doorbell to keep from staring at yet another guy I can't be with.  Gage's back stays turned as the door opens on its on.

"We'll be there shortly.  See you then."

He puts his phone in his pocket and turns to face me with a small smile.

"You've taken a scent masker already I see.  I was going to offer you some."

My eyes accidentally stray to his ripped body.  There's not a flaw on his muscled physique.  He's so lean... I wasn't expecting such definition.

"Yeah," I bumble out like a stammering fool.  "I didn't want to risk leading them to Kane."

Gage is tall, almost as tall as Kane.  Without my high-heels, I feel so short in comparison.  Even with my heels, I still just reach his chin.  Without them, I barely meet his chest.


My eyes pop up from their forbidden journey over his salacious contours.  Immortals shouldn't be allowed to be this eternally hot.  I hate immortals.

"Huh?" I ask, feeling more than a little foolish.

"I was asking if you're uncomfortable.  Again, your colors are all over the place."

Damn warlocks.

"I'm fine.  I was just curious as to why you have so many symbols tattooed all over you."

It's obviously a rather transparent lie to cover my drooling fiasco.  I never realized how woman I was until these past several weeks.

He lets a small laugh out, and then he pulls a shirt from the back of the chair to put on.  I'm relieved when he finally covers himself up.

"I'm a member of the Somage.  I run into some pretty unsavory creatures, so in order to avoid possessions, summons, and various other precarious situations, I took on the protective symbols.  It's saved my ass more than once."


"I thought the Somage were just an urban legend."

He smirks and then shrugs.

"We like it that way.  We can only erase memories for short intervals, so it's a daily struggle to keep the fey world a secret when some creatures refuse to abide by the rules.  We take out the ruthless and careless killers who could potentially become exposure threats, and  we put down the wild, bloodthirsty bloodsuckers of all kinds if they lose control.  We're just a group of dark users trying to take care of the big bads.  What exactly do the light users do to keep people safe?"

His rhetorical question seeps sarcasm as he pulls on a thin, hooded jacket.

"I get it.  I realize the light tends to-"

"Tends to worry about their own hide and not give a damn about anything else going on in the world?  Glad we agree on that."


"So, is this where you pull out your score pad and mark where you've just insulted the light?"

He lets a snicker out, and then he shakes his head.

"This is the part where I give you some makeup lessons."

Question marks form in my head and swirl around in circles.

"Makeup lessons?"

He smirks as he walks over to me, and I feel his dark magic roaming through my body as something changes.  It steals my breath with its invasive touch, and I almost feel the need to go on the defense when it's suddenly over.

"Easy girl.  Don't be going to battle just yet.  Your scent is gone for a few hours, but your appearance could still give away your identity.  Take a look."

I walk by him and gasp when I see the red hair, bright green eyes, and unfamiliar face.

"How did you... we can't-"

"We can for short periods of time.  It'll last for three hours at most.  You won't be able to do it again for several weeks though.  Magic is a beautifully tricky thing like that.  Let's get going."

He ushers me out the door, and I follow him down the stairs of the deck to his garage.

"Don't have an inside access?" I ask.

"To my garage?  Of course I do.  I just didn't want to drag your through my house and give you a chance to get comfortable.  The way you were looking at me... I was worried I was about to get unwrapped like a Christmas present while we were merely in the living room."

My cheeks flush upon hearing his teasing comment.  I cut my eyes away as he opens the door.  He laughs ridiculously hard, and then I hear a familiar voice behind us.

"Nothing?" Kane asks with disbelief, and without thinking, I whip around.

Gage walks over to me just as Sierra, Deke, and Kane come into view.

"Nothing.  It's as though... I don't know.  There's just nothing."

"What's going on?" Gage pipes up, and my heart leaps into my throat.

I'm going to kick his ass for this.

Kane walks toward us, not recognizing me at all as his eyes barely give me a second glance.  What's he doing leaving his party?  What are they looking for?

"Sorry.  I didn't realize anyone was living here.  I didn't mean to appear as though we were trespassing."

He sounds so formal, polite, and... oddly different.

"I just moved in a few weeks ago.  My girl and I were about to go grab a bite to eat, and we heard voices."

I could slap him right now.  I really hope he's reading the vibrant red of anger my aura is flashing at him.

He smirks, letting me know he has seen my fuming red colors lighting up like a neon sign.

"Sorry to have bothered you.  I was just checking up on something.  I won't hold you up.  Welcome to the neighborhood."

Kane turns to jog off once Gage thanks him, and I watch as the three of them head into the woods - a shortcut to town.

"Seriously?"  I slap Gage across the stomach, instantly regretting that foolish move when I pull back my throbbing hand.

"What?" he asks, feigning innocence.  "We need to meet up with the guys.  They've lured the night stalkers toward the edge of town - the deepest section of the woods that stretch on for miles.  You, my little redhead, will be in the center, smelling like a virgin."

"I'm not-"

He rolls his eyes while cutting me off.  "Believe me, I know.  I live next door, and well... there was that one time-"

"Oh shit."  I had completely forgotten about Gage being just outside during one of my bedroom romps.  "I hate you."

He laughs harder as we hop in his very sleek, black sports car.  It definitely suits a bad boy dark user.

"Chill," he teases while cranking the purring engine and throwing it in reverse.  My head jolts from the unnecessary force, and he skids around to slam it into gear.  The tires squeal with me as he continues.  "The virgin blood is something we have in stock.  Donated to us, of course.  Many people enjoy helping our cause.  It'll be strong enough to lure them to you.  We use just tiny drops to represent a true wound.  Their victims have all been virgins."

I still don't know the gruesome details, nor do I want to.

"Just don't let them get a hold of my witch blood.  They'll never stop."

My breath catches when his hand is suddenly on mine.

"I wouldn't do anything if I thought you'd be at risk.  We've pulled this trap more times than one can count.  Never once has there been anything go wrong."

His hand moves back to the wheel as he skirts around a curve, making my whole body tense up.  I'm starting to wish I had just let him vaporize me.

"Some of us are still mortal, you know."

He simply laughs at my aggravated remark, never slowing his hasty, dangerous, bat-out-of-hell driving.

Note to self, immortal drivers are bad for my health.

I'm relieved when he skids to a halt on the dirt drive next to the lake.  The dark woods promise to carry mischief to anyone who enters.  I climb out and instantly shiver upon seeing nothing but the leery darkness beyond the edge.

Gage climbs out, and I gasp when I see his masked face along with his drawn hood.  He looks just as scary as anything I'll see out there.

"Always cautious.  It's important to conceal our identities in case something goes wrong."

"That's encouraging," I grumble.

"No worries.  Like I said, just cautious."

I follow him, wondering why I ever agreed to this.  He moves with stealth through the forest that seems to go on forever.  Finally, we stop.  The silence is only interrupted by the scurrying night creatures who are curious about our imposing arrival.

"Okay, you'll be waiting here.  Cade, one of my friends, just sent a text saying the night stalkers are on the way.  I've got a few guys already out here."

I look around, but no one or nothing stands out.

"I don't see anything."

He nods, a small smile forming.  "That's the point.  I'll be out of sight too, but don't you dare think I'm very far away.  When a night stalker is hunting for blood, they can sense our immortal veins.  That's why you're here, and that's why we'll be hanging back.  If something feels off, just scream my name.  It'll make for good practice."

The devious wink he gives me after his seductive ending makes my cheeks flush.  I roll my eyes, feeling completely idiotic.

"I believe you were the one who bashed Thad for flirting with me, when you've now done it quite a bit lately."

He smiles, his eyes lowering bashfully, and then he shrugs.

"Well, I prefer to think of it as us being a little less defensive around each other.  Don't let it go to your head.  I need to go get into place."

I think I just made a dark user blush.  Didn't even know that was possible.

He starts to turn away, and I grab his arm as the reality of the situation sets in.

"Don't let them touch me.  If they-"

"They won't get close enough," he says in interruption.  "Even if they did, they won't be using their subduing powers against a witch because they'll just think you're a pretty little mortal girl lost in the woods.  Just think of yourself as Little Red Riding Hood facing off with the Big Bad Wolf."

The problem is, I've heard the dark version of that fable - not just the bubblegum tale where Little Red Riding Hood comes out unscathed.

I shiver slightly, and then murmur, "These aren't the kind of villains that waste time on some evil monologue.  They go straight for the kill without wasting time."

His eyes soften before the heat of his touch finds my arm in a comforting motion.

"Don't worry.  I swear I'll get you out of here if anything was to go wrong.  You're in good hands, Red."

He gives me a wink, and then he vaporizes to disappear into the darkness.  In all my life, I never thought I'd be playing bait for night stalkers while my rescue lay in the hands of a dark user.

I'm either incredibly stupid or insanely brave.  I'm not betting on the latter of the two.

I hear the rustle of the limbs, and I take a steady breath to calm my rampaging nerves.  In an effort to play the part, I start playing the prey.  I just hope I don't play the prey too well.

"Is anyone out there?  Please, someone?"  The fear in my voice is authentic, for I'm scared out of my frigging mind right now.

I'm sure they can hear my mortal heartbeat pounding against my chest as it tries to explode from the anticipation.  Then I see them - glowing eyes in the distance.  They keep fading in and out of sight as they start toying with me.

"Hello?  Someone?  Anyone?"  My voice breaks this time.  The squeaky pitch exuded is unintentional, but it still goes with my character.

Little Red Riding Hood only had one damn wolf to worry about.  I've counted five sets of glowing eyes so far, and there were only supposed to be three.  Already this plan is amiss.

Gage, you better not fuck this up.

I almost wish he could read minds right now.  I'd tell him I changed my mind, and get me the hell out of this sacrificial placement.

"A lost lamb?" an eerie voice pronounces, but it's alone.  Where are the other four?

"Can you help me?  I don't know how, but I got turned around," I murmur to the vacant, dark air, trying to find the place where the voice came from.

My breath is stolen as the glowing blue eyes suddenly find mine - directly in front of me.  I would gasp, but the painful air is trapped deep in my lungs, refusing to budge.

"Pretty girl," he breathes, playing with me all the more.  "Let's see how pretty you scream."

I do scream.  I can't help it.  When at last the sound finds my lungs, I can't stop screeching a terrified shriek, praying the action is about to go down.

He wasn't supposed to touch me, but his hand is clamping my mouth just before my back slams the tree.  Just when I think the game is over, he's flying backwards and crushing the tree behind him, causing the giant oak to creak, crack, and crash.

"Fucking trap!" another voice screeches, and within a blink, the five start rushing away.

Four others from Gage's mystery, masked brigade come into sight and start aiding in Gage's attempt to keep the night stalkers from fleeing.

I breathe out in relief as they are thrown back toward the circle the guys have prepared.  Slumping down against the tree, I silently watch, my heart still pounding.  Though I want to help, it's best not to reveal to them I'm a witch with mortal blood still coursing through my veins.

Blue balls of energy shoot free from Gage's hands, striking the snarling bloodsuckers.  I cringe when I see the dark blood shooting free, and I'm forced to turn my head when the gruesome sights become unbearable.

Then I hear Gage shouting, "Now!"

I look up in time to see one of the guys slamming down a stone to complete a circle.  A red, almost blinding light shoots into the sky from the circle, shedding light on all the curious forest creatures that instantly take cover.

I've only ever heard of trap nets such as this.  I've never actually seen one for myself.  It's incredible.

The night stalkers scramble around, but as soon as one of them tries to leap out, they're slammed back into the circle from the magic hidden inside the stones.

"Don't bother," Gage says as he runs a hand through his dark hair, pushing it away from his face after the ruffling fight.  He quickly pulls his hood back down, though now it seems pointless.

At least his face is still well hidden.

The night stalker who had me pinned doesn't seem very frazzled, or even worried about the situation.  That scares the shit out of me.  How can someone remain calm while facing imminent death?

"You have no idea who you're messing with," the night stalker snarls, his tone threatening.

"Don't I?" Gage taunts.  "You're Isolis, leader of this coven.  I admit we were just expecting two to be following your lead.  I didn't realize you could find four to follow you on a single kill."

Isolis's eyes cut toward me, and he gives me a dark grin that makes my skin prickle from head to toe.

"Is that a fact?" he asks while turning back to Gage.  "Do you always use live bait for your traps, or was I a special condition?"

Gage lets out a sardonic huff of a laugh, and then he shakes his head, his mask still covering his identity.

"You're not special in any way.  Let's talk about the sacrificial rituals you've been performing on the girls you've slaughtered and left for dead, leaving a few breaths in their lungs.  That's not very discreet or humane of you, both of which are required by your kind in order to keep peace.  Now, tell me why you've been performing the rituals."

Isolis just laughs - a deep, throaty, genuine laugh of amusement.  Though I can't see Gage's face, I'm sure he's not too thrilled by the reaction.

"Something funny, Isolis?  I don't think you quite realize how severe the consequences you're facing are.  Tell me what these rituals were intended to do, and you won't die by fire.  Deny me, and I'll make sure you feel the same pain those girls did before you left them gasping for their last breaths."

Isolis's laughter tapers off as his eyes grow darker with intent, his night stalker blues burning a glowing hue.  A small, secretive smirk plays on his lips as he pulls his hands behind his back.

"Boy, you have no idea what's coming.  There's more power at play than you can even fathom.  Just be warned, the Somage don't have a lot of friends.  Your faces may be hidden, your scents may be covered, but your voices remain the same.  We'll find you, and it won't be pretty when we do.  Remember this moment when I'm ripping your heart out through your throat."

If ever there was a scarier threat, I've never heard it.  Gage seems cool, unaffected, as though he's heard this all too many times.  I'm shaking like a leaf on a tree in the middle of a windstorm.

"I'm standing on the outside of this circle right now, while you're facing your last few breaths.  Don't think you scare me.  You're low on the food chain compared to what I've dealt with.  Just another snake in the grass waiting to get his head chopped off - that's all you are to me," Gage murmurs, his tone equally as terrifying.

With all the time we've spent together this past month, I've almost forgotten the dark roots he bears.  That's something I should remember before getting too close.

Isolis turns to face me, and my stomach slaps my throat when he gives me a devious wink, warning me something big is about to happen.

"Maybe you'd be right... if I hadn't been expecting a trap," he says, and as soon as those words release, the woods thunder with a sudden attack.

I scream as lycans and night stalkers crash through the trees.  At least ten have joined our party, and they're out for blood.  We set a trap alright - our own fucking trap.

The time for holding back is over.  With this many, I'll have to reveal my power.

Gage starts whirling blue orbs of energy while using his telekinesis to shove them away.  If they touch him, his fight is over.  They'll use their subduing power to restrain him, hold him... kill him.

The other members of his masked brigade fight off as many as they can, but one screams out as he's brought down.  His mask is ripped free by a night stalker who relishes the terror he's stricken before devouring him, forcing me to cut my eyes away.

I screech as one nears the circle, but while I'm busy hesitating, he has time to rip a stone up and free the other five.  Now we're all the more outnumbered, and I have no choice.

Before I can release the first bit of magic, death's grip is at my throat.

"Pretty girl, you've been a bad, bad girl," Isolis murmurs with malice lighting up in his eyes.  "Mortal dolls such as yourself should never agree to help those weaker than me."

I can't see the fight raging on.  I don't know who's hurt, dead, or dying.  All I can see are the glowing blue eyes in front of me, dulling down to a deep brown color.  Golden flecks sprinkle along the rims of his chocolates, and his strong, chiseled jaw clenches as he breathes me in.

He's a beast, seeming even taller than he did the first time he held my life in his hands.  I can still feel my power inside me, stirring.  Gage was right, he has no clue I'm a witch, so he doesn't know he has to fight against me.

I hear a strangled release, and I know it's Gage.  He's hurt, and I can't see how bad.  It's now or never.

Just as Isolis starts to go for the kill, I put my hands on his arms that are holding my shoulders.  Forcing enough volts out to kill a herd of elephants, I shock the fuck out of him and send him flying backwards.

The look on his face is pretty frigging priceless as the high fills me.  My father's power is toxic, inebriating.  I shouldn't have used it, but desperate times call for incredibly stupid measures.

Isolis stands as several more men surround me, their attention drawn to the mortal witch whose blood they're now desperate to taste.

With a devilishly wry grin, I pull the power forth, my silver orbs circling my hands as I step toward them without fear.

"Holy... shit," one of them releases in disbelief.

Little Red Riding Hood has a dark little secret.  Oops.

My silver orbs glow brighter, swelling to be much larger as they continue to swirl around my hands.  With one gloriously cathartic release, I sling them forth.  The two orbs split, turning into four and striking a lycan and three night stalkers in the chest.

Their screaming yelps ring like music to my ears, proving the intoxicating dark power is starting to take me deeper into its clutches.  I can't pull back though.  We'll never survive if I do.

The fire blazes from the earth to join the next set of silver streaking beauties, and the screams heard are delighting my sadistic side as my roaring inferno grabs more lives of the dark.

Gage is suddenly beside me, slinging me to the ground before a night stalker's surprise attack can succeed, and then he jumps up to resume his attacks.  Just as the high takes me over, a scream surges through my lips.

I feel the fangs bared, crunching against the curve of my neck, as the fire of the bite brings me to tears.  Gage flings his blue orbs, but a lycan sideswipes him and sends him barreling across the forest.

More glowing blue eyes and new lycans join the party, making death a reality.  Then something happens that I wasn't prepared to see.

The new deadly beauties leap into the fight, but they're not attacking us, they're attacking Isolis's men.

I look up just as Isolis is about to take another bite out of me, but he's thrown back as one of the newest night stalkers grabs him up and launches him back.  I cry out in pain when my dark hero lifts me up, but relief isn't anywhere inside me.

The red hair I'm wearing stains with an even darker red as my blood flows freely.  The face of my newest captor is hidden beneath a black mask just like Gage's.  His gray hoodie covers his head, and his glowing blues check me over.

I'm starting to worry we've just stepped into a turf war, but then I realize the other numbers dwindling.  The night stalker holding me feels so familiar to the touch, as if I know him.  His scent is gone, just like mine.  Apparently, everyone decided to be incognito tonight.  Not that a scent really matters to me.  I can't identify a scent or track it.

The night stalker holding me nods to the lycans of his group, and then one of his other night stalker friends whistles twice to signal some sort of attack formation.  With grace and effortless poise, the two lycans jump into the circle, and they shred several of the night stalkers attacking our few men.

Isolis is gone - nowhere at all to be seen.  Now one Devil has left, handing the keys to the gates of hell to another.

Gage runs over, but he stops as he stares eye-to-eye with the night stalker holding me.  He pulls free a blue orb, poised to strike, but the night stalker gently places me on the ground at his feet.

Gage kneels, his eyes never leaving the foe playing friend, until suddenly they're all gone as quickly as they came.

"What the fuck just happened?" one of Gage's friends asks.

"Your guess is as good as mine.  Don't question good fortune.  Let's get the hell out of here for now.  Grab Jesse.  He'll need a proper burial."

I cringe as I glance in the direction of their fallen comrade.  His dark hair shades his lifeless eyes.  I didn't know him, but I'm sure Gage and he were close enough for his death to sting the dark user.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly.

"Me?  I'm immortal.  You... Alyssa, I'm so sorry.  I swear to you nothing like this has ever happened before."

He had no idea I meant emotionally okay.  He just lost a member of his group.


"Shit.  You're losing a lot of blood.  I need to get you back to my place and get you cleaned up."

Before I can argue, I feel the wind against me.  Either he forgot he drove, or the fanged demon left one hell of a mark behind which has prompted a hasty retreat.

Though the pain is excruciating, I grit through it.  It's not like I haven't felt it before.  Within a few deep breaths, we're back at his house.  I look down to see the blood has covered my arm.

Damn it.

Dizziness is always a reminder as to why I shouldn't let him vaporize me, but right now I've got to focus on the more important things.

"My blood, it'll leave a trail."

"Every drop that fell was soaked up by the earth.  Care to explain how that happened?  While you're at it, how about telling me how a mortal holds energy in the palm of her hand, when some century-old beings can't even do such a thing."

I was really hoping to avoid this conversation.

"Are you saying you're over a century old?  You used energy as well."

He smirks as he places me on his bed, and then he tugs his mask off to reveal the face I'm getting far too used to seeing.  I take a moment to drink in my surroundings.  It's a neutral colored scheme.  Given the fact he's a dark user, I was expecting something a little more... gothic?

There's nothing dark at all about his room.  In fact, it's actually a light, cozy sort of atmosphere.  The taupe walls mingle with the splashes of red art.  No personal pictures adorn the space, but there are plenty of wild, enthralling sculptures and paintings.

He takes interest in my bemused facial expression just before he rips my sleeve off my shoulder to reveal the severity of the wound I refuse to look at.  He flinches, and guilt shades his eyes as he pulls out medical supplies.

"Let me guess, you were expecting dark crosses, voodoo dolls, pentagrams... that sort of thing," he says in a forced mocking tone, his attention more focused on my shoulder.

The living room had been simple, nice, even elegant, but I thought that was just for the sake of appearances.

"Maybe a skull and cross sort of theme."

He lets a laugh out as he smears something over my shoulder.  His perfectly crisp blue eyes find mine as I take a deep breath.  The concern I see is genuine, which makes me genuinely confused.

"Be glad Isolis doesn't come from a strong sire.  His venom is weak," he says to break the awkward silence.

His eyes fall back down to my wound, and I flinch as he starts pressing harder against the open bites I still refuse to view.

"He sure as hell felt pretty strong to me."

He laughs at my candor, and then shakes his head as he eases off the bed.  His soft, satin bedspread is almost slippery.  The vibrant red goes well with the trickle of blood still falling off me.  It's a good thing he has magic, otherwise getting the blood stains out would be a bitch.

"He is strong.  I guess I should elaborate.  Just because his venom is weak, that doesn't mean he's weak.  It means he comes from a lesser bloodline.  The stronger bloodlines have much more painful venom.  Once, I spent days on my back screaming in agony."

I shiver as my mind falls back to the second, almost fatal bite I received.  I too spent days on my back, screaming out my torture.

"What did he mean by something big is coming?  And what rituals were you talking about?"

He shrugs, as if he's not dwelling on the fanged beast's spewed threat.

"They always say something big is coming.  As for the rituals, we don't know what they were for.  That's kind of why I asked him."

His playfully poking tone makes me roll my eyes, and then he kneels before me to start bandaging my newest set of bite marks.

"How am I going to explain this to Kane?" I huff out.

"It'll heal within twenty minutes.  That medicine is some of my aunt's best work."

It's obvious he's a little closer to his aunt than his mother.  Should I pry?

"So, you and your aunt are close?"

He smiles, and then he pulls off his shirt, as if he's trying to make me blush and squirm.

"Very.  She should have been my mother.  Life sure as hell would have been simpler.  Now, let's get back to you.  How did you control the energy orbs?"

He turns to me as he pulls out another, clean, blood-free shirt and pulls it over his head.  His bottom lip folds between his teeth - the metal ring included - as he waits for me to answer the question I never usually do.

"Do you remember that trust conversation we had?" I ask curiously.

"I think it's time you start trusting me so I can start helping you.  That's a lot of power, and Isolis just saw you use it.  He got away tonight.  Though he'll surely flee town now that he's lost his mignons, he'll be back.  You need to be ready.  Now trust me."

Hearing a dark user tell a light user to trust them is almost comical, but I really don't have a choice.  He can't allow his friends to tell his council what I'm already capable of.

"It's my father's magic.  I can control energy just as he does, but it's already strong enough to do some serious damage.  If your guys tell-"

"They won't.  They don't even know your name or your face so it wouldn't do them any good to tell.  You seemed so in-control over it, but I could tell you were holding back.  Why?"

Because it makes me a psychopathic freak to use it at full strength.

"It's... well, it's my father's power.  Do I really need to say more than that?  Just as the use of it gets him high, drunk, and leaves him completely encompassed by the seduction of its force, the same happens to me.  It's not something that can or should be used if there are options.  My mother's power is from the earth, which is why I can only assume my blood was swallowed up.  That's actually new to me.  The earth was trying to keep me safe.  As for the rest... well, I don't trust you that much."

I don't trust anyone to tell them how strong I really am... how damn crazy I can get.  The dark would look light if I ever lost control.  I dread being immortal.  My power will grow stronger, even stronger than Drackus's power, and who knows what a peril I might become.

"Fair enough," he murmurs while sitting down on the edge of the bed to join me.  "For the record, red suits you.  I prefer the blond, but you can pull off the extreme change."

I laugh a little as I stare at the ends of my hair bearing the foreign color.

"So, you never speak to Drackus?  Care if I ask why?" he asks, seeming hesitant in his approach to the touchy subject.

So, so, so many reasons come to mind, but I only share a tidbit about my estranged father.

"You've heard the stories.  Though I know my father would be here if I ever needed him, it wouldn't be because he loves me.  Drackus thrives on chaos and power.  He'd love nothing more than if I called him and asked him for help just so he'd have an excuse to show the world and me how powerful he really is.  To be honest, I'm considering asking for his help.  Mom's been missing for far too long."

He shifts uneasily.  Most people don't say my father's name above a whisper.  I suppose I use it a little too casually.

"I think you should give us a little more time.  If Drackus comes out of his-"

"I know.  The light and dark would unite to fight against him, and it would be war all over again.  My father has just as many friends as he does enemies, so when I say it would be a war, I mean that very literally.  I'm just reaching the point of desperation."

Before I realize I'm doing it, the tears are flowing down my face.  Gage pulls me into his arms, and I shiver against the unexpected contact.

He's been rude, obnoxious, aggravating, and recently flirty, but this is the first time he's ever been... sweet?  Considerate maybe?

Oddly enough, his embrace is comforting, but it only makes me ready to get back to Kane.  Those are the arms I want to be in right now.

"We'll find her.  I'll keep calling all my contacts and we'll find her."

I pull back to see the truth in his eyes, and I tilt my head.

"Why do you care so much?  I thought you were only here to clear all accusations of it being your people."

His lips tighten as he looks away.

"That's how it started, but then you kind of grew on me."  His words make me bite back a grin, but his lips etch up slightly upon seeing my reaction.  "I know.  Crazy how things work out.  Besides, you need my help, and I happen to enjoy helping people out.  Who knows, maybe once you're immortal, the two of us can even try to be friends."

I lean forward, my eyes teasing him lightly.  "Even if I'm light and you're dark?"

His eyes flash a devious glow before he murmurs, "They're just definitions of power, nothing else.  If lovers can be on opposing sides, so can friends."

I just laugh at that while shaking my head.

"I'll be glad when my face and hair get back to normal," I say in an effort to shift the topic.

I'm ready to get back to Kane - more than ready.  I'm also a little curious about where he went and what he was doing.

"Your face has been back to normal for a while now.  That's why I said you could pull off red.  It wouldn't be you pulling off red if you were still wearing another face."

Reflexively, my hands pop up to feel the familiar skin pulled in all the right places.  I glance to the mirror on the wall to see how very bizarre it seems for me to be wearing this brazen color.

"I'm definitely not rocking red.  Thanks for the lie though."

He laughs lightly, and then he plops down on the bed to rest his hands behind his head.  With him lying that way, it makes me feel uncomfortable to be sitting here.  This is too intimate a setting for us, but before I can disengage, he draws my attention to him.

"That'll still leave a mark.  The meds just stop the bleeding and kill the worst of the venom.  It'll close the wound, but I'm afraid it'll still scar.  Sorry."

His eyes hold mounds of guilt to prove the authenticity of his apology.  I pat his leg, and then I start to stand.

"That's no problem," I sigh out, and then I wave my hand over the mark while chanting the secret medley of words my mother formed in spell.

Before his eyes, my skin shifts, and an invisible veil drops to cloak the hideous mark I'm not yet prepared to see.  His eyes widen, and a smirk forms as he stands and lowers his head to be level with my little miracle.

"That's pretty nifty for a newbie.  How long will it last?"

I shrug, trying to ignore the heat of his breath finding the skin on my chest.

"I'm really not sure of its limitations.  It's worked on my other one for several years now.  Mom seems to believe it'll always work."

He stands up, seeming too impressed for such a seemingly simple feat.

"You don't even realize the significance of this, do you?" he asks while touching the skin.

Chill bumps form when he caresses the hidden bite, and then I shakily murmur, "It's just for small sections.  Nothing too big would work."

"It even feels smooth.  No different from the rest of your skin," he says while letting his hand trail down my shoulder to my arm.

I shiver this time, and he smirks, obviously reading my aura again.  Damn warlocks.

"Um, how much longer until my hair changes back?"

His smirk grows as he pulls my hair between his fingers and draws it in front of my face.

"It just did."

I stare at the blond and sigh in relief.  I really need to get out of here.  I know Kane and I can't be together forever, but I still want him.  Being around Gage, someone who has my immortal destiny... it's just confusing me.  Confusion is not something I need right now.

"I should get back to Kane."

Gage smiles bigger, and then he winks at me while holding his hand over my head.  My ripped sleeve mends in front of my eyes as the blood stains covering my clothes disappear.  Within seconds, my entire ensemble looks like I just walked out of the drycleaners.

I take it a step further and make it different, changing back into what Kane saw me leave in.

"Call me if you need me," he murmurs with his grin still intact.

Then something dawns on me.  "Why did you soundproof your house?  You mentioned you were... er... next door... and insinuated you overheard... um... stuff, but your house is completely shut off from the outside and so is Kane's."

He laughs loudly at my stammering attempt.  I couldn't just say he mentioned overhearing my bedroom tousles with Kane.

"The house was soundproof when I got it.  It wasn't something I added to it.  It's rather obvious this is a hotspot for immortals.  I'm sure one owned it at some point in time.  There are quite a few houses like this one.  As for overhearing your passionate screams, I'm not always inside and you don't always shut your balcony door."

My face floods crimson, and he laughs ridiculously hard when I drop my eyes instantly.

"I'm definitely leaving now."

Turning on my heel, I head toward the door, leaving behind the rambunctious cackles flowing freely from the dark user's mouth.  He's enjoying this way too much.


Chapter Sixteen


The loud, thumping music is vibrating the house.  The lights are dim, like this is some sort of a club instead of a home.  I can see a group of boys clicking away on the remotes while playing one of the violent games.

Amy is the only one I recognize and know.  There are so many people that it's impossible to find Kane right now.

"Blonds are my thing," a drunken goon slurs from behind me.

I whip around, quickly tossing his stray arm off my shoulders and take a step back.

"Sorry.  Drunk strangers aren't my thing."

He smiles, his eyes dancing with the thrill of a chase.

"Well, let's make them your thing.  I'm Craig."

"She's taken," Deke says while popping up out of nowhere, standing close to me in a protective sort of manner.

"Yo, man.  I though you were with Sierra.  That babe single now?"

What a jerk.

Deke's eyes narrow, and then he lets out a derisive scoff.  "Even if she was, you wouldn't be able to handle her.  Sierra's still mine.  This is Kane's girl.  You really want to keep playing with fire?"

The guy's eyes widen, as if he's sobering a little, and then he stumbles backwards.

"No.  Sorry.  Tell him I didn't know."

Without another word, he disappears from sight, leaving his balls behind apparently.  I've never seen anyone so quick to bow out.

"Where's Kane?" I ask, having to yell over the music.

"He's out looking for you.  I just sent him a text to tell him you're here.  He's heading back now."

Looking for me?

"Why did he go looking for me?"

"Because there was another attack in town.  We got a call a few minutes after you left.  Two girls were found dead in their homes, and it wasn't pretty.  He went to track you down and bring you home until daylight.  But you're an expert at vanishing into thin air.  Where'd you go?"


"I just walked around mostly.  There's a spot at the edge of town I like to go.  When will he be back?"

Before he can answer, strong arms are wrapped around me and pulling me into a glorious embrace.  I breathe him in, enjoying his smell like he was made for me.  Those incredible lips find my neck and trail across my hidden wound as he kisses me through the fabric.

I stifle a wince when he presses too firmly against the still tender bite left behind.  Though it can't be seen, it can sure as hell be felt.

I turn around, and he draws me in closer just before his perfect lips find mine.  I smile behind the kiss that is far too passionate to be displayed in front of so many.

"No more late night romps through the town, please.  My heart still isn't steady," he murmurs against my lips.

I smile bigger as I lean into him.

"I take it you were worried?"

"Very.  I've called your phone at least a dozen times.  Did you lose it?"

Oh shit.

I left my phone at Gage's before we even left to go set the trap that went terribly awry.  I completely forgot it.

"I'm sure it'll turn up.  I'm sorry you were worried, but I'm a big girl.  I managed."

By the skin of my teeth, that is.

"I heard about those girls they found in town, and it scared the hell out of me.  I left shortly after you did, but we couldn't track you down.  Since then, I've been worried sick.  I sound like a total control freak right now, don't I?"

I smile involuntarily to the point it almost aches.  Giggling like a fool, I shake my head.  The noisy room makes it hard for us to hear each other, but I can tell he likes the fact I'm more turned on than freaked out.

It feels good to have him care so much, since I feel the same way.

"I love the fact you went all over town looking for me, but I hate you missed your party full of drunk, smitten-with-you women."

He laughs at my insincere remark, and then he cups my face in his hands before leaning down and kissing me lightly once again.

"I need to go check on Zee and tell him your back.  I've got him missing out on all the drunk women, too.  I'll be right back.  Don't move."

I just nod, my foolish grin remaining intact, as he shuffles back through the mass to head outside.

I look over to see Deke has claimed Sierra's attention.  I almost smile, but then my mouth fills with the taste of bitter when I see Amy making her way toward me.

Inhaling a sharp breath, I ready myself for whatever cruel, unnecessary thing she spews through her jealous lips.  This past month, I've heard it all.

"I really don't feel like hearing it, Amy.  Just enjoy the party and leave me alone," I grumble as soon as she reaches me.

"I don't want to fight.  I just came to tell you... look, there's a lot about us you don't know.  If you love your family, your friends, your life in general, you need to give up Kane."

My blood almost boils.  How dare she threaten me.

"You start making threats against my family, and I'll-"

"I'm not making threats, Alyssa.  I'm telling you that choosing Kane has consequences.  You'll belong to him.  If you don't like the way that sounds, you need to give him up, because he's never going to give you up."

She walks away before I can form some well mastered retort.  I glare at her back as she mingles into the middle and starts dancing between some drunken men.  I wish she'd just stay away from me.

"What'd she say this time?" Kane asks as he comes up behind me.  "I saw her talking to you through the glass.  I couldn't get in here before she said anything."

I just shrug it off the same way I always do the things she says.

"Nothing that changes anything.  I really don't want to talk about Amy."

His eyes burn against her back, and I'm sure she can feel his glare.  She's either enjoying his attention or avoiding his scowl.  Either way, I'm sick of his eyes being on her.

"How about showing your girlfriend some attention and forgetting about your ex."

His eyes fall on me as he sighs.  "She's not my damn ex."

If you say so.

"Then stop worrying about her.  Let's enjoy the night."

As someone cuts the lights up a little, I notice something that had averted my attention earlier.  Blood stains his shirt in various places.

"What happened?  Are you bleeding?" I panic.

He drops his gaze and his eyes widen as he lets a few curse words flow out under his breath.  It's obvious he didn't expect me to overhear his swearing, since he said them so low, and then he starts walking toward his room.

I follow him quickly, still waiting for a response.

"Kane," I prompt.

"It's not mine," he says, finally easing the knot tensed in my stomach.

"Whose is it?"

I shut the door behind me as he strips off his shirt.  The light stains don't reach his skin, and I sigh in relief when I see it really isn't his.

"There was a hurt girl with a bloody... nose.  I helped her out.  I didn't realize it had gotten on this shirt, too."

"Too?  Did you have on another shirt?"

He ignores me, but I quickly drop my inquisition when I see the divine lines of his body calling to me.  Without noticing my gaze on him, he starts rifling through his closet for another shirt.

He finally catches my scandalous eyes and my lip clutched between my teeth, and a dark grin appears on his beautiful face.

"Feeling the weight of a few weeks?" he teases, though it's obvious he's just as turned on as I am right now.

"A little."

Just as he's about to make his way toward me, a loud crashing sound breaks free on the other side of the door.  He rushes out with me on his heels to go investigate.

Amy is standing over the blond I saw draped around Kane earlier.  The pretty girl has a bloody mouth, a reddened eye and a swollen lip.  Her body is a tangled mess of disaster as she lies unconsciously on the ground.

The music halts and the lights come on quickly.

"What the fuck?" Kane scolds, his arms angrily flailing to emphasize his fury.

"I told you she better not taunt me again.  I don't deal with that female drama shit."

My ass.  That's all she fucking does is start drama.

"Amy, you can't-"  Kane stops short of whatever he was going to say as his hands go through his hair.

Sierra walks up, and Deke joins her to scoop the limp girl off the floor.

"Crank the tunes back up.  It's not like it's the first time someone has gotten laid out in here."  Deke laughs, but his eyes narrow at Amy as if he's silently scolding her.

The sound kicks back in, and Amy goes so far as to wink at Kane.  My fists clench at my sides as I hold my breath.

I'm so sick of her!

"We'll talk about this later," he growls, but she just shrugs and smiles before walking off.

He turns back to me to meet my scrutinizing glare burning into him.

"Please don't," he says before I even start to speak.

"What?  Tell you how old this has gotten?  It's always the same.  She acts out to gain your attention, which you always give her immediately after.  And people say I have daddy issues."

My sardonic release isn't lost on him even under the deafening music that has resumed.  I walk away, pushing through the partiers on my way to grab my own drink.  One second things are really hot, but Amy is good at icing the flames.

I grab the first empty glass I see and pour some of the chilled rum into it.  Kane catches up to me just as I draw in the first sip.

"Alyssa, I really don't want to fight about this.  I don't know what to say besides I'm sorry for upsetting you."

I just shake my head as I stare at all the oblivious people enjoying their short lives.  This isn't my world.  This isn't my place.  I shouldn't be here with him, messing up his short life while he has time to enjoy someone he can be with.

"Kane, I'm sorry, too.  I'm going back to my place tonight.  This was all... It was crazy.  We barely know each other, so me moving in was a stupid move to begin with.  I've got a lot going on with my mom right now, and it's obvious you have stuff to deal with as well.  I'll come get my clothes tomorrow."

I put the glass back down and start toward the door.  Before I can reach it, he's pulling me back, halting my retreat.

"I understand you're mad, but why does it feel like you're breaking up with me?"

My chest becomes heavy and each breath is painful.  Staring into his perfect emerald eyes, I want to tell him how I really feel.  I could lose myself in him forever if I had the choice.

I would happily give up immortality and keep a short life span just to be with him.  Unfortunately, even if I could do such a thing, there aren't any guarantees.  I'd rather leave without anything souring our memories... even though Amy is sour enough.

"Because... because..."  Damn this is so hard.  My tears start breaching my eyes as I walk out onto the deck.

"Because you think you are," he says as he shuts the door behind him, blocking out the music.

The quieter air outside leaves us alone with what's about to happen.  The weight on my chest grows to be unbearable as I nod and let a few tears trickle free.

"Because Amy's a bitch?  Baby, we can get out of here for a while.  I'll let the others deal with housebreaking Amy.  Just come back in with me, and we'll pack a bag right now."

He's making this so much harder.  Why does he have to be so perfect for me if I can't be with him?  It's not fair.

More tears fall as I stare at the dark lake in front of me.  His hand slides up my back, and I fall apart.

"Alyssa, I know you've got a lot on you right now," he coos.  He pulls me into his arms as I continue to weep into my hands, shielding my pain from his eyes.  "Don't push me away."

I have to.

"Kane, let's end this before it gets too hard to end.  Before we get hurt," I whimper.

He just pulls me tighter, bringing me so close he's all I can smell, feel, or taste.  My tears just fall that much harder.

"It's impossible to end, Alyssa.  As for getting hurt, you're already crying, and I'm already in love."

My heartbeat stops momentarily before springing back to life and rushing around in a frenzy.  My ears buzz, making me worry I've lost my mind.  There's no way something this incredible yet catastrophic is happening right now.

"Kane, don't say something you don't mean just because you're afraid of losing-"

His lips find mine before I can finish.  The heated trails of tears on my cheeks only grow in abundance.  He lifts me up and puts me on the rail of the deck as he slides between my legs.

"I'm not," he murmurs against my lips.  "I mean it, Alyssa.  I'm in love with you."

My head spins like I'm on some ride where gravity is manipulated and toyed with.  My stomach is in my head, and my heart is in my toes right now.  I'm a disarrayed arrangement of complicated emotions to go along with all the rest of the crazy.

My brain, heart and mouth don't converse before impulsively releasing, "I love you, too."

That's all it takes for his soft kiss to become devouring, desperate, and completely overpowering.  His hands slip to my hair to pull me in harder, and I taste blood when the bruising kiss becomes too much.

My heartbeat quickens as the inflaming desire for him suddenly intensifies all the more - the flames becoming almost surreal in comparison to anything I've ever felt.  Everything in my body burns for his touch with a depth I've only ever felt once before.

My legs tighten around his waist as all my weight becomes his to bear.  He effortlessly pulls me away from the railing as he carries me back into the noisy house.  Some wild song about rough sex blares as our entangled passion continues, only adding to the ambience.

"Kane, I'm sorry," Amy's voice interjects as we make our way to the bedroom.

If I could pull back, I would.  The moment should be soured after hearing her speak, but it's as if my mind has left me alone with my hormones that have kicked into overdrive.

He does pull back, almost breathless as he does so, and mutters, "I don't care."

Her eyes narrow at me, but I don't acknowledge her.  His lips find mine again as we finally find his room.  The door slams behind us, and the bed slaps my back as he tosses me to it.

Greedily, I grab at him, ready for him to be melded to my body.  His devilish smirk pushes me into a desperate gasp, until his mouth finds my body.  I reach for his zipper, but he pushes my hands to the side.

"Not yet," he murmurs against my neck as he slides my shirt over my head.

His lips trail down my chest, paying my breasts some attention just barely before going farther down.  His hot breath dampens my skin as he hovers over my pants.

I finally feel the relief of my pants being slid down, and then I feel his warm mouth covering me at the apex of my thighs.  His tongue... oh his tongue is incredible.

I moan before I realize what I'm doing as he comes to fully rest between my legs.  Grabbing me at the hips, he presses his face against me all the more, making me try to buck in response, but he holds me down.

Forced to endure the ecstasy, my hands tangle in his hair to draw him into me even more.  That only stirs his wicked tongue that much more as he pushes me to the brink of heaven.  My legs stiffen, warning me I'm almost there, and I'll use my magic on anyone who tries to break up this moment.

My cries are drowned out by the hellacious party music, and my shaking body turns overly sensitive to touch as I fall off the peak of surrealism.  I shiver as his lips brush against the insides of my thighs, kissing me with a much lighter touch than I crave right now.

I start to get up, ready to end this teasing game, but he pushes me down and pins my hands above my head with just one of his strong hands.  With his free hand, he starts undoing his pants.  The sound of his zipper sliding down almost hurts my ears with the building anticipation.

My whole body is throbbing for him, ready to be claimed as he slowly takes his time.

"Please," I release in a pathetic whisper as my hips arch to try and meet his.

He smiles, clearly enjoying my desperation, and then he bends down to bring those soft, perfect lips to my neck.  He nips at me, bringing my skin between his teeth, and I moan without even knowing why.

"You sound like you really want me."

He's toying with me, reveling in my desire for him.  My hunger only grows with each drawn out moment, and I start shivering as though I'm a junkie dealing with a need for the high.

The second I'm about to release a painful cry from the absurd reaction, he plunges deep inside of me, releasing my hands simultaneously.  It's so forceful, so sudden, and so painfully perfect that it takes my breath and forces a grunt through my lips.

"Damn, you feel so good," he murmurs as he pulls back and surges in deeper.

Again, my breath is forced out in a grunt as our bodies collide with the forceful impact.  I claw at him, desperate to feel him even closer, as if that's possible.

"Tell me again," he murmurs into the crook of my neck as he claims my body with his.

"What?" I moan out, gripping him even tighter.

"What you feel for me."

I try to catch my breath so I can release a well articulated line, but it's pointless.  Half moaning, half gasping, I murmur, "I love you."

His rhythm quickens, letting me know that was the magical phrase he sought, and then he tangles a hand in my hair to jerk my head back, exposing my neck.  The pain is sublime and welcome.  I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I'd let him do anything he wanted to in this moment.

He nips at my neck over and over, making my body all the hotter as he punishes me with the most exquisite, rough thrusts.  He releases his hold on my hair as his hand slides down to my throat in a choking motion, making all the blood rush to my head in an arousing high.

I start to cry out, almost reaching my peak once more, but he slows his rhythm and releases his hold on my throat as I lose the edge.

"Kane," I plead, desperate to fall into that incredible release once more.

His smile is dark, exciting me to my core.  I've never seen him like this, but damn it's sexy.

"Not yet.  Tell me you're mine," he murmurs as he arches my hips to start owning me from a different, more salaciously divine angle.

I cry out, the force being just painful enough to be incredibly intoxicating.

"Tell me," he prompts, threatening to slow his rhythm once more.

"I'm yours," I gush out without hesitation, and suddenly that rhythm he's set becomes all the more surreal.

I hold on as though I'm on some hellacious ride that holds my life in its hands.  He grips me tighter, pushing me farther with each incredible stroke, until I finally scream out my release and shudder in his hold.

His warmth fills me, making his strangled moan come out in a delicious huff as he stills himself at the deepest point within me.  Collapsing to my side, he pulls me into his arms and kisses me so sweetly.

"I have got to stop doing that," he murmurs as if to himself.

"Stop doing what?  Making me feel as though I've been lifted ten feet off the ground while having an epic out of body experience?"

He lets out a laugh, and then he shakes his head while kissing me once more.

"I need to go tell the guys to wrap this party up.  I'm exhausted, and I just want to hold my girl in silence."

I smile as I snuggle into him.  I don't know how I'll ever let him go, but right now isn't the time.

"Hurry back.  Your girl is ready to fall asleep in your arms."

His smile is breathtakingly perfect, leaving me enamored as he slips free from the bed.  I almost forgot he walked around the party shirtless.  No doubt, every girl in here is green with envy right now.

I stand up with the sheet clutched to me, and his brow raises quizzically as he pulls his jeans back on.

"Where do you think you're going?" he jokes.

"I'm thirsty, and I need something to eat.  I'll just bring it back to the room."

He lets a small laugh free and nods.

"Definitely bring it back.  I don't want to share you tonight."

He kisses my forehead, and escapes into the rowdy room, quickly shutting the door behind him.

With a snap of my fingers, my clothes are back on, and I follow his exit.  I really wish he had at least put on a shirt.  I hate seeing all the girls drooling over him the way only I should be able to do.

He laughs with Deke, who I'm sure saw our passionate disappearance from the party.  I blush lightly as I make my way into the kitchen.  Amy's secret art room door is cracked ever so slightly, and curiosity invites me in.  With a quick glance over my shoulder, I quietly push through and head in.

Artwork decorates the walls in abundance, but one really grabs my attention in an infuriating manner.  There's one of Kane displayed proudly.  The attention to detail would be amazing if not for the fact she's a psycho stalker.

One thing strikes me as odd.  She colored in his eyes as blue, and there's a dark aura surrounding his beauty.  I'm sure to the scorned woman, he does seem dark.  To me, he's absolutely stunningly light.

My witch senses kick in, and I feel the faintest trickle of air coming from a hollow wall.  It piques my interest enough to draw me in, and I kneel before it to find the slightest bit of a gap from the baseboard.

"False wall, perhaps?" I mumble aloud.

This home obviously belonged to immortals before, and every good immortal has a hidden room designed to be a safe-room.  What troubles me, is that it's usually not meant to be safe in the same sense a human defines the word.

Secret rooms are designed for discreet killings and disposal thereafter.  Torture rooms, holding cells... so many different things could lie below.  I'm sure Kane and his friends have been oblivious to all of the dark things that could be hidden beneath, but I can taste the darkness embedded in the wall beyond this point.

With a steadying breath, I step back and bypass searching for the hidden switch that would open this.  Using my abilities, I slide the wall open.

A dark stairwell lies in front of me, warning me to drop this search.  There's no reason I should need to see what's below.  I know darkness once etched this place.  I can feel it.

And Kane thinks my house has darkness lurking within.

Against my better judgment and the voice in my head screaming for me to stop, I start my descent, closing the false door behind me as the darkness cloaks me.  I push a piece of magic out of my body to light the room.

The glowing ball resembles the sun as it floats to the center and rests high overhead to cast a light on all the hidden, ghastly sights.

My footfalls echo through the silent room.  The music can't reach this heavily padded portion of the house, further proving my theory that nothing good ever came from this room.

As I head down, I start seeing many different chains, steel collars, shackles of all kinds, and heavy bars lined up like cages.  There are enchanted crests on all of them, making this seem like a prison for the immortal world as opposed to a torture room for human victims.

"Shit," I gripe aloud.

Kane lives in a home where creatures such as myself were probably held and bled... or worse.  This is not good.  The darkness that owned this place could always return to claim its rights.  Immortals are deadly serious about their possessions.  Though this house has been sold, the prior tenant might decide to be sentimental and come to reclaim their memories.  And they'll take the lives of anyone in their way.

Swallowing hard, I cast a hand forth to draw in the remnants left behind.  It's hard to tell what was trapped in that cage because I suck at this, but I finally see the aura staining the ground.  There are a few, dried drops of blood to help me cipher what once stayed in here.

"Lycan," I almost whisper to myself.

Someone had a lycan trapped in here.  I can almost feel the hatred burning through the bars from the lycan that tried to escape numerous times.  Oddly enough, I don't sense a death.  This place is full of darkness, but no death?  How is that possible?

A shudder passes through me, and I decide I've seen enough to know my house is much, much safer than this one.  I don't care if it is against the light law to intentionally use magic against a human.  I'll do it to push Kane out of this place if I have to.

I rush back up the stairs, and I close my eyes to check for any presence on the other side of the hidden door.  When I feel it's safe, I push through and quickly seal the door behind me, extinguishing my magical light that had lit the room.

Just as I reach the door to escape the art room, Kane steps in, gasping when he sees me.

"What are you doing in here?"

Finding out you live in a dark house I have to save you from.

"I was curious.  Then I saw the um... picture of you with the wrong eye color.  For such a stalker bitch, you'd think Amy could get that one detail right."

His eyes flash to the oversized sketch of himself, and he shakes his head while cursing under his breath.

"Come on.  Let's get out of here.  I don't like you being so close to such... craziness."

I laugh a little.  If he only knew the craziness we're close to.  He'd probably flip the fuck out.  Maybe I should show him.  It might make him think some twisted serial killer lived here and he would probably leave on his own.

I wouldn't scar him with that though.

"Yeah.  Right behind you.  I still need something to eat and drink."

He frowns, realizing I've been in here for a while now, and then he nods as I walk out in front of his ushered hand.

"Go on to the room.  I'll bring you something."

"I can get it."

"Please.  I don't want you in this madhouse any longer.  This party has gotten out of control, and I don't know all of these people.  Deke has started clearing them out, but it'll take a while.  Just head on."

With a shrug, I do as he says after he kisses me on top of my head.  His breath warms me through my hair, and I smile before making my way back through the sweaty bodies.  I'm really glad I can't see their auras right now.  I can smell the sex in the air without seeing how desperate this crowd really is.

Shutting the door behind me, I head to the bed.  Sudden panic consumes me when I feel a hand clamp over my mouth and strong arms pulling me to a body.  I've tasted this scent before, and I know it well.


The same pervert who trapped me not long ago has me in his clutches once more.  I struggle, but he's so frigging strong.  Unless I use my magic, I can only pray Kane steps in soon.

"Easy, girl.  It's just me."

The alcohol on his breath floods my senses and makes me sick.  When he's drunk, he's a fucking psycho.

"Let me go," I try to say, but it's so muffled by his hand that it's completely lost on him.

"I only came here tonight because I knew you'd be here.  We never finished what we started, and damn you look good enough right now to make this trip worth while."

I feel his erection in my back, and it almost makes me gag.  His teeth scrape my neck as he trails his tongue over my skin.

I squeal out in a cry, but his grip tightens on my mouth.  I don't care if I do get sentenced, I'm not letting him touch me anywhere I won't recover from.

Right as I've found my resolve, the door bursts open, and darkening the doorway is my human hero.

"Let her the fuck go before I tear your head off your shoulders."

The venom in Kane's eyes is unmistakably scary.  It even scares me, and I know he'd never hurt me.  He stalks toward us, and I feel Heath starting to tremble, almost convulsing as Kane nears with a steady approach.

There's something... I don't know what.  The air seems to be thicker, as if there's some magical... it's so odd.

The hand over my mouth falls free, and before I realize what's going on, Kane is on top of Heath.  His fists are already bloody, and Heath is unconscious as Kane continues to brutally pound the life out of him.

"Kane!" I scream when I worry how far he might go.

A rush of wind stirs, and suddenly Deke and Zee are ripping Kane off Heath who is a bloody mess of lifelessness.

"Is he-"

"No, but he's not far from," Zee interrupts.  "Get Dray in here."

I don't know who Dray is, so how do I get him in here?

"Okay," Sierra answers from behind me, and then I realize his eyes weren't on me, but on her.

Kane fights the two of them, and for a second, I'm worried he really is going to break free and finish the job.

"Damn it, Kane!  Let it be!  You proved your point," Zee pleads.

"Obviously, I didn't, or he wouldn't have tried touching her again.  Stupid mother fucker.  He has no idea who he's fucking with."

I swear there was a low growl in his throat.  I've never seen anyone so pissed in all my life.

I walk over to step in front of him, and my arms go around his waist without hesitation.  I bury my head in his chest as I fight off the tears that have been teetering.

He stops fighting his friends, and then his arms wrap around me almost too tightly as he pulls me close, breathing me in.

"I'm sorry, baby.  I had no idea he was here."

I shake my head, wanting his comfort instead of his guilt.

"I'm fine.  He didn't-"

"This fool just doesn't know when to stop, does he?" a stranger asks as he comes into view.

"Thanks, Dray.  I sort of lost it," Kane says through gritted teeth, not sounding apologetic at all.

"No worries," he says while swatting away the guilt exuding from Kane.  "I'll get him patched up and then I'll ship him off to the hospital.  This creep deserved much worse.  See you after while."

Dray's eyes catch mine briefly, and he tilts his head, smirking slightly.  Then he throws the bloody heap of a man over his shoulder, and leaves just as quickly as he came.

It's as if it's no big deal Kane almost killed a guy.  Granted, Heath had it coming, but none of them seem very affected by the whole ordeal.

"We'll leave you to it," Sierra says as she ushers the guys out.  "Sorry about this, Alyssa."

I start to speak, but the door closes before I can.  Kane lifts me from the ground, his lips closing over mine as he carries me to the bed.

I give up on food and drink.  I'm too tired to even try to process all the events from this horrid night.

Since the sun set, I played bait and nearly ended up being devoured by a fanged demon.  I was saved by both of my enemies - dark user and night stalker.  I tried breaking up with my boyfriend, told him I love him instead, had insanely hot sex, found a dungeon full of dark play toys, and I was nearly.... well, I don't even want to think about that last bit.  Not to mention, I almost watched Kane kill a guy over me.

A shiver spreads over me as the soft bed swallows me up.  Kane's arms tighten around my waist, and my eyes instantly feel too heavy to hold open.

Again, I feel... something, but I don't know what.  I've got to get him out of this house.  I think the dark energy is starting to affect his human mind.


Chapter Seventeen


"Kane," a voice whispers into what's left of the night, rousing me from my sleep.

I stay still as Kane stirs.

"What the fuck, Zee?" he whispers back.

"It's Amy... again.  I don't know what we're going to do with her if she keeps this up.  She's gone though, and we need your help."

"Fuck," he mumbles, and then I feel him leaning over as if to check on my sleeping status.

I remain perfectly still, keeping my breaths even to ensure him I haven't woken up.

"Fine.  I'll be out front in a second.  Make sure nothing can get in here.  Keep her safe."

"I'll stay.  It's you they need.  You're the only one she responds to when she loses it."

"I think that's just the game she's playing.  She's doing everything she fucking can to break me and Alyssa up.  I'm sick of this shit.  I plan on making that very clear."

Their conversation halts as Kane's warmth disappears from the bed.  I silently scramble to my feet the second the door shuts behind him.

I'm tired of this shit, too.  I'm desperate to see what the hell is going on with Little Miss Crazy Bitch.  I want to know why they need his help so fucking bad.

"If she wakes up, tell her I won't be long," Kane says from the living room.

"What should I tell her?  You got a good lie lined up?"

Lie?  What the fuck?

"No.  Don't lie to her.  I don't want to do that.  Just tell her I'll be back.  It's time to explain this shit anyway.  I told her I love her."

My heart beats fiercely.  The way he says it... it's almost like he's worried about something.  Is he worried he said it too soon?

"Shit, Kane.  You know she'll be coming for you now.  What are you going to do?"

What?  Who?  Huh?

These guys are more confusing than immortals with their constantly cryptic conversations.

"What I have to.  No matter how bad it gets, I won't lose Alyssa because of her.  Lock up.  I'll be back soon."

Who the fuck is her?

As soon as the door shuts, I pull on my shoes and sneak onto the balcony.  I'm still wearing my wrinkled clothes I never changed out of, but spy missions don't really have to have a prepared ensemble.

Kane quickly disappears into the woods, and I have to jump from the balcony to keep up.

At the last minute, I use my magic to call to a tree limb to me.  It wraps around my waist and halts my fall, turning it into a graceful landing.

Kane's already gone, obviously on his way to town.  I can't even sense his trail at all.  It's as though he's just disappeared.  I'm not giving up though.

I head out deeper, straining to hear one crunch of leaves or one snap of a twig.  I'm met with only the stir of the wind against the trees.  How in the hell did I lose him that quickly?

Scowling, I trek on, but I quickly learn the woods are trickier in the dark than in the light.  After an hour, I'm completely lost.  This should have been a quick trip - twenty minutes at most - but now I've somehow wandered into a never-ending circle.

Then I sense it - eyes on me.  I look around, casually gauging my surroundings as I inconspicuously search for the creature lurking in the shadows, waiting for their chance to pounce.

Glowing orange eyes appear behind a pile of brush, and my stomach flops against my sides.


I turn around, and after a heavy breath, I start running with every ounce of energy I have, regretting my thin-soled shoes immediately.  I hear the furious growl and the fierce roar, and then the chase is underway behind me as the beast launches itself out of hiding to pursue its prey - me.

I risk a glance over my shoulder to see it's too fast for me.  The monstrous size of the she-devil behind me makes me gasp, and I lose my balance, pummeling to the ground with a loud thud and an accidental scream.

I leap to my feet just as the vicious beast catches up.  It swipes at me before lunging, and I hurl my body out of its path just before impact.  Back on my feet again, I don't hesitate.  Using mother nature's energy, the ground jumps up and pins her into place.

The vines and plants spring to life to act as natural restraints.  I'm both surprised and impressed at the power that fell out at my fingertips.  I've never used my mother's power with such success before, and I'm not conflicted with the dark high that follows my father's power.

Shock seems to cloak the glowing orange eyes.  Obviously, it hadn't known it was fucking with a witch.

I hear the cracking of the vines restraining the creature, and I start running again before it has the chance to escape.  Breathless and terrified, I reach the edge of the woods, coming out behind Gage's house.

I start to rush to the door, but Kane's voice jars me out of my attempt.

"Alyssa!  What the hell are you doing out here?"

Shit!  I have to get him out of here before that lycan catches up.

"Kane!  Go!  We have to go!  There's a-"

Before I can speak again, the lycan crashes through the threshold of the forest in a mad dash for me.  The desperate desire for my death radiates in its eyes.  I start to summon the power, knowing I'll forever scar my love, but I don't have a choice.

But before I can release anything, Kane appears in front of me, catching the airborne beast by the throat.  I gasp in disbelief as the lycan cries out in pain from his crushing force.

No.  No.  There's no way. Please, God, no.  No!

Kane's eyes glow blue as he growls at the lycan.

"What the fuck are you doing, Amy?  I'll kill you for this!"

Amy?  Oh no.

My heart breaks and the pieces plummet to the ground.  This can't be happening.  This has to be a nightmare.  Wake the fuck up, Alyssa.

With a grunt from his exerted effort, Kane launches Amy backwards, throwing her lycan body back into the forest.  Trees crack and break against her as she disappears into the darkness.

I scramble backwards as Kane turns to me, his glowing blues dulling back to green as his vampiric side slinks back into hiding.  Sickness attacks me without mercy, and I double over to expel the contents of my stomach in the most ungraceful manner.

"Alyssa, baby, it's just me.  I know this is a lot, but-"

"Night stalker."  The hushed words flow through my lips like a blasphemous whisper.

He tilts his head, confusion seeming to gather in his traitorous green eyes as I back away again.

"What did you just call me?" he asks, a touch of disbelief and anger mingling in his tone.

"Kane!" Amy screams, her human body back intact as she runs toward us with a robe covering her nakedness.  "She's a fucking witch!"

Pain, anger, and so much more flashes through his eyes.  All of this was an elaborate hoax.  I was tricked into loving the enemy.  My hands burn with fury as the silver grabs me and tries to pull me to the darkness, begging me to release my devious power.

"Gage!" I cry out, but he doesn't come... doesn't hear me.  I turn to Kane, my eyes watering.  "It can't... You can't... I've seen you... How?  Why?" I sob out, my tears pouring down.

"You damn witch!  You fucking trickster bitch!" Amy growls, and suddenly the sound of shredding fabric rings out as her body distorts and changes in front of my eyes.

Her flesh turns from a tanned glow to a gray ash as the lycan rises to the surface.  She launches herself at me again, but Kane grabs her, and rips her back.  I don't give him the chance to take me down himself.

Using the energy around me, I slash through Gage's bedroom window, shattering it as I scream once more.  "Gage!"

Within a blink, he materializes in front of me, and his eyes gauge the craziness as Kane's glowing blue eyes jump forth to show his defensive stance before he slings Amy behind him.

"You," Kane whispers.

"What the fuck?" Gage gushes, but I jump into his arms and throw my legs around his waist.

"Get us out of here!"

He doesn't waste time.  We vaporize into the air and split the planes of life and death as we rush away, retreating in complete disbelief.

The head-rush consumes me, forcing me to be even sicker than I already am as we reach the porch of the safe home I abandoned to live with the devil.  No doubt, he didn't like the magic surrounding my home.  I gave my innocence to the enemy, and he took much more than that.

"What the hell is going on?" Gage demands as we start walking in.

Before he can cross the threshold, he's launched backwards as the protective spell from my house kicks him in the chest.

I squeal as he crashes into the cliché white picket fence and crushes it to pieces beneath his forceful slam.

"Ow," he grumbles, no real sense of pain in his tone.

"Sorry," I mumble numbly.  "Gage can come in."

He stands and warily makes his way back onto my porch.  Skeptically, he touches the air of the threshold with the same caution a human would exert to check for an electrical current on a wire.

Finally, he steps through without being battered again.

"Now, I repeat... what the fuck just happened?  Kane's a damn night stalker?"

The tears almost choke me, making it impossible for me to speak, so I nod vigorously instead.  He runs a hand through his hair to ruffle it as he shakes his head.

"I thought you checked him out.  How the hell did he not reveal himself under the influence of your mark?"

I steady myself enough to answer, though my voice is hoarse and pitchy as I speak.  "I couldn't use my mark.  If he had been human, it would have killed him.  I saw him at midnight over and over... he should have-"

"Damn it, Alyssa!  When will you learn?  Magic isn't old anymore.  Midnight doesn't mean shit nowadays.  Midnight reveals them if they've taken the lives of innocent victims.  Heavy emphasis on the word innocent.  In this day and age, such a fucking thing doesn't exist anymore, unless they kill a child.  Fuck!  And your damn mark won't kill a human!  Stop being so-"

"Mine will!  I've seen it, you asshole!  My power comes from Calypso Coldwell and Drackus Devall.  The two combined gave me more power than what should exist.  Most people just don't know how fucking strong my mother is.  Her mark kills too, just as my father's does.  Do you understand?  I couldn't risk it."

He frowns as he lets out another exasperated breath.  He grips his head as if it aches, and then he plops down on my couch.

"Fine.  Sorry.  I didn't know.  I knew Drackus's would kill, but I didn't know it was because of the power within.  Why didn't Frankie use his?"

The onslaught of tears I'm facing is merciless, ravaging my cheeks with their acidic flow.

"Because he thought I used mine.  Frankie doesn't know how strong I am either.  Mom keeps it quiet.  She's worried the world will shun me like they do my father.  I'm not supposed to exist, Gage."

His eyes soften, and he stands to walk over to me.  His bare chest glows under the lone light in the room.  He pulls me to him, and my tears dampen his chest.

"I don't know what he wanted from me.  I don't know why he had to make me-"

My sobs become too uncontrollable, making speech no longer an option.  Gage coos in my ear as he pulls me tighter into his embrace.  His soft touch is all the comfort he can offer, but it's not enough to hold me together.

"I'll stay with you tonight.  At least we know why your spell failed at his house.  You were trying to keep out the dark, when that's all that surrounded you."

Fuck.  I'm so, so stupid.  How could I live with a night stalker for a month and not know it?

I just nod as he scoops me up and carries me to the bedroom.  He gently places me on the cold, forgotten bed, and I curl up like a child afraid of the dark.  Drawing my knees to my chest, I cry into the pillow.

"Alyssa, I can stay in here if you need me to."

He stands uncertainly by my bed, but I shake my head.  I don't need his pity for my stupidity.

"No.  Just go."

He sighs out, reluctance shining in his aura.  With heavy footsteps, he makes his way toward the door.

"I'll be on the couch if you need me."

A strangled sob comes out as I nod, and then I pull the cover over all of me, trying to vanish from the misery the world holds ready.  I've never felt so broken.


Waking up to a new day doesn't ease the burden from the night of tears.  It's at least noon, but I feel as though I could spend weeks in bed.  Frankie isn't answering my calls on top of everything else.  Still no word on my mother.

I can feel her though.  Her life is still there.  The earth answers my daunting question everyday, letting me feel the air she breathes in, keeping my hope alive.

"So I've gone over everything, and according to my notes, Kane is one hell of a master of disguise.  They all are," Gage grumbles as he tosses his pen and paper to the table.

"You were checking him out?" I ask, a crackled lilt to my voice.

"No, but I have a habit of documenting things.  Nothing ever once stood out.  Why keep a mortal witch alive when you have every opportunity to drain her clean without anyone stopping you?"

I cringe at his heartless release.  Kane held my life in his hands for a month.  I was his to do with as he wished.  Fortunately for me, he apparently enjoys dragging out the game.

"We need to worry about my mother, not my devil-in-disguise lover.  I don't ever want to hear his name again."

A knock at the door interrupts our conversation, and Gage motions for me to stay back as he goes to answer it.  He's greeted with a vacant, empty porch.  He cautiously pokes his head out, but pulls back, seeming confused.

Then he picks up a note that lies at the threshold.  With tight lips, he brings it to me.

"It's for you."

I recognize Kane's handwriting immediately, and my heart pounds heavily in my chest as I stare at my name on the front of the envelope.

"I can't read it."

He pulls back the proffered note addressed to me, and then he opens it himself.  His eyes scan the contents quickly, and then he releases a sigh.

"Alyssa, we need to speak.  You've opened a door you should be prepared for.  Thirty minutes.  Meet me at the diner.  It'll be neutral grounds where you can't touch me."

"Where I can't touch him?  He can't be serious," I squeal out.  "He's the enemy.  He's the fucking dark night stalker that preys on my kind, damn it.  He tasted my fucking... oh damn."

My mind flashes back to the first time he tasted my blood, and then last night jumps up, too.  He knew I was a witch.  He was sampling the goods before devouring me whole.  I'm so fucking ignorant.

"I'll call Cade and the others.  We'll need backup.  Grab your clothes and get changed."

"You can't be serious," I gasp.  "I can't see him.  I'm barely keeping myself together as it is, Gage.  I don't want to hear whatever evil falls through his lips."

He tenses as he steps toward the door.

"We need to know what he was after.  Alyssa, whatever it is, I need you to stay calm.  If you lose it at the diner, you'll be putting both of us at risk.  I need to grab a shirt.  Stay here until I get back."

Before I can argue, he vaporizes into the air and vanishes from sight.  I can't see Kane.  This can't be happening.


Chapter Eighteen


I walk into the diner with a begrudged and trembling motion.  I've drunk all the chamomile tea I can stomach, along with some of my mother's relaxing medleys of potions, but trepidation still claims me.

Kane and his entourage are assembled in the oversized back booth.  They all turn to stare at me and Gage as we approach with his own entourage following our lead.

Kane leans back, his eyes burning through me as his jaw clenches.  I can see his hatred and disgust teeming in his deceptive greens that are masking the killer blues lurking in their depths.

"Well, We're here," Gage says while standing beside me, clutching my hand.

Kane's eyes flash down to our grip on each other, and a huff of disgust flows through his lips.

"You were the redhead that night, weren't you?" he growls.

My heart flutters in my chest at the very sound of his voice.  Just hours ago I was telling this monster I loved him.

"It was you?  You are the pack that showed up to help that night?" Gage asks as if he's as baffled as I am.

"You mean the ones who saved your asses?  Yes, we were," Amy scoffs while scooting in closer to Kane.

The twisted, psychopathic part of me cringes in jealously as Kane allows her closeness.  I can't stop loving him this quickly, but I hate myself for the inability to do so.

"What's this about?" Gage grumbles.

"Have a seat.  We've got a lot to discuss," Kane says through tight lips.

I glance at the very unwelcoming seats across from Kane and next to Sierra who doesn't seem as warm and friendly as she pretended to be all month.  Her eyes flash an orange glow as her defenses kick in.

Lycan.  Unbelievable.

"If it's all the same to you, we'll stand," Gage murmurs.

"You'll draw attention if you stand," Kane gripes, and then he nods to Sierra and Deke who slide out of the booth to allow more room for us.

Zee sits on the opposite side of us, next to Amy who is between the two night stalkers.  Zee's and Deke's eyes both flash blue temporarily, warning us to behave.

With a shudder, I allow Gage to guide me into the booth.  I sit as close as I possibly can to him without being in his lap.  I pray he can vaporize us both for escape if this gets out of hand.

Deke and Sierra climb into the booth adjacent to us, and Gage's friends take the booth behind us.

"Now, talk.  Let's not drag this out," Gage prompts, seeming in control.

Kane leans back, a bitter grin cocking up as he shakes his head in disgust.

"What did you want?  To get at Castine?  You'll sure as hell have your shot now.  You have no idea what you've done."


"Castine?" Gage asks in disbelief.  "What the hell does that demon bitch have to do with this?"

Kane laughs bitterly, sounding delirious and livid.

"Don't play me.  The two of you have done that quite enough.  I've been made a fool, but I won't be allowing you to do such a thing anymore."

"You were played for a fool?" I'm jumping in before I even realize what I'm doing as my anger takes control.  "I fell into your bed, gave you everything I had to offer, and you took it without remorse, you monster."

Kane's eyes narrow, venom seeping through his glare.

"Don't play the innocent victim, Alyssa.  You were the one who pushed for that, not me.  Now, there are consequences to the trap you lured me into."

I want to take him and shake the fuck out of him right now.  How dare he try to play this game.

"Answer me about Castine," Gage prompts, ignoring our sparked feud.

"Hey, Alyssa, Kane," Mel says as she walks up to take our order.  Her eyes glance between us, and then they fall to Amy and Gage.  "Did you two break up?  I just saw you together last night at the party."

I never even saw her.  Of course, I was wrapped up in the devil's arms for the entirety of the time.

"Yeah.  We're definitely not together," Kane says while snarling.  "Coffees all around for now.  Nothing else, unless you carry liquor these days."

She lets an uncomfortable laugh free to add to the awkward tension before shaking her head.

"I'll be right back with those."

I glare at Kane with complete and utter contempt.  How dare he act so disgusted with me.  It's I who has a right to feel disgusted, repulsed even.

"Get on with your explanation about Castine," Gage prompts again, impatience shining in his tone.

Kane sighs, leaning back as he starts his explanation.  I look away when Amy rests her hand on his leg.

"I broke almost every bond with Castine years and years ago, but until last night, she didn't have a reason to track me down.  Now, Alyssa tricked me into telling her I loved her, and that last bond tethering me to that bitch has been severed.  She'll be out for blood.  Just thought I'd give you a heads up that your dreams of taking a shot at her are about to come true, but you'll regret going for this."

Bond?  Tricked?  That bastard.

"I didn't trick you, you son of a-"

"Castine is your sire?" Gage asks, interrupting me as the color rushes from his face, stealing his calm composure.

"Like you didn't already know, hunter.  The Somage have wanted her dead for quite some time," he snarks, carrying on with his charade.  "I couldn't exactly kill her without first falling in love.  If I had of, it would have killed me, too.  She knows that I've said it now, and she'll fear I'm coming for her.  Since I'm one of the few strong enough to do so, she'll go on the offense.  The two of you should leave, because despite what you think, you won't be able to take her on.  When she gets her hands on a mortal witch, she'll be merciless.  Though I don't give a damn if she bleeds her fucking dry, I don't feel like trying to kill damn Vampiress that is already much stronger than me while she has a witch's blood coursing through her, giving her added power."

His words cut like daggers in my heart.  He's so cold and callous.  I want to hate him so badly right now.  Why can't I?

"Fuck," Gage says under his breath.  "When will she be coming?"

Kane leans forward, his eyes finding mine once again.

"I don't know, but Alyssa is living in her house.  That gives her all the power in the world over her.  That little protection spell she cast won't do a damn bit of good.  You should know how possessive my kind is.  That house belongs to the dark, and so will the blond witch if she stays there."

"You knew the whole time, you slimy bastard.  You knew what I was and you-"

His eyes narrow as he interrupts me.  "The spell threw Deke off your porch.  That's how I found out.  It let me through, ironically enough, considering I'm the one who wants to see you suffer for what you've done."

"What I've done?  You're as psychotic as your pet," I scoff, my eyes cutting toward Amy.

A beastly growl slips through her snarling lips, and Gage stands to pull my hand in his.

"Let's go.  We've heard enough."

Mel returns with the coffees and her eyes clock Gage's hand on mine.

"Wow.  The night really changed things," she gasps while putting down the tray.

"One night didn't do anything but reveal the true depths of deception Alyssa has," Kane angrily releases while standing and tossing a few bills to the table.  "Keep the change."

He walks off with his dog on his heels.  It makes so much sense now.  Lycans don't mingle with night stalkers unless they find solace in one.  That one usually ends up being its owner... sort of.  Lycans were meant to be guardians to the night stalkers, and only after the rebellion did they cut ties.

The door jingles an annoying tune as the bells above it clank together.  Just like that, they're all gone, leaving us behind to deal with the heavy air.

"We need to go.  If you're living in Castine's home, he's right - no spell will keep you safe enough.  You'll stay with me."

"Right next door to him?" I scoff.  "Hell no.  If she comes, I'll rip her heart out."

"Alyssa, damn it.  You don't understand how this shit works."

"No, you don't understand what he did to me.  I won't let him take me from my home just because he has a crazy ex.  I'm sick of this ridiculous bullshit."

He pulls me down the road and to my walkway as we near my tainted house.  He glances around, suddenly wary of his surroundings as he urges me in.  His companions break off and head into the woods to vaporize and disperse.

"You didn't even ask him what he wanted from me.  You let him dictate the conversation and blame me for it all.  You even interrupted when I tried to pry the truth out of him," I scold, crossing my arms in front of my chest like a sullen child.

I'd stomp my foot, but that might be a little too immature.  I'm not sure why I ever thought a dark user would actually help me get the truth from my mortal enemy.  Of course, Gage is technically my other mortal enemy.  How the fuck did all this happen?

"He gave us the answer without meaning to, Alyssa.  He used you.  Let's face it - you're the kind of girl a guy can fall in love with without having to try too hard.  Night stalkers are possessive, but they hate to be possessed.  Almost all night stalkers dream of being able to kill their sires, but breaking the bonds it takes to do such a thing is painful and damn near impossible.

"He would have had to break the bonds one-by-one.  Some are excruciatingly painful, so much so that most night stalkers refuse to attempt breaking more than enough to distance themselves from their controlling sires.

"Castine is the most notorious among the night stalkers.  She has bonded spawn all over the place.  She's possessive, just as they all are.  It's their nature to be so.  Her creations are her pets.  Most all of them manage to distance themselves by breaking enough bonds.  Few ever break all the bonds they have to in order to kill their sires themselves.

"There's no telling the pain he went through to break the first of those.  Though this last one would have been painless, it was still a wall that crumbled between them.  She would have felt it, and she'll be coming for you.  Her venom is the most toxic there is."

I shake my head in disbelief.  Kane comes from the most vicious sire in the frigging immortal community.  Fuck my luck.

"So Kane's venom is just as toxic.  I guess it's good he didn't get the itch to bite when he tasted my blood."

Gage's face pales, and then he stands to be closer to me.

"He tasted your blood?  Fuck, Alyssa.  You're more than lucky he didn't use his toxic venom."

"He didn't bite.  Did you miss that part?"

"Damn you're so naive," he grumbles while walking away from me as if in exasperation.  "Venom isn't in the fangs, it's in the saliva.  You won't be affected by it anywhere other than the bloodstream.  Even if they taste your blood from a cut, you still get their venom.  What did you feel after he tasted your blood?"

Hot as hell.  I'm so ashamed and disgusted with myself right now.

"Oh," he says, as if he's reading my aura's tell-all colors.  "Poison's kiss.  Figures.  That's one way to coerce a confession of love."

"Poison's kiss?" I ask, still choking back my cruel, taunting tears.

"Seductive venom.  It's highly intoxicating and you almost drown in lust."

It all makes so much sense now.  I was just the dummy pawn.

"He never really loved me, so it's possible his bond is still intact," I whimper, giving into the tears when I can't hold them back.

"He didn't have to really love you.  He just had to believe it enough to sever their connection.  It's a fucked up world we live in.  You can't be here.  I can't protect you from her.  She wears an amulet around her neck that was given to her before the rebellions.  It's blessed by several of our kind, and it enables her to shield herself from our magic.  She can harness any energy you use against her, and she can use it on you."

Realizing just how fucked up this all is, I finally drop my shoulders in defeat.

"Fine.  I'll move, but not to your place.  I'll just have to find a new home in a less vampy town."

He releases a breath of relief, as if he's genuinely concerned.

"Sounds like a reasonable compromise.  The sooner the better.  I'll stay with you until you do find something.  I can at least try to get us out of here if she does come.  Your spell might slow her down enough to give us that time... if it works on her at all.  With her amulet, I doubt it will give us more than a few seconds."

Sighing in disbelief, I fight off the wave of tears beating at the backs of my eyes.  My phone rings just as Gage plops down on my couch and pulls up my laptop to start searching for homes.

"Hello?" I almost mumble.

"Alyssa, it's me."

Frankie's voice is soothing, though right now I just want to fall apart.

"Frankie, I've got so much to tell you.  You're never going to believe-"

"Alyssa, this is about your mom," he says in interruption.  My stomach plummets to the ground as my breaths stop.  I reach out to the earth, still feeling her presence, which relieves me somewhat.  He finally kills the suspense.  "Lyss, she's back."


End of Book I.  Book II, Poison's Kiss, coming soon.  Like my page (C.M. Owens) on Facebook to keep up with all my new releases, get "teasers" from the next books before publication, and find out what deals are going on.


Thank you for reading Deadly Beauties, Blood's Fury.  Book two, Posion's Kiss, is currently going through edits and will be released very soon.

Feel free to engage and ask questions on Facebook.  I always try to respond to questions, and I appreciate feedback.


While you're waiting on the next installment of Deadly Beauties, check out some of my other titles.

If you like Greek Mythology with a contemporary twist and an epic, steamy romance, read Daughter of Aphrodite, book one of the Daughter Trilogy.  Free on Smashwords.

If you're into science fiction with a heavy dose of erotic romance, then Faders, The Devil's Artwork, is available now.

Prefer the darker erotic romance?  Then read the Curse Trilogy, starting with book one, Gifted Curse.


And now is time to say thank you.

To all you incredible women on Facebook, thank you so much for all your constant feedback, shares, and encouragement - Michelle, Myra, Laura, Wanda, Andrea, Tonya, Julie, and Heather.