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Bodyguard: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 33) by Flora Ferrari (5)






Back at our rental Mila showers off while I figure out just what the hell happened out there today.


I let my guard down, both personally and professionally.


Professionally I broke the number one rule.  Never cross the line with a client.  She’s so much more than that, but still…rules are not meant to be bent nor broken in this industry.  I shattered them with my actions out there today.


And worse yet now that I’ve had a taste of her I want more.  I feel like I’m the shark now and I’ve smelled blood.  I want to go in for the kill and take this girl down.  Make her mine.  It’s not logical.  It doesn’t make sense.  Nothing happens that fast, especially not with me.


I’m careful.  I’m calculated.  I never let my emotions get the best of me.


Until today.


I couldn’t fight it.  I had to have her then and there.


And when I lifted myself off her and stood over her looking down at her on the deck, knowing everything I had to give was inside her…damn, nothing could ever be that fucking sexy.


She was sprawled out like a hot mess.  My hot mess.  The hurricane that I am which came in and caused complete destruction of her body, mind, and any chance of having another guy ever.


Or me another woman.  Fuck!  What am I thinking?  This isn’t right.  It can’t be like this.


I’m here today, gone tomorrow.  It’s what I am.  It’s what I do.


She doesn’t even exist for Pete’s sake.  She’s about as off the books as they come.  Illegitimate child of the sitting U.S. president?  I want no part of that…but I want every part of her.


This is a complete wreck and we’ve only just started.  I knew I should have walked away from this assignment.  Career be damned.


And speaking of career I also slipped out there today professionally.


That area is supposed to be secure.  There are no sharks there.  How in the hell did they show up?


I had no clue until I took her GoPro and attached it to a stick.  I had moved it around under the water’s surface only to see someone had been chumming.  There are none of those shark cage dive trips in the area.  Who in the hell would be chumming?  No one even fishes there.  This made absolutely no sense.  Not only that the tides were true today.  Nothing would have been pulled in that direction.  Whatever it was had to start there.


A few boats had passed by, but nothing suspicious.  Nothing that looked like a fishing boat.


We should have just went to Waikiki like every other tourist on the island that’s not here to surf the North Shore.


I hear the floorboard creak and turn to see her naked as the day she was born coming down the hallway towards me.  Damn, she looks fine as a motherfucker.


I catch myself and turn my head back forward, staring at the coffee table.  In a choice between looking at her and anything else on the planet she wins every time, hands down.


But not now.  I can’t do this.  It’s wrong on so many levels, not to mention I’m still pissed off at her dad’s immature bullshit.  Getting fired for something I did is one thing.  Getting fired for something I didn’t, and not getting a chance to defend myself is another.  Not to mention he was cowardly for doing it.


“The bedroom sure looks inviting,” she says.  “But I think you do even more so.”


I feel her index finger run along my shoulder before her hands settle on each of my upper trapezius muscles as she massages an area that needs it more than any other.


Damn that feels good.  Too good.


I stand up quickly, but say nothing.


“Is everything okay?”


“Yeah.  I’m fine.”


“You don’t seem fine.  You seem tense.  We can go—”


“I’m tense because I slipped out there today.  That can’t ever happen again.”


“Owen, come on.  You can’t prepare for a shark.”


“I’m not taking about that.”


“Well then what are you…wait.  Don’t you dare!”


“We can’t, Mila.  Not again.”


“What are you talking about?  I saw that look in your eyes Owen.  I saw how badly you wanted me and I see how bad you still do.”


“It’s not that easy.”


“Are you crazy?  What’s not easy about being in a rented bungalow in Hawaii with the ocean breeze in the air and the all the warmth and greenery of this place.  It’s the definition of easy.”


“Not like that.”


“This place was made for what happened between us.  It didn’t just happen as a matter of fact.  It’s been there for a long time.  It’s been brewing, percolating, and the environment we’re in just allowed it to finally come pouring out.”


“It’s not a cup of coffee!”


“What’s wrong with you?”


“I have a job to do and I intend to do it.  I’m not about to compromise it, or you.”


“Compromise?  I’m a fucking compromise!  Uhhh!  No, I’m not a compromise, you asshole.  But you know what you are?  Huh?  You’re a prick.  A stupid idiot who doesn’t even see the good that’s right in front of his face.”


She storms off and a few seconds later I hear the door slam.


I don’t care.  It has to be this way.  I’m getting paid to protect her, not to have sex with her.


And not only that we almost had an incident today, but instead we had another incident that may prove to be even more dangerous.


Fuck I crossed the line.  The line no bodyguard is supposed to ever cross.


It’s so cliché and such a rookie move, and yet I did it.


The worst part is that it’s going to take everything I’ve got not to do it again.