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Brewer (Dead Souls MC Book 3) by Savannah Rylan (6)


Chapter 6




“Brewer. Please.”

“Like that, sweet girl. Say my name again.”

“Brewer. Yes. Don’t stop.”

His hands slid down the frame of my body, taking with it the silken robe he was sliding off my body. His lips were on my cheek. My neck. My chest. Those soft lips were wrapping around my nipples as my hands gripped his hair. His tongue wrapped around my engorged tits as his fingers slipped between my glistening thighs.

We fell to the bed as his chiseled body pressed into my soft curves.

“Tell me what you want,” he said.

“I need you,” I said.

“How?” he asked. “Be a good girl and tell me.”

“Your fingers. Inside. Please. Go lower. Fill me up.”

My back arched as he slid his fingers into my wet heat, my juices dripping down my ass crack.

“You should see yourself, sweet girl. So willing to cave to me.”

“Lick me, Brewer. Please. I’ll do anything. Anything you want.”

“Anything?” he asked.




“Anything, Brewer.”

My eyes jerked open and I felt my chest panting. I saw Brewer’s fuzzy face hovering over me in bed. I bolted upright, trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes with my hands.

But when I opened my eyes back up, he was gone.

And the linen beneath my body was wet.

“Fuck,” I said as I threw the covers off my body. “What the hell?”

I could still feel the lingering touch of his lips against my breasts.

I slid my hands down my face and planted my feet on the floor. I tried to shake the heated sensation in my legs away, but it only made it worse. I pressed the heels of my palms into my eyes and drew in deep breath, trying to settle my body down from the heated dream it had decided to conjure all throughout the night.

I hung my head and tried to rid my mind of all the thoughts. Images of Brewer bending me over the couch and face-planting between my legs. I could feel his hands still sliding down my skin as he pinned my hips to the shower wall. So many snippets of so many dreams, and all culminating to one point.

The point where I admitted I would do anything to have more of him.

I didn’t like that feeling. It was a helpless feeling. I was a strong woman trying to plant my feet in a new life and already my body was willing to cave to another man. To pledge my allegiance to anything he wanted if he would only give me the release I sought. How weak was I? How idiotic did my mind think I really was? I drew in one last breath and opened my eyes, but when I took stock of the alarm clock next to my bed I gasped.

I’d forgotten to set my alarm.

I had my interview in less than an hour and I still had to get Ana to school. I sprinted out of my room and down the hallway where I found Ana playing in her room on the floor.

“Sweetheart, I need you to do me a favor,” I said.

“You okay, Mommy?”

“I’m fine. Everything’s fine. I need you to pick out the outfit you want to wear to school today and get dressed. I’ll do your hair once I clean myself up.”

“Did you sleep too much?” she asked.

“Yes. I did. Can you help Mommy this morning?”

“I always help Mommy,” she said with a smile.

“Good girl. Now get dressed and wait in your bathroom for me.”

I ran back into my room and started splashing water in my face. I didn’t have time to take a shower, so it was a good thing I had all sorts of different perfumes to choose from. I scrubbed my face and brushed my teeth, then took a washcloth and cleaned up my more sensitive areas.

I had to wash down my thighs in order to clean them up from the mess I’d made in my dreams.

I tossed the washcloth into the sink and began to dry my body off. I rifled through my clothes that were still in bags and pulled out the first outfit I could find that was suitable. A button-down blouse tucked into a pair of high-waisted black work pants with sensible close-toed heels and my hair thrown up into a twist. I put in some earrings and splashed on some mascara to not make me look so tired, then I went into Ana’s bathroom and started doing her hair.

I brushed through it and pulled it into a ponytail, then braided it and wrapped it up in a bun.

It was her favorite way to wear her hair when she was going to school.


“Yes, sweetheart?”

I was furiously packing Ana’s lunch for school as I looked up and into her eyes. And the worried look in them stopped me in my tracks.

“What is it?” I asked. “What’s wrong?”

“What if they don’t like me?”

“Oh, honey. Come here,” I said.

I held out my arms for my daughter and she ran into them. In all of the rush because I was late getting up, I hadn’t stopped to think about how this was affecting her. About how trying to adjust to a new school in the middle of the year was going to be tough on her. She gripped me tightly around my neck and I closed my eyes, burying my face into the crook of her neck.

“Everyone’s going to love you. I know they will.”

“How do you know?” Ana asked.

“Because they loved you at your last school. And it wasn’t because of them. It was because of you. You’re lovable, Ana. And people here will figure that out soon enough.”

I pulled back and wiped at my daughter’s tears as I tried to hold back my own. I wanted to take all of this away from her. I wanted to be able to move back to Texas and put her with her old friends. I wanted to be able to have the capability of moving us back to the place where both her and I had made friends and connections.

But we couldn’t.

We had to try and start over here.

“Do you trust me?” I asked.

I watched as my daughter nodded her head.

“Then trust me when I tell you that everything is going to be all right. It might not be today, and it might not be tomorrow. But give it some time and I promise you, this place will be better than Texas.”

“How do you know?” she asked, sniffling.

“Because I’m Mom. And I know everything,” I said.

Ana gave me one last hug before I stood up and finished packing her lunch. I grabbed everything I thought I would need for this interview, then the two of us headed out the door. We were making good time. If I could drop her off with little to no resistance on her part, I’d still be ten minutes early for my interview. And that would surely make a very good impression.

I opened the car door and tossed my stuff in as Ana climbed into her seat. I buckled her in while she swung her feet. A nervous tick she’d picked up from me. I was a leg-jiggler when I was nervous. I could rock an entire house with it if I was nervous enough. Ana swung her legs side to side and around in circles, trying to dispel the nervous energy racing through her little body.

I slid into the seat of my beat-up car and pulled out my phone, ready to play her favorite songs while we drove to school.

But when I went to crank up the car, it wouldn’t turn over.

“Oh, come on,” I said.

I tried turning the key again, but all it did was sputter and spit.

“Shit, come on!”

Ana giggled behind me as she slapped her hand over her mouth.

“Don’t use that word,” I said as I looked into the rear view mirror.

“Mommy said a bad word.”

“And you don’t repeat it, okay? It’s not tasteful.”

Ana kept giggling as I cranked my car up again. Only this time, it wasn’t doing anything. It wasn’t revving. It wasn’t sputtering. It wasn’t even clicking.

There was simply no fucking sound coming out at all.

“Come on!” I exclaimed. “Really!?”

Ana’s laughter grew in the backseat as I leaned my forehead against the steering wheel.

I guess that was one way to cheer my daughter up.

“Mommy, look!”

“Not now, Ana. Mommy’s thinking.”

But the second I inhaled, I smelled it.


I whipped my head up and saw plumbs of black smoke rising from the hood of my car. I scrambled out and grabbed my things, then ripped the door open and reached for Ana. I pulled her out and grabbed her car seat, tossing everything out onto the grass. I had no idea if the thing was about to explode or burst into flames or if it was a result of the grinding of the gears I’d caused trying to start the fucking piece of junk.

Either way, the verdict was out.

My car was shot.

What was I going to do? I had to get Ana to school in fifteen minutes and then book my ass across town for the interview. And it wouldn’t look good if I called them up and told them my damn car broke down. It would make me look unreliable, and for the benefits I was gunning for I couldn’t afford to look unreliable. I had the option of calling a cab, but with Redding being such a small town there was no telling how long it would be before someone could get out to us.

Hell, I wasn’t sure if Redding had cabs to begin with.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and noticed I only had fifteen percent left on my battery. Of course, I would’ve fucking forgotten to put my phone on the charger. Hell, I probably hadn’t even unpacked the damn thing yet! I groaned as my head fell back, the black smoke tainted my vision.

I let out a long, frustrated sigh. What the hell was I going to do? I raised my hands up to my head as I tried to figure out my next move as my eyes fell to the direction of Brewer’s house.

That was my only other option. I didn’t have a car, I didn’t have the battery to search for a cab company in the area, and I knew no one else in the area. The only person I knew was the man who helped put together my house before playing with my daughter and trying to kiss me. I held my hand out to Ana and picked up our stuff, my heart slamming against my chest.

I hoped Brewer was in a giving mood, because I didn’t have any other options.

We walked across the lawn as the car finally stopped smoking. I was sure someone had probably called the fire department by now, but I couldn’t concern myself with it. I’d leave a note or something telling them to haul the piece of junk away. I gripped Ana’s hand tightly as we stepped onto his porch, then I set my things down at my side.

“Where are we going?” Ana asked.

“We’re going to see if Mr. Brewer can help us,” I said.

“Like take me to school?”

“And get me to my interview today,” I said with a grin.

I looked through the windows beside his front door and didn’t see any lights on. Was he even awake? Shit, was I about to wake him up? That wouldn’t put anyone in a good mood. Their new neighbor waking them up to ask for a favor. I sighed as I lifted my fist to the door, my mind spinning at a thousand miles a second.

I didn’t have any other choice.

He was my last resort.