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Broken Enagement: A Second Chance Secret Baby Romance by Gage Grayson, Carter Blake (189)


It should’ve been another boring day in the joint for me. I was planning on making my own fun when I get a message—head doc wants to speak to me.

I remember him from my initial visit. He briefed me before the court hearing. The first day I saw Alison.

Who would have thought the cute, shy redhead in the second row would end up as my doctor?

Sometimes, it seems a proven fact that there is, indeed, order to the universe.

I don’t mind a visit with the old professor.

Well, I have no evidence he is a professor, but I like to give people nicknames. Like Lummox for instance. Helps me keep things straight.

The guards take me to the communal meeting room.

Not an official psych visit then. Something unofficial. That’s exciting.

They sit me down at the metal table in front of the professor and a skinny med student with pimples on his chin.

Oh, this is a learning experience for the young chap.

My smile is stretching my cheeks.

“Hello, Mr. Covington. Are you enjoying your stay here?” Prof gives me a hearty smile. I give him a look and a grin.

“It’s not up to my usual standards, but it’ll do.”

“It’s nice to see you are more open to talking with me today. Have you been making progress?”

I lean forward eagerly, my body language all loose and simpering.

“Yes, Doc! I gotta tell you, my eyes are open. That new doctor you sent to me—she’s a genius. I hope you know what you’ve got there. She really got my head right. My mind is clear as a bell. I see everything now… Really see, you know what I mean?”

He nods earnestly, writing in the book and showing the young pup.

“That’s excellent news, Mr. Covington. Really fantastic. We may even be able to get you moved to a better facility.”


It would look strange to protest.

“Dr. Hughes has mentioned that you’re a challenging patient. But from what you’re telling me, you’re finding the sessions most enlightening?”

I nod firmly.

“Absolutely. I have had a few psychs over the years—I’m sure you know that. The thing is, none of them ever managed to explain it quite like Dr. Hughes. There’s just a simplicity in the way she works. She’s gifted.”

“I see, I see, Mr. Covington. It’s interesting. How have you found getting along with the other inmates?”

As I sit back and smile, there seems to be an icy calm in the room.

I feel like half the others in there want to shriek in protest.

“No trouble at all, Doc. I’m even making friends. You know, some of these guys don’t know how to play chess? I got that sorted. Even have a few of them reading books.”

“Wonderful. This is the great hope of the legal system.”

He wants to go on, but a guard calls out to him. He walks over, exchanges a few words, then looks back over.

“Continue the interview please, Charlie…and please keep accurate notes. I have a call. I’ll be back shortly.”

As the prof leaves the room, my grin spreads over my face. Charlie looks uncomfortable but tries to smile back.

“First day on the job Charles?”

“I—ah…I’m on work experience.”

“Cool! So, you like shrinking heads then?”

He chuckles. Can’t resist my charm. Who can?

“Yeah. It seemed more interesting than toes or butts.”

I have a good chuckle at that, and Charlie laughs, too. Loosening up.

“So, what questions are you supposed to be asking me?”

“Oh, I think Doc just about covered it. It’s more for my experience. There’s a procedure to check on the patient to ensure the leading doctor is sympathetic to the patient, but obviously, you’re doing fine with Dr. Hughes.”

“Yes, I am.” I lean forward, conspirator-like. “Hey, Charles, do you smoke?”

He blushes furiously. “No, I mean, I’m not—”

I snap my fingers at a nearby inmate.

“Hey! You! Smoke!”

Trash-Face gets up from his blubbering old lady and quickly drops a smoke and lighter on the table.

“One for the kid, too”

“Is that legal?”

“Do I look like I give a fuck?”

I stare Trash-Face down.

Maybe he wants me to show his old lady how he got the name.

Trash-Face silently places another cigarette on the table and lurches back to his seat. I light up and so does Charlie, hesitantly.

He coughs like a barfing dragon and stamps out the smoke quickly.

“It’s alright, Charles. It’ll make a man out of you.”

He coughs a few more times, waving smoke away from his face.

“All good, Mr. Covington. Thank you for the offer anyhow.”

“No trouble Charlie, no trouble at all.”

I lean back on my chair, leaning one arm casually across the table.


“Yes, sir—I mean, yes, Mr. Covington?”

I have to laugh. Nice save, kiddo. But you almost just called me ‘sir’.

I swear, I can make people submit just by thinking it.

“You work with Dr. Hughes, don’t you?”

“Yeah. Some. Not as much as with the big doc, though. We have had a few training sessions together.”

“Yeah, look, I’m not interested in her work. I know she’s good at that. Hell, she’s fixing me! Old Mad Covington.”

I grin as I take a long drag of the smoke, red embers flashing at the end of the length as I squint through the smoke.

“I want to know the little things…the stuff only friends know.”

I actually have a lot of info on her already. My boys work fast. I really just want to bend the little brown nose to my will.

I need the entertainment. Everyone in here is already worshipping me.

Besides, he may know a few tasty pieces no one else knows.

“Well, we aren’t actually friends. She doesn’t talk much to me. Or to anyone, really.”

“You don’t say. Anti-social then?”

“No, not classically. Well, by mental illness definition. She just keeps to herself.”

“Come on, man! You gotta know something!” I lean in, giving Charlie my best Trust me face. “Is she late to work? Does she sometimes forget to put on makeup? Does she wear a different perfume every day? What does she eat for lunch? How does she like her coffee?”

“Oh, I know that one!”

He’s excited to have something to share. Bless him.

“She likes it black with only a little sugar. I’ve been making everyone’s coffees all week.”

“You know,” I say, putting my smoke out, almost touching Charlie on the shoulder as I lean in further. “I also like my coffee black. Some people say only psychos drink black coffee.”

I give him a nod as if affirming the truth.

“No way!” He’s breathless, entranced by my presence. “Is that true?”

“Google it, my good man. Don’t take my word for it. All the world’s knowledge, right there at your fingertips. You young people, you don’t know how good you have it. In my day, you had to wait for the library to open if you wanted to know something. Now, you just swipe up…or left if you have a cheap phone.”

Charlie laughs, perfectly at ease. Little dickhead.

He’s never going to make it as a psych. I’ve got him eating out of the palm of my hand.

“There is something…” Charlie starts then stops, looking up and around, as if he wants to take the words back. I pounce on them.

“Something about…?”

“Dr. Hughes. I came into her office with coffee the other day. She jumped and made this big effort to hide stuff on her desk. First time she was ever rude to me.”

“Go on.” I could shake the little fuck.

“Well…the stuff on her desk that she tried to hide. I saw it.”

“Yes?” Get the fuck on with it!

“It was pictures of you.”

He looks at me, eyes searching my face, begging for approval.

Typical underdog. Needs the validation of the alpha.

I breathe out slowly, looking right through Charlie. This is something.

“Thank you, Charles. I mean it.”

I look him right in the eye and punctuate my words by pointing at him.

“This is very valuable to me. I look after my people. You need anything, anything at all, you just let me know.”

The buzzer sounds at the door, and the prof appears.

“Come now, Charlie. Grab those papers like a good lad.”

“I gotta run, mister…but thanks for the talk and—ah—everything.”

“Not a problem, Charles. Remember what I said.”

He nods as he bolts for the door.

Prof gives me a look, which I return with a grin and a wave.

This is good. This is very, very good indeed.

I feel my smile breaking out, and I have to hold in a self-satisfied chuckle.

Looking at pictures of me. Hiding them. Poring over them.

Panting over them?

Oh, god. Yes please.