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Brothers - Dexter's Pack - George (Book Five) by M.L Briers (24)





Every thrust of his cock inside of her matched every beat of George’s heart. He was ravenous alright – hungry to claim her as his – hungry to taste her blood upon his tongue and mark her skin…

Desperate to bond with her.

He knew that he needed to keep a tight rein upon his beast until the very last moment, and then all bets were off. If he was mindless then he couldn’t keep control…

“You’ve got this – let go, George…” Zana assured him, as she dug her fingernails into the taut skin of his back and clawed downwards…

George roared.

Pushing up with just one palm flat on the floor, he wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her up with him, hooked her legs over his thick thighs, and thrust into her like a wildling…

There was no stopping the orgasm that was building inside of her. The heated friction of his cock was sending her body into a mindless state where nothing else mattered but finding that release…

Zana’s head fell back on her neck and she opened her shoulder to his gaze.

George could do nothing to keep his beast from rising up and pushing forward. His fangs elongated – his cock hardened to steel, and his balls ached to spill his seed inside of her, and yet – he was intent on only one thing …


His beast was demanding.

His cock was demanding, and he took her over the edge into insanity a heartbeat later…

George bit down hard and fast, sinking his razor sharp fangs into her flesh and making her hips buck against his as another orgasm took her body with an intensity that sent her wild…

Zana’s blood spilled over his tongue and he swallowed hard, over and over, savouring the taste of her.

He reached for her soul and locked them together, woven as one, as his wolf roared within him at the bond between mates.

George released his fangs and licked over the wound, sealing it into her skin, and confirming the bond between them that would last for an eternity.

“Mine…” George growled against her ear, but his body fired with a fever that wouldn’t be ignored.

Now he was ravenous for more.

Now he was hungry, desperate for his own needs and desires…

He wrenched his hips back and pulled his cock from inside of her. He lifted and turned her onto her hands and knees upon the floor.

His large hands slapped down against her curvy hips and his fingers pressed in against the flesh…

With one deep thrust he was buried to the hilt within her – a hearty growl rumbled within his chest as his hips started to batter her backside.

The sound of skin slapping skin was almost as spellbinding as his grunts and her gasps and the sweet moans that caught in her throat as he took her right back up again…

His balls ached with need … His cock was practically begging for mercy as he took her to the hilt with every thrust…

He needed release.

He searched and she answered…

Another orgasm tore through her body and her inner muscles clamped and released hard around his cock, suckling his seed from his balls, as his head strained back on his neck and his thrusts became more erratic…

He grunted, over and over, as he felt that climax building, and then it burst through his body like a wildfire – waves after wave of heated pleasure tearing through him…

A howl tore through his chest and up into his throat – by the time it escaped his lips everything inside the small cabin was shaking like an earthquake…

He couldn’t breathe … he couldn’t think … joined together they rode the waves of pleasure, until they collapsed, spent against the floorboards…

George wrapped his body around hers. He pulled her as he close to him as he could get her.


My mate.

My love.







“We need to talk about the castle…” Vicky said as Connor walked up beside her and surveyed the charred outside of the building.

He knew it had been coming, but over the days since the battle had raged, there had been other considerations to think about; like making sure that the magic was working for the alpha and the dragon shifter, and making certain that they were all safe.

Now she was getting antsy.

The castle had stood for hundreds of years, and he was damn sure a little dragon fire wasn’t about to finish it off, but still, it would need repairs.

“You mean your castle?” Connor said as he folded his arms across his chest and looked thoroughly pleased with himself.

“Our damaged castle…” Vicky said, not turning to meet his eyes.

“And I’m sure you’ll deal with it appropriately, no?”

“Connor…” Her tone was a warning, but when did that ever stop him from having fun at his mate’s expense.

“But, honey, it’s your castle, or so I’ve been told, repeatedly, and by you…” Connor gave a small shake of his head as she turned her whole body towards him.

Then her hands went to her hips and he wondered if he should bend at the waste and at least try to kiss his backside goodbye.

“Do not start with the semantics of the…”

“Semantics, is it?” Connor’s eyes flashed with amusement.

“You’re being a …”

“Oh, do tell…” He already knew what she was thinking, and he hadn’t even needed to read her mind to do it.

“Can I get the chance?”

“Of course, love. Have at it…”

“I’ll have at something in a minute if you keep…”

“Promises – promises…” He felt the hard sting of her magic and groaned inwardly.

“Now, let’s be reasonable…” she started and he frowned.

“And if I’m not? Will you zap me again…?” There was a devilment within his eyes that she loved…

“I’ll zap you again if you fix the castle…”

“What an incentive…” he chuckled.

“I’ll be really – really – really nice to you…”

“No, don’t do that – I might die of a heart attack…”

“If only!” She snapped back.

“Oh, temper – temper, and I thought I wore the fangs around here…”



“Go …” she tossed up a hand, chewing on her annoyance, and not able to find the words to truly express herself…

“Senility setting in already, love?”

“Bite me!”

“With relish!”

“Fix the castle!”

“Not a chance!”

“I hate you. I loathe you…”

“I love you. I worship you…”

“You do?” She grinned, all girlie like, and he had his reservations…

“I do…”

“Then fix the bloody castle or buy me a new one!” She turned on her heels and stalked away from him – just as Roloko was coming up towards them from the other direction…

“Sorry about…” Roloko said, and she scowled at him…

“Farting fire at my damn castle…” she grumbled as she stalked away.

“Not farting … but I can…” Roloko called after her and she grunted, snorted, and muttered to herself as she kept going.

“What did I say about upsetting my mate?” Connor tossed up a hand in the air.


“Accepted.” Connor shrugged. “Trust me, it doesn’t take much.”

“I heard that!” She called back, and he chuckled.

“Good, because I wanted to talk to you about the Glen…” Roloko eyed his handwork against the castle walls and felt a spluttering of guilt for what he was about to ask.

“The Glen?”

“The valley down…” he lifted a hand and pointed off in the distance.

“I know where and what the Glen is…” Connor assured him. “Your point?”

“Is that … well, George and I have been talking…”

“Oh, you … talk, now?”

“Yes, and he – we – think that it would be prudent to make our home there, away from the pack and the clan, and Dexter’s pack – which, let’s face it – can’t really handle another alpha like George…”

“Right – no – well…”

“So, George thought, as I do, that we could police each other – without risking a confrontation with the lesser…”

“Please don’t say lesser,” Connor warned. “That’s when fangs come out, and then there’s claws, and grrr…” he raised his hands and growled. “Or in your case – the woods burning down…”

“Fine!” He held up two large hands in front of him, and Connor noted just how damn big they were.

“So, the Glen? Good idea … you should start working on it just as soon as puppy love-true alpha has finished being held up in his cabin with his one true mate…” Connor lifted a hand and scratched at his head as he revisited his words… “Or, something like that.”



“Do we need the meeting of the alphas to ask permission?” Roloko asked.

“Hmm … no. The glen isn’t the mountain, it’s the side of the mountain, and quite frankly they would probably breathe a non-fire breath of relief to have you gone,” he frowned. “Not that they don’t like…”

“It’s fine. I understand.”

“Ok. Good ….” Connor turned back towards the castle. “Now, tell me what I can use to get scorched dragon breath off my stone walls…”

He turned back, but Roloko was already gone.

“Speedy little…” Connor bit out. “Hmm, the Glen. That’s a good place to build another castle.”


The End.