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Building Billions - Part 2 by Lexy Timms (5)


I grabbed his tie and crashed our lips together. I’d wanted him for so long, and now I finally had him. I could feel how badly he wanted me. How quickly he pinned my body to the glass of his window. His chiseled body was throbbing against me as his hands ran up and down my body. Massaging my breast and gripping my hips. Hiking my thighs up his legs until there was nothing supporting me but his chest against my body. His hands grasped my ass, and my hands flew around his neck. Our teeth clattered together, and I was ready for him to take me.

In any way he wished.

He peeled me away from the glass and carried me into his bedroom. Our hands began to strip one another down, tossing shirts and bras and ties off to the side. I ran my hands along the strength of him. I could feel his lips in places I’d wanted him for days. Weeks.

And if I was honest with myself, months.

His five o’clock shadow grazed down my chest as he laid me on the bed. I could feel my arousal dripping down my ass as his hands parted my legs. I bucked into him and arched, trying to feel more of him as his lips wrapped around my nipples. His lips sucked them to painful peaks, and his teeth bit down lightly onto them, throwing me into a tailspin of endless moans and whispered praises.

I rolled him over, taking him by surprise. I grinned down at his shocked face as he reached up to remove my glasses. He tossed them off the bed, clunking to the ground as his thick dick pulsed between my legs.

Then, I rolled my hips and captured him within the folds of my pussy.

Inch by inch, he sank into me. His hands gripped my hips, embedding his fingerprints into my skin. My hands curled into his chest, taking in the divots of his muscles as he filled me to capacity.

He pressed against my tight walls in ways I’d never felt before.

Before I could set a steady pace, he flipped me back over. I was on my back, squealing with delight as he hiked my legs around his body. He slid from within me, leaving nothing but the tip of his cock seated between my legs.

Then he slammed into my body, pulling goosebumps along every limb I had.

He sent a relentless pace as his name tumbled from my lips. The fire in my gut was burning up every atom of my skin. He felt so good, so big inside of my body. He hit areas I didn’t know existed, and his tightly wound curls raked against my clit. My legs jolted with every movement as my lips fell against his chest. I bit at his skin and raked at his arms, desperate to feel any part of him in any way he would let me.

He picked me up off the bed and pinned me to the wall. His hips snapped against mine as I clung to his body. I buried my face into his neck, gasping for air and begging for more. I adored the feeling of him within me and the electricity that coursed through my veins as my blood rushed through my ears.

He pulled me from the wall and tossed my body onto the bed. I caught myself with my hands but not before my hips were thrust into the air. He plunged into me from behind, not allowing me to stop and take any breath before he fucked me senseless. His hips snapped against mine so hard, his balls were slapping against my skin.

“Jimmy. Jimmy. Holy... I... don’t stop. I’ve wait—oh... Right there. Right there. Right there, Jimmy. Please!”

I could hear him grunting as he bent over my body, hovering above me like an animal in heat. I looked up into the window and saw his reflection, the way his face was twisted with pleasure. His lips fell to my skin as he pounded against me, building that fire behind my abs that threatened to burst forth. His lips kissed each divot of my spine as his hands held me to him, fucking me senseless as my pussy throbbed around his cock.

“I feel you, Ashley. All of you. Let go. Give into me. I know you can.”

His encouragement sent me spiraling as my toes began to curl. I fisted the sheets of his bed and moaned out into the room, my pussy clamping down on him. I felt his movements stuttering against me as my jaw unhinged. I choked out my moans and wrapped my feet around his legs, pulling him to me as he collapsed.

His sweating chest hit my back and the two of us plummeted to the bed, his cock sliding from me and pumping his come onto the sheets of his bed.

His hands slid down my arms, lacing our fingers together at the end. I relished the feeling of him blanketing me, coating me in his warmth as my head undulated with relaxation. I hadn’t felt this good in a long time, not since the night we had shared together. There were things that compared. Like my promotion or finding out he’d ended things with Nina.

But nothing quite compared to this.

Nothing compared to the feeling of electric pleasure coursing through my skin.

Jimmy kissed my shoulder before he slid from me and pulled me into his embrace. He wiggled us out of the wet spot and held me close to him, my leg tossed over his body. I laid my cheek against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, rapid and strong, racing with the exertion it had taken to please me.

I kissed his racing heart and watched as his skin puckered again with arousal.

“You could stay, if you wanted,” Jimmy said.

“I know,” I said. “But I can’t.”

“Still worried about Nina?” he asked.

“Actually, no. But I have to take my mother to a doctor’s appointment in the morning. Well, I want to. I don’t have to take her, but I want to take her.”

“I understand,” he said. “I’d never keep you from something like that, but just so you know, I’d take you wherever you needed to go.”

“Thanks, Jimmy. I really do appreciate it.”

I felt his hand running through the tendrils of my hair. His touch was soft, which was a stark contrast to the animal I’d experienced only moments before. I sighed against his skin, relishing the moment before I had to break it.

“You never told me why your mom fell that day,” Jimmy said.

“I told you. She took a fall,” I said.

“What caused the fall?”

I sighed as I closed my eyes, my brain paying attention to Jimmy’s hand and how rhythmically he stroked my hair, how strong his heartbeat was, how comforting his body felt against mine, and how steadfast his strength felt.

He was breaking down my walls, and I didn’t know how to stop it.

“My mother has Alzheimer’s,” I said.

“I’m so sorry,” Jimmy said.

“She’s had it for a few years now, about six.”

I felt his grasp tighten around me, and I snuggled tighter into the side of his body. I wanted his comfort, and I’d never experienced that before. I was used to standing on my own and receiving pity from no one.

But I enjoyed him comforting me. His hand stroked up and down my back, and his lips connected with my forehead.

It was like he wanted to hear about this part of my life.

“I took care of her in my childhood apartment for a while, but it became too much,” I said. “Her memory got worse, and her lucid moments got shorter. I couldn’t hold down the job I had at your company and still take care of her.”

“So you put her in a home,” Jimmy said.

“Not just any home. The best nursing home in Miami, but even with her being on Medicaid, it’s got a hefty premium each month. I saved everything I could from my job to pay for it.”

I felt him pull me closer as my buried my face into his neck.

“You’re a good daughter, Ashley,” he said.

“I don’t feel like it some days. It’s why I want to take her to these doctor’s appointments. Her lucid moments are so few and far between, I don’t want to risk not being there for one of them. I don’t want to risk her being lucid and not seeing me there, thinking I abandoned her or something.”

“You have nothing to explain to me,” he said. “But thank you for talking about it. You know you can put her on your insurance, right?”

“What?” I asked.

“If you can prove you pay at least fifty percent of her bills—and it sounds like you pay almost all of them—she can go on your insurance through the company.”

“She can?” I asked.

“Yep. She’ll still keep her Medicaid, and the company’s policy should cover any holes in her plan.”

“Are you serious, Jimmy?”

I looked into his eyes before I thrust my lips to his. I had landed in this promotion so quickly, I hadn’t stopped to consider how my benefits had changed, how my health insurance had changed, and how my retirement fund was going to benefit from all this. His hand tangled in my hair, and my body rolled on top of his. I felt tears crest my eyes as he pulled my lips away, our eyes connecting as tears dripping down my cheeks.

“You have those benefits through the company, but you also have me. If there’s anything I can do to make your mother comfortable and to make any of this easier for you, all you have to do is ask,” Jimmy said.

“You have no idea what you’ve just done,” I said breathlessly. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. It’s a perk that comes with the health benefits of corporate. My hope one day is to make that kind of health insurance available to the rest of the company.”

“You’re a good man,” I said.

“And you’re a good woman, Ashley. And a good daughter. And a hell of an accountant.”

Our foreheads connected as a small smile crossed my cheeks.

“I should get going if I’m going to get rest for tomorrow,” I said.

“Sure there’s nothing I can do to convince you to stay?”

“We’ll work our way toward it,” I said.

“That’s all I can ever ask of you.”

I slid from his body and began putting my clothes on. Jimmy was already on the phone with someone, talking them through the change in my health insurance. I shook my head as I pulled my shirt back on, my eyes raking up and down his naked form.

He really was a beautiful man.

“Once you get back from taking your mother to the doctor, some papers will be on your desk for you to sign. Look them over, sign them, and get them to HR. They’ll push the necessary changes through, and your mother should be covered through us by the end of the week.”

“Thank you,” I said. “From the bottom of my heart.”

“Let’s just say you owe me a dinner.”

He winked at me, and I felt my cheeks blush. He pulled on his pants and walked me to his door. He gave me one last kiss good night before I pulled out my phone, ready to summon a car from Uber.

But his hand came down on mine, and he covered the screen of my cell phone.

“Did you think I wouldn’t get you home?” Jimmy asked.

“You mean you’re going to drive me home like this?” I asked.

“Not necessarily. If I drive you home, you might not get to sleep after all. I know my limits, and you test them every day. But my driver’s waiting for you downstairs out front. He’ll be ready to take you anywhere you want to go.”

“That’s really not necessary. I can just call—”

“I love that you fight me on these things, but let this be one you give me without a fight. I want to make sure you get home safely. Your car’s still at work, and he’ll see to it you get there and get in without being disturbed.

I smiled up at Jimmy, blushing as his thumb stroked my cheek.

“You better go before I don’t let you,” he said.

“I don’t think you have that kind of power over me.”

His eyes darkened as his hand wrapped around to the back of my neck. He tightened his grip, and I sighed, my body instantly caving to him. I cursed myself as my eyes fluttered open, and I found that shit-eating grin on his cheeks.

“Good night, Miss Ternbeau.”

And I walked with weakened knees all the way to the elevator.