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Cael: Heroes at Heart by Maryann Jordan (20)


Sighing, Cael hung his head and chuckled ruefully, thinking his luck could not get any worse. Lifting his eyes, he watched the suspicion in her face as her eyes narrowed on his. Standing, he said, “Will you hear me out? Everything? Please?”

“That’s what I thought I was doing earlier.”

“There’s more. But, I need to try to get it all out or there’s no way any of this will help. It’ll all just still sound so fucked up.” He spread his arms out to the sofa, saying, “Please. Just give me ten more minutes.”

Regina walked slowly to the other end of the sofa, once again tucking her legs up and wrapping her arms around them, curling into a protective ball, as she faced him.

He twisted his body so that he was facing her as well. “Okay…the whole thing in one, long, big, statement? I met you, wanted more than a night, spent time with you, was falling for you, got scared, and then when you left, wanted to find you. Found where you might work, took a chance, and hung out. Saw you, got excited, then saw you with another man. Figured I lost my chance, and even though it hurt, I was going to accept that. But then I noticed how close you two looked, and I figured this could not be new, which made me even more hurt, because that would mean you were with him when you were with me. Then I saw him get in a car with a woman, kiss her, and I got curious. Even angry, I cared about you and didn’t want you involved with someone who might not be good for you. So, I followed him, saw him go to a home with his pregnant wife and saw their child. Went back to you and you admitted you knew about him. Everything I saw pointed to you seeing someone else while I was falling for you, and that person was married with kids, and you knew that. I was hurt that you didn’t feel the same about me, and I was angry that you seemed okay with being involved with someone who had a family. That was where I totally fucked up, Red. You were right—the woman I was falling for was not that kind of woman, but I let my…my…oh, hell, my abandonment issues get in the way, and said those awful things to you.”

His breath left him in a rush, but since he still had her wide-eyed attention, he sucked in another gulp of air and kept going.

“I got to thinking about it…first, I just felt sorry for myself, but then my friends began to question what I saw and I realized that even if I was right, my behavior was still completely wrong. I jumped to conclusions and didn’t give you a chance to defend yourself. I knew I had to apologize, Red. There was no way I could leave things the way they were. And then, Cindy got the wig and I knew that you deserved not only my apology, but our thanks. Even if you never accept my apology, you still should have our thanks. I went to your work but they said you didn’t come in anymore and wouldn’t tell me how to contact you. So, uh…I went back to the house and followed the man you were with to his workplace.”

Her eyebrows hit her hairline and she gasped. “You…you…?”

“I know, I know, it was crazy,” he rushed. “But I was desperate.” Sighing again, he continued, “I thought I was talking to the man you were involved with and I just wanted to know where you lived. Of course, he wouldn’t give it out, but he knew about me. He said I broke your heart. And, that’s when he told me he was your brother.”

“So…you didn’t just come here today because you found out he was my brother?”

“No, honest to God, you can ask him. I was there to find you so I could apologize and it was after that I found out.”

She sucked in a long breath through her nose, her lips pinched together tightly. Looking down, she plucked imaginary lint off her knees, avoiding his piercing gaze.

He kept going, taking her silence as permission…or an opportunity he was not going to waste. “I saw his name and assumed your last name was his. I had already heard him call you Regina. So, it wasn’t much of a search to find your address.”

Her face scrunched at that last titbit of information. “Red, you need to do a better job of protecting yourself. It wasn’t hard at all to find out where you lived.” Deciding to press his advantage, he scooted a bit closer to her on the sofa, just enough that he could reach out and touch her fingers resting on her knees.

Not wanting to deal with the swirl of emotions churning inside, Regina chose honesty. “I don’t know what to do with all this information.”

His heartbeat pounding in his ears, Cael suggested. “How about take another chance on me?” Her eyes landed sharply on his and he pressed on before she could object. “We clicked, Regina. We had something special, and if we hadn’t made the original agreement of no names, we might have discovered that the initial attraction that led to us wanting more time, could have ended up in our involvement. A relationship built on mutual trust. I know I fucked that up, but if you can forgive me, can you also be willing to give me…us, another chance? A real chance with real names and real possibilities?”

Sucking in her lips, Regina searched Cael’s face. Part of her wanted to deny his request and send him on his way. But, as his blue eyes peered back, the longing in them speaking to the need in her, she faltered. Her gaze dropped to his hand resting on her knee, the long fingers trembling. It was odd…he was such a strong man and yet, so unsure. I should say no. I should make him go. But we all make mistakes. We made the same one in holding to our pact when we both knew it was anything but a one-night stand, and that blew up in our faces. He has his regrets, and I have mine…

Without realizing it, her mouth answered, “A real chance and real possibilities? That sounds like quite a leap from where we started.”

His hand jerked and squeezed her knee. “All you have to do is take a leap of faith, Red. Trust what you felt with me. What we had when it was good. I didn’t do that and look where we ended up. I promise you, I won’t make the same mistake again.”

“Walking away from you was so hard the first time, but I thought it was what you needed.”

“I get that, and I’m sorry I didn’t see it at the time. I was thinking out loud, which was a dumbass thing to do, and you heard it. We had just left Cindy and I was wondering how I could give you the attention I wanted to give you while giving my family the attention they needed.”

“And how has that changed? We start this and you decide that it’s more than you can deal with? I don’t know that I can handle that again.”

Cael lifted his hand and cupped Regina’s face, noting it felt more fragile than he remembered. Rubbing his thumb over her cheek, he slid closer. “Baby, if we give us a chance, knowing how good it was, I know we have enough in us to make it through anything.” He watched as a shadow passed through her eyes.

A sad smile curved her lips as she shook her head, “I don’t know, Cael. I’m not sure either of us is strong enough to face the unknown.”

“We are, Red. You’ve just got to take that leap of faith with me. Please…let me prove to you that I’m in this for real.”

Swallowing, Regina wanted to look away but Cael’s gaze entrapped hers. I want this. I want this so bad. But…what if…

“I can see the what ifs in your eyes, but let me take them away,” he begged.

Nodding slowly, she gave in to her heart’s desire. Choking back a sob, she moved forward and he slid his arms around her, gathering her onto his lap.

His kiss was soft and sweet and she trembled underneath his touch. Afraid of scaring her, Cael moved his lips over hers, slow and gentle. The kiss was open mouth, wet and wonderful, but until her tongue darted out, he did not dare take it further. With the feel of her tongue on his, he angled his head, holding her cheeks in his palms, and devoured her mouth.

Moaning, Regina relaxed in Cael’s hold, allowing him to guide the kiss. Her hands moved to his shoulders, the feel of his thick muscles familiar underneath her fingertips.

Without losing her lips, Cael twisted, falling back on the sofa, her body now prone on top of him. His left hand held the back of her head, the short hair silky against his fingers as his right hand roamed down her back, landing on her ass before traveling back up. She felt thinner than he remembered and guilt flew through him at the thought of her not taking care of herself after he had verbally attacked her.

Feeling the change in Cael’s kiss, Regina lifted her head, her gaze searching his face. “Where’d you go?”

“Sorry, babe. I just…well, I just wondered how things have been for you since…uh, well, the last time I saw you.”

Her brows lowered in confusion. “Cael, if you have a question, then I really need you to just ask it. I’m not sure what you’re looking for.”

“You feel a little thinner and it made me wonder if you were taking care of yourself.” Cael winced, hearing the words leave his mouth, knowing they could sound like he was criticizing her appearance.

“I think I’ve lost a little weight, but do you seriously want to discuss that now?” She leaned back in, thrusting her tongue back inside. Hearing his groan, she continued her assault.

The feel of her breasts pressed onto his chest caused all other thoughts to fly from his mind. His hands slid under her shirt, one moving up and the other moving down underneath the waistband of her pants. Her skin was just as soft as he remembered.

She pulled away from his lips again, this time to shift up, straddling his hips with her knees digging into the sofa. Sitting astride, she whipped her shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. She had not been wearing a bra and her breasts bounced slightly with the movement. His hands moved up, cupping the mounds of rosy-tipped flesh, rolling her nipples between his fingers and thumbs.

Regina gyrated her hips, creating the friction she craved, rubbing her core over his jeans. When she was unable to take it anymore, she slid down his thighs and struggled to free one leg from her leggings and panties. Her hand then moved to his jeans’ zipper, sliding it over his thick cock. He lifted his hips and jerked his pants and boxers down just enough to free his cock.

She mounted him again, this time raised up on her knees, positioning over the tip as he fingered her clit. Settling slowly, she impaled herself on his shaft, a hiss leaving both of their lips at the contact. With her hands on his shoulders, she rocked up and down, taking him deeply.

His fingers gripped her hips, assisting as she tired. “Let go, baby,” he ordered softly. “I’ll take it from here.”

She bent forward so her clit rubbed against his pelvis, as he thrust in and out of her hot, slick core. “Harder,” she begged.

“Remember, Red. You don’t ever gotta beg.” He pumped harder and faster, grinning as her breathing hitched and her orgasm hit.

She felt her sex tightening, gripping his cock as the shock waves moved from her inner muscles throughout her body. Crying out, she clenched him until the last wave eased, leaving her crashing down on his chest.

With his hands still clamped around Regina’s hips, Cael thrust several more times until he groaned, his muscles taut, pouring himself into her warm channel. His arms encircled her back, cradling her soft body, lying sated on his. One hand slid to her head, his fingertips encountering her shorn locks once again. The visible reminder of her selfless gift to Cindy had his fingers jerking in a spasm.

Regina felt the way Cael’s hand rested on her head and knew he was thinking of her hair. Suddenly self-conscious, she buried her face in his neck, not wanting to see his expression.

Cael loved having Regina tucked underneath his chin, but he realized she was hiding more than cuddling. “Red? Baby, look at me.”

She lifted her head slightly, her eyes shifting from his to his chin.

He moved his fingers along her short hair, the silky spikes soft. “You’re beautiful.”

Blushing, she ducked her head. “You don’t have to say that—”

“Not lying,” he vowed. Sliding one hand to her cheek, he lifted her chin with his thumb until her eyes were back on his. “You were always beautiful and your hair was part of that. But, more importantly, you have a beautiful soul. Inside and out. Everything about you. So, long hair or short…it doesn’t matter, ‘cause every inch of you is perfect.”

As Regina’s eyes became watery, Cael’s face became fuzzy. His thumb moved from her chin to her cheek, catching a tear before it dropped.

“Don’t cry, baby. Not now…not when we’ve moved beyond what tore us apart and found a new us.”

“New us?”

Grinning, he said, “Real names and real possibilities.”

Her lips curved in a soft smile and she replied, “I like that.” They continued to stare into each other’s eyes for a moment before she sighed heavily. “What now?” she asked, her voice timid.

“Now? We begin us.”