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Cancer - Mr. Intuitive: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 7) by Tiana Laveen (2)

Many people think of me as a homebody. To be exact though, wherever I make my home is truly where my heart is. I can be restless at times, travelling here and there, sometimes only in my mind. I will be the first to admit that I need my downtime, a safe place where I can recalibrate, recharge, and rethink all that life has to offer. I consider myself to be a very strong person, with the ability to withstand a whole lot and wear a smile while the weight of the world bears down on me. Since I am in tune with my feelings, sometimes people mistake this for weakness. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Sometimes I can play the victim, be a martyr, when it was me pulling the puppet strings all along. That makes me shrewd… I am always observing.

I do give many chances occasionally to people who aren’t deserving. The longer a person is my life, the harder it is for me to let go. That’s why it’s best for me to cut toxic relationships short as soon as possible, though at times it’s a challenge. I believe in taking care of those who need a hand, but determining who is helpless and dependent can sometimes be deceiving.

I laugh a lot; it’s the best medicine. I have a very good sense of humor and find joy in the small things in life. I am drawn towards creative ventures. In my case, it’s my music. Since I could first hold a guitar and cry out as a young child, I have been expressing myself through song. I need this release like the ocean needs the wind to move. I can be moody… I will admit to that. Usually, that is just a signal that I need to go into my corner and lay low for a while.

I’m very protective of those I love and will at times jeopardize my own safety in order to help prevent someone who owns my heart from being harmed. I am not fearful by nature. In fact, it takes a lot to scare me, but it doesn’t take much for me to find someone worthy of my suspicions. Sometimes I believe in the good of the world; other times, I wonder why this place hasn’t burned the fuck down. I like being accommodating, but definitely resent being used. When I fall deeply in love with someone, and it’s happened a time or two, I can be a bit, shall we say, possessive of them. Love makes me happy. Simple as that. I’m usually loyal in relationships, but when I’m not, the reasons are typically quite complicated and have little to do with my lover at any given time. I love beautiful women, beautiful music, beautiful surroundings, and beautiful art. If you look nice, can make me laugh and give me some space when needed, you will have my heart forever.

Some close to me say I have a temper. It never comes out of the blue… trust me. if I blow up on you, you’ve more than likely had it coming. On the off chance you didn’t, I will apologize—just give me a second to think it all over. I’m not unreasonable in that regard. I don’t like softness within myself; in fact, I hide behind my hard shell. But, when I see limitations in someone else, I will do one of two things: exploit it to the fucking hilt or help build that person up until they are strong and can make it on their own. I have an excellent memory because I am sentimental, especially when it pertains to family matters. I’m a mama’s boy, even if she did me wrong. You’ve got to respect that place from which you came. That’s one of the reasons why I love women so damn much…

Women have secrets, like tightly clamped claws that only a man they’ve given their heart to will ever uncover. Women are magical music notes, like a seashell you put up to your ear. You never know what song she will play, but when she is vulnerable with you, it will always be beautiful. The lovely ladies are the reason behind so many of my songs, rage, heartbreak, undying devotion and love.

How could I ever betray Mother Nature, the mother of us all?

It’s in my nature to love strong, and to love hard…

I will guard you with my life, and toss your worries out to the sea…

I am your Cancer lover…