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Captive Soul: An Menage (MMM) Paranormal Romance (Saint Lakes Book 6) by April Kelley (5)



Chapter Four



Hacen loved watching Tommy ride him. The slackness of his face and the slight smile turning up his lips were the sexiest things Hacen had ever seen. Tommy was leanly built with broad shoulders that tapered down. He had pectoral muscles that bulged when he braced himself on Hacen’s chest. He had the slightest bit of love handles and just enough softness around the middle to drive Hacen wild with lust.

By the gods, how he loved his Tommy.

He gripped Tommy's waist with both hands, holding on as he moved up and down on Hacen's cock.

The fireplace cast an orange and yellow glow throughout the room. It heated up the cabin until they both had a fine layer of sweat covering their bodies. That coupled with the physical exertion made them both wet wherever they connected.

Tommy’s hands slipped forward with each thrust in and out until their chests connected. He moved his hands to Hacen's hair, his fingers tangling in the long black strands until he had a fist full. Hacen barely felt it when Tommy pulled.

Breath ghosted across Hacen's face.

Hacen's fangs dropped down, and his fingers tightened around Tommy's waist right before he met him thrust for thrust, fucking into him harder each time. Skin slapped and they both grunted.

Tommy turned his head to the side, exposing his neck and Hacen didn't hesitate to take what he offered.

The second blood filled his mouth, Hacen's orgasm worked through him. Tommy cried out and slammed his ass onto Hacen's cock even further. Warm cum mixed with their sweat on each of their abdomens.

Hacen didn't take very much blood. Just a couple of pulls, and he let Tommy go, licking the wound to catch the drops.

Tommy collapsed on top of him, catching his breath. He lay his cheek against Hacen’s mating mark, which looked like a circular tattoo.

Hacen should feel satisfied, and a part of him did. There wasn’t another person alive who Hacen felt closer too. Tommy was half of his everything. The other half was a little human who was just as stubborn as Hacen.

His cock slowly deflated and the horniness that had started their romp in the first place was sated. His bloodthirst also waned.

"You okay? I got rough toward the end." Hacen kissed Tommy on the temple.

"I'm good." Tommy lifted his head, his chin resting on Hacen's chest.

Hacen ran his hand down Tommy's back, across his ass, and then up again. He knew his smile held the bone-deep satisfaction of excellent lovemaking. "What?"

"Just wondering if you would have bonded with me had Nicolono not forced us."

The question wiped the smile off Hacen's face. "Why do you always ask that right after we make love?"

"Why are you answering a question with a question?" Tommy raised his eyebrows.

"We're mated and you know I want you every second of every day. Jules too. What difference does it make?"

"That means no, right? I want to know why that's your answer."

Hacen let out a frustrated sigh. "Just leave it, Tommy." Tommy had to know Hacen wasn’t good mate material.

Hacen wasn’t disillusioned about the kind of vampire he was. He didn’t fucking care about most humans. He hated shifters. Witches and warlocks gave him the creeps, although Tommy didn’t. Vampires couldn’t be trusted. And yeah, he might be one, but he’d had a couple so called friends turn on him a time or two.

That whole curse thing Nicolono made Tommy put on him was crap. It didn’t mean shit or make Hacen a decent person all of a sudden as if his past and personality weren’t already firmly established before the curse.

Hell, he was a stubborn asshole on a good day. No point in denying it or pretending otherwise.

Hacen gripped Tommy around the waist and lifted until he lay on the bed. Then he sat up. "I'm taking a shower. You coming?"

"Yes but then I'm going to spend time with Jules. Spying on him isn’t working, so it’s time to change tactics.”


“So are you coming?" Tommy gave Hacen a pointed look.

"Not if you're going to his house." He wanted to take Jules away from those people. He might not trust them, but they haven’t hurt Jules. It was the only reason he didn't snatch Jules out of their lives.

Hacen stood and padded naked across the room.

"Just come with me. Unless you'd rather have me take the mating pull away. I’m pretty sure I can."

Hacen stopped and turned to meet Tommy’s gaze. He couldn’t tell if he were serious or not. Either way, Tommy was fucked up if he thought Hacen wanted that. He might not be good for someone like Jules, who was fragile, both emotionally and physically, but he wouldn’t ask to change it.

“I thought it was that ancestor crap that made Jules ours.”

“It is, but I still think they’ll reverse it. I know the spell.”

Hacen turned back, heading to the bathroom. “You can cast whatever damn spell, but it won’t change the fact that I want him. And you.”

Hacen entered the bathroom. The space was small and had a shower just as small, but it seemed to fit him and Tommy just fine, if not much else.

Tommy entered the room right behind him, shutting the door with a click. “What if he asks me about it?”

Hacen turned on the shower, so his back was to Tommy. “Lie to him.”

Tommy smacked Hacen on his left ass cheek. It didn't hurt, but it got his attention because he wasn't expecting it. Hacen turned to meet Tommy's gaze.

Tommy gave him an incredulous look. "I'm not lying to our mate."

Hacen shook his head. "So you'd take the pull away if he asked?"

"He’s one of three votes. Two-thirds of us say to keep it. He's outvoted."

"Okay then. Why is this a discussion?"

“Because our relationship is a three-part democracy not a dictatorship.”

“Says you.”

Tommy gave him an incredulous look and rolled his eyes. “You’re way more of a softy than you think.”






Thomas ran the palm of his hands down his jeans and took a deep breath in through his nose. He could see into the Somerset’s house through the sliding glass door. A human sat on the kitchen island and Gabriel, a wolf shifter, stood between his legs with his hands on the parts of the human’s ass he could reach. The human was Gabriel's mate, but Thomas couldn't remember his name.

They made out with a single-mindedness that left Thomas wondering if they'd even hear his knock.

He did anyway. Thankfully it was just as his sister walked into the kitchen. "Eww, must you do that in front of me." The door muffled her voice. She rolled her eyes and shook her head at them even as she headed for the door.

Gabriel and his mate stopped kissing, but they didn't break from their embrace. "It wasn't in front of you. And you should be glad we have a good relationship."

"Did you even hear the door?" When she finally looked at Thomas, she stopped and then grinned. She pulled it open and practically threw herself at him.

He hugged her. "How are you? How's school?"

"Good. I have Gabe for history, so that's weird cause you know how he’s got the dad vibe. I hear him lecture at home and school now. Ugh."

Thomas chuckled. He'd worry about Penny if it wasn't for the brightness of her smile and in her eyes. She's never smiled so much in all her life. Not even when their parents were still alive, and things were good. The Somersets were good for her. Gabriel and his human mate in particular and Thomas wouldn't ruin that by taking her away.

"Since when do I lecture you at home?"

"Just now. And the other day about the internet. And about makeup." Penny pulled back from Thomas but kept a hold of his hand.

Gabriel met Thomas' gaze. "The internet will rot her brain. Plus, there are some things she shouldn't see. Even those parental control programs can’t catch everything."

The human’s shoulders shook when he chuckled.

Gabriel looked at Penny. "You don't need makeup. You’re too young."

At the same time Gabriel said that last sentence, Penny mimicked him. She rolled her eyes. "You always say that. But Alyssa Morlock's mom lets her wear makeup."

"Alyssa Morlock needs it. And you don't have Alyssa's parents. You have us."

Penny snorted out a laugh. "Alyssa Morlock does need it." Penny pulled on his hand, but Thomas stopped her to shut the sliding glass door and then let her drag him through the kitchen.

"You've never come before." Penny pulled him through the dining room.

"I know. It's about time I changed that. I miss you. And I'd like to spend time with Jules."

"Hacen's still stubborn." Penny shook her head.

"Hacen and Jules are battling each other for the head spot. Neither wants to give." And Thomas was stuck in the middle, not knowing what to do to help the situation. Coming to spend time with Jules seemed like a good first step, and it was about time he took it.

He saw Jules sitting with Ladon on the couch. His back was to Thomas, so he didn't see them approach, but Ladon must have smelled him or something because he turned and met Thomas' gaze briefly before he whispered something in Jules’ ear.

"What! No, he's not." Jules stood up, turning to face Thomas. His mouth fell open, his pretty, full lips forming a circle as he stood there. He had on pajama pants and a pink t-shirt with a heart and a cat on it. The t-shirt was form fitting and hugged his thin frame.

"Hi." Thomas smiled and tried not to let the nerves show.

Jules came around the side of the sofa.

Penny let his hand go and went to sit next to Ladon. Ladon put his arm around Penny's shoulders and drew her into his side, making Thomas wonder if Ladon was the tactile one instead of Jules and that was why they were always sitting together.

Jules stood in front of him, studying his expression. What he searched for, Thomas didn't know. "Why are you here?"

Thomas smiled. "I thought we could spend time together. If that’s okay with you."

Jules looked away, down at the floor and shrugged. "I’d rather you just left me alone.”

Thomas’ eyebrows drew together, and his lips thinned out in a straight line. “I won’t do that, baby.”


“It took forever to get to you. Now that I have, I’m not leaving.”

“You and Hacen drive me crazy.” Jules sighed, and he finally met Thomas’ gaze. “Since you’re staying, do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?"

"Thank you but no. I'd like to hug you, though. If you'll let me."

Jules stepped into him. His arms came around Thomas. His head rested on Thomas' shoulder.

He ran his hand down the length of Jules' back and then up again.

"Why am I always so relaxed around you?"

Thomas smiled. "Must be the mating pull."

Jules shook his head which was awkward because his face was still buried in Thomas' neck. "I felt it before the ancestors changed things. And I don't feel relaxed around Hacen."

Thomas sucked in a breath and wanted to curse. Instead, he kept the curse inside his head and wondered how he would fix the situation. "Hacen wouldn't hurt you, baby."

"He already has." Jules pulled away and stood there with his hands clasped in front of him and his eyes averted. "So have you."

"Jules." Thomas tried to reach for him, but Jules took a step back.

Jules met his gaze. "Garridan says I should give you guys a chance."

"I wish you would.”

Jules nodded. "Okay. So, we're binge-watching something., you like to watch with us?"

"I'd love too. Thank you." He hadn't known what Jules’ reaction would be, but he expected a bit more resistance.

Jules lifted his head and smiled at Thomas in a way he'd never done before. His big brown eyes sparkled, which led Thomas to think he was up to a bit of mischief. All he did was hold out his hand, and when Thomas took it, he laced their fingers together.

Jules pulled him further into the room and over to a chair. Thomas was acutely aware of Ladon and Penny following them across the room with their eyes. Ladon was one big shifter, and Thomas had spied on Jules enough to know they spent a lot of time together. Ladon came off as protective, but Thomas wasn't sure if that was the case or not and was afraid to look in Ladon's direction to know for sure.

Jules let go and gestured to the chair.

Thomas sat and then held his hand out of Jules, silently asking for him to sit on his lap, which was what Jules intended to do anyway.

Jules sat, but it took him a while to get comfortable. Once he did he settle against Thomas with an arm around his shoulder and their heads together. "I'm not too heavy?"

"No, baby. You're perfect."

The blush was the cutest thing Thomas had ever seen. Jules averted his gaze again, but Thomas wasn't having that at all. He cupped Jules' cheek and turned his head.

Jules seemed fragile, both physically and emotionally. If Thomas made a wrong move, would he break? "I need to ask you something."

Jules' eyebrows went up in anticipation of the question.

"How do you plan on staying safe when the battle starts?"

"I train with Fane."

“You plan to fight?”


Thomas shut his eyes and sighed. That answer was far worse than the one he expected. "Baby. I don't think that's a good idea."

Jules stiffened and removed his arm from around Thomas' shoulders. "I didn't ask for your opinion."

"I know you didn't. I just want you to be safe when it starts. I've been worried about it since Hacen and I arrived in town."

"Fane is a good teacher. Um...I mean Sensei."

At the use of that word, Thomas' eyebrows went up. "Sensei, huh?"

"You're laughing at me, but I can kick your ass if I wanted to."

Shit. "I'm not laughing at you."

"Yes, you are. But you don't know me. You only know how I was when I was that monster’s pet." He spit out the last word with his lip curled up in disgust just a little.

"That's true. And it's why I'm here. To get to know you better."

"Well, you insulting me right after you get here isn't the best way to do that. You know what, leave me alone. I don’t want this…this…thing you did to me.”

The television went off right before Ladon and Penny left the room.

"You don't know me," Jules spit out again.

Thomas was getting a little pissed. "I know. I agreed with you. You don't know me either. Or Hacen."

Jules stood up and folded his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at Thomas. "And whose fault is that."

Thomas stood as well. He didn't like the height advantage Jules had. It made him look like he was lording over Thomas and he had a point to make. "Hacen's. And Mine. I'm not denying that. And I didn't come here to fight with you. I'm trying to make things better, not worse."

"You think I'm weak." Jules' hands fisted at his sides.

"I don't think you're weak. I promise you that." At least, not anymore. His Jules had a temper. To say he was surprised by that was an understatement.

Jules’ shoulders came up to his ears.

Well, since they were being honest, Thomas might as well give him all the options. They were a democracy after all. “I can take the mating pull away. I think, anyway. Is that something you’d want?”

“Yes.” Shit, don’t sugarcoat it.

“You don’t want us?”

Jules’ plump lips thinned out right before he averted his gaze.

Thomas waited for Jules to answer but he never did. He just stood there with his arms folded around his waist and his shoulders up to his ears.

Thomas cupped his cheek. “You gonna answer my question.”

“I said, yes. I want the mating pull taken away.”

“The second question.”

“I’m not answering that one.” Jules looked so conflicted, Thomas didn’t have the heart to push him into a more in-depth conversation. "Would you show me what Fane is teaching you?"

Jules moved into him, hugging around his middle. He snuggled in like a little burrowing hamster. So Jules was the one who loved to cuddle. Good to know. And it didn’t seem to matter that he had just basically told Thomas no on the relationship front.




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