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Captured: A Bad Boy Biker Romance by Honey Palomino (11)

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We woke up hours later to the sound of Pearl whimpering on the floor next to us.  

“Pearl, oh honey, I’m so sorry.”  

Hawk stirred, his arm wrapped around me.

“Um..I have to let her out.”  I whispered to him, pulling myself away and out of the bed.  I still had to tell him about his cut, but I thought maybe that could wait.

I stood up and pulled on the jeans and t-shirt, and grabbed Pearl and headed down the hallway. 

The sun was blazing down on us and I tried to shield my eyes as I walked Pearl over to a shrub next to Hawk’s house.  While she did her business, I took a good look at Hawk’s motorcycle.  It was black, shiny, and huge.  I had a feeling it was probably very loud.

The front door opened and Hawk walked out, wearing only his jeans.  His body was amazing, and as soon as I saw him, my skin broke out in goosebumps.  The heat was no match for the effect he had on me.

“We can go for a ride later if you want.”

“On your bike?”  I asked, fear rising in the pit of my stomach.  I had never been on a motorcycle.

His laughter was laced with sexual tones, and I laughed when I realized what he meant.

“Yes, the bike. Although,”  he said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck, “the ride we took this morning definitely has repeat potential.”

I laughed and turned around, kissing his soft lips and smiling up at him.

“Indeed it does. But I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.”

“Why am I not surprised? Well, then, let’s eat breakfast and then I’ll give you a scenic tour of Joshua Tree.”

“That sounds terrifying and um…a little exciting.”

“I like your adventurous spirit.”  He lowered his head, his lips meeting mine again, and we stood there kissing for a few moments, his hands caressing my back.

I pulled away and looked at him seriously.

“I have to tell you something.  I don’t think you’re going to like it very much.”

His expression turned serious.


“Pearl…she…well that’s why I was yelling this morning…she peed on your vest…your cut, I mean.  I’m so sorry!”

“What!” His head roared back with laughter.  “Well, luckily it’s leather, and it will clean easily, but honey that cut has been through hell and back, quite literally, so don’t worry about it.”

He shook his head, looking over at Pearl sniffing around.

“That dog…”

“I happen to love that dog, thank you very much.”

“I know you do.  And she obviously loves you very much, too.”

He looked at me again, the kindness and sweetness having returned to his eyes.  I looked at him, this big huge guy that was supposed to be the hardened criminal, my kidnapper, my bodyguard, the scary MC president. I knew I was falling for him and hard.

And that just wouldn’t do.  What was I going to do, introduce him to the girls and Genevieve and keep my job?  That was impossible.  There was no way I could keep being a call girl and be with Hawk. He wouldn’t fit in my world.  And I wouldn’t fit in his, either.

My thinking was crazy anyway.  This was just a job to him, no matter how nice to me he was or how amazing it felt when he fucked me.  I needed to remember that.  The last thing I needed to do was lose my heart to this man.

Whatever happened between us these next few days was just fun. No need to get carried away.

“Bacon and eggs?”  He asked, his hands on the small of my back as he looked down at me.

“That sounds great.”

“Awesome.  I’m going to take a quick shower, and then we can eat.  And then we’ll find you a helmet.”

“Okay, okay, just promise not to crash.”

“I promise, Princess.” He winked and kissed me quickly and pulled away, walking back into the house.

I stood next to his truck, and the idea of finding the keys and escaping while he was in the shower popped in my head.  Instead, after a quick moment of debating, I took Pearl inside, closed the door, and walked to the kitchen to feed her.

I showered after Hawk and as promised, after we ate breakfast, he pulled another helmet out of his closet and a thick, leather jacket for me to wear.  While I was in the shower, he had cleaned his cut with no hard feelings apparently, and after making Pearl a makeshift bed out of Hawk’s blankets, he packed up a light lunch and a blanket, said goodbye to her and we were outside staring at the bike.

“This will be fun, Princess.  Just relax and enjoy the view.”  He kissed me quickly, then checked to make sure my helmet was on tightly.

Jumping on the bike, he told me to get on behind him.  I swung my legs over the seat, and straddled his back.  The familiar scent of leather burned in the sunshine, and with a kick from Hawk and a loud roar, the bike vibrated violently under us.  The vibrations were much stronger than I expected, and I put my arms around Hawk’s waist, holding on for dear life as we took off down the dirt road that led away from his cabin.  Hawk reached back, reassuringly patting my thigh with his warm hand.

The bike roared through the orange desert, passing distant hills and rock formations and cacti of every size and shape.  I could see the appeal for Hawk.  We went miles and miles without passing even one car and I had never felt more isolated.  I was grateful for Hawk, knowing I would never make it alone in the desert.  But Hawk was right at home, obviously knowing the back roads very well, and with every confident turn he took, I became more and more lost. 

Finally, he pulled off the main road, and headed toward a small mountain range ahead of us.  When he stopped the bike,  I looked around at the breathtaking beauty.  I removed my helmet, shaking out my hair.

Hawk got off the bike, helped me off, and then grabbed the backpack that had our lunch in it, as well as the blanket he had rolled up behind me.

“Leave your jacket and helmet here. Let’s go.”

“Go where?”  I looked around and saw nothing but a small, rocky hill in front of us. 

“Over these rocks. You’ll love it.”  I placed my things on the bike, and took off after him.  My legs were still vibrating from the bike, and it took a few steps before I could walk normally.

“If you say so…”  I followed him up and over the rugged terrain, grateful once more for the view of his backside as he hoisted himself up the biggest rocks, and then turning to hold out a hand to help me up.  It was a short hike, but once we reached the summit, we looked down into a small, blue lake that made me gasp in surprise.

“You weren’t expecting water, right?”

“Nope, not at all.  I was beginning to think you were a camel,”  I said teasingly.

“This is my favorite place,” he said quietly beside me, gazing out over the water below. 

“Come on,” he took my hand, leading me back down the rocks to the sandy shore below.

It really was beautiful, and yet once again, the fact that I was being held against my will began to seep into my thoughts.  But quickly, I forgot it, and concentrated on the feel of Hawk’s hand in mine, and the beautiful day ahead of us.

“We can swim if you want.  The water’s cool and clean.”

When we reached the lake, Hawk laid the blanket down on the soft sand, and put the backpack on it. Without a word, he took off his boots, and then began removing his clothes.  Within seconds, he was walking naked past me and straight into the water.  I watched silently, smiling at him in all his naked, tattooed, muscular glory until he dove in head first, breaking through the water a few feet away and shaking his wet, blonde curls out of his face.

“Come on!  It’s fucking awesome!”  His smile was huge and contagious.

“Alright, alright…”

I took off my shoes, and as I started to undress, I realized he was staring at me.  My nippled hardened as I locked eyes with him as I unbuttoned my jeans and then shimmied out of them.  I heard him groan as I pulled the black t-shirt over my head, and then quickly discarded my black, lacy bra, letting my naked breasts fall out, my nipples still hard and erect.

Slowly, I walked to the edge of the lake and dipped a toe in.

“It’s cold!”  I squealed.

“Don’t be a baby, Princess!  Just get in…then I’ll warm you up.”  He splashed me with water, the drops like cold pinpricks on my hot skin.

I squealed again, jumping back and glaring at him before stepping into the coldness of the lake, the water lapping softly against my ankles.

Inch by inch, I lowered my body into the water until my breasts were bobbing with the waves just above the water, my nipples hard as rocks.  When I reached Hawk, he grabbed my waist, pulling me to him for a kiss.  His wet hands grabbed my face as his mouth sought mine eagerly, his kiss already familiar, yet passionate and full of desire.  My thigh bumped against his hard cock, and I moaned into his hot kiss as he nudged his cock up against my pussy.

“Mmmm…I can’t get enough of you, baby,”  he said, kissing my ear and neck as he pressed against me.

“The feeling is very mutual, Hawk.” His fingers disappeared into the water, finding my slick entrance and sliding into me.  

“I can tell,” he whispered into my ear, kissing my neck and then my lips again.  I was clinging onto his broad shoulders as he kissed me and his fingers worked their way even deeper into my spasming pussy, my legs unsteady in the wet sand of the lake.  

Quickly, he removed his hands from me and I whimpered in protest.  Keeping his mouth glued to mine, his kisses hardened as he picked me up and carried me out of the water, depositing my naked, wet body on the blanket before laying on top of me, spreading my thighs, and thrusting his throbbing cock deep inside me.   His thrusts were fast and quick, his need for release obvious as he plowed deep inside me, his groans and grunts loud in my ear as he pounded away at my wetness.

I opened my eyes, looking over his shoulder up at the bright, blue sky while  Hawk shuddered violently, his cock erupting inside me, filling me once more with his warmth.