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Castle of Kings: (A Kings MC Romance) by Betty Shreffler (3)






STANDING OUTSIDE THE door of Nix’s office, I could hear his fist hit the desk before he barked out in anger. 

“Damn it, Pat, I should’ve seen this comin’! What the hell is he thinking claiming her like that? In front of the whole damn club?”

“He’s ensuring he gets what he wants. You know he’s a smart shit. What ya gonna do about it? The rules are the rules. Besides it’s only one night, and Liz is a grown woman.”

“It’s not enough he fucks his way through every woman who enters the club, now he wants my sister too. She’s not a fuck-and-dump he can do as he pleases with. I’m gonna make that shit clear right now!” Nix’s heavy boots thudded toward the door and then stopped at the sound of Pat’s voice.

“Don’t do anything stupid, son. These rules are in place for a reason. Liz can take care of herself just fine.”

Nix let out a huff and stormed out the door. I kept myself out of sight, against the wall, until he disappeared around the corner. Pat walked out, and I stepped forward, catching his attention.

“What’s going on between Jake and Nix? There’s more to it than what he’s telling me. He’s far too angry.”

“Been there the whole time, ain’t ya?” A smile stretched across Pat’s face. “You did the same when you was a kid, too. I remember Dallas catching you countless times and tellin’ ya not to listen in on the men’s business. Well nothin’s changed, darlin’. Let Nix handle his business.”

“Don’t treat me like a child just because I don’t have a dick, Pat.” Looking him in the eyes, I squared my shoulders. “You should know better by now. I don’t take orders from anyone.”

Pissed off and done with the drama for the night, I headed back to the front room to say goodbye to my Aunt May and to tell Dillon I’d see him tomorrow. I entered the bar to find Jake, Dillon, and my brother having a heated conversation of their own. Forget it, the date with Dillon wasn’t important enough to interrupt that conversation. I hugged my Aunt May goodbye and waved to a few others I’d caught up with throughout the evening.

Several eyes followed me around the room and watched me walk toward the exit of the bar. Someone whistled behind me and I glanced back to see someone nodding their head to Jake and my brother, alerting them I was leaving.

Jake started towards me and Nix grabbed his arm. With a menacing stare and a few words spoken, Jake stayed back, and Nix came after me. Nearing my car, I could hear Nix’s boots pounding the ground behind me.

“We need to talk,” Nix said as I opened my car door.

“About what?”

“That date with Dillon isn’t going to happen.”

“Why?” I crossed my arms, my anger already surging through me.

“Jake will be coming by tomorrow to pick you up instead.”

His comment took me by surprise. I admit I was attracted to Jake, but I’d seen what Nix had warned me about. Jake was a cocky playboy, and I wasn’t interested in having any part of that.

“I thought you didn’t want me anywhere near him?”

“What I want doesn’t matter. He won the fight. He chose you. There’s nothing else to talk about. He’ll be coming over tomorrow at seven to pick you up. You’ll need to be ready. After the date, you can tell him to piss off, but you’re gonna have to go on the date.”

“Jesus, Nix. I’m not some damn kid or puppy you can arrange play dates for.”

“I don’t want this anymore than you do, but the rules are the rules.”

“I don’t belong to your Club. I don’t have to follow any rules.”

“Damn it, Liz, you’re a part of this family as much as I am. Don’t make this any harder on me. Go on the damn date, then tell Jake to go fuck himself.”

“Fine, but you’ll owe me, and you know I’ll collect.”

“You’ve made things a lot easier on me by doing this,” Nix ran his hand through his hair and let out a breath, “and yeah, I’ll owe you big, cuz I have no doubt Jake’s gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with. And don’t give into his games neither.”

“Anything else?”

Nix turned back toward the entrance of the bar.

“Yeah, don’t dress sexy.”



It was ten minutes before Jake was supposed to be picking me up for our date, and I was still scrambling to get ready. I put on my dark liner, a fresh coat of gloss, and slid my black, leather skinny jeans into my black boots. My gray t-shirt had cursive script-like writing on it that said, Not For Sale. I couldn’t help feeling like the shirt was appropriate for a date with Jake Castle. One last glance in the mirror at my long, dark, loose curls and smoky green eyes, and I was ready to go. I tucked my wallet in my back pocket and headed downstairs. Nix came waltzing in the front door of our home, a beer in hand.

“What are you doing over here? I thought you were workin’?”

“I came to check on you.”

“Really? I can handle a date.” I grabbed my leather jacket and slid it on.

Nix looked me up and down and frowned.

“You look too good.”

“Get over it. I’m not changing.”

“Be careful tonight.”

“Jeez, you act like I’m going out with a criminal. Wait, am I? Does he have a record?”

Nix shook his head. “He’s clean. nothing more than speeding tickets and a disorderly conduct which was dropped.”

“All right. Anything else I need to know?” I was hoping he’d share whatever it was which seemed to be stewing between the two of them.

“Nothing. Have a good time, but don’t let ‘em in your pants.”

“I got the chastity belt on and threw away the key,” I laughed and gave him a reassuring smile. “Nothing to worry about.”

The rumble of a Harley vibrated the walls as it pulled up to our house. My stomach churned with excitement. The thrill of a new ride always did get me buzzed and whatever he was driving sounded like it could satisfy.

I patted Nix on the shoulder and said my goodbye. He stood at the door and watched me approach Jake’s bike like a father watching his daughter go on her first date. He was even equipped with an expression mixed between disappointment and fear. Jake didn’t seem to notice Nix’s presence. He watched me walk to his bike, then laughed and shook his head.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nice shirt,” he said, handing me his helmet.

“Thought you’d like that.”

I clipped the chin piece as I slid on behind him. After tucking my arms around his waist, I glanced back at Nix who’d disappeared inside.

“Where we headed?”

“Somewhere private.”

The rumble of his Harley vibrated my body as he started it up and pulled out of the drive.



Soon we were moving through traffic, making our way to the strip downtown. The dark evening made the lights of the city a beautiful dome of scenery as we drove through. Jake stopped at a light, and as we waited, he rested his hand on my leg. The warmth of his touch felt good on a cool night like this. As the light turned green he caressed my leg, then took hold of the handle, taking us off down the rest of the strip.

Just outside of the main strip, he pulled off to the side of the road and parked. I unclipped my helmet and looked up at the restaurant sign. We were standing outside of a hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant I loved.

“How’d you know?” I smiled at Jake, surprised by the gesture.

“Your Aunt May.”

“Nicely done, playboy.” The guy sure did have game. No doubt he did recon before every date.

A smile stretched across his face as he took the helmet from me and set it on his bike. Walking up to the restaurant, his hand fell to my lower back, holding me close to him and guiding me to the door. To my surprise, he outstretched his arm and opened the door for me.

The podium at the front said, Seat Yourself, like it always did. I pointed to a booth and slid into the seat, tossing my jacket in the corner. Jake slid right into the same side, trapping me between him and the wall. I laughed and tried to nudge him down the seat, but his massive frame didn’t budge. He glanced over at me and smirked, then grabbed the side of my ass and tugged me toward him. His arm stretched around me and settled on the back of the seat. He leaned close and grazed his scruff across my cheek. His breath tickled my ear, sending a shiver over my body.

“I like you close to me, Peach. Get used to it.”

He leaned back and raised his hand, placing his thumb on my lower lip and pressed it down. I could see the hunger fill his eyes. He leaned in, ready to replace his finger with his tongue, but the waitress disrupted that plan.

“Welcome to Illano’s. What would you like to drink?”

After the waitress walked away, Jake turned to me. I couldn’t help feeling like every time he looked at me he was hypnotizing me. His stare was sensuous and dangerous and I found myself wondering what it would be like to be kissed by him. Then I reminded myself of how many women had no doubt fallen for those warm, chocolate eyes and enticing smile.  

“What should I order?” His words were smooth as silk, slipping out of perfect, full lips and coated with masculinity. He licked his bottom lip and waited for me to answer. Watching him study me told me he was intelligent. The wheels were always turning in this man’s head. I’d have to be on top of my game to dodge his smooth moves, or I’d end up as putty in his hands.

“What do you like?” I asked him.

“That’s a loaded question. I like a lot of things.” The sexual connotation was clear. Was everything about sex with him?

“Go with the lasagna.” I closed my menu and pulled my delivered drink close, sipping while looking at anything but those chocolate eyes. The waitress returned and took our order, and I went back to looking at everything else, but him.

His warm hand slid in between my thighs and gently squeezed my leg. Surprised, I turned my head sharply and glared at him.

“Thought that might get your attention,” his grin widened. “I brought you to your favorite place, but you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself. I’m not that bad to be around, am I?”

“No, Jake,” I laughed at the dejection in his voice, “you’re not terrible to be around, but I’m not looking to be another notch on your belt either. I agreed to this date, that’s it, then you and I will go our separate ways. There’s plenty of other women who come to the club for you to toy with.”

“That’s what you think?” His jaw ticked as he removed his hand. “That you’re a new toy?”

“Pretty much, yes.”

“Well I’m not gonna lie. I’d like to see this,”—he tilted his head toward my body—“naked in my bed, but I have no intention of tonight being the only night we see each other.”

“Hmm, well that’s unfortunate for you because that’s exactly my plan.”

“We’ll see about that,” the corners of Jake’s mouth creased.

Dinner came and Jake praised me for my choice in food. He even kept up the conversation and had me laughing uncontrollably. When dessert was offered, he said yes and ordered us strawberry covered cheesecake. When it came, he shocked me by taking the fork, cutting a sliver, and bringing it to my mouth.

The fork slid from my lips, and he watched me with the same hungry eyes I’d seen earlier. His hand slid between my thighs and this time, I didn’t jump. He leaned in and put his warm breath to my ear. His hand slid up higher and kneaded my inner thigh.

“I want you to come home with me. Say you will.” His lips pulled my ear between his teeth.

“I can’t.” Arousal coursed through my veins like hot oil. My head was dizzy with lust.

“But you want to.”

I glanced up at the fierce want in his eyes and moved his hand from my legs before I lost total control of my sanity.

“Even if I do, it’s not happening.”

Jake smirked at me before grabbing the check and leaving the table to pay. Immediately, I missed the warmth and presence of his body. I grabbed my jacket and headed to the restroom. After collecting my wits, I walked outside to find him leaning against his bike, his legs outstretched, crossed at his feet. He looked delicious sitting there on his motorcycle, black leather jacket and a sexy-as-hell smile. As I approached, he handed me his helmet.

“You ready for the next place?”

“Next place?” I laughed. “Sure, as long as it’s not your place.”

He glanced back, the corner of his mouth raised. I hopped on and he drove us to a bar on the strip.


When I got off, he wrapped his arm around my back and guided me inside. As we walked to the bar, his hand slid into the pocket of my jeans and stayed there as he ordered us drinks.

“I’m not just a toy, huh?”

“You’re better than that.” His gaze swept over me, capturing me and locking me with his heated stare.

“You’re right. I am.” Pride tickled my belly, but the reminder of Nix’s warning quickly stomped it out. “You wasted your prize.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Is that why you brought me here to the bar? A few drinks aren’t going to change my mind.”

The heat in his eyes didn’t help the scorching need between my legs. Constantly battling my desire was becoming torture. As if he sensed it, his hand on my ass tightened and with one swift movement, he pulled me to him and kissed me. The kiss was sudden, unexpected, and my body responded instantly. His mouth was a mixture of soft lips and hard, dominating need. I couldn’t get enough of him, and he clearly felt the same. His hands tightened on my waist, pinning me to him as his lips continued to ravage me.

The bartender slid our drinks toward us, making a sound to get Jake’s attention. He growled into my mouth and looked at the bartender like he wanted to come across the counter and pummel him for interrupting. Jake picked up the shot and swallowed quickly. I did the same, still reeling from the kiss. Jake motioned for another two shots, then looked down at me, studying me closely. His penetrating eyes had taken my emotions captive. My body and mind were lost in this moment. He took hold of my hip and pulled me back to him, raising my chin, pressing his thumb into my lip.

“You do something to me, Peach.” His thumb dipped into my mouth and I claimed it, sucking the tip. He stared down at me with dangerous secrets in his eyes. Secrets of what he wanted to do to me, secrets I was dying to know. Taking his hand off my waist, he wound my hair around his hand and tugged.

“Tell me, what do I do to you?” My head tilted up to him, my lips parted.

“This is what you do to me.” He took hold of my hand and placed it over the tight knot in his jeans. He rubbed my hand over him while still watching my reaction. “We should get out of here.”

Jake downed the second shot and paid the bill. His palm stayed glued to my ass as we walked out of the bar to his motorcycle. He reached for the helmet, then clipped it under my chin. He got on, waited for me to get comfortable, then tightened my hands around his waist, glancing back at me before starting the engine.



The smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body taunted me the entire ride out of the city. As the lights of downtown faded into the distance, the reminder of Nix’s words came back to my mind. I was doing exactly what Nix told me not to. I was falling for Jake’s games and was probably less than an hour away from being another notch on his belt, another club girl he’d use and toss aside without remorse. When we stopped at the next light, I leaned in for him to hear me.

“I need to go home tonight. I can’t stay with you.”

He didn’t say anything, but I knew he understood when he took the turn that led to my house. After pulling into my drive and cutting the engine, he got off and took the helmet from my outstretched hand.

I didn’t know why, but a heavy weight pressed against my chest. I was a fool for feeling it, but I felt guilty making him take me home.

“I had a better time than I expected.” I couldn’t read him. Whether he was upset, felt nothing, or was confused, I didn’t know, his face showed no emotion.

“Good night, Jake. I’ll see ya around.”

As I turned to walk away, he took hold of my wrist and pulled me back to him. His lips pressed into mine, rough and greedy, pulling my lust back to the surface, dampening every part of me. When he let go of me, my body nearly fell back into him. He caught me, looked down at me, and brushed his thumb across my cheek before turning back toward his bike.

“Good night, Peach. I’ll see you tomorrow.”