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Chosen by the Vampire Kings - Set by Charlene Hartnady (6)


Brant stiffened beneath her. The first light stole its way through the bedroom drapes. Tanya’s leg was between his and her arm was casually slung over his chest. She snuck a peek at his face. Beneath his five o’clock shadow, his jaw was tense, his eyes wide.

“Something is wrong,” he whispered sitting upright. “Stay here, I’ll go and check.”

“Should I be worried?” She stretched. The sheet dropped to her waist.

His eyes glazed over, heating as they followed the contours of her body.

He growled. “Too much activity for this time of the morning. I’ll make it quick. Don’t you dare move.” He pulled the sheet further down exposing the thin strip of hair between her thighs. “I know what I’m having for breakfast.”

Her insides turned to jello at the thought of what his hot, expert mouth could do to her. He slid from under the covers and retrieved his pants, which were in a pile on the floor. His body was muscled. His cock, hard. It took some repositioning before he could zip himself up. She felt herself grow warm in anticipation of what was to come.

“Stay right there. Just like that.”

She looked down at all of her exposed naked flesh feeling a little shy all of a sudden. “Maybe on my tummy.” She moved to lie on her front. His eyes dropped to her ass. He groaned. In that moment, she had never felt more desired, never more beautiful. “I’ll lick you until you come and then I’ll take you from behind.” His face dropped, “…but then I won’t get to see your breasts. Maybe you can sit on top of me. I’ll get mirrors installed.”

“You’re nuts, but I like the sound of everything you just said. I guess that makes me nuts too.” A door slammed. The sound of footfalls in the hall. His eyes flashed in the direction of the noises.

“Go already,” she said.

He pulled on a shirt.

“Just make it quick.” She arched her back enjoying the choked groan as he moved towards the door.

Her ex had left her feeling inadequate. Images out there in today’s world were always of wafer thin models. Although Tanya was far from overweight, she had a few more pounds than what was considered acceptable. Most of those extra pounds were on her chest with the other few on her hips and thighs. She’d always been blessed with a narrow waist and flat tummy. Dieting didn’t help much, she’d come to the conclusion that this was how she was meant to look.

In such a short time, Brant had managed to make her feel like the most valued treasure. There was a delicious ache that resonated from between her thighs reminding her of how he had made love to her last night. 

Brant had said not to move, but she doubted he would mind if she poured them a bubble bath. Her whole body felt a little sore as she stood. Tanya padded to the bathroom and turned the faucets on in his enormous tub. There was no bubble bath in sight. After a thorough search, she decided he didn’t have any. Big, burly vampire types did not soak in tubs evidently. Well that was about to change. Her room was just next door, she exited Brant’s suite leaving his door open. Xavier was still outside. She wondered if he had been there all night.

“Go back in. Brant will be here shortly.” Xavier was just as tall as Brant but not as built. This still put him in the bigger than most human males category. He was movie star good looking. Tattoos flirted at the bottoms of his shirt sleeves. She noticed he had beautiful silver grey eyes with the same dark hair as Brant.

“What’s going on?”

“Something happened at Zane’s coven. Some disturbing rumors are flying around.”

“What kinds of rumors?” Her heart sped up. For whatever reason, she knew that whatever was going on would affect her somehow. Although she hadn’t seen it immediately, for the first time in her life things were going her way. Something in her gut told her that everything was about to come crashing down.

Brant rounded the corner. His strides ate up the floor. His face was a contorted mask of anger. His hands were tight fists at his sides. Every muscle bunched and ready. Her heart landed in her throat. Just seeing him confirmed her worst suspicions. This was bad.

His eyes softened as he neared her.

“Is it true?” Xavier asked.

“Yes, only worse.” He slid his arm around her, pulling her close. Holding her so tight that his embrace almost hurt.

“How could it possibly be worse?” Xavier fisted his hands into his pockets.

“The bastard has invoked the Mate’s Lore,” Brant’s voice had dropped low, deadly. Xavier openly gaped, flashing those silver eyes in her direction.

She swallowed hard. “Could someone tell me what the hell is going on?”

Brant’s chest heaved as he inhaled deeply letting the air out on a sigh. He released his hold on her somewhat. “Let’s go inside.”

“It’s bad isn’t it?”

His jaw tensed. “Yeah, Cenwein. I’m afraid it is.” He put a hand to the small of her back and ushered her into his suite but turned back to address Xavier. “Have the vehicles ready in an hour.”

“So soon?”

Brant nodded stiffly and closed the door. He inclined his head towards the wood for a few seconds. What was so bad that he needed to compose himself first before telling her?

Brant turned, his face was pale. “Zane killed his chosen during the mating. It happened last night.”

Tanya gasped. She wobbled on her legs, thankful that the bed was only a step away. She sank down onto the soft mattress putting her head in her hands. “That poor girl. Oh my God. I should’ve tried harder to save her.”

Brant knelt in front of her. “Trust you to blame yourself. I know I haven’t known you very long, but I have never been more certain than in this moment that you were the best choice to be my queen.” He brushed a tear from her cheek. She didn’t even realize that she’d let it fall. “It’s not your fault. There was nothing you could’ve done to stop this. Zane is a brutal bastard.” Brant paused. He ground his teeth and shook his head.

“Wait just a minute.” Dread welled up inside her. “This gets worse how?”

“He’s invoked Mate’s Lore.” Brant was looking at the floor.

“Which means what exactly?”

“In the history of our people, no one has ever invoked this lore.” He put his dark eyes on her. “I need you to know that I will try and stop this. I’ll try and talk some sense into him and failing that, I will fight for you.” The last came out in a growl.

“Wait just a second. Tell me what Mate’s Lore means.”

“He’s giving you the opportunity to choose.”

“Choose what?”

“To choose between the kings. If one of the kings loses his mate before the other has claimed theirs, then he can invoke Mate’s Lore,” his voice cracked. “I should’ve mated you when I still had the chance.”

Panic rose up in her. Xavier was getting the vehicle ready. Was he to take her to the murdering king? Zane’s eyes were as hard and as cold as a block of black ice. She twisted her head to the side. Her neck was still tender. There would be two small healing holes on her neck. “Take me now then.”

He shook his head. “I wish I could. I am bound by the lores. It wouldn’t work. We will be forced to share you until the new moon. Once the mating ceremony has been conducted, you will need to decide who you want as your mate.”

“I choose you.”

“It doesn’t work like that, Cenwein.” He clasped her chin in his hand. “I will try and talk some sense into him.”

Deep down, Tanya knew it wouldn’t help. “No. He won’t listen. I’m strong I can do this.”

His eyes roved over her face, as they turned deadly. “No. I’ll fight—”

“No, the covens won’t last another war. Don’t do this. You said yourself that the other species are a potential threat. You have to let me go for the good of your people.” She couldn’t believe she’d just said that.

“Spoken like a true queen.” He gave her a tight smile. “You will need to spend equal time with the two of us for the next ten days. Whatever you do, don’t let him drink from you. He may end up killing you if you do.” His brow was furrowed. His eyes burned. “If nothing else, promise me that one thing. I need you to come back to me in one piece.”

“How long do I need to stay with him?”

“We’ll share you equally in twenty four hour periods.”

Twenty four hours. It may as well have been an eternity.