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City of Fractured Souls: A Fantasy Romance (The Nighthelm Guardian Series Book 2) by Olivia Ash, Lila Jean (17)

Chapter Seventeen


Ezekiel was right. It didn’t take them long to get to the castle, remaining a safe distance away to avoid being detected.

Castle was an underwhelming word for what stood before them. A massive structure with arch-shaped windows reached high toward the stone ceiling, with a tower on each corner. What sky that filtered through openings in the rock above let light cascade over the whitewashed stone that shone blood red.

Sophia wondered if that was why people referred to their ruler as the Blood Queen.

The main gate at the front rose in a high arch on the face of the wall, and black spikes jutted out from the top. Stakes that stuck out from the ground held pieces of broken bodies. They lined the road to the gate, most likely as a warning to those who approached.

A deep chasm flanked the one side of the massive structure, a rock wall flanked the other.

By what she could see, there were hundreds of humanoid creatures forced to labor for the woman, just on the outside of the walls. There was no telling what number was inside. There were a significant number of thugs too, using whips, backhands, and swords to keep the people in line.

One slave in particular didn’t even look much older than nine or ten. Her whole body quaked as she worked. But that didn’t seem enough for the thug with a whip. He lashed out at her, and the poor girl fell to her knees only to be kicked in the gut and fall to her back. A few others started to collapse, too thin and weak from lack of food and more than likely water. These slaves were treated no better than cattle.

Sophia bit her lip and clenched her fists. These were the people who were ripped away from their homes and families and made into slaves. The injustice toward them really boiled her blood, and she wanted to rush into the fray and free as many as she could before being captured herself. But cooler heads needed to prevail in this delicate situation. The last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene and have the slaves killed off for her actions.

No. She needed to be logical about this.

Ezekiel pointed to a group not within chains. “It’s possible we can get one of them to help lead us into the castle. But the likelihood of being betrayed is high.”

“Maybe we can offer them something in return,” Andreas said. “Barter with them.”

“Even trade?” Edric asked.

Andreas shrugged. “Well, as even as we can get.”

Edric shook his head. “These people are slaves and likely scared for their lives. No one here will lead us in. We’ll have to wait for someone heading this way. A barter could be possible then. But then, what do we have to barter with?”

Ezekiel said, “It will probably be a spell I will have to cast, or a favor Sophia will have to perform.”

Sophia shuddered. She didn’t like the idea of having to perform a favor. But she had to get her men out of the mountain before they withered away. Sex may have helped Edric, but there was no telling if it would work with the other men, and she didn’t think she had it in her to constantly be on her back each time the men grew weak from the magic.

“Whatever it comes down to, we will find a way to make it work. For now, let’s make a camp out of sight and come up with a plan in case no one comes this way,” Sophia said and twisted on the balls of her feet to step back into the thick of the grove.

* * *


They found a small clearing not far from the path that led them to the castle. While Edric and Andreas checked the perimeter for anyone lurking nearby, Ezekiel gathered some firewood, and Sophia set up the beds and stones for the firepit.

Once settled, they regrouped and had a short discussion of the next step in their plan to finding a way into the castle. Sophia had a feeling that would be where the next clue to getting out of the mountain would be, but she wanted to make a plan on how to first get in. To do that, they needed to do a little recon.

“We could split up,” she said. “Take opposite sides and see if there are any secret entrances or maybe find a way to scale the side of the castle and get in that way.”

Edric seemed to think about that for a moment. Sophia could tell that the effects of the mountain magic were already starting to reappear in his features. It was almost indiscernible, but the glow of the fire from dinner seemed to bounce right off his skin. Not entirely sinking in or warming the color of his cheeks. “It could work,” he said. “But we’d have to be careful.”

Andreas said, “Sophia and I can take one side. You and Zeke could take the other.”

Sophia nodded. “Yes, and we can meet back here in a couple of hours to share what we have found.”

Ezekiel looked up from his furious note-taking and said, “I can cloak myself and Edric so we can go undetected. What are you going to do?”

Sophia said, “I am an expert in stealth, having been trained by Grindel to do such things without being detected. Andreas can use his wraith form if needed.”

He seemed satisfied with her response and she felt better having a plan to follow. He nodded. “Sounds like we have a plan. Now, when do we leave?”

“Later, after the guards and slaves go inside,” Sophia said. “Until then, we can take turns with the watch. One of us can keep an eye on the castle while the other stands guard over the camp. The other two will sleep, or at least try.”

The men nodded, and she sighed with relief. “I’ll take first watch.”

“I’ll take the camp,” Zeke said.

“All right,” Sophia said. “Edric and Andreas, you get some sleep. We’ll wake you in a couple of hours to switch.”

With everyone in agreeance, Sophia stood and made her way toward the edge of the camp looking over the castle grounds. She was one step closer to finding the heirs. Everything within her being knew it.