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Clover's Destined Mate: Bad Alpha Dads (Denver Troubles Book 3) by McKayla Schutt (13)


“Don’t give me that damn look.” Clover glared at her friend while Patrick chased after Tara’s cat. Normally the tabby slept in Tara’s bed but he was running around now.

“What look could it possibly be?” Tara smirked and plopped down onto the couch.

“Don’t play dumb. You already know.” She loathed the look of ‘I knew I was right’ on Tara’s face because it always had a smug side to it.

“You mean my best friend has a werewolf mate?” Tara tipped her head with a smile on her lips.

“We completed the bond last night, but I don’t know if I should’ve.” She lowered her gaze to her fingers.

“Second thoughts so soon? I didn’t expect anything different.” Tara shook her head and glanced at Patrick. “I mean, you did just become a mom when you completed the bond.”

“Oh goodness, I did.” Clover dropped to the couch but still faced Tara. “I’m a mom without even giving birth.” She shoved her fingers through her hair.

“I think some women would prefer to skip all the birth crap.” Tara rubbed Clover’s hand and Clover gave her friend a half grin. She already bonded with Patrick, so it didn’t feel any different to be his other mother. Yet the whole implication of being his mother still made her head spin.

“Clover, I’m hungry.” Patrick pulled on her arm and she wondered if he might want to call her Mom or if it would be too much for such a young boy. She knew better than to push the subject. If he wanted to call her anything other than Clover, she’d have to let him decide.

“I have burgers on the counter. Give me ten minutes and we can eat lunch,” Tara pitched in.

“No lettuce. It’s gross.” Patrick shook his head; his brown locks covered his eyes.

“You’ll need a haircut soon.” Clover pushed his hair away, his little eyes met hers.

“Mommy said next week for haircut.” His shoulders fell. Clover lifted him onto her lap and he wiggled a little before relaxing into her hug.

“I’ll be back.” Tara patted Clover’s leg before standing and strolling to her kitchen.

“I know it hurts, honey, I may have been older when I lost my mom and dad but I know the pain.” Memories of the nights she spent crying when she lost her parents filled her mind. She had a sister to watch over though so she had learned to be strong.

“I miss them.” He sniffed before rubbing his arm over his eyes.

“They will always be with you in your heart just like mine always follow me.” They sat there while Tara cooked and slowly Patrick went from sobs to shaky breaths. She wanted to give Patrick the one thing she never received, love and comfort in a time of need.

“Lunch is ready.”

“Thanks.” Patrick cleared his face of tears and jumped off to run into the dining room. Clover didn’t want the little guy to be in this kind of pain, but she knew he needed to mourn. The pain would turn into a dull roar and he’d be able to adjust to the new situation.

French fries sat in a large bowl and everything to make a good burger covered half of Tara’s table. Within a few minutes, everyone had their plates full and Patrick already dove in.

“So good,” Patrick said with a mouth full of meat.

“I’m glad, but you need to chew with your mouth closed.” Clover tapped on her lower lip as she sat. He nodded. Tara tried to cover her chuckle as she sat in her seat. “Shut it, Tara.” She took a sip of water while Patrick devoured his meal.

Tara turned her head toward the door and her body tensed up.

“What’s wrong?” Clover glanced at the door but didn’t hear anything. The need to eat vanished as she studied her friend’s worried eyes.

“I thought I heard someone whisper out there.” Tara rolled her shoulders. Clover stood and inched toward the window nearest the door. Her mouth dried as she wrapped her fingers onto the soft curtain fabric. When she pulled back the curtain the door banged open making her jump back. Her breath froze in her lungs as the male with dark eyes stepped over the threshold.

“Get the boy,” a male voice boomed through the house sending fear into her heart. One turned on her while others headed toward Tara and Patrick. Fuck, I can’t slip past him to get to Patrick.

“Patrick, get in the bathroom and lock the door!” Clover yelled as a man punched her in the gut. Air whooshed out of her lungs and she barely managed to stay upright. A growl vibrated from the kitchen, but Clover couldn’t see if it came from Tara or Patrick.

Clover managed to avoid another swing and tried to hit the guy. When her fist came in contact with his jaw, he fumbled back and pain bloomed in her knuckles. She did her best not to think about it as she lifted her foot and aimed for the groin. Her foot connected with his inner thigh, putting them both off balance.

Glass hit the floor somewhere and Clover turned her attention to the kitchen. Patrick had shifted and shook where he stood behind Tara. A sharp burn dragged across her arm and blood dripped down from the cut. She hissed as the ache in her arm grew stronger.

“This one’s human.” The guy chuckled and his attention on her lessened. She took the opening and grabbed the large metal lamp next to the chair. With a downward swing, she smashed the metal into the guy’s face knocking him down. His head slammed into the floor with a loud thud.

“How’s that for a human?” Clover’s foot hit the guy’s gut and he didn’t even move, giving her the impression she knocked him out. Hell yes! I’m not useless! Another guy turned her way while the last male focused on Tara. Blood littered the floor and her joy faded away.

“You took your anti-bite pill, right?” the blonde asked while the brunette attacked Tara.

“Of course. I’m not an idiot,” the guy facing Tara snapped back. A bite in his arm pooled with blood. The blonde strolled Clover’s way wielding two knives.

“The other guy must have taken it easy on you. I won’t.” He smirked while blocking her view of Tara and Patrick.

“Remember your comment when I kick your ass.” Clover tried to play confident when all she wanted to do was take Patrick and run. He tipped his head to the side, his eyes sweeping up and down her body.

“You’re the bitch who stole him from us in the first place.” Without any notice, he flung one of the blades. She lifted her arms to cover her face, the blade sunk into her left forearm, right above her heart. A scream left her lungs before she managed to contain it. A blow hit her gut for the second time and she lost her breath. Another blow hit her face making her head spin. So much pain pulsed through her body.

She couldn’t stay on her feet. She fell to her knees.

Clover tried to block his next punch, he hit her right arm instead of her face. Pain surge through her body as more blood gushed from her arm while the blade still stuck out of her flesh. Before she second-guessed herself, she yanked the knife from her arm. Black dotted her vision. Clover bit down on her lips and shoved it into the guy’s upper thigh, blood sprayed her face. Something sharp dug into her back, but she kept pulling out the blade and plunging it back in as many times as she could till the knife fell from her shaking palm.

He fumbled back and dropped to the ground. Wait, I need to protect Patrick. She tried to pull at the remaining energy she had but it wasn’t enough to stand. She fumbled and hit the blood-coated floor. The rest of her vision faded out as pain consumed her soul.