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Conflicted (The Deliverance Series Book 2) by Maria Macdonald (13)



Things have calmed down over the last few weeks.

I still haven’t told Casper that I love him. It’s because I’m worried I’ll scare him. Although, he’s never given me the impression I could do anything to scare him. From the moment he admitted he wanted to be with me, from the second he claimed me, he’s been one hundred percent in. Never wavering, never hiding, never withholding. So I know it’s my own issue.

Casper even introduced me to his Uncle Frank and his mom, Cathy. She’s lovely, if a little overprotective of her only son. They both welcomed me with open arms, as did my mom with Casper—when I finally managed to pin her down.

Den, Tim, and Todd were expelled, and Aaron is still skulking around school. Because he didn’t do anything more than hold me, and because Tarrant made him bleed, it was considered tit for tat. I ignore him and Coach kicked him off the team.

Morgan seems to be coping. Laura and I are due to go stay with her next weekend, so hopefully, she’ll tell us what she’s decided to do about the pregnancy. She still has time, but not much, meaning she must make a decision soon.

“Hey,” Casper greets, sliding in next to me at the lunch table.

“Hey,” I turn and smile at him.

“How was your morning?” he asks me.

“All right. Football practice?” I reply.

“It was good. We’re ready for the final game tomorrow.”

“That’s great. I’ll be there cheering you on,” I tell him with a wink.

“Come into the locker room, stay with the team. I asked Coach, and he said it was fine. Please? For me?”

I shake my head but smile. “How can I refuse when you ask so nicely?”

Tarrant and Laura join, as do the rest of football team, and everyone inhales their food while mostly discussing the upcoming game.

“I’m going with the team tomorrow,” I tell Tarrant.

He nods. “You’ll be with Casper?”

“Yeah,” I reply.

“Cool, I’ll come for the game then I’ll hit the road, I have some work to do on a car and want to get it finished this weekend,” he explains.

“How’s business?” I ask.

“Good. Doing really well, actually. Can’t wait to see the back of this place. You decided what you want to do after college yet?” he asks.

“Nope. Still struggling to work out what I want.”

“Well, what do you love?” he asks, and my eyes quickly dart to Casper who’s deep in conversation with Solomon. Tarrant smirks when I look back at him, and I roll my eyes with a grin. “I guess, I love art.”

“So that’s a good place to start, right?” His words sink in, and my eyes widen.

“Shit, yeah, you’re right!” I almost shout as excitement courses through me.

Tarrant shrugs like he hasn’t just shaken my world.

“Now class, this is your final assignment,” Mr. Stark says holding up a camera. “Remember, I told you you’d need a proper camera? Well, I hope you heeded my words because the time is now.” He places the camera on the desk in front of him and taps it gently. “The assignment is simple. I want you to find something beautiful in the ordinary. Take as many photos as you want, and create a collage, not a PowerPoint or something on your computers. An old-fashioned, honest to goodness, collage, with paper and glue and all that good stuff.” He smiles and some of the class giggle.

“I’m really looking forward to this,” I tell Casper the minute we leave.

“Me, too,” he says as we stroll down the hall. “Are you going to the pre-game party tonight?” I ask him.

“No. I thought maybe we’d spend the evening together. Kick back? Maybe watch a movie?”

“You should go. Mom’s coming home tonight and wanted to spend the night with Tarrant and me. Laura’s hitting the books and also spending an ungodly amount of time on the phone to Morgan no doubt, and anyway, the whole team is expected to go.”

He grumbles, but chucks his arm over my shoulder and pulls me in close. And now, nobody bats an eyelid at our PDA.

“Whoo!” I holler, cupping my hands around my mouth. “That was a fucking awesome game,” I tell my old teammates excitedly as they jog off the football field and head straight to me. “You killed out there.” They all gather around, and we holler out our old chant. Casper grabs me, pulling our foreheads together. “That was for you,” he tells me, and even though I know it was the team that won, I appreciate the sentiment behind his words.

“Go shower,” I say and slap his ass as he grabs his helmet from the floor and heads inside.

“The team did well today, Reigns,” Coach Stanford says sidling up to me.

“They did, Coach,” I reply.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

I glance up at him questioningly.

“You may not be on the team now, but you were for over half of it. You helped get us here. It’s only right that you celebrate with us,” he tells me.

I walk inside with him and celebrate with my team.

“So movies and chilling tonight, that is what you wanted, right?” I ask him.

There’s going to be a big party tonight, and even though I was happy to go, Casper was adamant he didn’t want to. He nods at me, but there’s something he’s not telling me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask. He opens his mouth to lie, and I call him on it. “Don’t say it’s nothing.” His mouth snaps shut, and I wait silently.

Shaking his head, he sinks down onto the sofa. “It’s stupid.”

“So? I still want to hear it,” I reply, turning to face him.

“Some guys from the other team were there last night, with Todd. Apparently, that’s his school now.” He shrugs.

“Oh fuck, what happened?”

“Just acted like homophobic assholes. The team put them out,” he answers smirking, and I roll my eyes, knowing exactly what Casper and the team would have done. “Anyway…” he shrugs, “… I don’t need a repeat of last night. What I want, tonight is to celebrate my win and chill with my boyfriend.”

It’s the first time he’s called me that, and although I know that’s what we are, I’m still as shocked as shit he’s said it aloud.

“You okay?” he asks frowning.

I blink and continue to stare at him. “I-I… it’s the first time you’ve called me that,” I mutter stupidly.

“Well, that’s what you are. The most important part of that sentence was one particular word.”

“Boyfriend?” I reply.

“No.” He smirks. “Mine.”

My stomach dips and his smirk turns into a smile. His eyes hooded. Leaning down, he kisses me fully on the mouth, licking along the connection of my lips, so they open automatically. His hands find purchase on my hips, dragging me closer, as his tongue strokes mine.

I pull back, and he frowns. “You said my, not mine.”

He grins. “Well, then, Caden, let me be clear. You. Are. Mine.”

I don’t get another word out before his mouth crashes down again, determined to prove the action to his words.