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Conning Colin: A Gay Romantic Comedy by Elsa Winters, Brad Vance (59)

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Brad Vance Romance

(Game Players #1)

Software billionaire Marc Julian’s orderly life is shattered one night by a cyber-intrusion into his company’s servers. He’s always surrounded himself with the best people, but finding the culprit behind this might require a real expert...and sometimes it takes a thief to catch a thief.

Jesse Winchester and his team of “grey hat” hackers are suddenly available to Marc. Marc doesn’t know if he should trust Jesse with the keys to his company’s kingdom. After all, Jesse’s a convicted felon, sent to prison for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. A felon sentenced to thirty-five years in prison, who mysteriously served only three years before being released

Marc’s first company, his whole life, was shattered because he trusted the wrong person. This time there’s even more at stake, but few other options. Especially when his evil enemies, the billionaire industrialist Krom brothers, are revealed to be the source of the intrusion.

Is Jesse there to help Marc, or does he have his own history with the Kroms, his own score to settle? As Jesse and Marc spend more time together, their growing intimacy is at war with their need to win their respective battles. Soon the game they start to play with each other, against each other, becomes more exciting, more exquisitely frustrating…and more dangerous.

They’re back! In their first adventure, Marc Julian, software billionaire, and Jesse Winchester, hacker extraordinaire, survived the evil plans of the Krom brothers and Jesse’s first lover, Chip. But Jesse has old debts to pay to Russian gangster Leonid Ivanov. Now Leonid is calling in those debts, demanding that Jesse find a great treasure for him, and a new game is set in motion

The mysterious “Satoshi,” creator of the cybercurrency Bitcoin, has been hiding $375 million worth of the currency for years. But now, he has chosen to start a quest for the keys to the Hoard, and he who controls the keys controls the fortune. And this will be a quest that will test the strength, the will, and the character of those who pursue it.

But Marc and Jesse aren’t the only ones on the hunt, as old enemies resurface to try and beat them to the treasure… And even if they reach it first, they must ask themselves – do they really want to give a Russian gangster $375 million to pursue his deadly enterprises? And what would be the consequences if they don’t?

The pursuit will take them from Andorra to Barcelona, through the museums of Tokyo, the streets of Buenos Aires, and the coast of Mexico, in a desperate and dangerous race to keep the fortune in digital gold from the hands of all their enemies

Two promising college athletes meet, each needing something only the other can give him

When Roger and Brian lock eyes on the first day of school, a friendship is born. Both men are hungry for connection – Brian needs the acceptance, encouragement and support he never had growing up, and when he finds out his new best friend is gay, it brings his own identity into question. Roger needs a big brother, a best friend, but that will never be enough, especially not when he’s this close to big, strong, handsome Brian.

And both men want something more – careers as professional athletes. For Roger, the demands of the closet, the need to reject the love of a man to fulfill his love of the game, will be a crushing burden. For Brian, his downfall will be the substances he uses to get an edge over the competition, and to suppress his gnawing self-doubt and guilt.

One set of desires will bring them together, the other will force them apart

When Jamie walks through the door of the Humane Society, it’s not just an animal who needs rescuing that day. Tom is there to adopt another service dog into the Canine Comrade Corps, but it’s Jamie his heart goes out to. But each man turns away, walks away, from the potential pain, the rejection, the knowledge that it’ll all end in tears

Jamie knows damn well that the HIV he contracted from an unfaithful lover has put him out of the dating game forever in the small town of Santa Vera. Tom lost his legs in Afghanistan, and got new ones, yeah, but with a side order of PTSD to go, he thought grimly. The real problem is that only now does he realize he’s gay, now that the revelation would be just one too many things to put his family through, after everything else they’ve had to deal with.

So both men grin and bear the loneliness, put their feelings on a shelf, even as Jamie’s volunteer stint at CCC turns into friendship and, despite their resolve, something more

All Dane Gale ever wanted was to be a successful writer. After a few sessions with his new friends Rose and Sherry at a romance book club, well, the more romances they read, the more they’re convinced they can do better. And do they ever! They join their creative forces to become “Pamela Clarice,” self-published romance novelist. When they look for a cover model for their first book, Dane sees the photos that will change his life.

Paul Musegetes is the world’s most popular romance cover model, and the most secretive. Dane soon finds himself obsessed with this supernaturally handsome man, and when he meets Paul at the Romance Writers’ Ball on the Summer Solstice, he and Paul connect for one night of passion

After that night, Dane's a writing machine. He can’t stop writing romances, and every story he touches turns to gold. But he also finds that he can’t write anything but romances. And soon he's spending every waking moment of every day writing another after another...

Then Dane finds out that this Midas touch has a heavy price. After the next Summer Solstice, he’ll never write again. Not a romance, not a serious novel. Nothing. Not even a grocery list. And that leaves him with only one option – find Paul, and get him to break the curse. But before he can do that, he’ll have to track down Paul’s equally mysterious photographer, Jackson da Vinci

When Rocky met Dex, it was hate at first sight. Country superstar Dex Dexter represented everything that budding rock star Rocky McCoy had left behind him in the Deep South – the religion, the homophobia, the hypocrisy, the lies. And Rocky represented everything that Dex had denied, had turned away from, had refused

When Rocky met Dex, it was love at first touch. Double booked in the same slot on the main stage at CrossFest, they fought for the microphone like two dogs fighting over a bone. And when their hands met

Rocky has had enough. “No more falling for straight guys. No way. No matter how hot. Especially if the ‘straight guy’ looks to me like a major closet case.”

Dex has had enough. “No way. I can’t be gay. I can’t lose my family, my friends, my career. I can’t.”

What they’ve had enough of doesn’t matter. It’s what they’ve never had enough of that will bring them together

Peter Rabe’s luck is about to change. Taking a co-worker’s car into the shop nets him a desperately needed $100 tip…and the attentions of Matt Kensington, master mechanic. Peter can’t believe that someone as hot as Matt could be interested in the young man his tormentors used to call “Peter Rabbit.” But, incredibly enough, he is. And when the Quadrillions lottery jackpot is up to $700,000,000, wouldn’t it be crazy of Peter not to buy a ticket on his lucky day?

Matt doesn’t think much of money, having grown up on New York’s Upper East Side in the lap of luxury. He’d walked away from the professional drudgery his Harvard degree had qualified him for, to become a mechanic, to touch things that were real, to fix things that were broken. And a hot shy guy like Peter is another machine Matt wants to believe he can fix.

But when Peter finds out he’s won the lottery, it almost feels like his luck has run out. Especially when Cody Burrell, his emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend, mysteriously re-enters his life just before he cashes the ticket and reveals his good fortune to the world...

Peter must wrestle with the pressures of wealth on someone who’s grown up poor, the pressure of fame that comes with so much instant fortune, and most of all, with his own demons, the demons that Cody knows all too well how to manipulate.

Brad Vance writing as Orland Outland

Adam Bede has it good. Writing pop songs for teen idol Christie Squires isn’t much of a creative challenge, but it pays for his champagne lifestyle. He’s got his boyfriend Lyle, a Serious Person and regular CNN geopolitical contributor, his bestie and songwriting partner Callie, and his partners in ChrisCo, the industrial combine behind their manufactured superstar. And he’s even got his bipolar illness managed without completely dulling his creativity.

Until one day, Christie decides she wants to be Taken Seriously, and sues ChrisCo for child labor violations. And just like that, Adam’s cash cow is no more. As if that wasn’t bad enough, along comes Sam Sparks, brilliant talented young songwriter and social activist, who’s got the hots for Adam’s boyfriend – and who may be the Serious Person who’s a better match for Lyle than frivolous Adam

When a cable channel creates a reality show to find the best singer/songwriter in America, Adam knows he has only one way to save his career, and his relationship. And if winning that contest involves going off his medications, going a little crazy (just a little, he swears), isn’t it worth the risk?

Especially when he discovers that Christie, and Sam, are his competition

Cal Hewitt and Eric Hamilton grew up just across the street from each other, but far across a cultural divide. Both young men are gay, but where Eric has been raised in a happy, sunny, liberal household, Cal has grown up in a conservative, religious family for whom being gay is anathema. But their attraction to each other is not to be denied, not over the span of a decade or a continent. Their lives will intersect again and again as each lives through their own version of gay life – AIDS, drugs, activism, the pain of loss and the solace of family.

This is also the story of two strong women, Carol Hewitt and Emma Hamilton. Both their journeys as mothers will take them far from where they began, far from where they expected to end up. It’s the story of families, broken and healed, the story of an era that ends with the promise of a new millennium

Brad Vance Paranormal

Darien Mackey wasn’t looking for an adventure. For ten years, he’d been happy living in Brooklyn, working as a butcher in the same job, living in the same apartment, dating some “nothing-special” guys. Until one night his buddy Jacob talked him into taking ayahuasca, the soul-changing drug. And Darien had a vision…of a wolf, its all-too-human eyes on him, its paws on his chest, its enquiring mind in his own

Darien Mackey is changing. He’s more confident, more assertive, hungrier, hornier. And his world is changing around him – his job, his home, his beloved Mechanic’s Library all falling victim to the predations of unscrupulous developers, bent on demolishing the old Brooklyn he loves and replacing it with a forest of condos. But he’s no longer a passive observer of his own life, and as this thing, this power, grows inside of him, he resolves to fight back, to preserve the way of life he loves.

And he’s not alone in the fight. The Lipsius Preservation Society of Brooklyn stands ready to assist in the battle, even though it seems like a bit of a joke to Darien, with its King and its Duke, Marquess, Earl and Viscount.

But there’s nothing funny about his growing attraction to Albeus Finley, King of this mysterious Court. And when slumlords and condo-mongers start to die mysterious, violent deaths at the hands of savage animals, Darien begins to realize that something is afoot in Brooklyn – something supernatural.

And it’s afoot in him, too

The Chronicles of Rob the Daemon

When Sol meets Rob Sabat at the ski resort, it's magic...literally. But their hot sexy romance could be short-lived, because Rob is really Barbatos, immortal daemon, cursed by an evil magician to spend the eight months of Daylight Savings Time buried underground. So now it's up to Sol, descendant of King Solomon, the original daemon wrangler, to break the curse on his beloved. And to do that, he'll have to become a sorcerer himself, maybe the greatest sorcerer ever. He'll need Rob's help, of course, as well as that of his faithful sidekick Celia - who just happens to be the descendant of the Queen of Sheba -and his dog Gary, once Sol understands Dogspeak. But daemons are a dangerous lot, and Sol's experiments with the power may unleash and unlock more things under the earth than just Rob...

Sol’s days are long without Rob, as his daemon lover returns again to the earth, bound there from March to November by the Daylight Savings Curse. And he knows it’s not a good idea to get involved again with Phoenix, the daemon who turned him into a raven in the First Chronicle.

But when Sol’s mother hands him a mysterious package left to him by his Uncle Ethan, and Phoenix asks for Sol’s help in defeating a sorcerer who’s draining Phoenix’s powers, Sol’s magickal education can’t wait for Rob’s return. And when Sol finds out that Celia’s met a man, a doctor of medicine, and philosophy named Phil Gabeta, he knows something’s not right. Is “Dr. Phil” too good to be true?

With the aid of his new familiar, Lucy the cat, Sol will do battle with The Great and Terrible Jeff, the Wizard of Wall Street, and Phoenix’s life, and Celia’s, will hang in the balance.

Brad Vance “Heteromance”…

He’s Niko: Orphan, street rat, gengzter in the biggest crime syndicate in the former Communist country of Danubia. He’s Nikolas Almásy: Danubia’s last surviving aristocrat from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He’s Nikolas I, King of Danubia by the Grace of God: willing pawn of the oligarchs and gengzters who put him on the throne. He’s Niko “The Punk Prince”: Bad boy, party animal, tabloid fodder, the meal ticket of every royal watcher in Europe.

She’s Francesca Albertine of Burgenland, Princess of the House of Hapsburg-Esterhazy. Daughter of a love marriage between a King and a movie star, born to privilege, and raised to do her duty. She despises the irresponsible brat across the border, who cares only for himself.

Never mind how devilishly handsome he is, how full of life and energy, never mind how much she envies him his freedom, to do anything he wants, take anything he wants, anytime he wants it

Their two nations were one, before World War II divided them. Now the real powers behind their thrones plan to reunify the nations…and the monarchies. To prevent a royal wedding neither of them wants, Nikolas and Francesca will have to work together, and risk it all – their thrones, their freedom…even their lives.

Niko must learn from Francesca – how to become a better man, a “Great Prince,” to save his nation, and himself, from this unwanted alliance. And Francesca must learn from Nikolas – how to break the rules, live dangerously, act fast.

Together they’ll do anything to save their people…yes, even go through with a royal wedding, if that’s what it takes...

Brad Vance Erotica

ALL 23 of Brad’s HAWT erotica stories (minus the banned ones)!

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