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Consequences by Kasey Millstead (11)



“When you said it was your cousin’s birthday party, this was not what I pictured,” Aubree mumbles as we walk into the Hi-5 themed 2nd birthday bash for Claira-Jade.

“Ha! Were you expecting a mid-afternoon 18th with booze aplenty?”

“Something like that.”

“Here, have a Coke instead.” I laugh.

As well as my entire family filling the backyard of Laura and Luke’s place, there is also a whole bunch of little kids running around who I’ve never seen before.  The place is packed and it takes me a moment to spot my mum in the crowd.

“Oli!  I was wondering when you were getting here.  Your mum tells me you might be moving home?” My Aunt Jules has been my mum’s closest friend since their school days in Sydney.  When Mum decided to move to Pine Creek, Jules decided to follow. Turns out she was in a similar predicament to me—pregnant after a one-night stand—only she ended up marrying her baby-daddy.

Mum and her big mouth.

“Maybe.  I’m thinking about.”  I pop a Cheezel in my mouth.

“What’s to think about?  Sooner you’re home the better,” Clay chimes in as he swings his arm around his wife’s shoulders.

Time for a subject change.  “You guys know my friend Aubree, right?”

By the time I make it through greeting my family, it’s almost time to cut the cake.  I finally see the birthday girl pointing at the delicious double-tiered Hi-5 cake and got over to say hi.

“Claira-Jade!” I scoop her up into my arms and kiss her cheek.  “Happy Birthday!”

“Oli. Birfday.”

“Yeah, baby, it’s your birthday. How old are you?”

She holds up two chubby fingers.

“Yes! Good girl. You’re two.”  She squirms in my arms so I set her down and she races off, giggling.

“She’s so adorable,” Aubree mentions.

“She really is.”

“Okay, everyone, it’s time for cake,” I announce with a clap of my hands.






“Did you hear Max got in a fist fight last night?” Brooklyn mentions.

“What?  Seriously?  Who with? Oh, my god, is he okay?”

“Black eye and busted lip.  But he says we should see the other guy.”  She rolls her eyes.  “It was Bryce Donovan.”

“Ah.” I nod knowingly.  “He’s a tool.  Probably deserved it.”


“Who’s Bryce and why is he a tool?” Aubree asks.

“He’s just a cocky little shit.  Always has been,” I reply.

“He’s the guy we all stay away from at parties,” Brooklyn says.  “Last year he kept feeling up my friend, Tahnee, even when she told him to stop.  He just doesn’t give up.  He’s a creep.”

“Sounds like he deserved whatever your brother gave him.”

“No doubt,” I agree.

“Well,” Aubree says as she stands, “As fun as this toddler tête-à-tête is, you’ve got a date tonight, and I need to meet a ruggedly handsome cowboy.”

“Help me up.”  I hold out my hand to her.

“Another date with Mr. Tyler?” Brooklyn teases.  “Must be getting serious.”

“They speak and text every night,” Aubree informs her.

“Oh, quit it, you two.  Let’s go, or the only cowboy you’ll be meeting will be in your dreams.”

“Say hi to Mr. Tyler for me.” Brooklyn waggles her fingers at us as we walk away.

“Here, you can drive.”  I toss Aubree my keys.  “I’m pooped.”

“So, I’ve been thinking,” Aubree casually mentions on the drive out to my parents’ farm.

“I was wondering what that ticking noise was,” I tease.

“Ha ha. Bitch,” she mutters.  “I’m going to plan you a baby shower!”

“You really don’t have to, Aubs.”

“I want to.  Do you think Brooklyn would want to help out?”

“I’m sure she’d love to.”

“I’ll talk to her and your mum tomorrow morning.  I’ve already got game, decoration, and food ideas,” she says.  “And I’m thinking it’ll be best to have it somewhere here in Pine Creek, seeing as ninety percent of the population is related to you,” she adds with a laugh.

“This is true.”  I lean back and close my eyes with my hand resting on my swollen stomach, feeling the occasional kicks of my baby.  A baby shower.  It’ll be fun.