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Contract Baby: An Mpreg Romance (Hellion Club Book 2) by Aiden Bates (5)


Ty’s omega dad, Beau, called on Sunday afternoon. Ty almost didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”

“Tyler, this is your father.” Beau’s thick Georgia accent hadn’t lessened during his long decades in New York. On the contrary, Ty sometimes suspected Beau of laying it on even thicker simply because of New York. “I assume you’re well?”

“Of course.” Ty minimized the open window on his laptop, so no cat could change the document he was working on, and went to get himself some more water. “How about you and Dad? Everything okay?”

“Oh, we’re just fine. Just fine. Don’t you worry about us. We just got back from a nice long stay in Texas, so we avoided the worst of the cold weather. And we had a visit from that nice young man, Sebastian Britton. You know, the boy you were supposed to marry but were too stupid to hang on to.”

Ty rolled his eyes and tapped the mouthpiece on his phone. “What’s that, Dad? You’re breaking up. Sorry, terrible reception here.”

“Hush, Tyler. We both know you’re sitting at home alone, and you get perfect reception. Now, you listen to your father. Sebastian stopped by yesterday, and then we saw him again this morning. He’s a good boy, making sure we’re doing well and all that. He told me you went off and got married.”

Damn it. What kind of stupid game was Seb playing now? On the one hand, it spared Ty the necessity of having to tell his parents about Carter himself. On the other, now he couldn’t tell them on his terms, when there was a baby on the way. Well, the cat was out of the bag now. He couldn’t do anything about it but get through it. “That’s right.”

“We didn’t give our permission or our approval. We haven’t even met the boy yet!”

“He’s twenty-eight, Dad. He’s hardly a boy.” Ty headed back toward his desk. Isis was already sitting on it, right next to his laptop, batting at the keyboard with one little white paw.

“We still haven’t vetted this man. We haven’t given our approval. If you think we’re going to free up the rest of your trust fund after a stunt like this, you’re sorely mistaken.”

“Fortunately, the terms of the trust aren’t written in such a way that it’s at your discretion. The terms are that I have to be married, and stay married, for one month. We’ll pass that threshold in a week, by which point I’ll submit a copy of the marriage license to the trustees, and it will all be taken care of. You won’t have to worry about a thing, Dad.” Ty smiled. Smiling softened his tone, but he also couldn’t really help it.

“This is an outrage. Sebastian says he’s only using you for your money. He’s going to take you for everything you have and leave you with nothing, and then where will you be! We set up that trust specifically to make sure that didn’t happen, but we didn’t think we’d raised you to be so stupid as to marry without our permission!” Beau had gotten so angry he managed to pronounce “our” with three syllables, a rare feat.

“We have a prenuptial agreement in place. Sebastian didn’t mention it because we didn’t discuss it. Sebastian and I aren’t friends, Dad. And he didn’t exactly endear himself to Carter, either. Look, I’m sure you’ve got a lot to say about it—”

“I do have a lot to say about it. I’m deeply disappointed in you, Tyler. You’ve gone from being forever alone, which was just sad, to going off and being profligate which is worse. All the money we wasted on your education, and you’re wasting it on some big, dumb athlete without a dime to his name!”

“He’s a charming man, Dad. And Keegan knows him. He introduced us. He’s known Carter for a while, actually. For all I know Dad’s met him too. He’s a member of the Hellion Club. So, maybe it would be a good idea to withhold judgement until you actually meet him?” Ty wouldn’t hold his breath on that, but he figured he’d get the words out there. “Anyway, what’s done is done. I’m married, I’m pretty fond of the guy, and I’m working on a big project at work right now. Is there anything useful you wanted to talk about?”

“You’ll regret this, mark my words.”

“Not half as much as I regretted getting engaged to Sebastian Britton. You and Dad have a good day, all right?”

Beau hung up without another comment. Ty chuckled and sent a text to Carter. Technically, he didn’t need to text him. A conversation between himself and his dad didn’t need to involve Carter, but he wanted to make sure he was being as transparent as he could be.

So, Seb told my dads.

Carter texted him back almost right away. Why do I doubt he was being helpful?

Ty just grinned and chuckled. Is there a good time to see you before you leave for Spring Training? I don’t want to be in your way or anything or interfere with your routine. I know baseball players can be superstitious.

You did do your research! :D Ty had to grin when he saw Carter’s little emoji. I’ve put all of my superstitions into a box until I get on that plane. I’m at your disposal until Friday at noon.

Maybe dinner? Ty held his breath. He’d never been the one to suggest getting together before. It had always been Carter. Was it too much? Was it too forward of him? His heart beat faster as he waited for a reply. Maybe Carter would just want dinner.

Maybe Ty would be okay with that. He wanted to have sex again, of course. He wanted to have sex because it was the only way to get pregnant, and he wanted to have sex with Carter because sex with Carter felt good. If Carter wasn’t up for it, though, Ty could accept it. He could completely understand not wanting a guy like him. He had to admit, he liked spending time around Carter.

Good God, he wasn’t starting to love his husband, was he?

Does Thursday work for you? We can get together earlier than that if you want, but I want to spend my last night in New York with you. Carter followed that up immediately with Sorry, I don’t mean to make it uncomfortable.

Carter had no way of knowing Ty was sitting on his bed hugging his phone or staring at the screen with what had to be the dopiest look in the world on his face. It was ridiculous, and Ty knew he needed to watch himself. He shouldn’t get too attached to Carter, however good Carter made him feel right now.

You’re not. I’m looking forward to seeing you Thursday. Ty held his thumb over the keyboard. He wanted to invite Carter over for more than just Thursday, but he held back. He needed to be smart. He needed to protect himself. I’ll get us takeout?

Sounds good. I’ll be there at 7.

Ty made an entry on his calendar. He was now officially too keyed up to work, so he headed downstairs to hit the gym. This was all about making a baby, nothing else. He needed to remember that.

He fought to keep his wits about him for the rest of the week. He had plenty of work to keep him busy, but through it all was the unending reminder on his calendar. Thursday, seven o’clock, meet Carter. He could hardly sleep. His bed felt too big, too empty. What was wrong with him? He’d never been like this before. All this for a guy who was going to be leaving for six weeks, for crying out loud.

Thursday finally rolled around. Ty got through his day on autopilot. He ducked out of the office and ran home at six, just to get an extra shower in. Carter probably wouldn’t care, but Ty wanted to make the extra effort. He wanted to be well groomed for his husband. He wanted to smell good. He wanted Carter to go off to Florida with a good impression.

He ordered delivery from a nearby restaurant, although truth be told he was too nervous to eat. All he could think about was Carter. Would Carter just want to get the job over with, or would he want to spend time with Ty too? Would he think of Ty at all while he was in Florida, or would he be completely absorbed in baseball and flirty little omegas?

Carter showed up at exactly seven o’clock. He didn’t need to be buzzed up anymore. Ty had given him a key not long ago. He still jumped up when he heard the key turn in the lock. “Carter. Hey.” He smiled and gestured to the dining table in the kitchen. “Thanks for coming by.”

Carter grinned at him. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, you know. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.” He hung his jacket in the closet and bent down to pick up Ra, who was squeaking mercilessly at him. “I’m just using you for your cats, you know.”

Ty locked the door behind him and used the chain too. He wasn’t going to let his brother interrupt. “It’s a reasonable thing to do. They’re my greatest asset. Come on, I’ve got dinner ready and waiting.” He’d even broken out real plates and everything.

Carter definitely seemed to appreciate the food in front of him, but he still looked around the kitchen with curiosity. “Tell me something,” he said. “Have you ever cooked a day in your life?”

Ty sat back and wiped his mouth. “I’m not exactly a professional chef, but I can keep myself fed if I have to. I made myself learn in undergrad. Why?”

“I’m surprised, I guess. I know where you come from, I see this fancy kitchen, and I was just wondering if it had ever been used.” Carter hung his head sheepishly. “I shouldn’t make assumptions, though.”

“Well no, you shouldn’t, but hey. In this case, it was reasonable.” Ty would have been pissed if someone else said it, but this was Carter. He must be falling hard, because Carter was getting a lot of passes as far as he was concerned. “I’d be ashamed to cook for someone else, though. It’s been a while since I’ve had time, and I’m not very good.”

“I want to decide for myself.” Carter stood up, cleared his plate off, and helped Ty to his feet. “When I get back from Spring Training, I want to try something you cooked. Even if it’s super simple, okay?”

Ty ducked his head. He’d never had a partner who wanted him to cook before. “I’ll try. I’m keeping the delivery place on speed dial, though.”

“Fair enough,” Carter laughed. “Can I kiss you?”

Ty’s breath caught in his throat. All he could do was nod. Last time Carter had kissed him Ty had felt like he was waking up from a coma. He hadn’t been prepared for that, but he wanted it again. It wasn’t what he got, though. This time, it was like he was seeing the stars out in the countryside for the first time. Everything felt clearer, brighter, and more than it had before.

He cradled Carter’s face in his hands and breathed in his scent. He tasted like dinner, but he smelled like soap and a little bit like pine trees. It was a good scent, strong and masculine, and Ty didn’t want it to fade or wash away.

Carter steered him toward the bedroom, still locked to him at the lips. Ty walked backwards and hoped the cats had the good sense to get out of the way. He closed and locked the door, just in case Keegan decided to let himself in despite the chain.

Ty knew his brother well.

Carter pulled back for a second, and then he stepped over to the bed. “I know this is going to sound weird, Ty, but I want to see you. I want to leave the lights on, and I want to look at you while we make love. I want to see what you look like, what’s making you go wild, and what’s just not doing it for you. You’re a beautiful guy, a lights-on guy. Can we do that? Please?”

Ty bit his lip. He’d never been a lights-on guy before. Was Carter messing with him? All he could see in his husband’s eyes was perfect sincerity.

He backed away from the light and took his shirt off. Then he pulled his undershirt over his head. Carter’s eyes lit up, and he parted his lips beautifully.

Ty took a deep breath. He could do this. His pulse raced, and his palms were slick with sweat, but he could show himself off for Carter. He could make Carter happy. He already knew Carter would return the favor. He stepped forward and helped Carter off with his shirt, and then he kissed his way down Carter’s chiseled chest and abs.

He didn’t stop to think about all of the younger, better-looking omegas who’d had this privilege before him, and who’d have this privilege once he was gone. He could enjoy himself now and worry about the rest when Carter’s incredible scent had faded from his memory.

He got to Carter’s waistband and hesitated. He could feel the heat just below and the strong bulge. That amazing cock had been in him once before. He wanted it again. “Is this okay?” he asked, looking up at Carter.

Carter’s eyes were already a little glassy, but he shook himself out of it. “Oh, my God. My God, Ty. I want to, I do. But I also want to come inside you, and I know you want that too.” He stroked Ty’s cheek. “Next time, if you’re up for it.”

Ty let Carter help him up, and he moved over to the bed in a kind of haze. He almost didn’t believe there would be a next time. If he got pregnant, would Carter touch him again? Right now, seeing the desire in Carter’s eyes, Ty had to say yes.

He moved to roll over and then remembered himself. Carter wanted to see him, for some unholy reason. He lay back and watched as Carter got rid of his pants and grabbed the lube out of the nightstand. “I’ve been looking forward to this all week,” Carter told him, slicking up his hand.

Ty smiled as the first finger breached him. “Me too,” he said, and ran his hand along the long line of Carter’s back. He couldn’t get enough of touching him. He had to get it all in now, because tomorrow Carter would be gone.

Carter worked his way into Ty patiently, and it was the best thing he’d ever felt in his life. The last time he’d still been a little tense, but now he’d worn himself down until he was nothing but desire and need. He moved when he was ready, so full and focused he couldn’t form the words. Every thrust from Carter sent him closer to the edge, and it was all Ty could do to keep from crying out with joy as Carter sank into him over and over.

“Come on, Ty.” Carter bent his head and touched his forehead to Ty’s. Both of them were sticky with sweat, but Ty didn’t care right now. “Let me hear you. Please, Ty.”

Carter wanted to hear him? Ty would have to think about that later on. For now, all he could do was obey. He let out a loud moan as Carter dragged across his prostate, and another one as he slammed home again. Each cry Ty let loose seemed to only encourage Carter more, and soon he wrapped a hand around Ty’s heavy cock. “Let go, Ty. Come on, let go. Let it all out.”

Ty came with a shout, sending thick ropes almost up to his chest. The sound, the sight, or maybe just the feel of Ty clenching around him, was all Carter needed, and he lost the rhythm and came hard inside Ty.

He half-collapsed on top of Ty for a moment. Then he gently pulled out and came back to clean them up. Ty was glad. He didn’t think he was ready to move yet. “Are you staying?” he asked. He tried not to sound too plaintive.

Carter climbed back into the bed, a broad smile splitting his face. “If you want me to.” He took Ty into his arms without waiting for confirmation, though, so apparently he’d figured out Ty’s answer for himself.

* * *

Carter left Ty’s house when Ty did. He had zero interest in getting out of bed that early, but he also had zero interest in hanging around Ty’s empty apartment that was probably haunted anyway. The cats were cute and all, but they didn’t make the best conversationalists. Plus, they got to fool around a little bit in the shower, and Carter didn’t want to miss out on that.

Ty seemed sad when they parted, but he didn’t say anything beyond promising to text. He didn’t go so far as to say he’d call. If Carter had a little bit less self confidence, he’d be offended by that. As it was, he figured Spring Training couldn’t have come at a more awkward time. He was just starting to get somewhere with his new husband, and now he had to leave.

Oh, well. Maybe they could keep the momentum going. Ty definitely seemed to have loosened up and to have gotten more comfortable with Carter. That was good. He’d been enthusiastic about their encounter last night, and he’d been ready to go down on Carter. Carter had been ready to let it happen, too, but he remembered just in time that he wasn’t there to get his rocks off like that. He was there to make a baby.

Would Ty still want him if they’d succeeded?

He pushed the intrusive thought out of his head. He’d made his bed, he had to lie in it. Maybe he could talk Ty into trying to stick it out and seeing where it led them, maybe not, but he wasn’t going to agonize about it.

He collected his things and headed to the airport. Ty had gotten him a ticket, thankfully. He hadn’t had to go with his hat in his hand to the team and ask for help. When he checked in at the kiosk, he found that Ty hadn’t just gotten him a ticket, he’d gotten him a ticket in first class, and he didn’t know what to think about that.

Was he horrified that Ty thought he was some kind of prima donna who needed to be pampered like that for a flight down to Florida? Was he terrified that Ty just thought first class was the normal way to fly? Or was he pleased, warmed even, that Ty thought well enough of him that he’d done something so generous for him?

He decided to go with option three. He didn’t know why he liked Ty so much, but he did. Ty probably did have flaws and ulterior motives here and there, but not in this particular case. Ty had shown he wanted to be kind and helpful to Carter, and this was just one more example of that.

His flight was smooth and pleasant, leaving him nothing to complain about. He landed and collected his luggage, and it only took him about five minutes to find the car the team sent him. Once his things had been loaded into the trunk, he settled into the back seat, and he was ready to go.

The Spring Training facility looked a lot like the actual stadium back in New York, with the exception of player housing facilities. A lot of the guys, especially veteran players, liked to complain about housing during Spring Training. “I’m paying how much to have a house down here and a house up in New York so I can live doubled up like a college kid?” They’d fume, and Carter could kind of see their point.

At the same time, living communally with the big leaguers had helped him more than anything else when he’d been in the minors. It had helped him to keep his head on straight when he’d come up to the bigs, and when he’d gotten his first big contract too. He welcomed the chance to pay the favor forward, even if it was as a cautionary tale the way it was now.

He checked in with Spring Training staff, got his room assignment and key, and went inside. He had a decent room assignment, although the bed was narrow and nothing at all like the one he’d been in last night. The team spared no expense when it came to the players’ comfort, but a narrow single bed had nothing on a king sized bed with a warm, affectionate omega and a couple of cats.

He snapped a picture of the bed and sent it to Ty. Not quite as nice as home.

Ty replied fifteen minutes later. He must have been in a meeting. You’re making me blush. He included a smiling, blushing emoji, so he’d apparently figured out how to use those. Maybe his meeting had involved his secretary teaching him how to find the emoji keyboard.

Training didn’t start until the day after, but once they’d checked into the facility they were under staff control. People who read about the strict training regimen in articles or who saw spots about it on TV shook their head and muttered about how draconian it was, and how these guys must be stupid to let themselves be controlled like that, but they didn’t get it. Carter got paid a lot of money to get out there on the field in April and perform his best. He needed to be in peak condition to do that. If they took pride in their jobs, shouldn’t he take pride in his?

He knew some basics about nutrition, but he didn’t have a master’s degree in sports nutrition. He’d take the expert’s advice on how to best fuel his body, instead of going with guesswork. He knew what felt good to his body and what put him in pain, but he wasn’t a doctor or physical therapist. Those guys had the expertise to squeeze the most performance out of his body without injuring him. The players would push themselves too hard or they’d develop bad habits that wouldn’t become problems until they turned thirty and blew out joints and disabled themselves for life.

He went to the cafeteria and ate the dinner the staff had prepared for him. It had been precisely calculated to his dietary needs, as an alpha of his age and weight. It smelled bland and boring. It kind of tasted like cardboard, but it was what it was.

Tracy showed up about halfway through Carter’s meal. He sat down with his own dinner, which smelled a thousand times better than Carter’s, and looked him up and down. “Well,” he said after a moment, “it doesn’t look like your weird lawyer guy ate you or anything. Maybe he’s not a serial killer after all.”

Carter laughed. “Not as near as I can tell, no. He’s just a guy. A nice guy, actually. I kind of like him.”

Tracy rolled his eyes. “We call that Stockholm Syndrome in Puerto Rico.”

“No, really. He’s just a really nice, sweet guy. His family’s a little screwed up, and I think his ex needs to spend a little time fielding line drives without a cup, but Ty himself is nice. I like him.” He ducked his head. “It’s weird, you know? I know we’re supposed to just be in it for the contract, but I keep finding I want to protect him. I want to help him. We went out last weekend, and he smiled for real, and it was like the sun coming out after a snowstorm.”

“I’m calling the team shrink. I don’t know if they have a pill for Stockholm Syndrome or if they just keep you apart and make you go to church or something, but there’s got to be a treatment.” Tracy made a face at him. “I mean come on, Carter. This guy’s own brother will be the first to say he’s boring. He’s however old he is, and he’s all set to just bribe someone into marrying him, and he only wants to be married long enough to have a baby. He doesn’t even want you around long enough to help him raise it.”

“That’s not because of him, though.” Carter stiffened his back. Okay, so he and Ty wouldn’t have even met if it weren’t for the contract, or for their arrangement. The fact was, they were actually pretty compatible. “That’s the other people in his life who’ve convinced him this is how it has to be.”

“And he couldn’t go on one of eight gazillion dating sites and try online dating like a normal human being?”

“No, Tracy, I told you. People convinced him he couldn’t do that. And you know what? I believe it. The kind of guys his parents kept setting him up with wouldn’t want a guy like him. If they’re all like Asshat McGee there, they all want someone who’s going to reflect them, not be his own person.” He shrugged. “I’m secure enough in myself that I don’t need my omega to reflect me. I want him to be happy, to have a life of his own, and not always to be snooping around in my stuff and making himself nuts while I’m on the road.”

Tracy grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay. I might have lost a spouse that way.” Carter pursed his lips and gave his coach the stink eye. “Fine, two wives and one husband. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have those issues with a guy who’s so desperate he’s got to buy a husband, man.”

Carter gritted his teeth together and tried to make himself relax. Tracy was just looking out for him, like his own father or uncle would. “It doesn’t guarantee anything, I know. But Tracy, you know we don’t even have fidelity built into our contract, right?”

Tracy started choking on his mouthful of whatever it was he was eating that smelled so much better than Carter’s dinner. Carter jumped up and slammed his hand down between his shoulder blades, and Tracy managed to breathe again.

“What the hell? Of course you’ve got fidelity built into your marriage contract! You’re married. It comes with the territory,” he said when he’d caught his breath.

Carter smirked. “Actually, it doesn’t. Our contract, the one we signed before we officially got married, states very clearly that there is no expectation of fidelity on the part of the alpha so long as any relationships are conducted with all due discretion for the duration of the contract period.” He flexed his hands. “I thought it was a little weird when I saw the contract written out, but I guess I get it now. He literally just wants to have the baby. He doesn’t expect me to want to be with him at all, and he accepts that. Now, I have no intention of actually being unfaithful.”

Tracy wiped his mouth. “Of course you don’t. You were raised better than that.” He slumped in his seat. “You know, with these other guys, I have to worry about them getting into all kinds of trouble. I worry about PEDs. I worry about other drugs. I worry about their tempers, I worry about them getting hurt. I worry about them beating up their wives and going to jail. I worry about all kinds of knuckle headed things, you know? After that Aaron Hernandez mess, I worry about even more than that.”

“I know that, Tracy.” Carter took a mouthful of his cardboard gruel. “You’re a good coach.”

“Shut up and listen to me for a minute, would you? With you, Carter, I worry that you’re in over your head. I’m not worried that you’re going to do something stupid, because you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and you’re old enough now you’re not going to get caught up in all that bullshit. But I am worried your heart is too big for your head.” He shook a finger at Carter.

“I’ll be fine, Trace. He’s not going to hurt me. He’s a good dude, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Carter grinned. “The hardest thing with Ty is going to be convincing him that someone wants to be around him.”

“And do you? Or do you just like the idea of playing protector. Because Carter, let me tell you, it’s not as easy as it sounds. I did meet him. And I met that brother of his. There are plenty of obstacles right there.”

“There are plenty of obstacles, Tracy, but one thing’s taken care of already.” He winked at his coach. “I don’t have to figure out the right way to propose.”

Tracy had to laugh at that. “Go on, get to bed you giant goofball. There’s no reasoning with you when you’re like this. I’ll see you tomorrow bright and early for drills.”

Carter grinned and left the cafeteria. His roommate still hadn’t showed up, which wasn’t a good sign for the guy. Ah well, it happens. He liked paying his own good luck forward, but he didn’t mind having the time to himself either. He took out his phone and dialed Ty.

Ty picked up right away. “Carter? Is everything all right?”

Carter chuckled. “Of course everything’s all right. I just felt like calling my husband, that’s all. Is that okay?”

He could hear the shy smile in Ty’s voice when he replied. “Of course it’s okay. It’s a little unusual to get used to, but I kind of like it.” He cleared his throat. “So, ah, how’s it going? I noticed they’re generous with your housing down there.”

“Well, I will say this. It’s good to get back to the routine. And it’s nice to get out of the cold weather, too. It was in the low eighties when I landed here today. As opposed to, you know, the thirties, when I left.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Ty sighed. “Too bad you’ve only got that narrow little bed. Otherwise I could sneak down there, and maybe weasel my way into your dorm or whatever, and maybe I could enjoy the sunshine too.”

“Ah, geez, Ty. Now you’ve got me all hard again and watch my roommate walk in right now.” Carter was only half joking. “Tell me the truth, though. Would you ever actually come all the way down here?”

Ty hummed. “Well, the Delaney estate does have some property down there. I could probably find an excuse.” Then he sighed, and his tone turned more serious. “But, I wouldn’t want to take away from you doing what you needed to do down there or anything like that. There’s a reason they take you away from your families and everything, right? They want to make sure you’re getting the right food, the right amount of sleep, all that.”

Carter groaned. “There you go being all logical on me. I mean, it’s only six weeks, right?”

“Yeah.” Ty sounded about as enthusiastic about that as he would about a root canal. “It’s weird, though. You’ve only been gone for a day, and I miss you.”

“I miss you too, Ty. Believe that. I’ll talk to you in the next couple of days, okay?”

“Okay. Talk to you soon.”

Carter went to bed. Yeah, he was in trouble, all right. He was more than halfway to falling in love with his husband.




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