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Crocodile Dan D: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 40) by Flora Ferrari (7)






We drive all afternoon.


At first I don’t say anything.  I felt bad enough asking him to circle around and pick up my bag before we left Sydney.


I sat shotgun and just enjoyed the view out the window.


He was quiet himself, but it wasn’t necessarily a peaceful kind of quiet.


At first I just thought he was enjoying the beautiful and majestic scenery of his homeland, but later I realized there might have been something else involved.


Every few minutes he moved around in his seat to try and get comfortable.  I waited for him to look out the window before taking a closer inspection.


Was his seat off?  Didn’t appear to be.


Sun hitting him directly making him too hot?  Nope.


Something else?  Not that I could see.


Until my eyes drifted further south.


I could see that huge erection of his trying to break out of his shorts again.


But it wasn’t trying any more!


His cock was too big causing the head of it to protrude out the bottom of the shorts.


Oh my god, he could put an eye out with that thing…mine if I keep staring!


His head comes back around to the road and I whip mine around the same direction.


Did he notice me?


Did he catch me?


He said nothing and just continued along as if nothing happened.


Except that it did, and continued to.


I snuck a few glances out of my peripheral vision and each time it was still there.  It moved a bit, but it was always there.


Couldn’t he feel that the horse was out of the stable?


Wasn’t the wind on his wiener a clue enough?  There was a breeze in here after all as we had the windows down.  I never took him for an air conditioning kind of guy, nor was I that kind of gal.


We arrive at the first service station, or servo as they’re called, and he begins pumping the petrol.


I run inside to use the ladies room, but grab a few snacks for us while I’m in there.


When I come out the combie is still there, but he’s gone.


A few moments later he emerges from inside with a bag of his own.


“Thought I’d get us some snacks for the road,” he says.


“I had the same though,” I say.


We hand each other our bags and try not to laugh.


“This is your bag or mine?”


“I’m not sure.  Did I mess it up?”


We exchange bags again and look inside again.


“Well, that sure is a coincidence.”


“You’ve got great…taste,” I say.


We both bust out laughing.  We picked the exact same snacks.


“Well, that’s one argument diverted,” I say.


“Come again?”


“There won’t be any argument over snacks.  We both got the same thing,” I say.


“But what about the radio?” he jokes.


“I’m up for some eighties music if it’s available and you’re if okay with it.”


“Are you teasing me about my age?”


“No!  Not at all.  Are you kidding me?  The eighties were a great time.  So happy and fun and colorful.”


“Wait a second.  You weren’t even alive back then?”


“Hello!  YouTube and 80’s theme night parties in college, or should I say uni.”


“Great.  So my generation has become a punch line.”


“Far from it.  You hear that music and immediately wish you could have experienced that time.  It seems like it would have been so fun back then.  More simple and innocent.”


“Innocent huh?  Well…it sure was.”


“And that was before everyone stared into their mobile phones all day.  Instead people actually talked and hung out and had cool experiences…not like the experiences today of downloading some app and playing it all day long.”


“They design those thing to be addictive, don’t they?”


“Almost as much as these snacks,” I say.


We both laugh.


I like that he’s opening up more and we’re starting to have a real conversation.  One that flows and is fun.


Sure, he’s a big strong guy who’s very attractive, but I need something more than that to make this whole thing worthwhile.


I had a good feeling that we’d get along like two peas in a pod, but if for some reason we didn’t I’d be happy to take him up on his offer of going our separate ways once we reached Byron Bay.


My time to see the country is limited and I want to enjoy it…as much as I want to enjoy his company, depending on how far we expand the definition of company.


“Do you even have a cell phone?” I ask


“Nah.  I just blow into a rhino horn and animals from far and wide come and sit on my shoulder.”


“Very funny.”


“Actually I get the newest model iPhones before they’re even released.”


“Really?  I wouldn’t have taken you for a techie.”


“My buddy works at Apple so they give a few out to certain target markets to test.  Maybe they figure it needs to be simple enough for a guy like me to be able to handle.  If I can figure it out anyone can.”


“Well, I’m sure you’re smarter than you’re giving yourself credit for.  I have to ask though.  What does the next iPhone look like?”


“You want to see?”


“You have it with you?”


“I have to test it out right?”


“Yeah.  Yeah, I’d love to see it.”


“Okay, but it’s really important you don’t tell anyone you saw it or disclose any of the functionality of it.  It could get me, and my friend in a lot of trouble.  I had to sign a bunch of long and fancy paperwork given to me by some attorneys in suits that cost more than this combie in order for me to be a part of the testing program.”


“My lips are sealed,” I say.






“Okay.  I’m taking a big risk here, but here we go.”


He reaches into the console on the side panel of his door.  He keeps the future release of an iPhone in there?  The one people would give an arm and a leg for and he’s got it stashed in that little door pocket that most people cram maps and fast food wrappers into?


He removes his hand from the door panel and bring it across his body and over the top of the center console separating his seat from mine.


“You can fit it in your hand?”


“Yeah, their latest technology.  It’s revolutionary and groundbreaking.”


“I mean you’ve got big hands, but still.  This I’ve got to see.”


I think back to when he had those hands wrapped around my waist and how easily he maneuvered me, lifting me, carrying me and setting me down.  His hands are definitely the biggest and strongest I’ve ever seen, or felt, but still.  An iPhone that fits into his mitts?


“Hold out your hands,” he says.


I do, placing them right under his.


“Closer.  I don’t want us to accidentally fumble the exchange.”


“Okay,” I say bringing my hands right up and underneath his.


“Sure you’re not going to tell anyone.”


“I’m sure.  The tension is killing me.”


“Okay.  Here…it…is!” he says.


His hand opens and the phone drops into mine.


My eyes dart across it but I see the word…Nokia?


“This is one of those old brick phones!”


“You didn’t really think did ya?”


“Uhhh!”  I pretend throwing the phone out the window.


“Hey!  I need to call my mom with that phone.”


“Sorry, it’s gone now.”


The van comes screeching to a halt and suddenly we’re on the shoulder of the road heading in reverse.


He looks over his shoulder to steer and then looks at me.


I hold up the phone.


“You bugger!”


“Got ya back!” I say.


He looks angry, but quickly cracks a smile.


“Got me at my own game.”


He reaches for the phone, but I pull it back.  His hand then darts down for that area of my thigh just above my knee.  He squeezes it causing me to laugh uncontrollably, but it also sends a feeling up my inner thigh and right to my privates.  That was unexpected.


“Hey!” I say.


For the next few hours we listen to songs, tease each other, play “I Spy” and just enjoy the afternoon.


The afternoon turns to evening which turns to night.


The sunset was amazing and I can only imagine how the sunrises will be seeing that we’re on the East Coast.


I imagine what it would be like waking up in his arms in a tent watching the waves roll in at Byron Bay.


Hopefully I won’t have to imagine.


Just after midnight we pull into the hippyish little surf community.  Even in the dark it looks like paradise.


My first thought is I never want to leave.


I’m not just talking about here.  I’m talking about him.