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Crushing on the Billionaire: A Clean and Wholesome Romance (Billionaires with Heart Book 3) by Liwen Ho (3)

Chapter Three



Talking with Kylie made Devon feel like a teenager again. He felt happy and light, without a care in the world. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this attracted to a woman, physically and emotionally. There was a level of comfort he had with Kylie that made being near her feel like home. He wondered though if she felt the same. She hadn’t touched her glass of champagne since setting it down, and now her cheeks were bright red. Devon gave her a reassuring smile. “Sorry to put you on the spot like that. I can go first.”

“Sure,” she replied with a relieved smile. “I’d like to hear what you’ve been up to. It looks like you’re doing well for yourself.”

“I am. We all are, in fact.” He sat up on his recliner and turned to face her. The interested look on her face encouraged him to speak, causing his words to flow like the waterfall overlooking the pool. “You know how I always liked to tinker with things when I was a kid? I took those skills, borrowed some money from my parents, and started my own business right out of college. I contracted with a couple of apartment complexes and got some steady work. It wasn’t much in terms of pay, but I enjoyed it.”

“That’s great, Devon. You always were good with your hands.” Her gaze wandered to his long fingers and traveled up the length of his arm, finally resting on his chest. She blinked quickly, her cheeks flushing, before lifting her eyes. “So you’re a small business owner. That must keep you busy.”

Devon worked hard to keep from smiling. He didn’t mind Kylie checking him out; he more than welcomed any signs of interest on her part. “I actually stopped my handyman business about five years ago. Long story short, Gabe and I were able to start our own company with our father’s help. We focus on cancer research. Not me, exactly; I meet with investors and act as the face of the company. All the on-camera stuff Gabe doesn’t want to deal with, I handle.”

Kylie’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing. You started a company? Your family must be doing really well.”

He couldn’t help puffing out his chest a little. After being labeled one of the poor kids at Eden Prep, it felt good to finally measure up to them. “Our father—God rest his soul—made sure we were well provided for when he passed away. We started NeoGene in his honor.”

“I’m so sorry about your father. I had no idea.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it. He was a tough man to please, but he did teach us how to work hard and make a living. We learned not to take anything for granted, that’s for sure.” He noticed her serious expression and tried to lighten his tone. “I didn’t mean to put a damper on the mood. My family and I are all in a better place now. Our mother remarried a year ago to someone she met at a charity fundraiser. Our stepfather truly loves her, and not just for her money. Both Gabe and I were relieved about that. It can be hard to know whether someone likes you for you or for your bank account.” He cocked his head and smirked. “Well, I’m sure you know what that’s like.”

Her cheeks reddened again. “I—yeah. I hate when that happens.”

“I always did appreciate how you took a chance on me back in high school even though our family didn’t have much. I think you liked me for me. Or was it because of my car?” he added with a playful grin.

She cracked a smile. “You had a nice car, Devon, but that’s not why I liked you. It wasn’t even your face, as cute as it was.”

“So you thought I was cute?”

She rolled her eyes. “You know I did. But it was more than that. It was your personality, how warm and genuine you were. You were like a breath of fresh air compared to the other kids.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I really wish I hadn’t taken that—you—for granted. I’m so sorry for the way things ended between us.” Her voice faltered. “Can we chalk it up to stupidity and peer pressure on my part? My teenage self should’ve known better, but she didn’t. I’m sorry, Devon.”

He reached out and covered her hand with his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Hey, don’t sweat it. Youth is the best time to be foolish. It gives us the rest of our lives to make up for the things we did that we regret.”

Gratitude shone in her deep brown eyes, making them twinkle. “You are wise beyond your years, Dev. Thank you. You were always a true friend.”

Devon found himself getting lost in Kylie’s eyes like he used to when they were kids. His siblings would likely say he was crazy for letting the past go so easily, but there was no way he could stay upset with her.

He’d always seen beyond her facade and known there was more to her than her perfect clothes, hair, and makeup. She’d confided in him about her dad’s gambling addiction and had cried on his shoulders more than once. He understood she’d given into her insecurities when she chose a rich kid over him. Money had been her—as well as their classmates’—crutch, their main source of security. He hadn’t been able to offer much to her then, but he could more than provide for her now.

With his hand still on hers, he inched forward until their knees touched. The warmth from her bare skin ignited a spark that heated his whole body. He brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss along her knuckle. “Speaking of making up for the past, I can’t help but feel this was meant to be, us meeting here like this. I’d love to take you out for a night on the town. For old time’s sake. What do you say?”

Kylie quickly pulled her hand out of his grasp. “That sounds nice, but I shouldn’t. I-I have…” She bit her lower lip. Whatever excuse she was searching for didn’t seem to come. “Sorry.”

Maybe he had read the situation wrong. “Are you seeing someone? I thought you were here with a girlfriend. I shouldn’t have assumed you were single.”

“No,” she cut in, “there’s no boyfriend. I just—I’m not looking for a relationship, if that’s what you’re interested in. Not that I’m assuming you are.”

He suppressed the grin threatening to overtake his lips. He’d never seen Kylie flustered like this before. She’d always been poised and in control when they were younger, reminiscent of a queen bee. Perhaps time and life had grounded her. Either way, he liked this new side to her, even if she was rejecting his offer for a date. So be it. He would rather spend time with her as a friend than not see her at all. “I’d like to rekindle our friendship. Would that be okay with you?”

Kylie’s posture relaxed considerably. She nodded and simply said, “Okay.”

That one word started the gears in Devon’s head spinning. He couldn’t wait to take her on an adventure she’d never forget. He vowed to wow Kylie so much that by the end of the evening, she would have no choice but to rescind her decision to just be friends.