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Cylo (Dragons Of Kelon)(A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (49)


Chapter 5



I could not believe this was happening to me. So much had happened in so many different forms. Even seeing Korin’s home shook me to my core.


His home was unlike anything that I had ever seen. The door only opened with his hand pressed against the wall and some unseen scanner moved across his flesh to open the door. On the inside of the home was a grand room. There was a sitting area and a large table for taking meals. On the other side of the wall was a food area, or a kitchen. On the other side, opposite the kitchen, was a water washroom, one of three in the home. Everything looked like it was from another planet to me, and I guess it was. But it was so foreign; there were many buttons and projection screens.


At the back of the house was where his servant female Kalazaron lived. I was given a small room next door to his room. After what had happened in the tall grass fields, I did not know if I liked being so close to him when I would be sleeping. Not because I did not trust him, but because I did not trust myself. With each hour, I found his blond hair, blue eyes, and blue skin more and more irresistible. It was a thought that sickened me because he was such an arrogant and cold Kalazaron. I did not want to be attracted to him.


Yet I could not stop thinking about him kissing me with his body pressed against mine, between my thighs. I could not stop thinking about that naughty dream I had in the cave when his body was around me in front of the fire. When I closed my eyes, I could see it as though it really happened, with his large cock inside my mouth. I would get aroused just thinking about it. So having a room so close to his made it very easy for me to want to throw myself at him. That would be degrading.


I was degraded when I was in the wild with Korin and now I was being even more degraded at the hands of his bitch. When I first saw her, I was stunned. She was a very beautiful creature. And she was nothing like the female Kalazaron that I had seen so far, including Korin's servant. She was very tall, and elegant. She had an hourglass figure, and her hair was a mixture of shiny silver and blue. Her eyes were a piercing aqua color and her skin was flawless, and tinted blue in various parts. Her appearance was more elegant and refined than any Kalazaron I had seen so far, be it male or female. I wondered if she was a princess of sorts because that is the way she looked, and it was definitely the way the spoiled bitch acted.


I wanted to hate every part of her, but I had to be grateful that I was not being thrown into a prison. I had to be grateful that I was not being thrown to the hands of a demented warrior like the commander that I had encountered on the moon base of Tyla Wen. If all I had to do was play dress-up and let this female Kalazaron make awful comments at my expense as she dragged me around, then I would do it and not complain.


Though I had to admit that it did sting when she said those awful things about me and Korin did not stand up for me. I had grown used to having him save me, but when it came to this female Kalazaron, he said nothing. In fact, he agreed with her and it hurt me. But once I saw him kiss her, I knew why.


This was his female. Perhaps it was even his wife for all I knew. Therefore, he was not going to stand up for me against her now or ever. Once again, I was on my own in a foreign place. I had to retreat to my imagination and remember that I at least was able to see things that I would never see on Merton Loy. I had to retreat to that thought when Lukah put a chain around my neck like I was a dog and pulled me to her event.


As I followed behind Lukah and Korin, I took the time to look around. I was not supposed to speak, according to Lukah and the rules she gave me while the servant put the dress on me. I was fine with this as it gave me time to look around and fill my eyes with the wonder of this planet.


After we left the home of Korin, I indulged myself in looking around the streets as they walked towards a very large, round glass dome. Inside I could see the sparkle of lights and I was anxious to enter and see the wonders that waited. When we walked in, I saw Korin straighten his back and go to his full height as he arrogantly walked in with Lukah at his side. It was obvious that he was showing her off. I felt jealous at his pride of having her on his arm, but I tried to push it away from my mind.


As we entered the glass dome, there were floating lights in the air. They came in all different colors. My mouth fell open at the sight. I realized that this was more than just a political event: It was a party. Or at least that is what we would call it on Merton Loy. Everyone was dressed elegantly, and there were tables overflowing with food and drink. I wished I could get some of the Icannet and be drunk to numb what I had to go through.


Everyone was mingling and having a grand time. I watched as Lukah introduced Korin to many high-ranking Kalazaron. He was very kind to them and it was a side to him that I had not seen before. It was interesting to watch, as I stayed silent.


Then Lukah separated me from Korin and took me over to her friends. I stood there as they pushed on my flesh and made fun of my freckles. I tried not to let it get to me.


"She is an ugly human female. You were very right about that notion, Lukah."


"Look at her red hair. I have never seen that color before. It is very strange. Even for a human."


"Look at all the spots on her belly. "


"Yes, they are all over her body. Look at her legs," Lukah said as she pushed the slit of my skirt aside on my thigh. Tears were beginning to form in my eyes as I could only take so much. I looked across the room and locked eyes with Korin. He seemed to be disturbed for just a second. I think he saw that I was being tortured. He took a step toward me and I thought he would come rescue me, but then he was pulled by another Kalazaron. He joined their conversation and only looked over his shoulder at me once. I hated this. I just stood there and a tear fell down my cheek.


"Look! She is crying!" Lukah said as the other female Kalazaron began to laugh at me. I stood straight up and just took it. There was nothing more that I could do. Then I continued on like this with Lukah showing me off to anyone who would listen to her. She was an awful and dark-hearted Kalazaron. Just when I thought that things could not get much worse, they did.


I was staring towards the exit of the glass dome building, wishing that I could walk out of there of my own free will, when I saw him walk in. It was the commander from the moon base, the one that tried to throw himself on me.


He made his way around the room, talking to Kalazaron and conversing. I turned my back to him, hoping that he would not look in my direction and recognize me. I stood there shaking with fear. I had hoped that Korin would walk over and tell Lukah that it was time to leave.


However, that is not what happened. I was staring forward with Lukah at my side in the huddle with her friends, as they had finally left me alone. Then the commander came into my vision as he stepped around in front of me, staring directly at me. I stopped breathing as I froze. He sneered an awful smile at me. He walked straight toward me and looked at the chain around my neck and then at who was holding it. He seemed to laugh at it. Then he approached Lukah. I was terrified. She would hand me over in a second.


"Daughter of the powerful Master Bresh, Lukah, a good Vycon to you," he said as he bowed before her.


She turned to him and did not smile. Apparently no one liked this commander. "Commander, a good Vycon to you as well," she said with a simple nod but she was not interested.


"I walked over here to inquire about your unusual human slave. I want to buy her from you," he said.


As soon as he said it, my blood ran cold. My heart dropped to my stomach and my legs felt weak underneath me. I thought I would faint. I quickly looked at Lukah to see what she would say. I tried to look over my shoulder for Korin, but I did not want to make any sudden movements.


"Commander, I cannot do that. The human slave belongs to Sergeant Korin Hafah at this time. She is not mine to sell. Perhaps you may speak with him on the matter," she said as she turned away from him.


But he was not satisfied with her answer as he said, "It was your father that put this human female slave in his possession only temporarily. I am sure that you can convince your father to give her to you, and if you do, so I would be willing to pay a large sum for her. In the millions," he said.


All the Kalazaron females around Lukah gasped. I did not know what currency they had on this planet, but millions sounded like a lot to me. Lukah smiled and said, "Let me speak with father. I am sure it can be arranged. However, I want to keep her for another week or two as I want to take her with me to an event next week," she said.


"I look forward to you contacting me about this deal," he said with a bow. As he walked away, he looked at me with that lustful, evil grin that he gave me on the moon base. I was panicked. I was terrified. I had to escape.


Just as I felt like I was going to fall over, Korin approached and said, "What did the commander want of you, Lukah?" He gave me a quick glance. He looked pissed off and I was glad that he had approached.


"Oh, that silly commander. He wants your human female slave. No surprise there; everyone knows what he does with them. I told him she was yours, but he mentioned that father only put her in your possession temporarily. He asked me to have father give her to me and then he will pay me great amounts for her. I agreed to it, but not for weeks, and of course if I can convince father to give her to me. That should not be hard though," she said casually as she turned away from Korin and continued to talk with her friends. I could see him restraining his anger. He opened his mouth to say something, but something told me he did not want to make a scene about that here.


"I am ready to leave; let us go," he said to her.


"But I am not ready," she said in defiance.


Then he leaned close in her ear and whispered in a flirtatious manner, "But I have missed you. Will you deny me being with you any longer?"


He whispered it loud enough for her friends to hear and she laughed and said, "I missed you too." She gave her friends a look as though she was proud that he was begging for her time. Then she said her goodbyes and we made our way out of the dome and back to Korin’s home. I was crying the entire way, trying not to make any sound as I did so. I could not be the commander’s. I knew what he would do, and I would rather die than be with him.


Once we entered the home, Korin finally spoke up. "You should not have promised this human slave to the commander. He already has history with this human slave; he attacked her on the moon base, and your father knows as much. Your father forbids it, and the commander went against his orders. It is matters that you do not know of and therefore should not intervene," he said angrily to Lukah.


Her eyes grew wide and she looked at him and then she looked at me and said, "Do you have desires for this human female, Korin?"


I was shocked by her intelligent observation. He had explained to her in a way that only used her father's orders, and the commander defied them. He did not make it known at all that he harbored any sort of feelings or history with me. Yet she figured it out.


"What? No! I am simply telling you I have facts that you do not have in possession. You are not to make deals such as these. You are female, act like a female."


She looked at him and looked at me again as though she was not satisfied. Finally, she took a deep breath and walked over to him seductively and threw her arms around his neck. Then she purred out the words, "Forgive me, Korin. I did not know the circumstances. I will not have her sold, and I will let you and my father deal with it. It is no concern of mine what happens to the human female."


Then she pressed her lips against his, and they began to make out passionately in front of me. I was still chained to her hand and I could not move. Finally, Korin pulled away from her and looked at me and said, "You are released. Go to your quarters."


Lukah turned and smiled at me, almost a deviant smile as though she knew her kissing him was making me angry. She threw the chain on the floor letting me loose. I turned and walked into the next room. It was a small room where I was to sleep. I took the ghastly chain off of me and threw it on the ground. I found the slave dress that I was given earlier and dressed in it. Then I lay down, and within minutes, I had cried myself to sleep.