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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Blaze's Redemption (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Rayanna James (8)

Chapter Seven


Weeks had passed by since our first date, and things were good between me and Lucy. Out physical chemistry was off the charts, but it wasn’t just that. I could be happy just being near her in the evenings, holding her in my lap as we watched TV from my big leather recliner while Rusty snoozed in the one across from us. Weekends were usually spent at her place, gorging on pizza delivery and deli food, watching movies and doing puzzles in between trips to the bedroom. But it wasn’t all sex, either. Sometimes we actually made it out of the house, to have dinner in town or go shopping for supplies for our next shut-in weekend. I taught her how to ride a horse, and showed her all of my favorite spots on the ranch.

Every day I waited for 11:15, counting the minutes until I could climb in the truck and head towards the house to pick up the cooler full of lunches Lucy had packed for the men out on the trail and in the fields.

When had lunch become the most important meal of the day?

When it became the only real alone time I got with the woman I loved during the week.

I hadn’t realized when I started dating how full my life was-of people. The men, Rusty, neighbors, farmers, townspeople-they all loved Lucy so it didn’t really matter where we went. Unless we managed to hide at her apartment, lunchtime was our only option for privacy these days.

We were taking full advantage.

The truck had barely rolled to a complete stop when I jerked the keys out of the ignition and jumped out, all but running towards the house.

She was waiting for me. In nothing but a frilly apron and a pair of heels she hadn’t been wearing that morning.

I stopped in my tracks and took in the sight of her. The bib of the apron barely covered her chest, and her tiny waist was accentuated by the thick sash. The skirt flared out, and came to mid-thigh. With the lace trim, polka dot pattern, and the way her hair hung in chestnut curls around her shoulders, I felt as if I had just walked into a pin-up calendar.

Damn, but I was a lucky man.

She giggled, when she saw me, letting her hand fly up to cover her mouth.

“Oops! I seem to have forgotten my clothes when I came to work today! Good thing you had this lovely apron for me to wear!”

I crossed to where she stood in two giant strides, grabbing her around the waist, and pulling her towards me with a feral growl.

“Woman, what are you trying to do to me?”

She didn’t answer immediately, instead breaking free of my grasp and twirling around so that she faced away from me.

Peeking over her shoulder at me, she giggled mischievously. “See my bow?”

The sash of the apron came to rest in a large fluffed out bow right at the top of the crack of her ass, framing the whole thing like a pretty present.

“I see it.” I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it. I was an ass man.  My mouth went dry at the sight of hers. This was supposed to be a lunch quickie. What I had in mind wasn’t quick.

“You know,” I whispered, coming up behind her and laying a calloused hand against her smooth, exposed ass cheek. “Coming to work without clothes on is very naughty.”

Her eyes lit up, and I realized I was working from her script. This was exactly what she wanted.

“Oh, no!” she gasped softly. “I didn’t mean to be naughty!”

I shook my head. “I might just have to teach you a lesson.” I landed two quick smacks across her backside, smiling when she jumped and squealed in delight.

I could smell her arousal. But I wanted proof. Snaking my hand between her legs, and around to the front, I cupped her mound in my hand, and slid my finger inside, smiling to myself when it slid in with ease. She was ready for me.

“Bedroom. Now.”

She shook her head, and moved towards the kitchen. I locked the front door and followed her.

She was sitting on top of the counter, with her legs kicking as they hung down, and a cheeky grin on her face. I walked over and stood between her legs, smiling when her legs locked around my waist.

“Why don’t you have any clothes on?”

“The question is, why do you?”

She had me there.

“That is a good question. Let’s rectify that immediately.” I grinned as I kicked my boots off where I stood.

“Finally.” Her grin was saucy as she quickly worked the buttons of my work shirt, exposing my chest as she pulled it off my shoulders and down my arms. My pants were next, and then my boxers and soon I was buck ass naked in the middle of my kitchen.

We looked at each other in silence for a full minute. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled her lips on top of mine. Our bodies met in a frantic collusion of limbs as I pulled her off the counter and onto my cock, holding her around my waist, as I pinned her against the wall. There was no time for beds or even floors. There was just this minute. I pounded into her mercilessly, as she cried out for more. She was an insatiable minx, and I couldn’t get enough. Turning, I sank to the floor, and sat against the wall, keeping her on top of me. Watching her as she rode me was my favorite position, and we both finished quickly, a hot and sticky tangled mess.

She leaned against my chest, panting as her body shook with her orgasm. “God, that was fun.”

I had to agree. I helped her stand, and regarded the mess of sweat and cum spread across my naked body. I would need a shower before I went back to work. Lunch would be a little late today. It was worth the crude looks I would get from Rusty and the men. They knew what was going on, of course, but they wouldn’t say a damn word. They knew better.

“We have to stop meeting like this,” I joked, as I hobbled towards the bathroom, pants in hand. “How about we try for a real date, again soon? Like this weekend?”

My idea was met with a hopeful smile. “I’d rather stay in. Maybe we could just spend the weekend at my place?”

“What about dinner here first? Friday night? I can let the men off early, and heck, you can take the whole day. I’ll cook.” I had a specific plan in mind. One that involved a little more ambience than could be found in her small duplex apartment.

Her eyebrows crinkled suspiciously. “Can you? Cook I mean?”

“I guess we’ll find out.”