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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Firelighter (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Jackie Wang (14)

Chapter 14


Thirty days. I was temporarily suspended from work and sentenced to a month of community service. It was technically a slap on the wrist and I was relieved that Chief Adams helped me out on that front. He was intimately aware of my history with Grayson, and he knew what type of character Grayson was, so he didn’t hesitate to speak on my behalf. But still, for the sake of public appearances, I was suspended and forced to pick up litter around the school and surrounding community every single day for three hours. It was easy work, but humiliating because I wore a bright green vest that seemingly broadcasted my crime to the world. Grayson was the villain, but he walked away with nothing more than a broken nose.

I hated Grayson for what he did, but I hated myself even more for being unable to resist his taunts. I wasn’t a kid anymore; in fact, I had my own kid to worry about now. It was stupid of me to go around starting fights knowing that something like this could’ve resulted in me behind bars and Nate taken away from me. It was no secret that I had a temper, and I was constantly worried that child protective services would catch me in a compromising situation and use it against me. Nate was my whole world, and I was stupid to risk what we had for the sake of some decade-old beef. Not to mention risking my relationship with Winnie just so I could get back at Grayson. This whole fiasco was the wake-up call I needed to clean up my act and start acting like a responsible parent and adult.

I’d fucked up. Big time.

I was ready to change. Become a better father to Nate, and a better boyfriend to Winnie. And this time, it was a promise I intended to keep.

Thanks to my ridiculous community service schedule, I rarely had time to see Winnie over the next few weeks. I might’ve been overthinking things, but she seemed more withdrawn with each day. She texted and called me less and less, and I wondered if it was because she was embarrassed that I was doing community service near her workplace. Did she want to avoid rumors by deliberately staying away? She even refused rides from me, claiming that she was in hot water, and didn’t want to make things worse. I understood what she meant. Ever since our relationship went public, Winnie went through a lot of shit at school, both from the other parents, and her colleagues. It was unfair that she went around like a martyr just because she was my girlfriend. I was frustrated beyond belief, but I also knew that if I tried to stand up for her, it would probably make things worse. As a result, I felt more helpless with each passing day, and I watched Winnie drift farther and farther away from me. I was losing her.

I refused to let that happen.

I wasn’t ready to give up on us.

But how could I possibly make things right again?

On the eve of my final day of community service, I decided to take Winnie out and touch base with her about our relationship.

“Okay, spill,” I demanded. No time for bullshit. I needed to clarify where we stood.

“Hmm?” Winnie looked up at me mid-bite as if she had no idea what I meant. She put down her meatball sub.

“You’ve been a lot more withdrawn since I began community service. Admit it, you have doubts about us.”

“No.” She didn’t sound convincing at all. Had all the rumors gotten to her? Weakened her trust in me? In us?

“We barely see each other, and you hardly ever call,” I pointed out.

“Yes, my confidence faltered after I met with Principal McCormack. He said some nasty things about you—but I didn’t take it to heart! Obviously he was trying to push his own agenda when he said those things,” Winnie explained.

“What did he say?” I gritted out.

“It’s fine, really.”

A tic in my jaw. I rubbed my chin. “What. Did. He. Say?” I could feel anger bubbling inside me, and I reminded myself of my promise. Keep it cool, Fieri.

“He said you have a reputation for being violent,” Winnie blurted out. “To be fair, I’ve witnessed your recklessness and impulsivity firsthand.”

“That’s all?”

“He said, your ex left you because you abused her.”

“That’s fucking bullshit. She abandoned us to play house with her boss. Everyone knows that. I never laid a finger on her.”

“I know that, baby. I’m just telling you what McCormack told me.”

“He’s a liar.”

“Calm down,” Winnie said, resting her hand on top of mine. “Hey. I’m on your side, babe.”

“Does it embarrass you, to be seen dating someone like me?”

“A hot, firefighter stud? Why would that embarrass me?” Winnie teased, giving me a peck on the cheek.

“I’m serious. I know how they talk about you. About us.”

“I couldn’t care less,” Winnie assured me. “In fact, I’m not so sure I want to build my career in such a petty, rumor-prone community. I want to be surrounded by individuals who build me up, not tear me down.”

“I couldn’t agree more. Which is why I was thinking…why don’t we move to Maine?”

“Maine?” Winnie asked, bewildered. As if I was asking her to move to the moon.

“Or somewhere in New Hampshire? Closer to your parents and brother, and far away from this bullshit. A clean slate for you, me and Nate.”

We could be a family.

Please say yes.

One simple word is all I want to hear from you, baby girl.

“You’re asking for a lot.”

“I love you, Winnie. So much it hurts me, not being able to spend every single day with you. I want the three of us to build a life together. I want to wake up and fall asleep next to you. I want to fix you breakfast and rub your feet after a long day. I want to watch you help Nate with his homework. Listen to you sing in the shower. Binge-watch Netflix shows with you curled up in my arms. I want it all.”

Winnie still seemed unconvinced. “You’re asking me to give up a hard-won position at a good school. I’d be unemployed if I left.”

“So would I,” I added. “But we’re both smart people. We’ll figure it out. Let’s start packing tonight.”

“Dom, that’s your impulsivity talking again,” Winnie chastised. “We can’t just move halfway across the country with no plan.”

“We do have a plan…” I began.

“No, what you have is a dream, not a plan. We need to do more research, add up the pros and cons before we see if it’s even feasible to move there.”

“You’re no fun.” I pouted, even though I knew she was 100% right. She was almost always right.

“I’m practical,” Winnie said, “That’s why you love me.”

I mock-sighed. “Yeah, it is. Still…you kinda ruined my fantasy.”

“Not ruined. Just improving it. I’m going to make sure your dreams of our future comes true.”


“Really. But you have to give me some time, Dom. You need to be patient.”

“I’ve never been good with waiting.”

“It’ll be worth it, I swear,” Winnie assured me. “So worth it.”

I leaned in and kissed my beautiful girlfriend. “I believe you.”

Because for her, I’d be willing to wait forever.