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Dark Angel Tales by Dark Angel (16)

A shudder of anxiety trickled up Bridget's spine as Samuel and Blaine took her into their tent, their movements hurried. Obviously they had become used to taking their pleasures on a regular basis and were eager to resume activities. They took turns stripping her as they divested themselves of their own clothes.

She found herself straddling Blaine, Samuel's hands pushing down on her shoulders to lower her body onto Blaine's rampant cock. As he shoved into her pussy, she felt her body's defenses respond, dampening her sheathe to ease access. His hips thrust upwards, his hands full of her breasts, until he had taken several strokes and completely coated his cock with the lubrication leaking from her. Then Samuel's hands were pushing her forward so her chest was pressed against Blaine's, her body writhing on top of him as Samuel pressed oil slick fingers to her anus.

The sensation was shocking as he penetrated her, the fullness of it strangely pleasurable. Letting out a low moan, she felt herself tightening down around both of them as Samuel loosened up her rear entrance, preparing it for ravishment. Remembering her curiosity about what it would feel like to be wedged between the two of them when she saw them taking the princess in this manner, Bridget damned herself for those thoughts. She whimpered and arched her back, and Samuel plundered her backside with his fingers. She couldn't imagine how he might fit his cock into the tight space with Blaine's cock filling up her other hole there was so much less room in her lower body.

"Pull out a little," Samuel said gruffly as he removed his fingers from her ass. The blunt head of his rod pressed against her crinkled hole as Blaine pulled most of the way out, giving Samuel more space as he shoved into her ass with one long stroke. Bridget shrieked a little, struggling to get away as Samuel plugged her back door. The big man let out a laugh, grabbing her wrists and holding them to the floor of the tent as he ground himself into her tight anus, rubbing his groin on her creamy buttocks and making his cock bounce inside of her. "That's it... keep fighting little maid..."

As she groaned and squirmed, he withdrew his cock partway and she felt Blaine shoving into her cunt. She was so full, so strangely plumped with meat, her body straining to accommodate the two massive dicks that were splitting her open.

"Slower... please..." she begged.

Samuel whispered in her ear. "No."

They alternated hard strokes in her body, Samuel plunging into her ass as Blaine's cock receded from her pussy, Samuel lifting his weight from her as Blaine thrust upwards, sinking into her cunt to the hilt. Slowly the burning stretch subsided, the strain lessening, until she started to feel the heady pleasure of being taken in both holes. Her moans changed, from pained to pleasured, as they ravaged her, relieving their ardor with her body. The sensations were becoming overwhelming as Blaine pushed up hard, groaning and gripping her hips, filling her cunt with fluid.

Bridget collapsed on top of him, whimpering as Samuel took his pleasure, no longer needing to match strokes with Blaine. The cock in her cunt was still half-hard, the swollen nub of her core rubbing against Blaine's groin with every plunge Samuel took into her rear entry. Blaine held her around the waist, keeping her securely on his cock as Samuel's punishing strokes threatened to dislodge her. The friction of her pearl rubbing against Blaine's body, the gripping convulsions of her cunt around his cock, and the burning thrusts into her ass combined to create a maelstrom of pleasure and pain, and Bridget cried out as her orgasm shuddered through her body, wrecking her senses with its intensity.

She writhed between them, Blaine still taking small strokes with his half hard cock, extending his own pleasure as Samuel pounded hard, her spasming ass gripping his cock like a slick hand. He bellowed and slammed hard into her quivering tunnel, her sucking walls milking the seed from his balls as she came beneath him, her body undulating as she rode out her own pleasure.

"Mmm, that was nice," Samuel murmured into her ear as she moaned, her limbs feeling like jelly. Keeping his arms around her, he rolled them off of Blaine, his cock still lodged in her ass.

"Thanks," said the other man absently as he stood, no longer interested in Bridget now that his needs had been met. He walked out of the tent completely naked as Samuel gave Bridget's ass a few more thrusts from the side, obviously just enjoying the end of his fun, before pulling himself free of her body.

Exhausted and somehow emotionally numb, Bridget rolled onto her stomach, keeping her face turned away from Samuel as tears sparked in her eyes. Not only had her body betrayed her yet again, but she'd been betrayed by Garrett as well. She ignored Samuel as he got up and left the tent as well, lost in her own misery and thoughts. Somehow her misery seemed that much worse now that she knew she couldn't count on Garrett in any way.

When Samuel returned to the tent, a damp cloth in his hand, she looked up at him in surprise. He shrugged and looked uncomfortable at the questions in her eyes as he handed her the cloth. It was warm.

"Don't ask," he said gruffly, before turning his back and stalking out of the tent.

What on earth?


Garrett had spent most of the late afternoon and early evening watching the house and reassuring himself that there was no one there but the servants. Of course, they were quite active during daylight hours, which had frustrated his plans for quickness, as they prepared the house for the arrival of their master. It was a very large house, but it had the usual arrangement of rooms from what he could tell, making it very easy to determine where the master bedroom was. There didn't seem to be any kind of alarm, so he assumed Samuel and Blaine's burglary from the evening before had gone undiscovered. That didn't surprise him. They’d mostly stolen from the items the Lord and Lady had sent on ahead, which wouldn't be discovered until the Lord and Lady were in residence and decided they wanted to wear their jewels or use the good silver.

Of course, the most expensive items would be in the safe. The most expensive and the most important, since that's where Garrett knew the man kept his documents. And once he got his hands on them he would be able to return to the camp and Bridget, and then home.

Crouching low in the bushes, he watched as shadowy figures moved through the house, some windows lit by candles and others completely dark. There were a lot fewer people moving about once the sun had gone down and the servants were retiring for the night, obviously eager to sleep while they could. Fortunately the servant's quarters were across the house from the master bedroom, so he should have no problem once he got inside.

The last light that he was waiting for, on the back of the house, finally went out. There were other lights to be seen, on the east side of the house where the servants' rooms were, but he wasn't willing to wait for everyone to be abed. The sooner he could do this, the sooner he could return the camp.

He moved in small spurts, keeping to the shadows, padding silently across the grass. Every few feet he stopped and listened, watched, confirmed that he didn't see any other movements and nothing had changed. If he was seen and had to run away then he'd have to wait for another night, and once the house was alert it would remain so and make his job all the harder. So many times he'd done this, it was becoming almost as natural as breathing.

Finally, he reached the house and he carefully dealt with the lock on one of the lower windows, sliding it deftly from its place. At least this part was easy. All he had to do was follow the directions Samuel and Blaine had given him, saving him the time of figuring out what kind of lock it was and how best to silently deal with it. Easing the window open, he slid noiselessly over the casement before closing it behind him—although he didn't lock it.

One of the strengths of these types of country houses was their layouts. They were all so similar in design that guests immediately felt comfortable and servants instinctively knew where to go within them. That great strength, when it came to ease of living and receiving guests, was also one of the great downfalls, because people like him who were familiar with the layout would be able to find their way as easily as a servant. Except, unlike the servants and guests, he didn't belong there.

Garrett spared little attention for the lush tapestries on the walls or the carpets beneath his feet, he was busy listening for any whisper of movement. Reassured that no one had heard his entrance and was coming to check on the room, he carefully opened the door and slid into the hall. It was dark enough that he stood quite still as his eyes adjusted, fortunately it didn't appear there were any obstacles along the hallway. People who lined their halls with statuary or plants made things so much more difficult.

Padding swiftly and quietly through the manor, he could feel his heart pounding. He was moving so much faster than he normally did, trying to keep his usual standards of care and finding himself impatient with the necessity of it. When he came to the stairs that would be used by servants, he kept his feet close to the walls where they would be least likely to cause the floorboards to creak, and he ghosted his way up to the second floor. Pausing at the top of the stairs, he forced himself to wait and listen again.


The acoustics of the manor were well done, making it so noise from the servants' quarters wouldn't disturb anyone in the main part of the house and vice versa. And it seemed there were no wanderers at the moment. Trying to quell his excitement, the rush of adrenaline that came as he thought about how close he was to his goal, Garrett padded his way to the Master bedroom and the safe kept within.


To Bridget's surprise, she was unmolested for the rest of the afternoon and as she prepared dinner. The tension that had been in the camp when Garrett was present seemed almost completely gone. Patrick sprawled across his seat, the Princess Eleanor in his lap, and he idly played with her breasts as Samuel and Blaine showed him the goods they'd accumulated. Sparkles and metallic gleams caught her eye, even as she tried to pay attention to the food she was cooking over the campfire. There was an art to making food over an open flame and Bridget knew it was all too easy to burn things. She didn't want to give Patrick an excuse to turn his punishing attention on her.

Mostly she remained quiet, thinking. Wondering. Why had Samuel brought her the cloth? It was something along the lines of what Garrett would have done, had he been there. She hadn't expected to receive anything from him or Blaine, certainly they'd never shown any concern for her before once they were done with their pleasure. And on top of that, she was still furious with Garrett. When he came back she hoped he didn't expect her to quickly submit to sharing pleasure with him. As far as she was concerned he could do all he wanted to try and get a response from her, she wasn't interested. If that ruined things for him, then all the better. He'd played her like a fool, making her think perhaps there was something more between them than his desire to spend his seed.

It wasn't until the men were finishing up dinner that Patrick's attention turned back to her, after having ignored her the entire day. She could feel his eyes on her, assessing her, watching her, and she avoided looking back at him. The lack of Garrett's presence in the camp suddenly weighed heavier on her, and she was angry at herself for wishing he was there. But she couldn't deny she’d felt safer when he was and now that he was gone she was much more frightened than she had been before.

"I think I'd like some entertainment," said Patrick, as if the thought had suddenly occurred to him, but his wicked smile said he had a plan in place. He turned to Samuel and Blaine. "Why don't we set up a game for our two lovely ladies to compete in?"

"What kind of game?" asked Blaine, for once looking more intrigued than indifferent. Samuel sat up straighter, his attention also caught by Patrick's suggestion. The sinking sensation in Bridget's gut made her want to run. She was quite sure she wouldn't like Patrick's idea of a game.

"I'd like to see how much our lovely ladies have learned from us," said Patrick. "We'll set three contests, best two out of three wins. The loser spends the night with me, to do with what I please." His eyes flicked towards Bridget and she almost screamed from the anxiety running through her. Patrick wanted her to lose. He wanted her to lose so he could have an entire night with her, while Garrett was away. Who knew what shape she would be in when he returned. "Winner will choose between Samuel and Blaine."

Fury swept through her again, as strongly as her fear, but it wasn't directed at Patrick. It was still directed at Garrett. How dare he leave her here in this position? If it hadn't been for him, Patrick surely would have been content with the princess. It was Garrett's supposed attentions that had instigated Patrick's desire for her. If Garrett hadn't pretended to care for her then Patrick wouldn't be trying to provoke Garrett by using her.

But she was the one who had to deal with the consequences, especially since Garrett wasn't here. Damn him.

"Sounds interesting," said Blaine, leaning back. His good natured boyish grin was almost more sinister than if he'd scowled, under the circumstances. "How do we start?"

"Let's have a race," Patrick said. Tipping Eleanor off his lap—her face a study in indignation—he reached into the bag of stolen goods that Blaine and Samuel had brought back and pulled out two long strands of pearls, equal in length. "But we'll make it interesting and stuff these in their cunts. Whoever finishes first wins, but only if they still have at least one pearl left in their hole. If they lose all the pearls from their cunt then they lose the race. Loser gets a spanking and winner gets the pearls."

Samuel laughed and grabbed Bridget hauling her to her feet. "Sounds like fun. Let's strip them down."

She trembled in Samuel's grip as he pulled clothing from her body. This didn't sound like fun at all. She had to win or she'd find herself at Patrick's mercy again and this time she didn't think she would get off so easily.

Both of the women were bent over as the men stuffed the long strands of pearls into their pussies. Bridget moaned and wriggled at the strange sensation as she was slowly filled with the little globes. When she stood straight again, they shifted inside her, rubbing against her sensitive inner walls. The men walked them over to the "start," where Patrick and Blaine would wait for them, Samuel stood across the clearing, the furthest distance he could get from them without going into the trees. Walking was even stranger as the pearls shifted and moved inside of her. She tensed her muscles around them to try and hold them in place but they just rubbed her more. It was intensely arousing and she could feel her pussy slickening with cream which worried her because that could only make the pearls harder to keep inside of her.

The men had left three pearls hanging outside of each of the woman, and the short strand slapped against her cunt lips as she walked. Biting on her lower lip, Bridget stared across what suddenly seemed like a great expanse to where Samuel was standing.

"You have to go touch Samuel's hand and then come back here and touch my hand," said Patrick, grinning with anticipation. The men all looked like they were seriously enjoying this prime entertainment, even Blaine was all lit up. "First one back, pearls still in her pussy, wins. If you both lose your pearls then first one back wins."

"On the count of three," said Blaine. "One... two... three."

Bridget and the princess both lurched forward and the pearls seemed to slip inside of her. Screwing up her face in concentration, Bridget began moving as quickly as she could towards Samuel, ignoring the princess as much as possible and concentrating on her own trials. The more she moved, the more aroused she became as the pearls rubbed and moved. By the time she reached Samuel and stretched out her arm to tap his hand, they felt as though they were lower in her pussy, moving out towards the ground.

The princess was only a few feet behind her and Bridget began to pick up the pace on her way back, hurrying to return to the other two men before the pearls could fall. Samuel passed her on the way, able to move much more quickly than the women. Frantically she picked up her pace as she felt the pearls shift lower again, traveling towards her entrance now that they were well slicked with her juices. Unfortunately, her quickened pace caused the pearls to shift even more dramatically. Her pussy rippled, on the verge of cumming, and the clenching of her muscles when the pearls were so close to her entrance caused them to begin to slip from her body, a cascade of shiny beads.

Biting back tears of frustration, Bridget darted forward quickly and slapped Patrick's hand. Now her only hope was that the princess wouldn't be able to hold onto her pearls as well.

Laughing uproariously, the men cheered the princess on, Patrick's hands wandering over Bridget's reluctant but unprotesting body. Her heart sank as the princess came closer, moving slowly now that she knew all she had to do was keep the pearls in to win. When she slapped Patrick's hand, the princess shot Bridget a triumphant look and the little maid suddenly realized she hated the princess almost as much she hated the men. Maybe more. If Bridget had won she wouldn't have felt triumphant, she would have felt bad for the princess and relieved for herself

"Hang the pearls around her neck," said Patrick cheerfully as he half-dragged Bridget over to a log where he could sit down, pulling her across his lap. Bridget whimpered as her ass and pussy were made vulnerable by the position, her head hanging down low, feet barely touching the ground and the firm globes of her ass high in the air. "Both sets."

As his hand caressed Bridget's buttocks, she could hear the princess protesting over the dirty pearls from Bridget's pussy being draped around her neck. Then Patrick's hand came down hard on her left cheek and she squealed, feeling her flesh wobbling, the sharp sting of his hand making her body jerk. He quickly followed with a slap to her right cheek and then began beating her bottom in earnest as she yelped and squirmed. The hits weren't particularly hard, but as they began to build up on her ass, it began to hurt more.

The creamy color of her buttocks were quickly turning a rosy pink and darkening. Patrick left no skin untended, from the curving top of her rump to the tender skin between her bottom and thighs. He even slapped a few hard spanks to her vulnerable and swollen cunt, making Bridget shriek as the pain flared from her core. As the spanking continued she began to kick her legs, unable to hold still as her buttocks throbbed and stung, the tender globes now a nice cherry red. Expertly, Patrick hooked his leg around, catching hers and holding them down, keeping her in place as the spanking continued.

Finally he finished and his hand caressed her hot cheeks as Bridget sobbed, her head hanging down. It felt like her ass was on fire, and her poor pussy wasn't much better.

"Very nice," said Patrick, his hand rubbing over her tender skin, his forearm still pressed across her back so that she couldn't rise. Bridget squirmed, her tears slowing as she became aware of his hard cock pressed against her hip. Spanking her had aroused him.

When she was released and set on her feet, she could see from the bulges in Samuel and Blaine's pants that they had enjoyed the show too. Misery sunk in deep. How was she ever going to survive this night? She cupped her hands over her buttocks, feeling the hot burn of her skin against her palms.

Beside her, Patrick stood, his eyes glinting with pleasure.

"What should we do for the next bit of our entertainment?" he asked as her heart sank in her chest. Even the princess looked anxious now that it was her ass back on the line too.

"I have an idea," said Samuel, stepping forward.


Triumph surged through Garrett as he sorted through the safe. It was a treasure trove beyond imagination. What had Lord Dubois been thinking to leave such important documents at such an out of the way location? Or perhaps he thought it would be safer in his country house, far away from his person and where it was least likely suspected to be. Garrett had been after a letter. One particular letter that would reveal everything. He had received a tip that the letter, the final piece to the puzzle, would be at this location. If he hadn't been desperate, after three years of trying to assemble the pieces, he would have never listened to the tip. Instead, he'd been rewarded with more than just the final piece to the puzzle. The documents he was holding was going to cause a great amount of consternation and also a great amount of mental peace.

Names, dates, locations... it was all here. Everything his father could want and more. Hard, incontrovertible proof of everything they'd suspected, of every person they'd suspected, and some they hadn't.

Relief swept him as well. His mission was truly done. Not complete, however. He still needed to return home, safely, and with documents in hand. Carefully replacing everything he wasn't taking back into the safe, Garrett closed it up and ghosted out of the room. Despite his triumph he couldn't help but also feel rather anxious. In some ways, leaving Patrick's band was probably going to be more dangerous than anything he'd done up to this point, and he was going to be putting Bridget at risk at the same time, but there was no help for it.

Moving through the house as quickly and quietly as possible, he returned to the first floor and back out the window he had come in. Once on the grounds he had to force himself to be careful and cover his tracks as he returned to the woods where his horse was waiting for him. Practically vaulting onto the poor animal, he grimaced in displeasure for the paces he was putting it through, but now that he had the documents he felt the need to be back at the camp more urgently than ever. Leaving Bridget alone for more than a night was not an option, even if riding through the darkness on a tired animal was dangerous, he didn't feel like he could wait till morning.

Who knew what would happen to her if he was gone for that long.


Bridget knelt in front of Blaine, wondering at Samuel's suggestion. It was another kind of race, this one to finish one of the men off in their mouths. Samuel instructed Bridget to pleasure Blaine and the princess to pleasure Patrick. The loser would receive a strapping from Patrick's belt and the winner would pleasure Samuel with her mouth. While neither outcome was exactly pleasant, pleasuring Samuel was entirely preferable. Especially because her buttocks were already red and aching, she couldn't imagine withstanding a strapping after the spanking she'd just received.

And at the same time, it almost seemed as though Samuel was colluding with her to keep that very thing from happening. After all, the rules Patrick stated were that the men weren't allowed to use their hands on the women, it was up to the women to use their hands and mouth on the men to get them off. If she'd had to pleasure Samuel like that, it would have taken forever. He never came while she had control of herself, although he had occasionally allowed her to bob her head up and down on his shaft, none of the little tricks she'd learned to use on Blaine and Garrett ever worked on him. Samuel wouldn't come until he had his hands on her head and was harshly fucking her throat.

It almost seemed like he'd purposefully set her up with Blaine to give her a fighting chance at winning. Plus, this kind of race allowed Bridget to be on her knees, giving her abused bottom time to recover. Even if she ended up being strapped at the end of it, at least it would be after a rest period. Although she was determined not to be strapped.

To the left of her, the princess was kneeling between Patrick's thighs. Both he and Blaine's cocks were standing straight upright, fluid leaking onto their reddish heads. They were both very aroused.

"On the count of three," said Samuel, managing to sound both lascivious and amused. "One... two... three..."

Bridget lowered her head quickly to Blaine's cock, giving him a long swipe of her tongue across the sensitive head, lapping up the salty fluid leaking from the little slit. Groaning his appreciation, Blaine leaned back and watched as she went to work. Taking a few long, slow swipes up each side of his cock, Bridget twirled her tongue around his knob again, before pressing her lips to it and slowly moving them down over his shaft. Working on his cock also helped distract her from focusing on the still tender flesh of her buttocks, which felt hot in the night air. Sliding her hands up his thighs towards his groin, Bridget began to bob her head up and down, coating his length with her saliva to make it easier for her.

Humming in the back of her throat, she carefully slid his entire length into her mouth, easing the head of his dick into her tight throat as she struggled against gagging. As she did that, pressing her lips against his groin, her hands reached his balls and she squeezed them gently. Blaine let out a much louder, lusty moan as she did so, obviously appreciating her efforts. Beside her she could see movement as the princess bobbed her own head up and down, the soft wet noise of her mouth sliding over Patrick's cock, and the groans of the bandit as the princess slaved over his meat.

Trying to ignore them, Bridget began to bob her head in a steady rhythm, taking as much of Blaine in her mouth as she could with each stroke. He was hot and hard against her tongue, and she teased the sensitive underside of his length as she moved up and down. Using her fingers to stroke his body, just under his balls, Bridget was pulling out every trick she knew to make Blaine come hard and fast—at least, as fast as he could. She remembered her lesson from trying to move too fast during the last race, being sloppy and fast with her mouth would only get her a strapping and then she would have lost two of the contests.

Increasing the suction, Bridget picked up the pace a little, ignoring the strain in her jaw and neck as she tugged on Blaine's balls, pulling them away from his straining cock as he began to jerk beneath her. His cock pulsed in her mouth and she sucked eagerly, for the first time, as fluid filled her cheeks and stomach.

"Ahhh, bloody hell that's good," Blaine said in a hoarse voice as Bridget milked the last of his fluid. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the princess still working over Patrick's hard rod. Lifting her face from Blaine's groin, she tried to feel a sense of triumph, but mostly she just felt relief she wasn't the one going to be strapped. Although, finding it in her heart to feel badly for the princess was going a little too far.

She was about to get to her feet when suddenly Samuel appeared beside her.

"Ready for your reward?" he asked, leering down at her.

Answering no wouldn't get her anywhere, so Bridget just submissively turned and opened her mouth. To her surprise, Samuel didn't plunge in right away, though he had his hand on her head, controlling her, he kept her far enough away to just lick and suck on the end. After a few minutes of treating his cock more like she just had Blaine's, she heard Patrick grunt his climax behind her.

Once the princess was in position for her strapping, Blaine holding her in place, Samuel's movements became more aggressive. He'd positioned himself so he would have prime viewing of the event, keeping Bridget's back to it. The shrieks and cries of the princess filled her ears, interspersed with the sound of leather hitting flesh over and over again. Now Samuel moved the way she was used to, his hand forcing her head down on his cock, filling her mouth and throat with thick male as she struggled to breathe.

Finally he pushed her face firmly against his body, her lips wrapped around the base of his dick, and began to spurt hot cum straight down to her belly. Bridget's throat worked convulsively, massaging him, as she swallowed. Behind her she could hear the princess' screams getting louder, as if Patrick was whipping her harder in reaction to Samuel's climax.

Perhaps there was some validity to that thought, because once Samuel pulled his flaccid cock from her mouth, the sounds of the strapping stopped and the princess' sobs were the only noise louder that Bridget's ragged breathing. Samuel reached down and pulled Bridget to her feet, her knees aching a bit after she'd spent so much time on them. Turning she saw the princess also being helped up, tears still running down her cheeks. Patrick looked almost entranced as he ran his hand over her abused bottom. The princess winced and Bridget realized that he must have squeezed her tenderized flesh. A shudder went through her. Now she found the ability to feel sorry for the Princess, much good it did either of them.

Smiling and already hard again from having strapped the princess, Patrick turned to Blaine. "Well, do you want to choose the final game?"


The horse needed rest. And if he was going to be honest, Garrett needed rest as well. He gritted his teeth, slowing the horse to a canter and then a walk. Foundering the creature would only slow him down more. To be honest, if he continued at this pace he would be in no shape for any kind of confrontation either.

Sighing with reluctance, he brought the horse to a halt. It would do both of them good to rest, and he had made good time already. Better than expected. If he slept for a few hours then he would arrive back at the camp just after sun up. After all, he hadn't left Bridget completely unattended, even if he wasn't entirely sure of the man's trustworthiness.

Settling the horse and hobbling it, Garrett situated himself at the base of a tree, falling asleep almost instantly.




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