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Dark Fire (Refuge Book 4) by Cynthia Sax (10)



Chapter Ten

Once they were safely inside Kralj’s terrain, Dare stopped the ship. He opened the back of the hauler. Both of them helped a sweat-soaked, red-faced Vicuska climb out of the space.

The female now sat in the First Officer’s seat. Faylee curled up on Dare’s lap, happy to have that contact with her big male.

Because she was scared. The possibility of meeting his boss terrified her. The male could read minds. Even if she stopped herself from stealing from him, he’d know she wanted to take his things.

“I hope that Kralj being doesn’t have a sensitive nose.” Vicuska laughed.

They had tidied themselves as best as they could, using the cleaning cloth Faylee had brought with her. They couldn’t remove the stench. It clung to them.

“He’s a modified humanoid. They all have enhanced senses.” Dare dashed that hope.

“Shit.” The female uttered what Faylee was thinking.

She already had several strikes against her, being a thief and coming from the caves. The repugnant odor sticking to her garments and skin wouldn’t improve the Ruler’s first impression of her.

She wanted him to accept her. Dare reported to the male and admired him. She’d heard that in his voice. A rejection from Kralj would quicken the end of their relationship.

She didn’t want it to end, didn’t want to return to being on her own, unprotected, lonely. Seeing Dare with other females would destroy her.

They approached what had to be the settlement, her male’s temporary home. White stone walls stretched upward, into the clear blue sky. The hacked-apart remains of beings were impaled upon metal spikes, that gruesome display circling the Refuge.

What had they done? She looked at her warrior and lifted her eyebrows.

“They broke one of the Refuge’s few rules.” He explained the system to her.

That was what happened to rule breakers – they were brutally torn to pieces, their parts exhibited for everyone to gawk at.

She gulped air, feeling faint. “I’m going to end up on a spike.” 

“There’s no rule against stealing.” Her Dracheon’s lips flattened. “But don’t take anything from Kralj or his mate.”

Or his mate. The list of beings she couldn’t target was expanding.

“Yeah, don’t irritate Kralj.” Vicuska nodded. “He can make beings explode with his mind.”

She could explode or be hacked apart—those were her possible fates. Faylee pressed her hands together to stop them from shaking.

She would say or do or think something wrong. That was a certainty. She had little experience with fancy arses, as Three-eyed Mak called them, other than stealing from them.

This wasn’t her world. She wouldn’t survive in it.

“I should stay outside the settlement.” There were beings lingering around the perimeter, living beings, not merely the sun-dried heads.

“You aren’t leaving my side.” Dare tightened his hold on her.

That wasn’t a good idea. She wiggled, her concerns about meeting his boss compounding. Her honorable male would be doomed by association.

Dare parked the ship. Between them and the Refuge’s open gates, the biggest warrior she’d ever seen stood beside a tall, leather-clad male.

The big warrior sported green skin, a bald head, and a daunting expression. The second male’s face was masked by unnatural shadows. Power radiated from him.

She slowed her pace as much as possible. He scared the shit out of her.

I should. Those words echoed in her head.

The second male must be Kralj. The Ruler truly could read her thoughts.

A female peeked around Kralj. She was human, as short as Faylee was, gazed at her as though she was evaluating her.

Faylee tried to look like one of them, not like a thief, normal.

Normal? The voice inside her head scoffed. I am a monster and my mate is a highly trained assassin. We’re far from normal.

That response reinforced the fact that she didn’t know what normal was. She glanced at Dare. If she imitated him and didn’t steal anything, she shouldn’t embarrass her warrior.

He clasped her hand, linking their fingers. The contact bolstered her courage.

She survived the caves. Her chin lifted. She could survive this.

“We don’t have that many rules.” Kralj’s tone was dry. “Your mate has told you most of them. The others aren’t actions you’d consider.”

“I’ll try not to steal from you,” she mumbled.

“What did I say about not irritating Kralj?” Vicuska moved away from her, putting more distance between them.

Damn it. Faylee bit back a curse. She was already fucking this up.

Air blasted her, particles of sand biting into her skin.

“You will respect me.” Kralj’s words came from everywhere and nowhere. “You will not steal from me or—”

He looked over his shoulder. The moment stretched.

Was he contemplating how she’d die, whether he’d hack her to pieces or make her explode? She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

The Ruler stepped to the side.

The short female bounced forward, her blue eyes sparkling, a smile on her face. “You can steal from me, Faylee.”

She knew her name. Faylee blinked. “What?” Was this some sort of trick?

“Steal from me.” The female widened her stance. “I don’t think you can.”

Faylee looked at Dare. What was happening?

“Kralj’s mate, Dita, thrives on challenges.” He informed her. “You’re being tested. Show her your skills.”

If he wanted her to steal from the female, she would.

Faylee eyed her mark. Kralj’s mate was an assassin and she expected the theft. It wouldn’t be easy to take an object from her undetected.

But she could do it because she was the best.

“Thief isn’t an honorable role.” She sauntered forward, slipping her hands in her pockets, attempting to look as non-threatening as possible. “I take what doesn’t belong to me.”

“I’ve killed beings in their sleep.” The female glided her hands over the daggers sheathed to her hips. “Some would say I’m not honorable either.”

“They wouldn’t say that within my terrain.” The shadows around Kralj’s face darkened.

“We do what we must to survive.” Faylee stood close to Dita. “I’m glad to finally meet you.” She pulled her hands out of her pockets as though to grasp the female’s arm. The memory chip fell to the sand.

“Hey. That’s mine.” Vicuska moved toward her.

At the same time, Faylee bent over to retrieve the memory chip. As she scooped it into her palm, she slid a dagger out of Dita’s right boot with her other hand and pocketed the weapon.

“Sorry.” She handed the memory chip to Vicuska. “I can’t help myself.” Her gaze met Dita’s. “I’m very good at what I do.”

The female’s eyes widened. She patted her hands over her body, stopped at her boot. “I didn’t feel anything.” She straightened, looking at Faylee and then Kralj and then back at Faylee. “Nothing.”

“Sorry.” Faylee held out the dagger, hilt first.

“There’s no need to apologize.” Dita took the weapon from her. “You can steal from me whenever you want.” Her scary mate huffed, sounding unhappy with that offer. “I need to hone my skills of observation…clearly.” Her lips twisted. “You can help me with that.”

Faylee gazed at the female, her mind spinning. She could help? “You want me to steal from you?” 

“Yes.” Dita beamed. “And, oh.” She clasped her hands together. “You can steal from the warriors also. They need their skills improved and—”

“Little one,” Kralj growled.

“We’ll discuss this later.” The female backed away from her.

Faylee glanced at Dare. He stood with his chin high in the air, his chest thrust out. Her Dracheon warrior looked…proud.

Fuck. Her mouth dropped open. He was proud of her for stealing from his boss’ mate.

“It’s more difficult than you believe.” Kralj addressed her thoughts. “Go with your mate to his domicile. Vicuska, you will come with us.”

“Yes, sir.” The Rebel agent snapped to attention.

“Kralj, sir?” Dare looked toward his boss.

“Your Drache won’t harm her.” The Ruler continued a conversation they must have been having privately. His response made no sense to Faylee. “The need to protect is as primitive, as old as the need to kill. But I’ll monitor the situation, ensure that doesn’t happen.”

Her male hesitated, his forehead furrowing.

“Go.” Kralj’s order was not to be disobeyed.

Dare put one of his arms around her, guided her past the gates. “You did well, mate.”

She glowed, unaccustomed to compliments. “I think your boss’ mate likes me.”

“I know she does.” He grinned.

They walked through the settlement. Two males fought, slugging each other with their fists. A weapons manufacturer banged metal together. A pleasure worker flashed her breasts at a warrior. A male snatched a female’s container of credits, ran through the crowd with her chasing him.

The chaotic scene reminded her of her home settlement. It reassured her. She could fit in here.

And Dita, the Ruler’s mate, liked her. She already had a friend…and a mate, a male everyone respected.

Yet another warrior grunted at Dare, greeting him. The sun’s rays blazed yet jagged shards of ice covered the male’s shoulders and chest.

She glanced at Dare.

“He’s a modified humanoid.” Her mate answered her unspoken question. “Most of the beings guarding the Refuge have special powers.”

They weren’t normal. He’d mentioned that.

She gazed around them. A variety of species called the settlement home. Many of them appeared to be skilled in battle, judging by their weapons and their scars.

She didn’t spot a single high-credit being. “The high-credit beings—”

“Avoid the Refuge.” Dare chuckled. “This isn’t a pleasure site. The worst beings on Carinae E are here. High-credit beings avoid it.”

There would be no high-credit beings looking down their noses at her, judging her for being a former cave dweller.

The only issue remaining was the stealing. If everyone viewed it like Dita did, like it was a challenge and not a crime, she might be happy here.

“The Ruler can control other beings’ actions.” That power unsettled her. “Why doesn’t he stop them from breaking his rules?”

“When he was a captive of the Humanoid Alliance, they took away his free will.” Dare squeezed her hip. “He’d never do that to another being…unless the being requested that, needed an additional layer of control while bonding with his mate.”

He was referring to his request. “You would never harm me.” She knew that in her heart.

“I would never harm you…deliberately.” He winced. “But our bonding will free my Drache. I won’t be able to control it.” His lips flattened. “You saw how it was with the Humanoid Alliance male. It’s primitive, strong.”

“It’s also protective.” She’d observed how it had been with her. During the heat of battle, his beast had safeguarded her, putting her wellbeing above its urges to kill. “It would never hurt me.”

He said nothing.

“I’m not scared, not of you.” She summoned a smile. “I am scared of Kralj.”

Dare laughed. “Everyone is scared of Kralj.”

They entered a domicile. The furnishings were gilded and shiny. The pigment of the walls and floor tiles resembled dark stone. The space smelled of smoke and was immaculately clean.

She hovered near the doors, not wanting to transfer her dirt to the surroundings.

Dare took a different approach to the problem, stripping completely, kicking off his boots, dropping his weapons on the floor. The scales that had been cleaned or covered by fabric gleamed. His cock was hard.

She licked her bottom lip, her pussy dripping with need. “Ummm…”

“Let me unwrap you, mate.” He grasped the bottom of her chest covering, pulled it over her head. Her pilfered loot skittered along the tiles.

Her face heated.

“My little thief.” He crouched before her, divested her of her boots. “Vicuska will be wanting her gun back.” He tugged her ass coverings to her ankles.

“It’s shiny.” Faylee stepped out of the circle of fabric. “I couldn’t resist it.”

“I’m shiny.” He unbound her hips, pressed his lips against her stomach.

Her eyelashes fluttered. “I can’t resist you either.” She raked her fingers through his hair.

“Good.” He released her breasts from their bondage.

Cool air teased her curves. He flicked his forked tongue first over her right nipple and then the left, the heat of his mouth delighting her, the rasp of his flesh sending sensation down her body.

“I want to lick you all over.” He swung her into his arms as he straightened. “But first, we’ll clean each other.”

He carried her through chambers until they reached one with a sleeping support. She gazed up at him as he set her down. He was so fuckin’ handsome, scales covering his savage countenance, his hair as black as the deepest cavern.

Her warrior found cleaning cloths, handed two to her. Holding one in each hand, she swept them over his magnificent physique, exploring every swell of muscle, every dip.

He tidied her as well, touching skin only he ever had access to. Her form warmed under his palms. She quivered with excitement, with wanting.

He breathed deeply, his nostrils flaring. “You smell delicious, mate.”

“You smell of smoke.” She leaned forward and licked his pecs. His muscles rippled, his reaction turning her on. “You taste of fire.”

“You make me burn with desire.” He tossed his cleaning cloths to the side and rolled her onto her back, covering her with his naked body. Flames filled his eyes. “You’re beautiful, mate.”

She felt beautiful when he looked at her. His hard cock pressed against her. She bent her legs, tilted her hips, and he moved over her, the two of them fucking without entry.

She relaxed, fully throwing herself into the experience. They’d done this. She knew what to expect, how to please him.

Her fingers curled over his shoulders. She undulated under him, caressing him with everything she had, brushing her curves along his muscle.

Her passion escalated higher and higher, her wetness coating his shaft, slicking the sexy slide. He gazed into her eyes, his attention on her, only her.

“Need to be…inside you.” Smoke wafted from his nostrils.

This was it. They would finally fuck. “I need you inside me.” She pushed her hips upward.

“There will be pain this first time.” Dare warned her, aligning himself.

“I can handle it.” She wasn’t a stranger to hurting and she wanted him…badly.

He thrust hard and she bit his chest to stop herself from screaming. It felt as though someone had seared her insides with a hot dagger, a huge hot dagger. Her flesh pulled tight around his shaft.

He pushed deeper and deeper and she clenched her jaw, clinging to his shoulders, swallowing her whimpers. Her pussy lips finally flattened against his base.

He stopped, gazed down at her, his body braced above hers. “Mate?”

“Give me a moment.” Her voice sounded strained even to her own ears.

“You can have all the time you need.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “My Drache is under control.” His chest pushed against her breasts and retreated, pushed against her breasts and retreated. “I can wait.”

“Can you?” She lifted her eyebrows.

His jaw was jutted. His biceps bulged. Smoke drifted around his head.

“For you, I can do anything.” He brushed his lips over hers.

She bracketed his face with hands. They gazed at each other.

“You’re inside me.” She had a male within her. Not just any male. Him. Her Dracheon warrior was a part of her.

“I’m inside you.” His lips curled upward.

She smiled back at him. They were connected.

The pain gradually faded. Her grasp on her warrior loosened. He slipped farther into her and they both groaned.

“Mate?” His control was cracking. She saw that in his eyes

“Fuck me, Dare.” She gave him the permission he needed. “Fuck me hard. Set your Drache free.”

“We’re not fucking.” He pulled out to his tip and thrust, pulled out and thrust, his rhythm slow, steady. “We’re mating.”

“Mate with me.” She hooked her ankles over his ass, squeezing his hips with her thighs. He moved faster, drove into her harder. The sleeping support rocked.

Perspiration beaded on her skin. Her body temperature elevated. She panted, the tightness in her pussy mirrored in her chest.

“Mate.” He dragged his sharp teeth along her neck, that hint of danger thrilling her. “Mate.”

She hitched her hips upward with each thrust, meeting him midway, operating on an instinct as old as humankind. He grunted, her controlled warrior replaced by a ravenous beast, a primitive male intent on mating, on claiming his female.

He wanted her for his own. That knowledge warmed her all over. She was no longer alone. She had him. In this heartbeat. Perhaps longer.

Perhaps forever.

After a lifespan of concentrating on each moment, never looking past the current planet rotation, her Dracheon warrior had made her believe in the future.

His claws extended, digging into the sleeping support by her shoulders. Steam rose from his scales. Liquid dripped between her breasts.

He pounded into her, no longer holding anything back. His hips smacked against hers. The hard wall of his chest spanked her nipples. All points of contact throbbed with sensation, the hurt arousing her, pushing her toward completion.

He’d taught her to crave release and it was within her grasp. “More.” She needed a little more.

“Waited too long.” His cock swelled inside her. “Can’t hold back. Can’t—”

He tilted his head back and roared. Flames burst from his mouth. Scalding hot cum propelled from his tip, seared her inner walls.

Pleasure hit her with the same intensity, tearing her away from reality, spinning her world, lights dimming and brightening. She screamed, her muscles contracting and releasing. Bliss bombarded her again and again.

“Mate.” He pressed his teeth against the base of her neck. There was pressure, a pop, pain, and her surroundings softened, blurred.

“Dare?” Was this normal? She clawed his chest. He said there would be change but that change was supposed to strengthen, not weaken her.

“Shhh…” He licked her wound, transferring more of his fluids to her. “Don’t fight it.” His cock remained inside her, swollen, huge. His hips pinned hers to the sleeping support. “It will be over soon.”

“Three times,” she muttered. It wouldn’t be over soon. He said they had to fuck…mate three times.

“This first mating is the most intense.” He assured her. “Your body is battling the change. Soon, it will accept our bond, yearn for it.” He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. “As I yearn for you.”

He continued to want her. Tension eased from her shoulders. She’d pleased him.

If she could do that, she could learn how to fit in. She had mastered being a boy. She could act like his friends.

Then he would be proud to call her his. She wouldn’t embarrass him.

He might eventually grow to love her. No one else had ever cared for her that strongly but he might.

If she was his perfect mate.