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Dark Survivor Echoes of Love (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 21) by I. T. Lucas (39)


A man could resist only for so long.

Holding Wonder in his arms and looking into her mesmerizing jade-colored eyes, Anandur no longer cared about all the reasons why he’d thought this was a bad idea.

Denying her was worse.

For an inexperienced girl who wasn’t naturally forward to proposition him so blatantly required guts. If he kept saying no, he would hurt her feelings, and her self-confidence might take a nosedive.

He couldn't do that to her.

Yes, that was it, the justification he needed for taking what Wonder was so eagerly offering.

Gathering her to him with an arm around her middle, he smashed her body against his and cradled the back of her head with his palm,

Her heart hammering in her chest, she breathed, “Kiss me already. Don’t make me wait a moment longer.”

Never before had a kiss been so important. A very long time ago, when Anandur was a young lad, he had given girls a few first kisses, but that was then, and this was now, and there was no comparison.

Wonder meant something to him, and he was going to make sure that her first kiss was the best he’d ever given.

Ever so gently, he grazed his lips against hers, the contact sending shockwaves throughout his body.

Electrifying him.

And just like that his primal instincts roared to life, spurring him to smash her mouth and possess it with his tongue.

It took all he had not to succumb and take her the way his body was demanding he did.

But this wasn’t about him and what he needed. This was about Wonder.

Her first kiss was going to be magical no matter what it cost him.

Instead of launching an attack, he flicked just the tip of his tongue over her full lips, seeking permission for entry.

Wonder moaned, parting her lips immediately.

And yet he didn’t plunge right away, teasing her with soft flicks and tiny nips.

She let him play for a few seconds, and then threw her arms around his neck and tried to take over, her own tongue darting out to meet his in welcome.

Impatient girl.

Passionate girl.

The time for teasing was over. If he kept it up, Wonder was bound to explode. Worse, she was going to be disappointed.

The only reason she was trying to take the lead was that he wasn’t moving fast enough for her. The girl was assertive, but he had no doubt that she would’ve preferred for him to take charge.

It was a rare female who wanted to dominate her male, and he’d encountered only a handful throughout his long life.

Despite her incredible physical strength, Wonder didn’t belong in that group. Anandur was willing to bet his life on it.

Tightening his grip on her nape, he kissed her harder, plundering her welcoming mouth until her knees gave up, her body going lax against his.

If he hadn’t been holding her up with an arm around her middle, she would have collapsed.

He must’ve been doing something right to get such a reaction. Either that or she’d been absolutely starved for it.

As guilt washed over him, Anandur felt like banging his head against a wall. He’d been so obtuse. If he’d paid closer attention, he would’ve realized that Wonder had been suffering as much as he had.


Focusing inwardly, he’d ignored what was right in front of his eyes.

As Wonder regained her senses and started kissing him back, her sweet tongue darting into his mouth for a taste, it was Anandur’s turn to go weak at the knees. Except, he couldn’t let himself go.

He would’ve loved nothing better than to let her explore, but his fangs were fully elongated, and he was afraid to hurt her.

Crap, once again he was acting dumb.

He wasn’t dealing with a fragile human. Wonder was an immortal too, and if he nicked her, she would heal in no time.

The implications sent a jolt of desire down to his straining shaft.

This was going to be a first for him too. Never before had he allowed a female entry into his mouth.

Relaxing into the kiss, Anandur let go of her nape and lowered both hands to grip at her gorgeous butt.

As he ground his aching shaft against her soft lower belly, she swept her tongue against his. He groaned in pleasure, and as she licked at one of his fangs, he nearly orgasmed right then and there.

Looking dazed, her eyes still closed, she drew back and touched a finger to her swollen lips.

So beautiful.

He kissed her eyelids, and then took her mouth again.

Threading her fingers into his curls, Wonder held him to her as if she was never going to let go.

“Oh, Esag,” she mumbled into his mouth.

Had he heard her correctly?

Had she just moaned another male’s name while kissing him?

Leaving her mouth, Anandur leaned away. “Who’s Esag?”

Still dazed, Wonder opened her eyes just a crack. “What?”

“Not what, who. You said Esag while kissing me.”

Wonder’s eyes rolled back, and her knees buckled. She would’ve slumped to the ground if he hadn’t caught her.

Lifting her into his arms, Anandur carried her to the nearest bench and put her down, then knelt in front of her.

During all the time he’d known her, he’d never seen her in such a state. His initial anger gave way to worry.

“What’s going on, Wonder? What’s happening?”

“There was someone.” Wonder touched her lips with trembling fingers. “He kissed me.” The trembling intensified. “He was tall, not tall like you, but tall. Taller than me.”

Anandur felt like the ground was slipping from under his feet. Wonder’s first memory had just resurfaced, and it was of another man kissing her.

“Could he have been the one who hurt you? The one who put you in a coma?”

Wonder shook her head. “I don’t remember his face, only his smile.” She touched a hand to her belly. “All I have are shadows of impressions. Esag smiled a lot, like you.” She lifted a pair of teary eyes to him. “I think I loved him, but I can’t remember anything more.”

Fuck, fuck, and fuckety fuck.

What if Wonder had someone back in Egypt?

What if she was already mated?

No, that didn’t make sense. If she were, she would’ve been repulsed by Anandur, not attracted to him. On the other hand, nine months was probably long enough to get over the addiction.

He should ask Bridget. Maybe she knew how long it took for the venom addiction to wane.

Suddenly, Wonder’s maidenly delicate scent of arousal made sense. It wasn’t because she was too young, it was because she was at the tail end of getting over her addiction.

“Do you think he was your mate?”

“You mean like a husband?”


Wonder shook her head. “I’m sure I’ve never been married.”

“How can you be sure of that? You said that you remembered loving him.”

“I might have been in love, but I’ve never been with anyone.”

Anandur scratched his head. “You could’ve forgotten.”

Wonder smiled sadly. “It’s not a question of remembering or not.”

Finally, her meaning got through his thick head. “You’re a virgin.”

She nodded. “I asked Bridget to check.”