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Dark Vortex: Mated by Magic (Volume Book 1) by Stella Marie Alden, Chantel Seabrook (16)

“No, absolutely not!”  Jack’s voice boomed into her dream.

She moaned and blinked her heavy lids, not wanting to wake up to reality. The morning sun cast a yellow haze in the small room, and the smell of fresh coffee wafted through the door. She’d let Jack convince her to stay the night, but today she would head back to New York.

For her own sanity, she had to.

Jack and Olivia continued to argue just outside her bedroom door.

“Be reasonable, you need to tell her, Jack.” Olivia’s voice sounded tired and strained.

“She’ll find out soon enough. I just need some time.”

“You’re so pigheaded, I swear…”

Heavy footsteps bounded down the stairs until Zoe could no longer hear their conversation. 

The front door opened and banged closed. Zoe raced to raise the bedroom window while the two continued their argument. Olivia had one hand on her hip and was pointing and shaking her index finger at Jack.

What was it he didn’t want her to know?

Zoe cursed and ran down the stairs and out the door. The sharp stones split the skin on her bare feet and the brisk wind cut through her light t-shirt.

“I hate it when you guys do this. What are you two hiding from me, now?”

“Go upstairs and put some clothes on, Zoe. I’ll be up in a minute.” Jack didn’t give her the satisfaction of meeting her angry gaze.

“No way, Fialko.” She glanced down and realized she had run out of the house wearing only an oversized t-shirt. Damn it. She crossed her arms over her breasts. “I’m sick and tired of being kept in the dark. Tell me now.”

 “Fine. Can we talk in private?”  He scowled at Olivia who nodded and stormed down out past the dunes.

Her flowing clothes and long red hair whipped around her in the early morning sunlight, creating the illusion of one very angry goddess. The waves from the ocean drummed and crashed with her every step.

She followed him back to the porch.

“Let’s go inside.” Jack’s mouth was in a grim line and his jaw clenched. His tension matched the relentless crashing of the stormy ocean and the screeching of the gulls.

“No. Tell me now.” She sat down on the swing and shivered.

“You’re not even dressed.” Jack placed his jacket over her bare legs.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Now, Jack.”

“I was going to tell you.” He pulled off his sunglasses, revealing dark circles. “There just hasn’t been a chance.”

“You have your chance now.” Zoe drank in his beautiful eyes, then looked down. Damn, her body responded to him, despite everything. 

There was a long silence.

Jack exhaled slowly and knelt in front of her. He tucked his finger under her chin, and drew her eyes to meet his serious gaze. “Look at me, Zoe.”

She did, and what she saw nearly gutted her. There was real fear in his eyes. How bad could it be?

“Just tell me,” she whispered.

“When we mated, you got one other thing besides my power.”

“What are talking about?” She licked her suddenly dry lips and eyed him nervously.

“You’re pregnant, Zoe.”

A hysterical laugh escaped her lips, but her smile fell when she realized he was being serious.

“It’s not possible. We just had sex last night and I’m on the pill.”

“Doesn’t matter, angel. It’s a mating thing.” He gripped her hands.

She pulled away. “You knew this would happen and you didn’t warn me?”

“I thought you understood. That you had read through all the rules. You recited that one back to me so well. I just assumed–”

“You assumed wrong.” There was anger in her voice, but she felt numb from the inside out. Pregnant. Her. She wouldn’t believe it if everything in her world weren’t already so screwed up.  

“Are you all right?” His voice quavered.

After everything they had gone through, this was the first time he’d sounded frightened, and that scared her more than anything.

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t have wanted your family falling into the hands of that drug-crazed creep. And I certainly didn’t want you to die in a duel with finger-gun-man.” She shook her head. “But a baby? I can barely take care of myself.”

“You won’t do anything…” His expression tightened and his face paled. “You’re not alone in this. If you don’t want it, my family will help raise the child.”

“What kind of person do you think I am?” She gave him a horrified look and pulled her hands from his grip. She stood and began pacing the porch. 

“I have everything you need. I’ll take care of you both. Stay with me. Marry me.”

She froze. Marry him?

“I barely even know you.” She placed her palms on the railing and looked out at the beach. For a brief moment she let herself imagine a life with him, with their child. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. It was foolishness and it would never work. They were too different, and he would never be able to give her what she really needed.

Her shoulders hunched and she breathed in through her nose. She needed to get out of this godforsaken town, and away from him, if she was ever going to have a clear thought again.

“Zoe, please–”

“I’m not going to move in with you, let alone marry you.” She stared out at the ocean and spoke with as much stoicism as she could muster. “We had a couple of very intense days followed by mind-blowing incredible sex, but we’re talking about real life here, not a magic-solstice-witchy moment in a Victorian beach house.”

“You’re wrong, Zoe.” Jack gripped her shoulders and turned her so she could see the fury blazing in his eyes. She swore she could see real fire in the blackened centers. “We didn’t fuck. We mated and we’re going to have a baby and be a family. I may not know you very well, but Zoe, I feel you, here”–he banged on his chest–“constantly. I know you feel it too.”

Of course she did. She felt him in a way that was overwhelming. He was there, constantly. Ever since she’d met him she couldn’t get him out of her mind. But she couldn’t tell him that. He already treated her like he owned her. Soon she would shrink to nothing against his constant ego and she would revert to nothing.

Men always wanted ownership, body and soul. It was just like how her father had owned her until she finally left home. Zoe wanted to be free. More than that, she wanted to be loved, unconditionally, not chained to a relationship through magic.

“This won’t work.” She shook her head.

“It will. Just give it time.” Jack pulled her to him, and blasted her with a heat that warmed her very core.

He wasn’t playing fair.

“Let me go.” Zoe pushed weakly with both hands against his armor-like chest. “Haven’t you done enough to me already?”

“I’ll fix things.” He held her tight. “Just give me the chance.”

She sank her face against his chest. His scent drifted into her nostrils, making her knees go weak. Already her traitorous body recognized him as her own and lusted after him.

How was she ever going to find the strength to walk away?

* * *

 Confused, hurt, and angry, Jack held Zoe against him, worried that she would slip from him if he gave her even the slightest chance. Why was she so damn adamant about running from him? He’d give her the world if she’d only give him the chance.

“Don’t run from me, Zoe.” He placed his hand over her abdomen. He could already sense another presence growing within her and it overwhelmed him. She needed to understand. Maybe he didn’t love her, but it was damn close to it. He moved his hand to her chest, and shared his emotions with a pulse of energy. It left him out there, feeling vulnerable as hell.

“Jack?” She blinked up at him.

“That’s what I feel for you angel.”

“I can’t think straight when I’m with you.”

“Then don’t think.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Just feel.”

He nipped at her lips and sent tiny waves of heat through his fingertips along her bare thigh. She kissed him then. More like, devoured him.

The energy between them was palatable. Fuck, she felt so good. Maybe everything was going to be all right after all.

“I don’t want to live without you.” He slowly put his hand over her heart and pulsed in his energy.

Her little gasp set him on fire.

“Look at me, angel.” He placed her hand on his chest. “Feed me your lust, your power–your everything. I need it, sweetheart. I need to know you want to be mine. Like you did for me the first time.”

Zoe opened her eyes, gazed into his, and tentatively gave him what he asked. Jack inhaled sharply as blood rushed to his cock.

She groaned into his mouth, and rubbed against the hard erection that pressed against the fly of his jeans. Damn if he didn’t want to unzip it there, push her against the wall of the cottage, and take her.

“We’re going inside. Now.” He bent down, placed his arm under her knees and scooped her up.

She let out a little squeal, and he stopped her protest with a kiss.

They were both breathing hard when they reached her bedroom. Her face was flushed with desire as he placed her feet on the ground and let her slide down his body.

Hating the barrier of their clothes, he gripped the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her hands went to the buckle at his waist, and he groaned when her fingers brushed against his erection.

He cupped the back of her neck, knotting his fingers in her hair, and lowered his lips to hers. Her mouth parted for him. He devoured her, and she rose against him, straining for more. She met him with an intensity that matched his own.

It was like tasting wind and fire–an inferno of desire.

He clenched his teeth. His body was strung tight and his cock throbbed in agony. He needed to be inside her. Now. 

She placed her hands on his chest, a wicked gleam in her eyes, and gave him a solid blast that sent him stumbling back against the bed.

He inhaled roughly.

She blasted him again. Fire and wind shot through him, straight to his balls, and he collapsed backwards on the bed, panting. She crawled on top of him and licked her lips.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” He barely contained the primal growl that rumbled in his chest as she blasted him with another surge of energy. Her essence swirled through him, and for a moment, he couldn’t breathe.

Her eyes glittered with challenge. She wanted to play.

He chuckled, gripped her hips and flipped her on her back. She let out a small squeal of surprise, and he used that moment to conjure a large ball of sexually charged energy. He held it above her stomach. He smirked and lowered his mouth to her breast. He licked and nipped her hardened nipple.

“Tell me you want it, angel.” He lowered the ball so that it sizzled and sparked just between her legs.

“Please,” her weak cry was desperate.

He placed his palm between her thighs and let the energy flood through her. Her head tossed, and her hips rocked beneath his hand. He blew a cool breath over her taut nipple and her body convulsed with another spasm.

The sound of her cries overwhelmed his senses. There was no holding back. He lifted above her and pressed his cock against her swollen folds. She was warm, slick, and ready for him. He drove himself deep, filling her to capacity.

“More,” she pleaded. She rocked her hips against his, driving him even deeper. Her fingers clawed at his hips, his back.

“Stay with me, Zoe.” He put his hand on her chest and with another dose of energy, let her feel his want for her as he thrust hard and deep. She was his mate. Fully, completely. What more could any person want?

“Jack.” She closed her eyes and gasped.

Her body tightened. He could feel her orgasm building. She clawed at the sheets, her head tilted back, and her body clenched and convulsed around him.

Holy Goddess. The sensation drove him over the edge.

Intense pleasure tore through him. Heat and wind whipped around them. With one final thrust, Jack shouted in ecstasy. The final burst of his release pulsed through his body and he collapsed above her. 

His cock throbbed inside her, and he fought for breath, for sanity. He brushed his lips over her neck, then rolled on his back, bringing her with him.

 “I can’t live without you, angel,” he said. “I can’t let you go. Not part-time. Not anytime. We’ll go back to New York and figure this whole thing out, together.”

She gave him a noncommittal nod.

He played with a stand of her hair. “But I have to ask you drop the freelance hacking once we get back.” 

“How do you know about that?” she frowned.

 “What good is it to have money if I can’t spend it figuring out what you do for a living?” He chuckled and kissed her gently on her swollen lips.

“You’ve been investigating me?”

“You knew I was looking into your past.” He stood and started to dress.

Her frown deepened. “That’s different.”

“Just promise me no more illegal activities.”

“Fine.” She sat up and pulled her knees under her chin. “But I’m not going to move in with you. Not yet. Nan said I could stay at her place until she gets back.”

“We already discussed this.” He shrugged his shirt on.

“No, you made your demands. I didn’t agree to anything.” She picked at a thread on the comforter, not meeting his eye. “I need some space to get used to everything.”

“Who’s Nan?” Jack sat down on the bed and put on his shoes. He’d ignore her comment for now. She’d move in with him whether she liked it or not, she just didn’t know it yet.

 “A friend.” She bit her lip and looked out the window, her expression unreadable.

He moved closer and held her head gently to face his own, their noses touching.

“I thought we were good?” He searched her eyes for some kind of reasoning and reassurance.

“We are good. But I really don’t know you, and I’m not ready to move in with you. Believe me when I say, you’re not ready for me.” She shook her head when he opened his mouth to speak. “And don’t say it. I know you’re my mate.”

He muttered a curse under his breath and stood.

“I’m not disagreeing that when it comes to making love, nothing is even close, but we don’t even know if we even like the same TV shows. Movies. Do you leave the seat up? Do you drink milk out of the carton? Will you use my toothbrush? What if we drive each other crazy?” She sighed and tucked her hair behind her ears. “We need to slow down.”

“Kind of late for that,” he muttered, trying not to sound angry.

“I gave you what you needed. Give me the same courtesy.”  She raised her voice a notch and he felt his temper start to snap.

Before he realized it, he was shouting. “What do you need, then?”

She stood up suddenly, naked and heated. Thunder broke in the distance, and a cool breeze blew through the window, causing the blinds to complain and the curtains to stir.

“Really?” she shouted back. “This is the first time you’ve asked. That’s what I need, Jack. Someone who wants to know what I need.” She opened a drawer and pulled out a bra and panties, then slipped them on. “So far, it’s been all about you.”

He lowered his voice “Have I fucked everything up that badly?”

 “For you, it’s easy. You call me your mate, we have sex and it’s done. For me, I only know human relationships and how they work, or rather, maybe, mostly how they don’t work. I can’t trust your way. You have to admit, it’s caused a lot of problems for me so far.” She finished dressing and twisted her hair high on her head, securing it with an elastic. “My number is in your cell. We’ll drive back to New York. I’ll get settled at Nan’s and then we can go out for dinner.”

“Okay,” he sighed. “What do you like to eat? I’ll make reservations.”

“Surprise me.”

He had no comeback. Other than eggs, he had no idea what she liked, and just like that, she drove her point home. He turned, partly dejected and decidedly angry. He’d personally follow her to New York and then make some calls to have her watched. He wasn't going to lose her again.




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