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David : BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 32) by Katie Dowe, BWWM Club (12)

Chapter 12

“I wrote a poem.” Her lips trembled as she said it and looked into his dark blue eyes. It was their wedding day and the ceremony had started. The chapel was packed and there were reporters hanging around. It was a freezing cold day with a pale sun trying to come forth.

She had walked up the aisle on her mother’s arm to meet him.

“You did?” His lips curved into a tender smile.

She nodded. “Last night as I was struggling what to say when I stand here with you.”

She took the paper out of her breast and the guests laughed softly. There was silence as she began: “David, my love, time stands still when you are with me. My creative side belongs to you. When I first saw you I wanted to paint you, write songs about you, but all I could manage was this poem. You are the most beautiful man I have ever met. Michelangelo could not do justice to you if he was alive and wanted to paint you. No amount of love songs by Arianna or Diana or anything that Mark has ever written could express the way I love you and what you make me feel. This love we have for each other brought us together, two people becoming one and producing a life.” She took his hand and placed it over her belly. “Our child. I love you to the moon and back. I love you beyond words and space and this life. I love you to eternity. You are my life and my all and I will spend the rest of that life showing you how much I really love you.” Her eyes sparkled with tears. “I have never loved like this before, David Ian Snyder, and I know I never will. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me that love like this exists.”

There was a lump in his throat and he was finding it very hard to swallow! His hands gripped hers tightly and his dark blue eyes were suspiciously bright. “You are amazing!” he said hoarsely. He had to clear his throat two times before he could continue. “I stayed away from creative writing in high school and college.” He waited until the laughter subsided. “I don’t need to have my doctorate in the subject to be able to tell you how I feel.” He lifted one slender hand and kissed it softly before continuing. “I love you, Hailey Gail Donaldson. I have loved you from the start. You came into my life and when I touched you I knew without a shadow of a doubt that you were special and the woman for me. I tremble when I look at you and when we touch it’s like a rocket going off! You love me!” He closed his eyes briefly and his fingers tightened on hers. “You love me and for the life of me I cannot comprehend that a woman like you, a wonderful, amazing sexy, beautiful woman, oh, and I forgot smart, super smart woman like you is in love with me. You are my life and I want you to know that in case one day you ever think of leaving me. You would be taking my life with you and leaving me for dead. I love you, woman, with everything in me and it is an honor to stand before you and in a short moment be your husband.”


They travelled! Paris, Italy, Rome, and Hawaii and spent most of the time in bed. “We could have stayed home if this is what we were planning on doing,” she said lazily on their last night in the sumptuous hotel room in Hawaii. They were dogged by reporters who took their pictures whenever they went outdoors. They held hands when they walked and at one point a reporter had caught them kissing intimately as they stopped on the beach.

“It was not planned. We could stay another week where we can actually go and check out the sights,” he told her as he pulled her up against him.

“You are impossible,” she said with a laugh as she turned to face him. He was naked as usual. They were enjoying the tropical weather before going back into the cold. “How about dinner at that lovely restaurant we passed on our way back?”

“If we ever make it out of this bed, sure,” he whispered as he switched positions and placed her beneath him. “I love you, Hailey Snyder.”

“And I love you, David, my husband.”


“You are doing so well, baby,” David said soothingly as she gripped his hands in hers.

“Why is it taking so long?” she whispered. It was the middle of March and she had come into the medical facility a day before her due date. She had started feeling the contractions last night and now it was going into another night and still their son had not made his appearance. She was scared!

“It’s not that unusual, Hailey,” Dr. Whittingham told her as he examined her again. “You are a first time mother and a mature one. Ah, he is crowing,” he exclaimed in relief. “Please, do not push until I tell you to.”

She sank back against her husband and closed her eyes. She was tired and wanted so much to sleep, but she needed to do this. She could hear the strong beat of her husband’s heart and felt reassured by it. He had been such a strong supporter during her pregnancy that she had nothing to complain about.

“Now, Hailey!” She garnered her strength and made one last big push sagging back against David as she heard her son cried.

“Finally,” she murmured with a tired smile. “He is as difficult as you are,” she told him.

“And as stubborn as you, baby.” He kissed the top of her head.

The nurse carried him to them wrapped up in a light blue blanket. She placed the boy into his mother’s arms. “Hey there, Ian Daniel! You took your own sweet time in getting here, but it was worth the wait. He is perfect, darling.”

David stared down at the boy with his black curls and dark brown eyes and his wife’s nose and felt awed. His son! “He is.” He touched one soft cheek gently. They both looked up as the crowd gathered. His mother and sisters were present along with her mother and best friends. Her room was filled with flowers and gift baskets mostly from the other ‘wives’ and her faculty members and students.

“The mother needs to rest,” a nurse said sternly as they crowded in. “You have ten minutes.”


Martha wrapped her hand around her son’s arm as he stood there looking down at his son lying on his back fast asleep. “He is such a beautiful baby.”

“He is going to be an only child,” he said softly. “I am not putting my wife through that again.”

“Have you discussed that with her?”

“No.” He looked at his mother. “She was in labor for almost twenty-four hours. I wanted to tear my hair out as I watched her going through that.”

“The rigors of childbearing,” Martha said softly as she looked at her grandson. “All forgotten as soon as we see the baby.”

“I am not likely to forget.”

“I am sure Hailey will not feel the same way.”


She rocked him gently in her arms and watched as his eyes closed in sleep. It had been two days since she had been home and felt as if she had not slept in a week. Their son was not a night person and would wake up every two hours demanding something to eat or just some attention. “You are truly your father’s child, “she told him gently as she touched his soft cheek.

“I resent that, unless it is something positive,” he said softly as he came into the room. The nursery had been done by a professional and was a large airy room with cool blues and soft whites. Comfortable chairs scattered around to make life easier for those attending to little Ian.

“I was just telling him how much he sought attention.” She lifted her lips to his for his kiss and allowed her mouth to linger. Delivering a child had not quelled her sex drive and she was thankful for that. She would snuggle in his arms and he would feed on her nipples until they were both satisfied. His tongue entered her mouth and he ravished her while their son slept on. He dragged his mouth from hers and taking his son he put him in his cot, making sure he was tucked in before going to the sofa to put her on his hard and painful erection. “Darling, we need to do something about that,” she murmured as she wrapped her hands around his neck.

“And soon,” he whispered against her cheek. He could not enter her fully, but they made do as he rubbed his dick on her hard flesh. It was not as good as when he was inside her, but it was something.

“Let’s go to bed.”


The wedding was small and intimate. The April sunshine was brilliant and touched everything on the lush lawns. Marilyn looked wonderful in a soft light blue silk dress that came to her knees. David walked her up the red carpet that had been spread in the middle of the chairs put there for the occasion.

Her dark brown hair was piled on top of her head and made her appear younger. She looked so happy and her groom could not stop smiling. They would be living at the manor as there were plenty of rooms. Her eyes caught those of her husband’s as he stood there with his sister. She had their month-old son in her arms. Her birthday had been two days ago and he had taken her out to dinner. She blew a kiss at him and he caught it, his eyes twinkling with laughter. She could not believe that she was a wife and a mother and loving every minute of it. She soothed her son and brought him to her shoulder. Martha touched her lightly indicating that it was her time with him. Ian was going to be a totally spoiled child by the time he was two, she thought wryly as she handed him over to his grandmother. He was photographed every time they went out and she was getting annoyed at that.

The ceremony ended shortly after and the reception began. The chairs were cleared away and the place readied for dancing. David searched until he found her and without apology to the women she was talking to he led her onto the dance floor.

“Having fun?” he asked her tenderly as he looked down at her. Even though his sister was the bride, he thought that his wife was the most beautiful woman at the ceremony. She was wearing a gaily patterned Romano’s original that left her arms and shoulders bare. Her hair had grown somewhat and was caught up at the nape of her neck with a few curls resting on her cheeks.

“Hmm.” She snuggled against him inhaling the scent of his cologne and closing her eyes. “Your sister looks happy,” she murmured.

“She does.” He looked over to where Marilyn was talking to her husband and several others. She looked flushed with happiness! “Love does that to you.”

“Speaking of love and all that. This wedding is kind of bringing out the lust in me.”

“Everything brings out the lust in you,” he whispered hoarsely. He groaned as she inserted a hand between his legs and rubbed it on his genitals. “Baby-”

“I think Ian is okay with your mother. I don’t think we will be missed if we go back to our suite. Do you?” she whispered, her hand still busy on him.

“I doubt it,” he said raggedly. “Let’s go.”


He had torn her dress in his haste to be with her! He had hardly made it into the bedroom before he was on top of her. He had entered her swiftly and went in deep, his fingers bruising her hips as he pounded into her. His lips had ravished her, his tongue entering her mouth as their bodies tangled. They were like an animal in heat and could feel the fire burning along their skins. Hailey had clung to him, her lips racing along his supple skin, her teeth taking little bites along the way.

Now she was sprawled all over him, her heart racing along with his. He curved his hand around her back and held her lightly as he tried to recover. “Think we should get back?” he asked trying to recover his breath.

“Not yet,” she murmured against his chest. “I am sure they know why we are missing from the party.” She lifted her head and looked at him. “I don’t feel like going back out. I would rather have our own private party right here.”

“Our son will need his feeding.”

“Then your mother will bring him. I just want to spend time with you.”

“That’s good to hear.” He held her close. “I love you, woman,” he growled.

“I love you, darling.”


“I am pregnant?” Hailey stared at the doctor in shock. “My son is only three months old.”

Dr. Whittingham smiled at that. “You started late, Hailey, but your son paved the way for another child.

“Henry, I am forty-six years old and by the time I have this kid I will be forty-seven years old,” she cried.

“Is there any risk?” David reached for her hands as he looked at Henry in a daze. They had never discussed the fact that it was to be the only one and no more. He had seen what she went through and did not want to go through that again. Marissa had had a boy just two months ago and his mother was rejoicing.

“None as long as I monitor her,” the doctor assured them. “You are two months pregnant, Hailey, and as with your son you did not show signs until later.”

“I went back to the campus after a month and went right into my classes. When I came home, I would go straight to Ian and be with him and after that it’s David. I have not been checking on whether or not I have my period back.” She looked at her husband. “Darling?”

David shook his head. “I don’t know what to say.”

“We are going to be fine.”

“You went through a lot with Ian and I never wanted to see that again.”

“We will be fine.”


Their daughter Heather Deanna was born a day after her brother’s birthday. The little girl looked so much like her mother that it was amazing! David stared at the minute version of his wife and fell in love hard! His son was his pride and joy, but Heather was going to be his princess. It was an easy birth and did not take as long as her brother did. Hailey would tell the story over and over again how she just popped out of her with hardly any fuss. “She is truly my daughter. Knows what she wants and does it immediately.”

Their son was tumbling around and touching anything and everything in sight. His first words were “Mama” much to Hailey’s delight. This time she had taken an extended leave from work much to the disappointment of her students. “I am twice a mother and need to spend time with my children,” she had told her friends. Martha was in her element. Marilyn was pregnant and would be delivering in December. She had no idea that she could be so absurdly happy! She helped out with the children and spent a lot of time in the nurseries.

Two weeks after she had come home with their daughter, he found her in the gym. He watched as she lifted the weights high above her head. He was told that she had been in the room for the past hour after she had fed and put their daughter down. Their son was with his grandmother in her sitting room as she went through the nightly ritual of reading to him. She put the weights back into their slots and sat up. Her eyes met his and he walked into the room. He reached for a bottle of water and twisted off the cap, handing it to her. He crouched before her and noticed that her tank top was soaked with sweat. She was naturally slender but had put on a little weight during her pregnancy which looked very good on her.

“I thought you would have waited for me to come home and we do this together,” he said softly.

“You know what I hate about being a woman?” she asked him as she drank the water.


“The fact that there are ravages to our bodies. We cannot bear children without everything changing. We have the joy of bringing these beautiful children into the world, but there are consequences to all that.”

He looked at her narrowly. “Are you saying you regret carrying our children?”

She looked at him and laughed. “Typical male! Only hearing what you want to hear. I love my children, David. I never knew I could have one let alone two.” She pushed him away and went to stand before the mirror. “My body changed. My stomach is no longer flat and my boobs have gotten bigger, not to mention my thighs.”

He came up behind her and stared at her beautiful reflection. “You are incredibly beautiful and that is something that will never change no matter how much you think your body is changing,” he told her heatedly. “Do you know how proud I am of you? How honored I am to have you on my arms when we go out? Men look at you and wish that you were theirs.” He turned her around. “I want you to stop thinking that you are getting fat. Look at you!” he demanded. Hailey gasped as he pulled the soaking wet top over her head and cupped her breasts. “Every time I look at you, my dick gets hard and painful.” He rubbed his thumb over her nipple and she shuddered. She had been so busy feeling sorry for herself that she had not been paying any attention to him. She has stopped bleeding a week after giving birth, but still she had not let him touch her. He pulled the shorts down and peeled off her panties. He stepped back to look at her right before her he released his heavy penis, holding the pulsating flesh in his hand, pulling back the skin. “I want you from behind,” he told her hoarsely. She could not move! “Go over to the bench you just vacated and get on your knees. My dick cannot wait.” She scrambled over and went on her knees, her heart pounding, and her skin clammy. He came behind her and guided his penis into her wet warmth, holding her hips tightly as he pushed into her. She gripped the leather seat and gasped as he thrust into her hard, causing the breath to whoosh from her! She spread her legs wider and moved with him, her body heating up and spinning away. It had been too long and she had been such a fool! She reached behind her and twisting her head around she took his lips hungrily. He devoured her, his body claiming hers as he showed her how much he was craving her. He got back on his haunches and took her with him so that she was sitting on his dick, touching her soul. Then he turned her around and had her impale him as he bent his head and suckled her nipple. She was still breastfeeding their daughter and the milk sprayed into his mouth causing him to jerk against her. He lifted her slender legs and the thrusts became more frantic as he screwed her! Hailey cried out softly, the cries becoming louder as the orgasm crawled through her body threatening to overpower her. They came with loud bursts of sounds echoing around the room. He flooded her and she came over him, sprawling on the carpeted floor as they lost control!

He lifted her and placed her in the shower while he undressed and joined her. She clung to him as he the water sprayed over them and he ran the sponge over her still shaking body. She clung to him and cried for a love so complete, so powerful that she could not fathom it! She clung to him and he held her gently while the emotions battered at her!

Later that night, he held her in his arms as she fed their hungry daughter and after that while she slept they both took her to her cot and watched her for a little bit before going to their son’s room to check on him. Hailey reached for his hand and he held hers tightly and pulled her into his arms, a contented smile on his face!

The end... but wait:

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