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Deepest Scars: A Being Me Stand-Alone Companion Novel by Tricia Copeland (16)

I tap my thigh and check my phone again as I wait for Liz behind the railing at the airport. We barely got time to speak while she was home for Christmas, and I missed her much more than I would have thought.

If there was one thing I’d learned from my weekend at home over Chanukah and the last four days, it’s that I like being with Liz. I feel better when I can see her every day. We know each other, get each other. Not seeing her face or touching her skin, not being near her, is torture, and I’m sure I’m in love now. I don’t want to freak her out, so I’m thinking to wait till Valentine’s Day to tell her. I figure that’s six months from when we started dating. Plus, I don’t want her to think I’m saying it because I want sex—which I do, but not only for the physical piece. I’ve never felt like this about anyone.

I catch sight of blazing red hair.

She sheds her jacket as she reaches me, and I slant over the railing and plant a kiss on her lips. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You too.” She smiles, and her cheeks change to a fire-engine red.

I hold out a bouquet of roses. “These are for you.”

“They’re beautiful. You’re so sweet.” She wraps her arms around me, and it feels like home.

“Ma’am, you need to move along. Go kiss your boyfriend on the other side of the railing.”

I slide out of the embrace to see Liz’s face go from red to white and back to red. Keeping a good grip on her hand, I walk down the railing to the end. As soon as she’s past it, she jumps into my arms.

“I missed you so much,” she whispers in my ear.

“Same.” I squeeze and release her. “But, you had a good time at home, right?” I duck down so we are eye to eye.

“Oh, yeah, awesome. I sort of got used to seeing you every day. Being in a house full of people again was overwhelming.”

“I know, I felt like that when I was back home too.” We make our way to the baggage claim, and I lift her bag from the carousel.

We walk to the truck in silence, me trying to figure out if I should say it. How hard could it be. I love you. Three simple words.

“How was the flight?” I ask, opening her door.


In the driver’s seat, I put the truck in gear and back up.

Liz clears her throat and runs her hands down her thighs. “I was thinking to ask you something. May seem like odd timing, but have you, like, gotten tested?”

I glance at her and notice her cheeks are red. “For what? I passed my PT certification, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“No.” She shakes her head, and her hair swooshes back and forth. “You know, like STIs?”

“Oh, what, like STDs?” I’m kind of shocked and focus on the road for a few seconds. “I haven’t…” I grip the steering wheel and stretch my fingers up. “I haven’t been with anyone since I got tested. That was back in August. I probably should get retested. I kind of forgot. The last person I was with was in June.” My face feels like it’s a million degrees, and my palms slide on the steering wheel from the sweat seeping out of them. How stupid could I be, and she wants to have sex?

“I thought…” I lift my fingers from the wheel. “Are you thinking that we…” I raise and lower my shoulders.

“Yeah, I’d been thinking about it. I started taking birth control pills, you know, to be prepared, if I decided.” Her eyes cut the other direction.

“When did you start taking the pills?”

“Like Thanksgiving.”

“So, you’ve been thinking about this since Thanksgiving, or before?”

“I guess.” She stuffs her hands between her thighs.

“Okay.” I nod. “Well, I can definitely get tested again.”

A smile spreads across her face. “Of course you would be eager.” Her eyebrow shoots up.

“What? I’m a human being. I have sexual desires.”

She rolls her eyes. “Okay, well, let me know when you’re clear.”

My heart feels like it will beat out of my chest. I want to drive to the lab right now. But it’s after nine on Sunday, so there’s zero chance of getting in anywhere tonight. The good thing is I work at a hospital and know people in every department, so I’m sure I can make it happen by noon the next day.

Now all I can think about is kissing her, touching her. I guess it’s good we’re driving and I have time to cool down before we’re in a private place.

“So, did you eat?” I ask her.

“I had a snack on the plane.”

“Are you hungry?”

“I could eat.”

“Does that mean you want to eat, or not?” Now things feel weird.

“I will probably eat something before I go to sleep, but we don’t need to do anything. It’s late, and we both have to work tomorrow.”

“Well, I made you dinner. It kind of took a long time, so you could humor me if you’re not too tired.”

Liz pops my leg with her hand. “Why didn’t you lead with that?”

“Well, I didn’t want to force you to eat if you had dinner.”

“And what would you do with the food?”

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “Save it till tomorrow.”

“I only had peanuts on the plane, so I guess I’m hungry.”

I let out a big breath. “Good.”

“So, dinner at your place?”

“Well, I have the food in the back, so either way?”

“What?” She cranes her neck to look in the back seat. “I can barely even smell anything.

“That’s because it’s packed up tight in a cooler.” Cutting my eyes to the back, I wink at her.

“Yeah, my place sounds good.”

Pulling into her complex, I park near her unit.

“You didn’t have to do all this,” she tells me as I lift the food out of the back.

“I missed you.” I kiss her on the lips. “I wanted to celebrate you being back.”

“Or butter me up for some big New Year’s Eve Party you want me to go to with you.”

“Hey.” I stop in the middle of the lot. “If you don’t want to go, let’s not go.”

“So, there was a party?” She skips ahead of me, taking the stairs two at time.

“You know the usual suspects. I expect the party at Carlos’s to be pretty over the top. What would you like to do?”

“Go on a hike, watch the sunset, grill out with you.” She spins around and plants a kiss on my lips.

“I’m not going to argue with that.”

Crossing the room, she turns on the lights in the kitchen. “Your friends won’t be offended?”

“Carlos, maybe a little, but he’ll get over it. We’ve only got six more weeks till spring training starts. I may only see you once a week till April when the regular season starts.”

“What?” Her head spins to face me.

“It’s close. We’ll work in an hour here and there a couple times a week.”

“You didn’t tell me about the spring training schedule. You work all the games?”

“And the practices.” I lift the casserole dish from the container. “Lasagna?”

“Wine.” She holds up the bottle in front of me.

I cross the room, retrieve two glasses, and fill one for each of us. “I’m sorry I brought it up.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Did I kill the mood?”

“I’m hungry, so let’s eat.” She slides into her chair.

Cutting the bread, we load our plates. There’s silence, and I curse myself for jumping ahead. Why couldn’t I live in the moment? Especially after she told me she was ready for sex.

“So, tell me about your visit.”

She describes the time with her family, which consisted of cooking, eating, and shopping. Finishing the meal, I rinse the dishes and load them into the washer.

“What now, Mister Man with a Plan?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.” I wrap my arms around her waist.

“I’m exhausted, but I don’t want you to leave.”

Pushing up on her toes, her lips press into mine. I back her into the living room and lower her to the futon. Her leg rakes across mine, and my body reacts.

She puts her hands to my chest. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean…”

I push up from her. “I know. It’s not your fault.”

“Soon.” She kisses my cheek and swings her legs over my lap.

Leaning into her, I start another round of kissing. My hand slides up her sweater to her back. As I move it higher, she tenses. Repositioning my hands on her waist, I back away.

“Everything okay?”

“I’m just…” She shakes her head. “My chest is a pretty sensitive area for me, and I’d rather not be touched there.”

I process for a split second. “But…” I grab her leg and rub my hand up to her butt. “This is okay?”

“Yes.” She laughs. “That’s fine.”

“Good.” I kiss her again quickly. “I should probably go.”

“Stay.” She tugs at my shirt.

“Are you sure?”

“I don’t want to be alone.”

“Okay, well, in that case, I’ll grab my bag.” I jump up and slide on my shoes.

“You’re so bad.” She lofts a pillow at me.

We hadn’t gotten to the point where I have a toothbrush and change of clothes at her place or hers at mine. I’d never been in a relationship like that. I wonder if we’re close but decide to wait for her to ask as I retrieve my pack from the truck. By the time I enter the apartment, she’s in her pajamas loading clothes into the washing machine.

“Tomorrow’s going to be brutal.”

“It’s crazy around the holidays. Especially in the ER.”

“I had to get my ER rotation over the holidays.” She sighs.

I massage her shoulders. “I’ll make you dinner again tomorrow.”

“Aren’t you working too?”


“We’ll make it together then.” She pushes up on her toes and kisses me.

Taking my hand, she leads me to the bedroom. I slip in the bathroom to change to pajama pants and a t-shirt. I don’t wear them when I’m alone, but it feels more comfortable since we haven’t been intimate yet.

I brush my teeth and slide under the cover beside her. “Is that new?”

“Yeah.” She holds up a rectangular screen. “My mom got it for me. It’s an e-reader.”

“Very cool. What are you reading?”

“You’re going to laugh.” She hugs the device to her chest.

“Well, now I’m really interested. Let me guess. Harlequin books? No, wait… mystery or maybe zombie apocalypse stuff?”

“You named almost all the genres.”

“Well, was I right?”

Spinning to face me, she sits on her knees. “No, it’s about witches and vampires. Pretty cutting-edge stuff actually.”

“Cutting edge?”

“Yeah, I mean the vampires don’t glisten in the sun and aren’t dead. They’re evolved humans. The witches are descended from angels.”

“That’s hi-tech? I think I’ll stick with my training magazines. What else did you get for Christmas?”

“New scrubs, sneakers. I had to return the scarfs.”

“Yeah, definitely don’t need those here.” I rub my hand down her leg.

She straightens them and stows the tablet on the floor beside the bed. I take the opportunity to wrap my arm around her waist. “That’s going to last, like, five minutes.”

“What?” I inch back.

“You’re like one big heat inferno.”

“Well, let me have one minute.” I lean in to kiss her.

“Oh no.” Ducking away, she wags her finger in the air. “It’s eleven already, and we have to be up at five.”

“Fine.” I fluff my pillow and drop my head on it.

She relaxes onto her pillow. “I think that was one minute.”

“You and heat management.” I lift my arm from atop her and tuck it between us. “I’m glad you’re back.” I kiss her cheek.

“Me too,” she whispers.

The alarm sounds on my phone and hers simultaneously, and I shoot up, grabbing my device. She’s only two seconds behind me, and the room falls silent.

“Okay.” She adjusts her hair in her ponytail and jumps up. “Mind if I shower first?”

“Not at all. I’ll get the coffee.”

We’ve never done a work morning, so it feels odd but good. I start the coffee maker, brush my teeth, and check my gear. I’m glad we’re not working at the same hospital today, so I can get my blood test in line with the patients without anyone giving me a hard time or too much grief at least.

“Breakfast?” I ask as she exits from her room, hair still wet.

“Just a bagel.”

“And here’s your coffee with lots of milk.”

“Thanks.” She smiles and sniffs the liquid before taking a long sip.

“Okay.” I kiss her head and jog to her room.

I shower in two minutes and dress faster. When I exit the bathroom, she’s pulling her hair into a bun.

“Oh, they’re going to love you in the ER. A no-nonsense force of nature.”

“Do I seem like that?” She spins to face me.

“Hell, yes. You’re rock solid. I wouldn’t want to be on your bad side.”

“I feel like I’ve gone soft.” She buries her head in my chest.

“Having smooth edges isn’t a bad thing. I mean you kept your guard up until you realized I was the best guy ever.” I jump back before she can slap my chest.

“You better run.”

I take off, and she chases me into the living room. An alarm dings, and she stops short. “Darn, I have to get to work.” We plant ourselves on the futon and slide on shoes. I hold her hand while we make our way down the stairs to the cars.

“So, I’ll text you.” She pushes to her toes and kisses me.

There’s a high whistle, and I interrupt the kiss as Brad saunters across the lot to us. “Co-habitation now, looks pretty serious. And on a work night. Tsk. Tsk.”

Liz grabs my jacket and forces me to look at her. “Shut up, Brad.” She kisses me again.

“See you tonight.” I back away and then spin to walk to my truck.

I’m early to work and make my way to the lab. Fortunately, Gina, a red-headed forty-something woman, is working triage. “Hey, can you do me a solid?” I whisper to her.

Hand on her hip, she looks down her nose at me. “What have you been up to? Messing around with some girl, no doubt.”

“Me? No.” I play it up. “But seriously.” I prop my elbow on the counter. “I’ve got a girlfriend now, and she’d like some reassurances…”

“Fine.” Gina lifts her glasses to her eyes. “Come on. It’s quiet this early anyway.”

Inside the blood draw room, I take a seat, roll up my sleeve, and pump my fist a couple of times.

Gina sits across from me. “Do this a lot?”

“I got a position with the D-backs, so yes.”

“No way. Congrats. So, I won’t see you around?”

“Not after mid-February.”

She tightens a rubber strip around my arm. “Well, you better be nice to this girl.”

“I will.”

As soon as the blood is drawn, and she releases the tourniquet, I jump out of the chair. “You’ll call me when the results are in?”

“Just a minute. I’ve got to scan your ID badge.”

“Fine.” I hold up the card. She scans it and then types on her keyboard.

“Only about an hour.” She lifts her glasses off her nose.

“Thanks, Gina,” I call as I walk away.

As promised, the results are in within the hour. They are clean, as I expected, and my tension level rises as I realize I should plan something special for Liz. I spend the day brainstorming ideas in my head between clients. After work, I down a protein bar and meet Mitchell and some other guys for basketball.

Liz and I text a couple times during the day, but I don’t want to tell her about the blood test over the phone. Plus, I don’t want to seem too eager to get in her pants.

“Where are you, dude?” Mitchell’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry.” I refocus on the game.

We play for a couple of hours, and Mitchell asks me to join them for beers. I slide my phone from my pocket. “Maybe another time.”

“You’re so whipped.” He shakes his head.

“She got back in town last night. I’ve barely seen her.”

“Okay, I’ll give you a week to be a wuss.” He pops me with his towel.

I decide to wait till Wednesday night to tell Liz I’ve completed the blood test. It isn’t an official practice, but John seems relentless in the pursuit of volleyball excellence. After the scrimmage, we grab a beer with Jeff, Isabelle, Cody, Beth Anne, and John. I bring it up on the drive to her place afterwards.

Wrapping my hand around hers, I start. “So, I got that blood test thing done, and I’m clean.”

“Blood test thing? That was fast.”

I wish I could see her face to gauge her reaction. “Yeah, I guess, I mean, we have it at work so…” I raise my fingers from the steering wheel and wrap them around again. “I wasn’t meaning it had to be tonight.”

“Yeah, I am wiped. Do you mind dropping me off?”

I bring her hand to my lips and kiss it. “It’s going to kill me, but no.”

At home, my bed seems too big without her, but I drift off despite circling thoughts. The next morning, I’m determined to come up with a plan for New Year’s Eve. We got enough heat from friends about being anti-social, so I feel like this needs to be special. My shift ends at three thirty, and I head to the decorating store.

“Can I help you?” a short female clerk asks me as I pace in the lights section.

“I need some of those twinkle lights.”

“For outside or inside?”


“These are the coolest.” She hands me some tiny ones that read shimmer on the package.

“Okay, I need ten strands.”

“Are you proposing or something?”

“No, what, no? It’s New Year’s Eve.”

“Oh, okay, anything else?”

I hand over my list, and she leads me around the store. We fill my basket with way too much stuff, but I figure Liz is worth it.

“Your girlfriend is really lucky,” the girl notes as she swipes the items over the scanner.

“She’s pretty awesome, so…” I stuff my hands in my pockets, waiting for the total.

Next, I head to the flower shop and put in my order. Then, I head to the grocery to scout out dinner ideas. Phoenix is kind of landlocked, so I don’t always trust the fish situation.

My phone dings as I pick out two chicken breasts for dinner.



Friday is a cookie cutter of Thursday, and I feel good about my stealth planning. Saturday, I tell her I’m playing basketball with the guys after our run and workout.

“Did we decide what we were doing tonight?” she asks as we reach our cars.

“I thought making dinner and watching a movie or the ball drop or something. I can pick up some food. Want to come to my place?”

“Sure.” She smiles and kisses me. “Sounds perfect.”

I wonder if I’m going too anti-social for her. But I still do most of the stuff I’d done with my friends before, save the evening hangouts. It doesn’t matter, though. She makes me happy, and I know I love her. She makes me feel like no other girlfriend has, like family and home.

Swinging by the florist, I head home. After a shower, I arrange the room, hanging the lights. I shut all the curtains to take in the look and am impressed. The clerk was right about the light selection. Next, I move the couch and lug the table into the living room. Then, I get out the tablecloth, iron it, and set the table. I prep the food and set the champagne in an ice bucket. I’m probably three hundred dollars in for the night, but I figure I’d have spent that much if we went out. Besides, she’s worth it, and I want to make sure she knows I think she’s important.

When the bell rings, I’ve just taken the steaks off the grill. I turn off the kitchen light and head to the door.

Liz is dressed in a stunning sleeveless red dress that hugs her frame.

Hola, buenos noches. You look amazing.” I slide out the door and close it behind me, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her.

Buenos noches, feliz ano nuevo,” she replies. “What’s with being out here?”

“Ah. I lift a finger, it’s not New Year’s yet. Don’t jinx it.” I pull a scarf out of my back pocket and hold it up. “This is for you?”

“A little kinky, don’t you think?”

“What? No. Come on. It’s a surprise.”

She spins around, and I fit the fabric over her eyes. “Okay, there’s a step up into my apartment. Just hold onto my arm.”

Her fingers wind around my bicep, and I take a deep breath. I slip inside ahead of her, so I can see her face.

“Okay, you can look now.” I lower the blindfold from her eyes.

Gazing first to the ceiling covered in small lights and then to the table and flowers lining the room, her face transforms from awe to joy.

“It’s beautiful.” Tears swell in her eyelids. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

“It had to be special.”

“How much money did you spend?”

“Why did I know you would ask that? Just the right amount.” I hand her a champagne flute. “Shall we have a toast?”

“Most definitely.” She sets her bag beside the wall and joins me.

I pop the champagne cork, and she jumps. “This is so beautiful. I’m speechless.”

“Know the best part?”


“It’s just us.” I fill her glass and then mine and lift it in the air. “To us and a great new year.”

“To an amazing new year.” She clinks her glass to mine.

I take the glasses and set them on the table. “I hope you’re hungry. I have lots of food.”

“I’m starving.” She rubs her hands together and moves towards the kitchen.

“Ummm, nope.” I squeeze her arm, halting her progress. “You sit.”

She rolls her eyes but obeys. I slip into the kitchen to get the first course of French Onion soup. Melting the cheese on the top with my new brazing tool, I carry them into the living room.

“Is this?” She points to the small bowls.

“French Onion.”

We sip the soup, and her eyes scan the room. “I can’t believe you got this many white roses. It looks magical.”

I stretch my arm to one vase and pull out a rose. “For you.”

She sniffs it and slides it in the bud vase at the center of the table. We talk about the success of my covert shopping trips, and then I head to the kitchen for the next course of Alfredo pasta and bread.

“Parmesan cheese?” I ask, holding a wedge in front of her.

“Definitely.” She smiles and nods as I shave off some onto her dish.

Sitting down, I can’t believe I really pulled this off so perfectly. But I’d been up till two the night before planning out all the food.

We sip our champagne and talk about the past year.

“Okay, the best course.” I stand and take the pasta bowls. Next, I bring in the steaks and sauce.

Liz cuts a bite of the meat. “Wow, I’m glad I only took a few bites of everything. This looks amazing. And you made so much!”

The flavor is as good as I hoped, and I savor every bite and minute of the experience with her. Then, I retrieve the salads from the refrigerator.

“I’m not going to have room for dessert.” She sets her fork down after a few bites.

“Dessert? I thought you were bringing the dessert?”

Her eyes widen. “What?”

“Sorry, just kidding.” I wink at her.

“Maybe we can do some dancing before the last course.” I reach my hand out, and she takes it.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her to the stereo. I find the “Just the Way You Are” Bruno Mars song and start the music. She fits her arms around my waist and nuzzles her face into my chest. I kiss the top of her head and rest my cheek on her hair. Nothing could be more perfect. The way she fits into me, almost seamlessly, like we were meant to be, like the gods fated us to meet.

The songs drift into each other. I spin her out and back to me and dip her over and kiss her.

“I’m getting dizzy.” She laughs her caroling laugh, and I lead her back to the table, filling her water glass. “This is amazing. I can’t believe it still.” She sips her drink. “When did you plan this?”

“You’re giving me way too much credit. It was a few days ago.”

“Did Isabelle or Eva help you?”

“No, just Charity.”


“The girl at the decorating store.”

“Oh, okay, wow. I didn’t know you were so close with a decorator.”

“She took pity on me. Dessert?”

“Sure. Can I help?”

“Nope.” I jump up and make my way to the kitchen. Winding back to the living room, I hold out the tray of desserts. “I did cheat on these.”

“Miniature cheesecakes?” She takes one, and I sit down and find the lemon one. My phone beeps, and I jump up. “It’s almost time for the replayed ball drop in New York.”

I offer my hand and lead her over to the side of the room. I’ve fit pillows along the wall opposite the television. She takes her shoes off and folds her feet under her legs. Sitting beside her, I slide my arm around her. We find the channel and listen to the announcer crack jokes, watch as they pan the crowd with the camera, and then start the countdown. We stand up as they get to ten, counting down to one.

Turning to face her, I whisper, “Happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year.” Her smile reaches across her face, and her eyes seem to glimmer.

I lock her in my arms, plant a huge kiss on her lips, and then trace kisses down her neck to her shoulder.

“I’m in so much trouble.” She locks her hands behind my neck.

“Why is that?”

“Because I like you.”

I let out a long breath and exaggerate wiping my brow. “That’s a good thing.”

She flings her head back and laughs. “Yes, I think I found a good guy.”

“You did.” I swirl her around and back her to the sound system. I cut off the TV and find “You and Me” on the audio system. I hug her tight to me as we spin around the room. I want to tell her, wonder if I should say those three words. Valentine’s, I remind myself again. Four months is too soon and the ramblings of a crazy person.

This time I’m feeling light-headed after three songs. I squeeze her ribs, pick her up, and spin her around. I stop when her face starts to go white.

“Okay, next part of the evening.” I set her beside the table.

She sits in her seat and takes a sip of water. “And what is that?”

“Fun conversation, maybe a game, say trivia or Monopoly.”

“Really, you own those?”

“I bought them, you know, for tomorrow, when we don’t want to leave the house.”

“I’m not going to want to leave tomorrow?”

“Just a prediction. Right now, I never want to leave your side.”

We talk about the new year and what we’d like to do. Our lists are similar, including travel and new activities like skiing and rock climbing.

“I think we need mountains,” I note.

Her nose wrinkles up. “Like Colorado. It’s not far, right?”

“Try ten hours or so.”

“Hmm.” She set her glass on the table.

“Should we clean the dishes? I can change.”

“No, no.” I jump up and spread my arms, blocking her path to the kitchen. “You’re welcome to change into something more comfortable. I mean, I’m wearing jeans. And the dishes are in the water, and I can do them tomorrow. Tonight is all about relaxing fun.”

“Okay.” She stands. “I’m going to change in your room, then.”

She grabs her bag and closes the door behind her. I clear the table and slide the dishes into the washer, leaving the pans to soak in the sink. I move the table back to the kitchen and the sofa back in front of the television.

“Aww.” She slips from my room. “I kind of liked our floor-picnic, television-watching spot.”

“There’s still room.” I slide to the floor. “I’ll get a blanket.” Jumping up, I pull one from the closet. “More champagne?” I offer her a glass.

“I think water will do. I don’t want to fall asleep before our midnight.”

“Wait, I have to do something big again? Cause I got nothing left.”

Her caroling giggle is music to my ears. “No, I think you made enough points tonight for the whole year.”

“I’m good at creating these dates, right?”

“You’re amazing.” She leans her head against my shoulder.

We watch television for a while and then start a game of darts.

“I need a pool table.”

“What, so you can have a bar in your apartment? Where would you sleep?”

“On the pool table.” I loft my dart at the board.

“Wait.” She points at the screen. “It’s almost midnight.”

I wrap my arms around her, and we watch as the clock counts down. At midnight, I spin her around and kiss her hard.

“Wow.” She wipes her lips. “That was a good one.”

“I know. We need more kissing.” I close in for another round.

“Wait, I have sort of a family tradition thing to do here.”

“Okay.” I move my hands to her waist.

“Top three and worst three. We usually burn a page with our worst three.”

“Let’s light up the grill.” I walk through the kitchen and out to the patio.

“Do you have paper?”

“There’s a notepad in a drawer.”

I light the grill, and she returns with pad and pen. “We don’t have to share our worst. But I’d love to hear your top three moments of the year.”

“How does this work? I say all three, or do we go three, two, one?”

“Why don’t we start with three.”

Sitting beside the grill, I try to think of my top three. Getting the spot on the team, the Grand Canyon trip, and our first date come to mind. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“Me, too. You first.”

“Okay.” I roll my eyes. “Number three would be getting the spot on the team.”

She slaps my leg. “That’s number three? Why not number one?”

“You don’t know what else I have on my list. You haven’t known me all year.”

“Fine.” Her eyeballs pan the ceiling and meet mine. “Number three would be graduating from nursing school. Your turn.”

“Two is the Grand Canyon trip.”

“Hey, you stole mine.”

“Well, what is your number one?”

“Our first date.”

“That's mine, so you can’t have it.” I smile at her.

She gives me a quick smack on the lips and holds out a sheet of paper and a pen. “Goodbye to the bad things.”

“One to a strip for burning?”

“Whatever you want.”

Watching her write on her page, I think of Amanda. The whole incident with her seems like a bad memory. I scribble A and throw it in the flames.

Liz crumples her sheet and throws it in the fire. “See, out with the bad and in with the good. I should cook a traditional Puerto Rican meal tomorrow. Maybe we could have some friends over.”

“That sounds fun. I love Puerto Rican food. Doug’s mom cooks a big spread every New Year’s Day.”

“Doug is Puerto Rican?” Liz spins to face me.

“Half. His dad is from Virginia. American as you can get.”

“I don’t really want a whole pig cooking in my kitchen.” Laughing, she shakes her head. “That would be something.”

“Enough seriousness?” I stand and stretch my hand out to her.

She takes it and bounces up. I kill the gas on the grill, and we go inside.

“What now?” I take her hand and spin her under my arm. “More dancing?”

“I’d like that.” She wraps her arm around my shoulder.

I find a station with slow tunes and fold my arms around her. We sway to the music.

As the second song ends, she backs away, pushes to her toes, and kisses me. “Thank you, this is wonderful.”

“You’re welcome.” I run my finger down her nose to her lips.

Then, I press my mouth to hers. My hands trace down her back to her waist and bottom. Soon, I’m reclining her onto the sofa. I lower my chest to hers.

“You’re a huge guy,” she whispers.

I flip to her side and plant kisses on her neck. Knowing her chest is sensitive, I stop at her clavicle. She kisses my ear, and I can’t hold back any longer. I sit up and spin my feet to the floor.

“What’s wrong?” She hooks her arm in mine.

“Just need a minute to breathe.”

“We don’t have to stop.”

“Are you sure?”


Sweeping her up, I cross into the bedroom. I loosen my grip, and she slides to the floor. I plant kisses on her neck and trace them up to her lips. Her hands wind inside my shirt and find the buttons.

“I’d like to leave my top on. My chest is sensitive.”

“That’s fine.”

After she gets the first few buttons open, I pull my shirt over my head. Her fingers roll up my undershirt and push it over my face. I back her to the bed, and we topple onto it. Then, I become lost in the moment, reacting to her pace, until I feel her fingers at the snap of my pants. I pull her bottoms over her hips.

I see her face blush as she pulls up her pink underwear. “Are you sure?”

She nods, and I hug her to me, kissing her shoulder. I scoop her up and throw her on the bed.

“Oh, my goodness.” She spins and crawls to me. Standing on her knees, she plants kisses on my chest and then down to my stomach. I massage her back, and we inch down onto the sheets.






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