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Delivering His Heir by Jesse Jordan (14)

Su Lin

“You want to do what?” Freida asks me as I finish applying my eyeliner.

“I want to learn about the society pages,” I repeat, capping my makeup and putting it away. “Rick said he wanted to spend the morning talking with a friend up at NYU, something about his research, and I wanted to spend the time learning about Rick’s past, about the minefield of rich people culture in America.”

Freida crosses her arms over her chest, shaking her head. “You know that about half of what’s in the gossip pages is bullshit, right?”

“I’m sure. But if America’s anything like China, only half of what goes on is ever printed in the gossip pages as well. Considering the bar I worked at, I’d say less than a quarter of the rich’s dirty laundry ever sees the light of day.”

Freida laughs, nodding. “China, USA, it doesn’t matter. Celebrity gossip pretty much rules, and is a web of lies and half truths. Okay… I can’t fill you in on everything, but I’ll tell you as much as I can so that you can understand Rick’s part in the whole dance better. Where?”

“How about we take a walk through Central Park?” I ask, crossing my bedroom to look out the window. “It’s world famous, and I would enjoy not just sitting inside all morning.”

“Sounds great,” Freida says. “Gimmie five minutes to change for going out.”

We enter the park twenty minutes later, after stopping at a coffee shop named Central Perks, which Freida states is a miracle that they haven’t been sued. “Why’s that?”

“Trademark infringement,” Freida says, sipping her huge latte. “NBC still makes a ton of money off of Friends reruns.”

“Yes but… never mind. Again, another difference between our cultures,” I comment, sipping my own triple espresso. “You know, with this much caffeine we’re sure to be twitching by lunch.”

“Nah, I never have a problem with caffeine,” Freida says as she takes another sip. “Part of working for Rick. I’ve gotten so used to working fucked up hours that my body clock is permanently set on ‘what the fuck ever.’”

I laugh, glad to see more of this side of Freida. She can still be very well put together, not quite arrogant but just reserved. With our growing relationship though, I’ve come to realize I like this woman, and count her as a friend. “Excuse me, Freida?”

“Yes, Su Lin?” she asks. The light changes, and we carefully cross the street. I’ve come to recognize that drivers in New York treat traffic lights a lot like drivers in Beijing. Recommendations only.

“Would you mind… well, would you mind if I called you my friend?” I ask, slightly nervous. “I mean, I know it’s not required for what our relationship will end up being once I have a child and Rick is… well, you know, but-”

“But I’d like that very much,” Freida says, smiling. “It’s not easy making friends with the job I have. Most of the other house staff see me as half boss, half harbinger of doom.”

“What do you mean?”

Freida smiles sadly. “While Rick doesn’t like firing house staff, it has to happen sometimes. Rick’s not afraid to do it, but usually I end up doing it while Rick’s still willing to give them another chance. Growing up the way he did, Rick’s big on giving second chances to his staff. So sometimes, I’ve smoothed the rough patches for Rick when he’s busy being a genius. It’s… it’ll be nice having a friend.”

“Especially since you can’t fire me,” I joke, and Freida laughs. “So, fill me in.”

“Before I do, let me ask you… why?” Freida says. “I mean, it won’t really effect your life if you don’t want it to.”

“No, but right now it effects Rick’s,” I reply. “I’d like to be the best wife I can for him, and not just… well, you know.”

Just then, a guy on a skateboard goes rolling by, bumping into Freida’s shoulder. He tosses an apology back over his shoulder as I yell at him, shaking my fist and cursing loudly in Mandarin, but he doesn’t stop. “Get back here you fucker and apologize!”

“I’m okay, he didn’t even knock me down,” Freida says, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Hint, there’s a rule in New York. Don’t start shit if you don’t want shit.”

“Yeah well, he hit my friend, and didn’t apologize. I could handle him,” I growl, turning around and seeing that Freida is, in fact, okay. She didn’t even drop her coffee. “All the extra wushu practice means I can kick a little ass.”

“You have a little ass,” Freida says before stopping, shocked. She blushes, then laughs. “Okay, it’s official. We’re friends. I can’t say shit like that about my boss’ wife.”

“Only if I get to insult you back, in private,” I return. “And thank you for letting me see this side of you.”

“You still haven’t answered my question,” Freida says as we start walking again. “Why are you really doing this? I mean, I know you had some struggles at first, but Rick seems to be doing better, and… well, you seem satisfied.”

I can feel the heat creeping up my neck, and I nod. “I am… Rick’s a tremendous lover. I was worried, actually. I read during the day I had between accepting Rick’s deal and leaving with him that frequent sex could get… difficult for a woman. That things get… how shall I put it?”

“A little worn down?” Freida asks, chuckling. “Remember Su Lin, I’m always worn down. Oh, the nerves down there work just fine and I can climax, but I don’t quite get as lubricated as some women. So when I do have time for a lover, I have to always use… assistance.”

“Me too, from time to time,” I admit. “At least, before I met Rick I did. I mean… okay, Rick knows, but I only had one man before him. And that guy wasn’t very good. But with Rick… I’m never needing assistance.”

Freida gives me a jealous look for a moment, and I’m reminded that despite her protestations to the opposite, she probably has looked at Rick in a sexual manner from time to time. I don’t feel angry or upset at her though, she knows her place and has never shown any sign of wanting to cross the line she’s drawn in her relationship with Rick. Still, I can understand her jealousy. “How long has it been for you?”

“Since when?” Freida asks.

“Since you last had a lover,” I reply, making Freida spit out a little bit of coffee. “What? You can’t be a mystery to me forever.”

“No, no you’re right,” Freida admits, checking that there’s no coffee on her shirt. “I was just surprised, that’s all. It’s been longer than I’d like to admit, honestly. Between most men seeing me as just a fuck toy as soon as they find out I can’t get pregnant and my duties for Rick and now you, I don’t have a great social life.”

“I’m sorry,” I say honestly. “I do hope once I am pregnant that you will be able to have a bit more social time.”

“Dealing with Harvey and his bullshit’s going to be a full time job,” Freida says with a mirthless chuckle. “Trust me, it’ll probably take both of us to deal with his scheming.”

“Start with Harvey then,” I say. I see a bench, and nearby is a basketball playground filled with young men playing ball. “Here, we can sit and you can get some eye candy while you tell me.”

We take a seat, watching as the young New York men play basketball. As I watch, quickly getting the point of ‘shirts and skins,’ I find myself studying each of the men as they remove their shirts. While more than a few are impressive, I can’t find a single one that I think is more handsome than Rick. None of them have the same balance of muscularity, flow of body, and facial perfection that leaves me breathless every time Rick looks at me with desire in his eyes.

I bite my lip, distracted to the point that Freida has to jostle me with her elbow. “Hey… I thought the eye candy was for me.”

I laugh, finishing off my coffee. “Sorry, I was just watching them and thinking… well, I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I think I have the best looking husband in New York City.”

“I’d agree with that,” Freida replies with a chuckle. “Anyway, about Harvey and his various connections. Harvey’s wife is cousins with the Pratts, who are a family….”

I force myself to listen intently, knowing that every piece of information that Freida shares with me could some day be important to my interactions with Rick, and in protecting him and our position within the world.

I won’t fail, and I won’t fail him again.