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Devoted to Destiny by Lisa Kessler (12)


Clio shook his hand, her brain shifting from emotional to analytical. “Vrontios…that’s Greek for…the Thunderer, right?”

He nodded. “Yes.” He pointed his cane toward the waiting room. “I better check on Agnes.”

Clio didn’t move out of the way. Zack’s face was wrinkled, his hair silver, but his royal-purple newsboy hat and gold cane, combined with his unusual last name, were stirring the fire of her curiosity. This man was more than he seemed. Earlier she’d been hunting for Rhea, the Mother of the Gods, and if she was in Crystal City…was it such a stretch to think that her son might be too?

“It can’t be,” she breathed.

He sighed and hooked his cane on his forearm, taking her hand in both of his. “This is why I have been avoiding meeting you, my sweet Clio. Your connection to history will be my undoing.”

Clio gaped for a moment, struggling to weave the facts into an impossible theory. “Zeus was the God of Thunder, and his color was purple.” Her gaze flicked to the waiting room door. “That’s why you move so fast. You want to look elderly, but you can’t hide the power in your eyes… You’re ageless.”

Zack patted her hand, his voice tender and meant only for her. “You cannot tell the others. It’s too risky.”

“You’re really him. I can’t believe I’m talking to—”

“Shhh.” He squeezed her hand. “No one else can know.”

“I don’t understand.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “You’re the king of Mount Olympus. You could shut down the Order of the Titans. You could help us get the theater opened. You’re all-powerful. Why are you standing here in such a feeble disguise? It doesn’t make sense.”

“The age of my meddling in mortal affairs is long past.” He pressed his lips together, pausing for a moment. “I decided lifetimes ago that mankind was better off without Olympians mucking things up, but Apollo broke my mandate by saving Reed through your friend Cooper.” His gaze lifted to her face, and the infinite power reflected in his blue eyes sent a jolt through her body. “Apollo also told him that Kronos walks among you. That’s why I’m here. I can’t sit back and allow my father to destroy the unique beauty of this world mankind has created.”

Clio’s mind raced as she reached for coherent thought. Gradually, his words pierced through her confusion, and anger began to simmer in her stomach. “If you’re not going to get involved, what good does it do us for you to be here?” She took a step back, her voice raising slightly. “Pamela almost killed me the other night, not because of anything I did but because she’s wants to get even with you.”

“Her son was mortally wounded while defending my son, Hercules. And if I insert myself into this battlefield, this constant cycle of vengeance will never end.” Regret filled his eyes as he glanced back at the door to the waiting room. “I am here for Kronos. If I can’t convince my father this mortal world is full of the best of us, courage, honor, love, and has no need for intervention from the gods, then there will be nothing left to save.”

Clio forced her voice to remain even as she rubbed her temples, fighting off the first signs of a major headache. “The Order of the Titans think Kronos is going to solve the world’s problems and bring back the Golden Age of Man.”

“They misunderstand.” He met her eyes again. “The Golden Age of Man wasn’t because of Kronos; it was despite him. My father was obsessed with a prophecy about one of his children killing him. He didn’t have time to meddle in the affairs of humanity.”

Clio pulled her hair back from her forehead. “What am I supposed to do with all this? You’re here, right in front of me, but you don’t want me to tell anyone. How will this help?”

“This is why I was trying to avoid meeting you. I knew I could disguise my true identity from the others, but not you.”

“Well you met me, so unless you’re going to turn back time and take a different hallway…”

He sighed, shaking his head. “Right now, I don’t think Kronos knows I’m on this mortal plane. Surprise is my best tactic. He’ll be here to settle scores, and he won’t care how much of this world his revenge destroys. The longer I can stay off his radar, the greater chance I have of persuading him to follow me back to the stars.”

Clio crossed her arms. “You’re really not going to help us with Philyra?”

“I can’t, dear one. Not without tipping my hand. If Kronos senses my power, I’ll lose my only opportunity to save this world.” He placed his cane on the ground and leaned into it. “All I can offer is this: your Guardian was born from the lineage of King Lycaon, and of all of you, he is the only one capable of stopping Philyra.”

Clio’s eyes burned, filling with tears she refused to spill. “If you know all that, then you must know that if he shifts again, he probably won’t be able to come back. You cursed his family line; you can fix it.”

Regret filled his eyes. “Until I find Kronos, I can’t take that risk. I wish I could.”

“Screw you.” She shook her head and pointed to the waiting room. “That prophecy I found about being your treasure…it’s bullshit. We’re just a band of mortals stuck in some kind of sick game you immortals are playing. We can’t hope to win this. And while we’re just pawns to you, this life is all we get.” She spun on her heel, ready to return to the waiting room.

“Clio, wait.” She stopped and slowly turned back. Zack tugged on the brim of his purple newsboy. “You have every right to be angry with me, but I’m trying to set things right.”

“I’m not going to lose Mason.” She swallowed the lump in her throat, her voice barely a whisper. “We’re going to find another way.”

She didn’t wait for him to answer. Once they found Rhea, they’d be able to stop Philyra without Mason needing to risk another shift. She left Zack behind and walked into the waiting room.

Mason looked up as if he heard her thinking of him. His smile eased the pounding in her head. She took a seat beside him.

He leaned in close. “Everything all right?”

She nodded. “It will be.”

The hospital staff would only let a few of them into Erica and Reed’s room at a time to visit their new baby, Hope. Tera came over, clearing her throat. “Want to walk down to her room? We could wait there. I’m getting stir crazy in here.”

“Sure.” Clio stood up, holding Mason’s hand. “We might as well.”

Outside Erica’s room, Mason did his Southern gentlemanly best to get Tera to chat, but it was awkward at best. Clio couldn’t stop replaying her conversation with Zeus in her head long enough to concentrate on their conversation. The ruler of all Olympus was here, and he wasn’t going to help them. Maybe if he met Mason, it might change his mind. There could be a way to lift the curse without Kronos discovering it. There had to be.

The door opened, and Clio caught Lia’s hand as she passed by. “Is Zack here? I thought he came to see the baby.”

“He did.” Lia glanced at the door. “He had a little visit before we came in.”

“So he’s already gone?”

Lia nodded. “Yeah, he took Agnes back to the Village.”

Clio worried her lower lip, but she didn’t say anything more. She had met Zeus, the ruler of all the gods, and she couldn’t tell anyone. Lia and Trinity walked toward the waiting room, and Clio shook her head. They’d all met him. But she was the only one who had recognized him.

Tera walked around to the opposite side of the bed from Reed and gave Erica a hug. “She’s beautiful.”

Erica smiled up at Reed, and something in her eyes swelled a fresh wave of emotion inside Clio. The love in their eyes, the adoration when they stared at their tiny baby—she wanted that. But until now, she had never given it much thought. She had her books; she didn’t have time for romance or a family.

Mason rested his hand at the small of her back, his touch grounding her in the moment. Watching the new family bond, she realized that life was for living, not just studying from a distance. She slid her arm around his waist, the warmth of his body comforting her.

Tera came over with a rare smile. “Go meet Hope. She’s amazing.”

Clio dropped her arm from around Mason, but he caught her hand, following her to Erica’s bedside. Reed stood on the other side of the bed with one hand on Erica’s shoulder, his thumb stroking her skin.

Erica pulled her eyes from Hope’s face and grinned up at Clio. “I never would have dreamed I’d be someone’s mom.”

Clio smiled, reaching her finger down to touch the baby’s tiny, perfect hand. “She’s gorgeous.”

Reed chuckled. “Gets that from her mother.”

Clio nodded. “She sure does.”

Mason shook Reed’s hand across the bed. “Congratulations, man. She’s beautiful.”

“Thanks, Mason.” But Reed’s gaze was fixed on his baby girl. “She’s a gift, for sure.”

“Hope is a perfect name,” Clio murmured.

“It was Reed’s idea.” Erica glanced up at him and then back to her baby. “She gives us hope for the future and a reason to live long enough to see it.”

Reed looked over at the door. “Someone’s with Trinity, right?” he asked Mason.

“Yeah,” Mason replied. “Hunter’s in the waiting room with her. Nate and Cooper are still at work.”

“Good. We can’t lose anyone else.”

Clio looked up at Reed. “I agree.” She turned, her gaze locking on Mason’s. “Battling immortals is above my pay grade.”

Mason didn’t break eye contact with Clio. “We’re going to stop Pamela.”

Clio swallowed the lump in her throat and turned back to Reed and Erica. “Do you guys need anything?”

Reed shook his head. “We got more than enough at the baby sh—”

“Chinese takeout,” Erica interrupted. “I’m starving.”

Mason tipped his head with a spark in his eyes. “Yes, ma’am. When are y’all getting out of here?”

“Tomorrow morning, hopefully.” Erica ran a finger along Hope’s hairless head. “Could I get a minute alone with Clio?”

“Sure.” Reed bent to kiss her cheek. “I’m going to see if I can find some coffee.”

He offered Tera his arm. “Shall we?”

She nodded with a tentative smile. “Sounds good.”

Mason brushed a kiss to Clio’s temple. “I’ll be right outside.”

She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he walked away. Everything about Mason called to her: his broad shoulders, narrow waist, and damn if his jeans didn’t hug his backside just right.

As the door closed behind him, Erica grinned. “You slept with him.”

Heat flushed Clio’s cheeks. “What?”

“I’ve seen that look a million times.” Erica tilted her head toward the door. “You were undressing him with your eyes, and he hesitated at the door because he could feel it. Wanted to give you a second look.”

Clio shook her head. “Okay, Erato is going crazy inside you. You’re reading into everything.”

“But you did sleep with him.” She waggled her eyebrows until Clio laughed.

“Yes.” She rolled her eyes. “But I wasn’t undressing him with my eyes.”


Clio gasped, pointing at the infant. “Child present.”

Erica took Clio’s hand. “Mason is a good man. I’m glad he’s your Guardian.” A mischievous smile curved her lips. “And what good is destiny without passion, right?”

Clio grinned. “There’s plenty of passion.”

“Good.” Erica sobered. “Now, I wanted you alone to ask you for a favor.”

“All right.”

“I know Mason has been sweet on you since he started working for us, and now he’s your Guardian. You obviously have a connection growing, and no one knows better than I do that when you find the right guy, you want to go all in.”

Clio nodded slowly. “It worked out for you, right?”

“Yeah, but not so much for Trin.”

“Oh…” Clio understood where this was going now. “We’re planning to keep an eye on her. She won’t be without a Guardian.”

“No, that’s not it.” Erica shook her head, her gaze intent on Clio’s. “I have no right to ask this of you, but I’m going to anyway. I’m saying, don’t move in with Mason. Not yet. Trin lost me and then Lia, and she’s lonely. I can see it in her eyes and hear it in her music. She’s losing hope.”

“That’s not the only thing.” Clio squeezed Erica’s hand. “When we got back to the house today, she had already finished a couple glasses of wine. And then Ted came by.”

Erica groaned. “Why won’t that loser leave her alone?”

“He’s looking for Rhea, the mother of Zeus. He has it on good authority that she’s the only one who can stop Pamela.” Clio smiled as little Hope squeezed her finger. “I gave them background on her, so we’d have a place to start looking.”

Erica’s shoulders tensed, a crease lining her brow. “Who told him Rhea could help? We don’t even know if she’s around.”

Clio shrugged. “Well, if Philyra is walking among us as Pamela, it’s not too farfetched to think Rhea might be, too.”

“I guess not.” Erica met her eyes. “Just be careful. I don’t trust Ted Belkin any farther than I could throw him. He’s always got an angle.”

“He seems genuinely worried about Trinity. He confirmed that Pamela is targeting her and Tera since they’re the only ones without Guardians now.” She glanced at the door and then back to Erica. “As for the favor, I just got moved in. I’m not going to abandon Trin.”

“Good.” Erica stared down at her baby girl. “My only regret is that I left Trinity alone. Music and lyrics are a team, you know?”

Clio gave Erica’s shoulder a squeeze. “She’s happy for you. We all are.”

Erica rested her head back on the pillow. “Thanks, Clio.” An exhausted smile curved her lips as she closed her eyes. “I’m glad it’s Mason. Destiny put him in your path, but only you can let him in your heart.”

The new mother drifted off to sleep with the sweet, snoozing bundle in her arms. Clio turned to go with a knowing grin. Mason was already in her heart, and brick by brick, he was building a home there. She snuck out of the room, and Reed slipped back inside to take her place as Erica’s sentinel.

Mason smiled. “Can I buy you dinner?”

“I’d love that.” She looked up and down the hall. “Where’d Tera go?”

“She’s in the waiting room. Why?”

Clio took his hand. “Ever since I sat at that table with Ted and heard him say that Pamela expects Tera and Trinity to be eliminated…” She pressed her lips together, searching for the right words. “They’re just pawns to her, but they’re my sisters. This might be a game to the gods, but it’s life and death to me.” She met his eyes. “I’m afraid, Mason.”

He drew her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “You’re not alone.”

She clung to him, his steady heartbeat calming her nerves. Finally, she looked up into his eyes. “You’re afraid, too?”

“Yeah.” He nodded, bringing a hand up to caress her cheek. “It was easier before because I didn’t have so much to lose.” He kissed her forehead. “But I also have more to live for now, so maybe that balances the scales.”

“I hope so.” Zeus’s warning that Mason was the only one who could stop Pamela haunted her, and she had no one to confide in. If she told Mason, she’d lose him. She had no doubt he’d make that final shift if it meant stopping the nymph. And if she told anyone else and somehow Kronos or the Order found out, Zeus could lose his only advantage against Kronos.

The pounding in her head surged.

Mason caught her chin, bringing her attention back to him. His voice was gentle but firm. “My father used to tell me that worrying was like riding a rocking horse: you work up a sweat, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.”

An unexpected smile crept up on her. “We’re supposed to pretend there aren’t immortals out there trying to cut the cord on our lifelines?”

His gaze soft, filled with… She wasn’t sure. “Part of why I love my work is because it makes sense,” he said. “I can build something that didn’t exist before. I can’t control the rest of the world, but give me a stack of wood and some tools, and I can shelter you in storm.”

“I…” She placed her hand over his heart, her emotions choking off her voice. “You’re turning my world upside down, and I don’t know what I bring to the table. You could build me a shelter in a storm, and I could, what? Tell you about the history of storm tracking?”

He chuckled, and the sound soothed her soul. “Do you know what I saw the moment I met you?”

She shrugged. “I honestly have no clue.”

“I saw another person who was hiding, just like me.”

“How so?”

He rested his hand over hers. “My first thought was that you were beautiful with kind eyes, but when you got bashful on me, I caught a flash of something else.”

She raised a brow. “Like what?”

“A lion. You were hiding your courageous heart, and I wanted to know why. The couple of times I drove you to rehab for your ankle after the fire, I saw it again. They told you to move to a single-level place, and you told them you’d walk your stairs. And then you’d visit the jobsite loaded down with books, and I realized they were your shield. Joan of Arc; Anne Boleyn; Mary, Queen of Scots—you have all of them in your heart, but you buy into the others treating you like a baby sister.”

Clio shook her head slowly. “How is any of that like you? You showed up in Crystal City and accepted a project no one else would take on, you’ve saved my life twice, and you’re chasing an immortal we both know could kill you.”

“Don’t you see?” He lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “My curse is my shield. It keeps everyone at arm’s length, just like your books do for you. I’ve had relationships, but I was always protected from getting too close because of my secret.” He lowered her hand, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I’m all in with you, Clio. For the first time, I don’t have a shield. I just hope you’ll trust me enough to drop yours, too.”

Before she could reply, Trinity came into the hallway. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Clio took a step away from Mason. “You’re not interrupting.”

He didn’t look like he agreed, but he didn’t say anything.

Trinity glanced at each of them. “Tera’s going to hang out with Callie and Hunter tonight. Nate has a friend who used to work for the department and runs his own security firm now. We’re going to see about a full-time bodyguard for her until we have the Pamela situation under control. I’m just wondering if I should get one, too.”

“I can stick around your place.” Mason was focused on Trinity. “I hurt Pamela on the pier. Hopefully seeing me around will keep her away.”

“Okay, I’ll let everybody know.” Trinity stopped at the door and smiled. “Thanks, Mason.”

“Guess we’d better get out of here.” Mason followed Trinity, leaving Clio behind.

He’d given her the perfect opening to tell him how she felt, to tell him about Zack. But she hadn’t. She peered through the small window in the door into Erica’s room. She was resting peacefully. Reed was holding the baby, all his attention on his new little girl.

Erica’s advice taunted her. Destiny had put Mason in her path, but if she couldn’t figure out how to open her heart to him, to trust him with it… That was the path to a real relationship, wasn’t it? Lia had once told her that to love someone, you had to know all of them, the good and the bad.

Until now, Clio hadn’t considered that her books were protecting her heart, keeping everyone at a distance and keeping her from being hurt. She walked toward the waiting room, kicking herself. In her confusion, Mason had bared his soul, and she, in turn, had lied and told Trinity she hadn’t been interrupting.

Her whole life, Clio had always been one of the smartest people in the room, but when it came to matters of the heart, she apparently still had a lot to learn.




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