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Devour Me by Natalia Banks (103)

Chapter 7


He swings the door closed, his eyes locked on me and I feel my heart implode in my chest.

Oh, fuck.

He closes the distance between us in a single step and I press my back to the wall like a hole will open up to swallow me whole. No such luck, though, and I find myself stuck between the devil in the flesh and a stone wall. Somehow, with his mere presence, Connor fills the room, no, the whole damn building.

His eyes assess my face, my hair, and drop to my legs. I want to tug my short shorts down a little, to adjust them so they cover me a little better, but I don’t dare move. As the stranger’s eyes wander up to my hips, to my stomach, my chest, a sinking sensation pulls my heart to my belly.

Oh, god, he wouldn’t

I can’t even think it. He wouldn’t do something so unthinkable, would he?

But he’s looking at me like I’m actually naked before him. His imposing height blocks any thought of escape, and I can’t stand how hard my heart is slamming. It hurts, aches deep in my very soul.

His dark hair is close cropped, and his eyes are the bluest I’ve ever seen. He’s more handsome that I’d imagined, with powerful features that might belong on some Greek god. He’s tall – I totally called that one – and built like a man who spends more than a reasonable amount of time in the gym. Again, called it. He’s fucking gorgeous, a huge change from my usual taste in men.

But my taste in men is based on the only thing I get to see; or be around, I guess. I don’t know what the fuck is with hipsters, but they’re everywhere in my city. Sadly, it’s easier to settle for them than to really search. There don’t seem to be any guys like this monster before me anywhere. Maybe I need to find new hangouts or get new friends.

With Connor’s blue eyes studying my every facial flaw, I wonder how his eyes seem to glow almost, they’re so pale blue. I could stare at them all day and never figure them out, I bet. He’s pretty. In a terrifying, insanely manly kind of way.

The tickle of hair on my neck annoys me and I lift my hand to brush it away.

Quick as a cobra strike, his fingers circle my wrist. He holds me there, his eyes caressing my fingers for a slight seconds before coming back to pin me under a glare that’s leaving me melting in his hold. The physical man has an intensity I can’t believe.

And the size of that arm! Oh, my god, he could break me in two.

Mmmm. Wouldn’t that be something? His eyes move to my throat and I bet he can see my pulse hammering away there. Holy crap, I’m not sure if I’m more afraid of this brute, or more fucking turned on by him. He’s sexy. If he talks, I’m fucking done. Done. I’ll have to throw away these shorts.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! He’s doing this little thing with his lips that kind of purses them a little bit, like he’s considering eating me. His lips are beautifully shaped, not huge, but full enough I bet they’d feel amazing on mine. I bet he’d kiss with as much intensity as he’s looking at me with.

Oh, my god, he’s looking at me like he wants to fuck me right here, right now.

A flash of an image forms in my brain and blazes white hot through me. I imagine him lifting me up right here, bracing me on the wall and fucking me around the short shorts I’m wearing. I’m not wearing anything under them. They’re hardly a barrier. He could easily bypass them

I just moaned. It was small, but he’s right here - in my face, he heard it!

I study his eyes, noting the way they narrow a tiny bit, as if he’s struggling to control his thoughts. Part of me doesn’t want him to control himself. Oh, my god, I want him to lose control. I want him to finish this fire he ignited in me.

On the other side of the wall, I hear his door open and close. Cami! She’s running away! Well, at least if he kills me, I can die knowing I got that girl her freedom. Or I can feel responsible for ending some improv scene. Or feel good killing two method actor careers.

What, what if it’s a sex thing?

I blink and Connor leans in so close I can feel his breath. It tickles over my skin and goose bumps break out over every inch of me. A shiver follows the spots and he reassesses me before meeting my stare with something quite like a small smirk. He knows what he’s doing!

Did he not hear Cami leave? Should I tell him?

As I look up at him, I know there’s no way I could say anything. His eyes dart over my head and I know he’s thinking about it for a second. What is he going to do? Keep me cornered? Or go after her?

Hecontinues holding me. With my wrist still pinned in his hand, he leans forward and pushes it to the wall over my head. His other hand comes to rest near my shoulder and I feel the sudden cage he’s erecting around me.

I guess he’s going to keep me here.

It’s totally a sex thing. I know it. That’s why he’s here, lording all this sexy power over me. Why he’s not staying to continue roleplay with Cami, I don’t know. I mean, I bet she’s prettier than I am, and obviously she’s way more down for his kinky stuff than some random he’s meeting for the first time in the hotel room next door.

Then again, on the kink level, I think my listening in makes me way more of a freak than the girl he’s fake kidnapping.