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Diamond: The Carbon Series Book 1 by H.Q. Frost (9)



Not only did I have a hangover to deal with, but Gee came to see me. She spent the day with me and I spent the day in bed. We watched movies and snacked all day, after I explained to her that I'm not pregnant. I thought about asking Callum what he wanted me to tell her, but I didn't bother. I told her we made a mistake and had unprotected sex. The thought of her knowing my fiancé hates me makes me feel shame, so I couldn't tell her the truth. Not only that, but she then assumed the reason I got my own room inside the house is due to that. We are abstaining until marriage. Little does she know.

Gee is nothing like Callum and I find it hard to believe they're related. Gee is fun, happy, and kind. She's only a few years older than Callum. I got a rundown of their family as well. Her mother, Callum's Grandmother, had her when she was in her mid-fifties, then Gee's dad died a few years later. Her and Callum grew up close like brother and sister. Not until Callum turned twenty did he start taking more after his father. Stringent, distant, cold, and they stopped being close. She assures me Callum's father was a lovable man, but when it came time to explain Qara, she couldn't really get into it. The details were too sketchy. There was no definitive answer about where the woman came from. The strangest part was there was no definitive answer what happened to Callum's mother either. She died, but the how or why wasn't there. Stress, I was told, but how does a person die from stress? Although, I could see myself keeling over if I actually had to deal with Callum for years. And if Callum is like his father, it's almost understandable.

Gee has picked up on the strange relationship between me and Callum, but I tell her she's wrong. I've convinced her we argue too much and that's why we're distant. I'm not allowed to tell anyone the truth and those that do know the truth about why we're together, don't want to hear the hardships of it. My sister would kill him. My mother would die of a heart attack. And Lol would continue to pity me.

When the house starts to fill with Callum's family, Gee begs me to get dressed and meet everyone. Of course I do, but even I recognize the oddity that it's not my fiancé introducing me to his family. I meet Gee's mother first and the women are two of a kind. It's refreshing to know not everyone in his family is an arrogant narcissist. She was married into the family; I can only imagine what Gee's father was like.

  "Have you seen Callum yet?" Gee asks her mother while we go hunting for her cousin.

  "No. Lol mentioned he's not here."

My ears perk up. He's not here. He didn't tell me he was leaving. Convenient. Maybe he's gone into hiding and won't show up for the wedding. I would still celebrate with all the guests.

  "When does your family arrive, dear?" Gee's mom asks me.

  "Tomorrow," I answer in excitement.

  "I can't wait to meet them. My son would be so proud of Callum for marrying a woman like you."

Me and Gee look at each other and break out into laughter. That is not the picture Gee painted of Callum's dad.

  "What?" Her mom giggles.

  "Vic would have questions."

  "Oh, Gee." She smiles fondly and seems to think about her late son a minute. "He was an autocrat at times, but very loving. He would have loved Mag and probably would find her to be the breath of fresh air Callum needs. That boy is suffocating himself and I'm happy you're the one he's fallen in love with." When she smiles at me, I beam a fake smile back at her.

It's not the first time I've been told I'm a breath of fresh air, but Callum certainly prefers things stuffy.

I wake with a purpose because I'm getting married tomorrow. I need to make sure everything is in order, even though I have people doing that. But also Gee keeps asking me what I bought Callum as a gift. I've giggled it off up until today. I don't have the means to get Callum a gift, but there's one thing I know I won't have to pay for.

Meeting with Dr. Chen, I find out Callum continues to ever so graciously donate a sperm sample every three days, so there is a fresh sample to use. When the doctor learned it didn't take the 'faked traditional way', he began a regime of pills and vitamins, the whole lot. Poor Lol thought I was deathly ill for a while. He accompanied me to a few appointments with Dr. Chen, but he never caught on to why I was actually seeing the doctor. Not until Callum spilled the beans that we started the artificial insemination process did he realize why I was getting checkups so often. It hasn't been long that I started doing things the medically sound way and not just have a syringe act as a penis.

It's a little more uncomfortable and invasive than last time and I beg him to assure me it'll work, but he can't. I need to get pregnant now, that way in twelve months I can get the hell out of here.

  "Why do you think it didn't take the first time?"

  "There's no telling without extensive medical procedures. This process can take time. I can tell you there doesn't seem to be anything medically preventing you from conceiving the natural way. Perhaps you want to try love making for a few months before we go through all this?"

  "No. Nope. This is good. Just do what you do and get it on up there. Pump me with those little guys."

He smiles with a nod. "Can I ask you something?"

  "What?" I braid my hair while laying on my back, my legs positioned upward.

  "I haven't seen Mr. Carbon since the first try. I see you almost daily and it is nice you have your assistant's support. But Mr. Carbon, he will be the father. I understand he's a busy man, but is he having second thoughts?"

Now how the hell would I know that?

  "No." I shrug without meeting his eyes.

  "And another question. Have you two even tried to conceive the traditional way?"

My gaze flies to his and his eyebrow is cocked in a way that tells me he knows the truth. But I don't know how he could.

  "How do you know?" I quietly ask.

  "You're a virgin, Mag."

  "No I'm not," I blurt. I know for a fact I did that part right. I haven't done it again since, but there was definitely pain that day.

  "I've been a doctor for many years." He pats my shoulder. "You're not engaging in sexual intercourse. It's a private matter, I understand, but I'm your doctor and you can come to me with concerns. I'm here to help."

If only he could help.

  "We're waiting until marriage." The lame excuse flows but the look on his face tells me he doesn't accept it. I don't go on. What else can I say shy of the truth?

  "I'm here to help you through concerns and questions."

  "Thank you, Dr. Chen." I sit up. I've been laying here for forty-five minutes and I have to start getting ready for the rest of the guests who are staying in the house when they show up for the wedding.

When my family arrives, I'm over the moon to see them. I haven't been gone that long, but it's nice to have something from home, in my temporary home. Only part of my extended family are attending because the others couldn't afford to fly here, but I don't mind. We aren't really a close knit family.

  "Sit here," I tell my sister as we gather around the dining room table for an early dinner.

Everyone including Callum's family is here, excluding my dear 'ole fiancé. So I take his seat at the head of the table. I don't really care he's not here, but everyone's questions on his whereabouts are starting to make me feel attacked.

  "He's just not here," Gee finally snaps for me and everyone falls silent.

  "Gee," her mother scolds.

  "Well god! Leave the poor girl alone. Callum's obviously tending to something important or he'd be at her side. He's not here and she doesn't have to tell us why."

I smile softly in thanks, but she's too worked up to return the smile. She's definitely caught on to the bizarreness between Callum and myself and I think that's why she's getting so upset.

Right as the first course is being served, Callum runs into the room like he's late for something. He's not late. He's completely uninvited, but I can't tell him that. People are gasping and giggling, standing to greet him but his eyes are pegged on me, and they're not his eyes. He's…drunk?

  "Ms. Reif," he says, stalking toward me.

I stand from his chair and pull it out a little farther for him while I listen to people question what he just called me. An engaged man referring to his fiancée in such a proper way is weird.

  "Sit, sit, my mermaid." He gestures to the chair and my eyes go wide. What the hell did he just call me? "This hair." He growls but not in an angry way. His fingers slide through my hair while he pulls me against him.

Our audience starts to laugh and encourage more of his antics while I try to push him away. I don't know what to do or say while I'm held to his chest and he's staring down at me like he wants to eat me. Probably starting between my thighs. Callum Carbon has been abducted by aliens.

  "You'll be joining us, Callum?" a cousin of his speaks up and I turn my head until Callum pushes my chin, making me look at him again.

  "What are you doing?" I quietly hiss.

  "You're a sight for sore eyes."

I give my head a little shake as utter confusion takes over. "If you don't stop making a scene in front of our families I'm going to make them really sore," I whisper my threat and he chuckles, finally letting me go.

When I head toward the end of the table where there are a few open seats, he grabs my wrist.

  "I have a gift for you, Ms. Reif," he says only to me but those sitting close enough can hear him.

  "Don't do this now, Callum." I sigh.

  "Don't dote on my fiancée in front of our families?"

  "Callum, please," I whisper as he turns me to face the table.

Everyone down to my mother, excluding my sister, is staring on in delight. They're loving this show, but if they knew how strange it is, they wouldn't feel that way. Like Mary does. She doesn't know all the details. I stopped complaining after she went on a tirade, but she knows things aren't progressing into a love story like I stupidly thought they would.

When cold metal lands on my bare chest, I flinch, not expecting the heavy necklace. My hand raises to the gems, and whatever they are, they feel huge. The gasps and pleasant noises coming from our guests confirm this isn't just any necklace. There is a square cut stone that seems to be the size of both my thumbs together and it's not a chain. Whatever is wrapping around my neck is made of more jewels. This isn't a necklace I should be wearing.

  "You'll wear it tomorrow," he whispers in my ear and my stomach flutters while my knees go weak. His antics are a complete turn off, but my body doesn't care.

  "I have a necklace for tomorrow," I whisper as I turn to face him.

  "You'll replace it with this. It's beautiful and matches your hair. Please wear this necklace?" His drunken features start to droop like I'm breaking his heart. As much as I want to stomp on his heart, I can't bear this look.

My hair wasn't going to be mint for the wedding. I was going to go back to blonde so we could have a 'normal' wedding. But now he's bought me jewelry to match my hair… I thought he'd want my hair a natural color.

  "Callum," I whisper before smiling over my shoulder because people keep insisting I show them the necklace. "Just a moment." I grip his wrist and pull him to the hallway.

The table of our families are cheering, probably thinking I'm going to thank my doting fiancé in a way that isn't for their gazes.

  "What are you doing?" I whisper in stress when we get into the hall.

  "Joining our families for dinner. Giving you a gift. Why is it that no matter what I do, I'm the bad guy?"

I gasp. How dare he turn this around on me.

  "You are the bad guy," I grit out and he laughs.

  "But I can put on a show."

His words make me close my eyes as my heart sinks. It's all for a show.

Before he can walk away, I call his name. "My hair isn't going to be green for the wedding. Take the necklace back."

He grins at me with an evil smile and I brace myself.

  "Keep the mint color. When I flipped through versions of you as I pleasured myself, my fantasies kept going back to you with green hair on your knees in front of me. Keep the green hair. And the necklace is ten million American. Keep that too. Sell it when I get rid of you in a year." He walks into the dining room and I stay frozen in my spot.

The necklace is ten million dollars? My heart's hammering and my stomach is twisting, but the second I burst into tears, I realize it isn't the necklace that has me out of breath. I know what the end game is. Divorce after a year, but each time he rubs it in my face I can't help but feel hurt. My fingers wrap around the stones and I almost yank it free, but I stop myself. I'll need it in a year when he gets rid of me. The paperwork I signed stated I will get no financial gain from marrying him and if things were to not work out, I will walk away with exactly what I came in with. Which was nothing. My mother gets to keep her money.

After collecting myself in a bathroom down the hall, I step out the door and Lol is waiting. Pity all over his face as usual.

  "Mr. Carbon is back," he informs me. He wasn't privy to the spectacular show Callum put on.

  "I know."

  "He was traveling to…" His eyes go to the necklace and he pauses. "Ah, I see you've received your gift." He gestures.

  "I did." I touch it and force a smile.

  "If you know his intentions, why are you still here?" he questions and my brows rise.

  "What are his intentions?" I glance down the hall.

  "Never mind."

  "No. Lol." I grab him before he walks away. "What are his intentions? And I signed the paperwork. I don't have an option to leave without breaking the agreement."

  "I only found out his intentions recently. You're to have his child and after a year, he will request a divorce. If you were to say…go missing, your mother's money will not be revoked. It's not the same as you breaking the agreement."

  "Lol." I chuckle but the serious expression on his face makes me back up.

Could I do that? I'd have to stay missing for the rest of my life and that means from my family too. He's not a monster that has me fearing for my life. I would never do that. I'll grin and bear it for a year and then file it as the most fucked up experience of my life.

  "I'm marrying Callum," I say with finality and move around him as he sighs.

  "My guilt is getting the best of me, Mag," he admits before I get far and I turn back for explanation. "I aided him in ruining your life."

  "It's not ruining it. It's an experience."

  "Bearing his child then having it taken from you is an experience?"

I inhale sharply through my nose and my stomach flips. How could I be so stupid not to realize the child I birth will never leave here with me?

  "I have to get back to dinner." I stop my march when I get to the doors, then casually enter the room with a smile on my face.

Callum has a chair at the head of the table next to mine now and our guests are finishing their soup.

  "I apologize. I got caught up with the coordinator for tomorrow," I lie as I enter and Callum stands, pulling my chair out for me. His act is making my stomach turn.

Compliments on the necklace start and people begin comparing it to my hair. My tight smile is so painful I'm worried it's going to cause premature aging.

Noticing Callum hasn't eaten yet, I look over at him. He gestures to my food and I pick up my spoon before he does the same. He waited to eat until I returned to the table. He's really got this act down to a T. As time goes on, I notice Callum becoming quieter. He was the star of the show, but now he seems tired.

  "Look at how she stares at him," a woman speaks up with a coo to their voice. "They're so in love. The Carbon Couple. They sparkle."

Realizing she means us, we're the 'Carbon Couple', I open my mouth to defend myself, but I can't. I have been staring at him, but because something's wrong with him. He's losing steam and seems like he's sick. I'm not in love. We don't sparkle. And who named us that!

  "I love the Carbon Couple. When I saw that on the invite I about died. It's adorable."

That was on my wedding invitation? I laugh it off and when Callum seems to come to from the sound and glances at me, I look away.

Dessert is replaced with drinks and I want to indulge but don't. I'm not going to blow the chance of becoming pregnant for alcohol.

  "Callum," I quickly say when his elbow slips from the table.

Turning, I place one hand on his back and the other on his chest, and when I glance toward our guests, thankfully no one seems to be paying attention.

  "Are you okay?" I whisper.

His head nods while he grabs my hand that's on his chest and he shifts it downward, lower and lower until I'm pressed against the heavy girth in his pants.

  "What are you doing?" I quietly hiss while my palm becomes familiar with his impressive width.

  "I need this," he responds and forces my hand to slide over the length of him, back and forth.

  "Please don't do this." I smile and look at our guests that are entertained by each other.

He presses harder against my hand and continues to stroke. My stomach twists in delight while signaling to my lower regions that I’m touching Callum.

  "Callum." His name exhales from me in a shaky breath and I clamp my thighs together.

If anyone looked, they'd know and I can't do this. This is our family! My mother would murder me.

  "Everyone can see. We can't do this here." I meant to say in general. We can't do this.

Neither of us want this. Yet my hand isn't stopping. He could let go right now and I'd continue to slide over the length of him as my underwear becomes damper and damper.

He shifts in his chair and leans toward me to whisper in my ear. I yank my right hand free and he grips my wrist, but before he can make me continue, I switch to my left hand. It's less conspicuous and with the way he's angled, people may assume we're whispering sweet nothings to each other. Little do they know. When my left hand connects, he grunts in approval and surprise, his lips clamping my ear lobe.

  "Callum," I breathe and use my right hand to adjust the table cloth in our laps while my left works to release him from his pants.

If we're going to do this, I want to feel his hot flesh against mine. I move slowly so no one hears the zipper, but this room is almost as loud as the club the other night. Getting him free, I pause while his warmth presses against my hand.

  "Holy shit," I whisper because I am shocked I'm in this position with this man right now. I would love to throw my leg over his lap and slip him inside me.

  "Touch me," he whispers and his hand slides over my thigh, pushing my dress up so he can get higher.

If anyone were to approach us, it wouldn't take long to figure this out but I can't stop. Sickly enough, it makes the idea more appealing. I know Callum is using me. He's drunk and only wants to come. But I can't find a care at the moment. This is exhilarating.

  "You smell incredible," he says against my jaw in a breathy pant. I'm wearing the perfume he gifted me. "Are you wet, Magdelena?" The way he says my name is like he's straight from the best worst nightmare I'll ever have.

His tongue flicks over my ear and I close my eyes before remembering our guests can see my face. His is hidden so that means I need to keep my eyes open and a smile on so they only think he's whispering romance in my ear.

  "Yes," I reply and as his hand slides higher, I subtly open my legs while my wrist begins to speed up.

  "You want a man between these legs to show you a pleasure you've never had?"

I turn my head a little, my cheek rubbing against his beard and I exhale a quiet whimper. "Yes."

  "Would you allow me to fuck you, coat myself in your come, then allow me to fuck your mouth?"

I swallow hard and the second my eyes start to close, I pop them open wide again. "Yes." My inner muscles clench before releasing in pulses, begging for what my hand has.

  "Would you gag on me? Choke on me? Deprive yourself of oxygen for my pleasure?" His fingers are only inches from where I need them.

  "Yes, Callum, yes," I whisper, my own breath panting. Before I can say yes again, I feel him go stiff, the warmth of his release rolling over my hand. "Yes," I hiss in victory, milking every last bit of him I can.

Grabbing my wrist, he stills my stroking then slowly pulls back. Grabbing a napkin, he moves it to his lap and places it over my hand. I move quickly and clean my hand under the table cloth. I stare at him while cleaning my palm and I watch as his eyes scan the area.

  "Callum," someone says and my already jackhammering heart pounds faster as the man approaches. I recognize him as Callum's friend, but I remember I don’t really like him.

Callum stands and I can't help but glance toward his crotch but I don't stare because people are starting to approach.

Turning to me, he bends and kisses my forehead. "Good night, Magdelena," he says and my eyes only meet his for a brief second before he looks away and follows the man into the hall.

I'm so wound up, one touch will make me explode.

  "Mag, let's dance," Gee says, skipping toward me in drunken excitement. "We'll pretend we're at the club again."

My eyes scan the room for my mother or sister, or anyone in my family I recognize but everyone has mixed and they're mingling. I feel like the atmosphere in this room has shifted significantly. We're having a full blown party now. I was too busy jerking off a man I despise emotionally but crave sexually. And then he walked away from me.

Without wanting to, I allow Gee to pull me from my chair and we move closer to the source of the music. I need to wash my hands. I need to get myself off and clean up. I need so much more than what's happening in this room. I make it through a song and do the only thing I can do. I fake sick because I need to take care of myself. People start to protest, but no one did that when Callum walked away.

  "Leave her be. She has a big day tomorrow," Gee's mother says and smiles at me.

  "Please, is there anything I can do for anyone before I turn in for the night?"

  "Go. Go enjoy your last night as an unmarried woman." Gee giggles and I hug her.

Spotting my sister, I move toward her, the rubbing of my underwear making me hate Callum more than I already do.

  "Mary," I interrupt her from talking to a girl I don't know, but Callum has a huge family.

  "Mag!" Mary is drunk. I wonder if our mom knows. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

I shoot a smile to the woman waiting for her attention again then nod at my sister. "I'm heading to bed. I'm exhausted," I lie.

I'm wound up enough I would almost go to Callum's room and demand he take care of me, but screw him. He should have taken me when he said he was going to sleep. I'm not giving him the opportunity to get off again, because I know I'd do anything the asshole wanted me to tonight.




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