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DIESEL DADDY: Skull Riders MC by Naomi West (73)



Tank’s lips felt like heaven on the nape of my neck. I could barely stand how good he felt—not just his kiss, but all of him. He raised himself over me, and I couldn’t help but let my eyes drift over to thick, tanned muscles.


Goddamn, he was sexy.


“Goddamn, you’re sexy,” he said, looking down at me with those killer eyes of his.


I couldn’t help but let out a little giggle.


“Now what’s so damn funny?” he said, his sexy lips forming a smirk.


“Nothing,” I said. “Great minds think alike, you know?”


The grin stayed on his face as he grabbed onto his cock and slid it slowly into me. As I always did when he entered me, I took in a sharp gasp of air. It didn’t matter how many times Tank and I made love, that first thrust of his cock into me was always heavenly beyond compare.


“How’s that feel, baby?” he asked, moving slowly in and out of me, his eyes fixed on mine.


“So good,” I said as I wrapped my legs around his hips. “So goddamn good.”


He lowered himself again, covering my collarbone and breasts in kisses, paying special attention to my nipples, as he always did. And I loved it.


Tank’s thrusts grew more intense as we made love, and I beckoned him with my legs around his waist and my hands on the sublime curves of his ass to keep going, to not even think about stopping. And just as always, he knew just the right way to enter me over and over. He seemed to have a sixth sense for making love, to be able to pick up on the subtle cues of my body, from the way I breathed to how hard I squeezed him. I never had to tell him how to make love to me. Somehow, he just knew.


And I couldn’t get enough.


Right on cue, his slow, deliberate thrusts began to speed up into quick, shallow jabs. I moaned and sighed as he worked, my hands moving up along the hard lines of his body. He felt as though he were carved out of stone, and the sensation of his perfect body on my fingertips sometimes felt like all I needed to move closer and closer to orgasm.


But the way he moved in me was such a nice little bonus.


Soon Tank was laying into me hard, plunging down with the deep, full pounds that I needed to cum.


“You gonna come for me, baby?” he asked, not breaking his rhythm in the slightest.


“Yeah,” I moaned. “Just keep going like that. Please don’t stop.”


“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said with a smirk.


He was a god in bed, and I could tell by his little smirks that he knew damn well just how he could make me feel whenever he wanted it.


Tank continued to pound me hard, bucking his hips into me over and over. I tried to hold back, to savor the feeling of the build-up just a little longer, but Tank was just too damn good. I came hard, my fingers digging into his firm flesh as he plunged into me.


Tank’s orgasm wasn’t too long after, and with a heave and a groan, he emptied himself into me. Once we were both spent, Tank collapsed next to me. We lay like that in the lovely afterglow, taking sweet pleasure in simply lying next to one another. My eyes moved around the spacious interior of Tank’s bedroom; I still had a hard time believing that I was here.


It’d been two weeks since the incident at my old home, and I was only now finding myself beginning to think that I could move past it. Being taken by Dakin had been awful, and I thanked God that I’d had a man like Tank to come to my aid. Thanks to him, not only were he and I safe, but they had lost not a single member of the Warhawks during the assault on the house. Only Dakin and a handful of his men had been killed. The rest of his crew, with Dakin’s leadership now gone, scattered to the winds. They must’ve figured that being spared by Tank was the second chance to end all second chances, and got out while the getting was good.


The Warhawks quickly filled the power vacuum, and Tank was able to solidify his control on the area. Over the course of the last two weeks, the leaders of just about every gang in the region requested a meeting with him, letting him know that the recognized the authority of the Warhawks. Tank was a little peeved at missing out on the opportunity of the arms deal with Dakin, but with Dakin out of the way, he stood to make even more money than he would’ve working with Dakin for years. And the rest of the gangs in the area were more than happy to have a psycho like Dakin out of the picture.


Tank tried to keep me away from business matters, but from what I heard, the Warhawks were poised to become one of the most powerful gangs in the state. “King Tank,” some of the leaders from the other gang were calling him, partially as a joke, but partially as an understanding that a man like Tank had what it took to have all the power he wanted.


“You, on the other hand,” he’d said to me with a wink, “can just call me King Travis.”


I chuckled, but also realized that this was the first time he’d told me his real name.


Things with Tank, er, Travis, only grew more intense. He took me back to his home the night of the attack and said nothing about any rules of my staying there. I was in tears over losing the home, but after Dakin and his thugs had turned it into a drug den, part of me was happy to see it go. I wasn’t sure that I’d even be able to set foot in there again without being reminded of what Dakin had put me through. And I’d gone into town to check out the security deposit boxes at the bank. Sure enough, they contained insurance documents for the house, as well as some of Grandma’s jewelry and mementos. I confirmed the will and insurance with the bank, and they made it clear that I was the legal owner of the home. They said it’d be a little bit of a process, but once it got sorted out I’d have quite the substantial insurance payout.


And since then, my relationship with Tank had changed. Things were less like “master and slave” and more like, well, a normal relationship. We talked, we ate dinner together, we shared wine, and we made love. But I still wasn’t sure of what to expect from here on out, and I figured Tank had enough on his plate without having to deal with the “what are we” conversation.


Tank and I lay in bed for a time, and I eventually got up to stretch my legs.


“Been meaning to ask you,” he said, sitting up. “The night of the attack … you grabbed something out of the house. What was it?”


I left the room, returning moments later with the book that I’d saved. Tank looked at it from across the room, trying to see just what it was.


“Let’s go out on the balcony,” he said. “Supposed to be a nice day.”


We went out onto the bedroom balcony, the air warm and the sun shining down from a cloudless sky. The backyard stretched out before us as we sat down.


“It’s a book my Grandma left me,” I said, running my hand over the cover.


I opened it up and flipped through the pages. And as I did, I came across a small compartment in the back inside cover that I hadn’t noticed before. Slipping my fingers into it, I pulled out a small paper pouch.


“What is it?” asked Tank.


“I don’t know.”


I opened the pouch and out fell a small note followed by what had to have been the most beautiful wedding ring I’d ever seen in my life. The gem set was a stunning star sapphire. I opened the note and read it out loud.


“Dearest Star. If you’ve found this book, it means that I’ve passed. The ring enclosed is my old wedding ring. The gem is what you were named for—only fitting that the most beautiful child I’d ever seen would be named for the most beautiful stone that I ever found. Wear it well.


Love always,


Grandma Dove


I couldn’t help but weep as I read the note over and over. Tank slipped his arm around me and pulled me close. Once I was all cried out, he spoke.


“You know, that ring looks worth just enough to cover what I paid for you,” he said with a smirk.


I let out a laugh through my tears as I placed it into his hand, closing his fingers around it.


“I can think of a better place for it,” he said.


With that, he took the ring and slipped it on my finger. I realized what this meant, and more tears flowed.


“I never thought I’d say this to a woman, but damned if I don’t love you, Star,” he said, his eyes warmer than I’d ever seen them.


“I love you, too,” I said, barely able to say the words.


And just like that, it was decided. It’d been a hard journey to get here, but here I sat—a ring on my finger and a man I loved at my side. I had no idea what the future might hold, but I knew that together, Tank and I could do anything.




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