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Dirty Deeds (3:AM Kisses, Hollow Brook) (Volume 3) by Addison Moore (13)


A wedding is something sacred, honest, raw, and true—holy—especially on Christmas Eve. And somehow all of those visceral emotions still feel viable this evening even in the banquet room of The Sloppy Pelican.

This isn’t the first wedding in this very room. Levi and Low tied the knot right here. The flowers are a bit more subdued, red and white poinsettias everywhere, gracing us with the luxury of their presence, a simple garland-laced arch sits where the minister waits to do his part. Axel stands, shifting from foot to foot, decked out in a black tuxedo, each of his groomsmen, including myself, in matching formal attire. Lex has gone old school, and it looks cool, old school Hollywood with the girls all in matching off-the-shoulder champagne-colored dresses with Raven looking as if she were the star we had all come to adore this night. That’s exactly who I showed up for—Raven. It’s who I always show up for.

The music gets underway as the guests fill in three rows of ladder-back chairs. Lex has a pretty good-sized family and so does Axel, so the swelling body count doesn’t really surprise me. Lex’s sister and relatives walk down the aisle first, then Teagan and Shep, Axel’s siblings. Levi and Low are next with Low bawling as if it were Lex’s funeral. But I know she’s happy for them. Hell, Low and Raven rooted for the two of them even when Lex wasn’t quite on board yet. I’m pretty sure Axel has been on board the entire time.

Raven and I step toward the open aisle just as the wedding coordinator instructed last night and link arms with a smile. Her skin glows with a hint of blush, and her lips shine like twin rubies. And that dress hugs her curves in a way that makes my boxers twitch with both pride and the desire to land her on the nearest table and have my way with her.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on. Merry Christmas.” I mean every word.

Her chest bucks with a silent laugh as her gaze lingers to mine. “Merry Christmas to you, too. And by the way, you are the most handsome man in the room, but I wouldn’t tell my brother or the groom.” She gives a little wink as we pace our way down the petal-strewn aisle.

Raven and I part ways once again as the music changes to the traditional bridal march, and all attention is turned to the back of the room. Lex blooms like a flower, a white rose just the way this holy night demands.

Axel takes in an audible breath, and I can’t help but glance over at Raven. This isn’t something I want her to miss out on in life. This isn’t something I want to miss out on in life either. Every girl deserves a wedding. Raven is my queen, and she deserves a wedding to end all weddings.

Lex makes her way to the front with her brother, Marlin, by her side, and I’d swear that he just mildly threatened Axel with that look in his eye. I can’t blame the guy. If I were giving away Colby, I’d probably do the same. We may not always agree on everything, but at the end of the day she’s my sister and I want the best for her no matter who that might be. God, the dude better not be some idiot.

I glance over at Raven, and she offers a sly smile my way. We never break our gaze, all throughout the vows, through every word the minister speaks we nod over at one another as if it were our own ceremony. Lex and Axel exchange a chaste kiss, and the minister announces them husband and wife.

“Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Axel Collins!” the minister trills, and the room breaks out into a riot.

And just like that, the house band starts up as everyone in here swarms the happy couple with a hug and a kiss.

Raven pulls me to the side and wraps her arms around me. “You know, we never did do anything about that matrimonial bind we’ve gotten ourselves into.”

“Are you asking me for a divorce?”

“I’m asking you for a honeymoon.” She bounces a kiss over my lips.

A hard slap falls over my shoulder from behind, and we turn to find Levi and Low, one with a death glare and one with a smile. It’s not hard to deduce which is which.

“You guys are the cutest!” Low squeals into my ear.

“Yeah, yeah.” Levi glowers at me as if he wanted to rip my dick off right now.

“Oh, come on.” Low smacks his chest. “Don’t listen to him,” she scolds the two of us. “He’s just not used to seeing his sister engage in a lip-lock with his bestie.” She grimaces.

“It’s all good.” Levi holds up a hand. “I’m sorry,” he says it point-blank to his sister. “I acted like an ass, and I’m sorry I hurt you with my words. You’re my sister. He’s like my brother.” He leans toward her. “Do you think you can forgive me?”

Raven sags as if she needs to think about it a moment. “How about you make a baby with my bestie and we’ll call it even?”

Low and Levi share a nervous laugh.

“Oh my God!” Raven howls so loud half the guests turn our way.

Lex and Axel make their way over in all their wedded glory. Lex’s dress is so wide near the bottom she looks like a giant white bell.

“What’s this about?” Lex snaps as both Raven and Low smother her with kisses.

I slap Axel on the back, and Levi does the same.

“You did it, dude.” I offer a mock sock to his arm. “You landed the girl of your dreams.”

He pulls a tight smile. “We all did, man. We all did.”

Raven pulls Lex and Low into our huddle. “I have a feeling someone has something big to share.” She looks to Lex. “Is it crass to unleash life-changing news at someone else’s life-changing event?”

Lex scoffs. “Please. Spill the beans.” She rakes her gaze over Raven up and down. “Are you knocked up?”

Low sucks in a breath and glances to Levi. “No, I am.”

The entire lot of us breaks out into congratulatory cheers.

Axel slaps him five and pulls him into a hug. “You caught up with your brother, man. Congratulations.”

I pull Levi in next. “You’re going to make a great father. You already make a great brother.”

Raven can’t stop screaming and jumping up and down. “I’m going to be an aunt again! Maxie is going to have a little cousin to play with!” She looks to me with an open-mouthed smile and launches into my arms. “You’re going to be an uncle.”

“That’s right.” Lex narrows her sparkling eyes into us. “You’re still hitched.”

“That’s right.” I wrap my arms around my wife and brazenly kiss the top of her head. “And there’s not a thing we’re going to do about it.” I look to Levi. “We’ve always been family.”

“Only now it’s official.” Levi bows his head as if conceding. “Welcome to the family, Brody. I couldn’t have picked a better man for Raven.”

“Aw!” Low coos and begins to weep uncontrollably.

The band starts in on a slow dance and calls the bride and groom to enjoy their first dance.

“Not without you two,” Lex barks at Raven and Low. “Pull yourself together, Low. Grab your men and follow me.”

And just like that, the six of us are swaying to the music, each of us a lucky bastard with the woman of our dreams by our sides.

I pull back and gaze down at my own beautiful bride. “So, where’s the honeymoon? You’ve seen every corner of this planet, Mrs. Wolf.”

Her mouth falls open, and the most soulful moan expels from her throat. “Oh my God! I completely forgot I finally get to steal your name! I’m Mrs. Brody Wolf.”

“Raven Wolf.” I make a face. “Who’s the animal now?”

“Does that mean I get to call you Tater Tot?” She glances down at my crotch, and I cringe.

“Honey, that’s the whole baked potato. One of those obscenely long Idaho russets. We’re not fooling around down there.”

“You’re telling me.” She bites down hard on her lower lip. “And to answer your question—Hollow Brook.”

“Excuse me? Did you just name my fire-breathing dragon Hollow Brook? I guess that means I’m as big as the whole damn town.”

She’s quick to shake her head. “That’s where I want to honeymoon. I want you and me to stock up on enough food to last the winter and then lock our front door. I want us to hibernate under the covers together for the entire new year. Is that too much to ask?”

A dark laugh rumbles from me. “Sweetie, there’s not going to be a whole lot of sleeping during our honeymoon. Not on my watch. There’s fun to be had, and you’re not snoozing this one out.”

Her body trembles with a laugh. “Oh, hon, I’ll be too busy feasting on your body to catch a long wink. You sure you’re up for this yearlong marathon? I predict it will require a hell of a lot of cardio. I hear you’re pushing thirty.”

I tip my head back and howl out a laugh. “Have you heard of the Ironman? Because you might want to start training now for the beast of a workout you’re about to get.”

“How about we start training together?” Her hand slithers up my back, and she gives a quick scratch over my shirt that penetrates right down to my bones with promise. “You can show me the ropes. Teach me what positions you think will benefit me best. I’d hate to hurt a hip flexor or two.”

“I’m partial to you taking a seat.” I give a wicked grin.

“You do make a mean bucking bronco.”

I wince at the visual. “And you make a beautiful bride.”

My mouth falls over hers as Raven and I kiss right there on the dance floor in front of our family, in front of our friends who are now one and the same. I will never forget this magical season, the one in which a beautiful raven-haired girl flew into my arms, my heart, into the rest of my life.

Raven kisses me with a fevered passion, and I don’t care about having my head knocked off by Levi. My only focus in the world is giving my wife exactly what she desires, me.

I plan on doing just that for the next seven decades or so.

Life is sweet, but Raven is sweeter.

Christmas morning, Pete Collins comes by with a sealed envelope, wishes me a happy holiday, and takes off, leaving me with this one final piece of my grandfather.

Raven thought it was far too big of a moment not to honor in some special way, so we pack ourselves in my truck and drive straight to the overlook. I agree about us needing a special place, but for an entirely different reason. The switchbacks are barren as most people are still home this early morning bundled in blankets exchanging gifts while sipping hot chocolate. The pine trees that line the road look taller, greener, far more valiant and noble as if they, too, were paying homage to the memory of my grandfather.

We hit the parking lot at the top and watch for a moment as the steam rises from the Witch’s Cauldron, a natural hot spring in a series of them sprinkled over the mountaintop. Raven nudges me, and we get out and head to the railing with its expansive view of the city below. The clouds hang so low we can touch them as we take in this miniature version of Jepson and Hollow Brook out to the right.

“Are you ready?” Raven cups my face in her hands and draws me close to her.

“With you around, I’m always ready.” I plant a warm kiss over her beautiful mouth. Raven is a striking beauty on any given day, but on Christmas she’s the shining star, the sparkling angel topper all in one.

I run my finger over the lip of the envelope, breaking the seam. Carefully, I pull out the frail parchment and pinch my fingers over it extra tight as the wind picks up and blows out a furious chill.

I lean in so that Raven and I can read it together. I don’t have the strength to read it out loud. Not without losing it. Of all days to hear my grandfather speak from the great beyond, it had to be this one. It’s both special and painful all at once.

Dear Brody,

If you’re reading this, you already know that my wishes were to gift you the entire bulk of my fortune. I’m sure you’re both elated and equally confused. I realize you haven’t seen enough of me to know this dark side that your father has most likely filled you in on. But since I wasn’t around to defend myself during those occasions, I’ll do it from the grave. But I can’t. He was right. I was a hard man, and I lived a hard life. Before I married your grandmother, I was married twice before. Both marriages ended in divorce and childless. I thought that’s all there was to love—bitterness, the arguments, none of it surprised me. But when I met Virginia, I knew I had been wrong, and that I had previously been married to the wrong people. She gave me the happiest years of my life, the most valuable treasures, herself and our two sons. But when she passed earlier than anyone could have expected, it was a crushing blow, and in retrospect I had not been the same without her. Virginia sanded off all of my rough edges, but the moment she left this planet, they grew back twice as bristled. The thorns of my existence were fierce, and I made sure everyone I came in contact with knew it—especially those treasures she had gifted me, my sons. I lost one to death, and the other to my own ignorance of how a relationship with a child should work. After years of mulling over my grievance, I came to the conclusion I wanted another shot at it before I joined my beautiful Virginia. Enter you. I hired a private firm to locate your whereabouts and procured a channel of communication between us. I was pleased as punch to learn you were an eager businessman much like I was at your age. And you were running a tavern to boot! That was the first business venture I ever crawled into. Over the years, I crawled into quite a bit. I amassed wealth for myself the way others do poker chips—the lucky ones, and I was a lucky one if ever there was one. My investments in oil, futures, real estate, and overseas dealings have sprouted the wings of good fortune and taken flight. I have lived in plenty off the interest alone for the better part of my adult life. And now it’s your turn. I have left you the world, and now all you must do is find your sun to warm it. Find your Virginia, Brody. I implore you not to waste another moment without her. What will all of the money in the world entitle you to without the arms of a wonderful woman? Nothing. Find her, keep her, make her your own, and do not let her go. Treasure each moment as if it were your last. Lap up the minutia of life. Looking back, it was the sweetest of fare. My heart weeps for those glory days, when there were four of us and our hearts were full of one another. Don’t deny yourself the pleasure. You really can have it all.

And in closing, since I am secure enough in the fact you are a fine upstanding young man, I am going off the notion that you have already decided to divide your wealth with your parents and sister. I always knew you would. Please pass on a word to your father for me. Relay to him that the turn of events that led to our demise as a family has been my deepest regret. With a solemn heart and tearful eyes, I bid him the sincerest of apologies. Extend love to your mother. And to your sister, impart these words: be wise, be kind, always hail family as the cornerstone of your existence.

My love to all,

Until we meet again,


My tears fall fast as I move the page out of the way trying not to stain it. I struggle to fold it back neatly into the envelope it came from and shove it into my jacket.

Wow.” Raven sniffs, her face slicked with tears. “What an incredible man.” She shakes her head up at me. “You know, you may not remember this, but I met him once. It was your parents’ anniversary party, and they had invited my family. It was the last year we lived on Gimbal Street with you.”

“Yes.” I inch back at the memory. “That’s right. It was the last time I saw my grandfather.” The memory comes and goes like a dream fading fast. “You remember him?” I shake my head in disbelief. Raven was just a kid back then. We all were.

“Yup.” Her crimson-stained eyes blink up at mine as the wind ushers her lilac scent to me like a song. “Colby introduced me. He said what a curious name for a curious little girl. One day a big prince will come and he’ll clip my wings so he can keep me all to himself.” She wrinkles her nose and looks cuter than hell.

A quick laugh belts from me as I wipe down the tears from my face. “I guess that makes me your prince.”

“Clip my wings and die, Wolf Man.” She straps her arms around me as the sky grows ominously dark. But that delicious apple red smile expands over her lips just for me.

“The only thing I’m clipping is those lips with mine.” I press a searing kiss to her mouth and linger there. Raven has been a life raft and a storm in this season of my life, and I love her for it. I pull back and take her in with the beauty of the miniature world serving as a backdrop. “You look like a goddess.”

“Keep working me with those magical words of yours and see how far it gets you. Do you want me naked in the Cauldron, or would you like my bra and panties on?”

A quiet smile spears my lips. “I’m going to take you home to our warm bed and make love to you like you were my wife—because you are.”

She offers a flirtatious wink while biting down on that ruby red lip. “I’m so glad I was with you while you read that letter.” Tears brim in her eyes. “I’m so lucky to know and love someone as wonderful as you, Brody.”

“You are lucky, aren’t you?”

She groans and swats me as I draw her in close.

“You, Raven Masterson, are my sweet Virginia.” The words come out raspy as my voice breaks under the pressure.

Aw! And Virginia happens to be my middle name.” She tilts her head, her expression melting into the sentiment. She sighs, and it expels from her in a great white plume. “And you are the prince I dreamed about for years after your grandfather promised you to me.”

“I’m glad you think so.” I dip my hand into my pocket and fall to one knee. “Because I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

A choking sound comes from her throat as she begins to hop and cover her mouth with her hand. Tears spill from her eyes before I can get the question out.

“Raven, I love you. I’ve always loved you. And I admit I was pretty ecstatic the day I woke up and found out you were my legal bride, but I’m a little old-fashioned in that sense, and so I thought I’d better ask.” I hold a two-carat diamond ring set in platinum between us, my gaze never leaving hers. “Would you do me the official honor of becoming my wife?”

She tips her head back with elation and shouts a hearty, “Yes! God, yes!”

Raven falls down to me just as a flurry of delicate snowflakes surrounds us.

“It’s snowing.” I kiss a white sparkling star off the tip of her nose.

“On Christmas.”

“On the day you said you’d be my wife,” I correct, and we share a quick laugh.

And just like that, my heart is filled to the brim and into the overflow.

“Merry Christmas, Raven.”

“Merry Christmas, Brody.”

Our mouths fuse over one another in a fury, with a passion, with the beauty of our love. Raven is the girl I have always wanted, desired, and dreamed about. And this Christmas, she also feels like a gift from above, one that my grandfather ordered for me all those years ago.

Life has offered its fair share of surprises these last few months. And the best surprise of all is right here in my arms. Love is real. It exists. My grandfather found it—and so have I.

The Sloppy Pelican gleams like a gemstone, sending its happy peach glow into the night like a beacon. It’s exactly three days after I proposed to Raven, and we’ve since let her mother and brothers know, and I’ve clued in my family as well. Raven and I decided that next September on our one-year anniversary, we’ll retie the knot right here at The Pelican. We’d hate to break with tradition. It seems if you’re a partial owner in the place it’s your fiduciary duty. It’s my night off, but Levi called and asked if we would join him and Low for dinner so we made our way out.

“Just think of all the fabulous double and triple dates we’re going to have now,” Raven practically sings while swinging our conjoined hands.

“I’m thinking about it, and I’m dreading it, too.” I take a quick bite of her ear. “I’m teasing. You’re lucky I like your friends.”

“You’re lucky I like your friends.” She butts her shoulder into mine as we head in, and the scent of a freshly grilled steak hits my senses.

“Now that’s heaven,” I say just as Jess struts by bearing her ample cleavage with a wave, and I deeply regret my ill-timing.

Raven gives my arm a quick tug. “Is this the part where I seek out Mojo?”

“Do it and we’ll have one dead bartender. And I promise you I wasn’t ogling the waitress. It was the

“Steak,” she finishes. “Of course, it’s the steak. What did you think I was going to ask Mojo about? Rumor has it, he knows the cut by the scent.”

“You’re a riot.” I steal a kiss from her lips.

Aww,” a female voice chirps from our left, and we turn to find Colby decked out in a dress and heels, dressed to kill, or more to the point, dressed to stress out her big brother. “I totally think you make a cute couple.” She wrinkles her nose at the two of us. “Your surprise awaits. Follow me,” she begins, leading us through the bar, and we quicken our steps to keep up with her.

“What surprise?” I call out.

“Never you mind.” She turns back and winks. “Oh, and guess what? I got into Briggs for the spring semester and so did Teagan! Consider that a pre-surprise surprise. We’ve been hounding the admissions department for months, and we finally got a breakthrough. All it took was a little—” She looks back with a nervous glance. “Never mind what it took.”

“Let me guess—” Raven bites down on her lip, looking my way as if she’s afraid to say it—“the promise of a hefty endowment?”

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath. Of course, that’s what it was. Everyone knows Whitney Briggs doesn’t send out acceptance letters until late spring, and they sure as hell don’t admit over winter break. “At least you have good grades. And I’m assuming she does, too.”

“You betcha!” Colby offers a hard wink as she leads us to the darkened banquet hall, and at once the lights blink on and there stands everyone we know and love.

Surprise!” they call out at once.

The place is decked out in hundreds of twinkle lights. Tall vases sit in the center of a sea of tables with bright red roses blooming out of them. The house band has moved into the room for the night as they start in on a cover of a popular song. In the corner sits an enormous display of white frosted cupcakes built in tiers to mimic a wedding cake.

Levi steps forward with a sheepish grin. “Hope you don’t mind. This is just a casual get-together to express how much we love you guys.”

Low hops at his side. “So please accept this unofficial wedding reception from us. In no way is this to detract from the official one, which my bestie and I have already started planning for next September. But we couldn’t wait that long to lift a glass of champagne in your honor. Are you mad?”

“Heck no!” Raven launches at her with a hard embrace just as Axel and Lex come at us from the side.

“Good,” Lex snaps. “Because we put off our honeymoon until Friday because we wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“Aww!” Raven wails and pulls Lex into their tangle of limbs.

Axel and Levi each offer up a congratulatory slap to the back as the band starts up and the room breaks out into a friendly chatter.

“We did it.” Levi shakes his head at the crowd.

“Filled the restaurant with potential patrons?” I tease.

“Filled our hearts with wonderful women,” he corrects. “We crossed that matrimonial line all in the same year.”

Axel high-fives him and then me. “And we’re damn lucky to have done it.”

I stare at the crowded dance floor where Raven and the girls giggle and groove in a circle. “I’m the damn lucky one.”

Levi slings his arm around my shoulder. “You better believe it. Chip had to talk me down from breaking both your legs.”

Axel grunts, “When Teagan starts dating, I’ll probably snap some limbs.”

“Yup,” I agree. “Just show me the dude that thinks he’s going to take advantage of Colby. He’s dead meat. You do realize they’re both headed to Briggs in a few short days?”

Axel groans as if I had just kneed him in the nuts.

Levi barks out a laugh at our expense. “I can’t wait for the two of you to know how shitty I felt these last few weeks.”

I tap his arm with my fist. “Real supportive, dude. Real supportive.”

Dinner goes off without a hitch. My father gives a speech, as does Levi. Afterwards, Raven and I offer one another a delicate bite of a cupcake before she smashes it into my face.

“Hey,” I belt out as the crowd laughs on my behalf. “I guess my new bride likes to share. Well, guess what? I do, too.” I jam the cupcake in my hand into Raven’s cheek as she screams and twists away as the frosting smears into her hair.

“Smooth.” Colby gives a thumbs-up while recording the event for posterity.

The lights dim as the music turns up in volume, and I grab Raven by the hand and we head for the dance floor.

“Let them eat cake.” I brush my lips over hers and taste her vanilla kisses.

“Cupcakes,” she corrects. “You were brutal, by the way.”

“I learned from the best, honey.” I wrap my arms around her tight. “I guess tonight is our unofficial wedding night.”

“They do say practice makes perfect.” She hikes up and takes a bite out of my bottom lip. “And I do believe your fire-breathing dragon owes my hairless kitten one good time.”

“Are you kidding? My fire-breathing dragon is going to eat your hairless kitten for breakfast.”

“Are you threatening me, or is that a promise?”


Those lucent eyes of hers sparkle as she bites down a laugh. “You really are an animal. My favorite animal to be exact.”

“And you’re still my number one Tater Tot. Hey, do you think we can have those for breakfast, too?”

She laughs at the thought. “If you can whip it up in the kitchen, we’re good to go.”

“Why do I get the feeling it’s going to be a lifetime of you repeating those words?”

“Because you know me very, very well.” She gives a sheepish grin. “And it’s going to be a lifetime of me saying these words, too. I love you, Brody. Thank you for choosing me.”

I sigh into her as my arms tighten their grip. “I love you, Raven. Thank you for choosing me.”

In truth, Raven and I had chosen one another over and over again throughout the years. It was only recently that we did so out loud.

And I’m damn glad about it, too.




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